Chapter 52: The calm before the Storm IV


Kaguya and Hayasaka's eyes snapped wide open as they both fell off from their beds with Kaguya hitting the floor first and Hayasaka second due to her falling on top of Kaguya before rolling off her towards the floor.

"My apologies, Kaguya-sama."

Kaguya waved off her apologies, both silently mad and jealous of her friend, due to Hayasaka falling on top of her with the former's breasts. Due to Hayasaka's breasts serving as a cushion it then reminded Kaguya of one of her major flaws and that is-

"Stupid natural airbags!" Kaguya grumbled to herself which Hayasaka heard.

"I apologize on their behalf..."

"Just... Stop, you're making it worse..." Kaguya sighed as she and Hayasaka got up from the floor.

Kaguya looked at their bunk bed and began to ask audibly herself why she agreed to Artoria's suggestion of her and Hayasaka moving in Emi's house.

"To answer your question Kaguya-sama, it is because of us being targeted by powerful beings, beings that normal humans are incapable of handling by themselves." Hayasaka said.

"Right..." Kaguya replied.

A moment later, both Hayasaka and herself jumped when their door was violently kicked open by Rias.

"Hurry up you two! We're going to be late for school!" Rias yelled before running off towards the kitchen.

It took literally five seconds for both Kaguya and Hayasaka to process Rias' words before the two girls moved towards their own wardrobes in panic, hastily putting on their uniforms, which they miraculously were able to put on without looking disheveled. Not wasting anytime, both girls made a mad dash towards the kitchen and grabbed a piece of toast for themselves before leaving the kitchen in haste.

Reaching the front door, both girls deftly put on their shoes. Quickly after, they left the house in a rush towards the school.

"Where's Gremory-san?" Kaguya asked while absentmindedly biting on her toast as she and Hayasaka turned on a corner.

"My guess is that she already left the house after checking up on us and is now currently ahead of us." Hayasaka replied before taking a bite on her toast.

Both girls didn't stop running and within six minutes both girls the gates of Kouh.

"There's Sensei!" Kaguya pointed with a half eaten toast on her mouth at Y/n standing by the gates.

Hayasaka herself subconsciously slowed down and flattened out all the wrinkles on her uniform while also tucking back loose strands of her hair with her other hand.

Reaching the gates they were greeted by Y/n.

"You two are only a few minutes away from being late. Now hurry inside before the first bell rings." He said to the two, who quickly went inside.

'Good, their training paid off.' Y/n thought to himself, remembering their weekend training session where he manipulated the flow of time, allowing them to train for two and a half months inside the training area.

 'Hmm... I just remembered that in a few months the JSDF will be deployed to the SpeciaRegion.' Y/n thought to himself before brainstorming for ideas in handling his class and at the same time handling 'his realm'.

'How am I going to teach my class while at the same time be in the Special Region? I could be omnipresent no problem, but I also want to bring the girls in the Special Region...' Y/n thought before sighing to himself, deciding to discuss about it later with the girls.


Hearing the first school bell, Y/n let his mind go on autopilot and handle the last few minutes of his gate duty.

'So bored...' Y/n thought before nodding to himself, finding his current situation valid for him to use as legitimate reason to go to the Special Region. 

'I guess I'll discuss this important matter with Irisviel-san later.' Y/n thought giving one final scan for any latecomers before walking back inside.


Class 1-C - A few hours later

"Alright, we'll end class here." Y/n said to his class.

"But Sensei, the bell haven't rang yet." His student Konno Yuuki pointed out.

"It's fine, we've covered everything you girls need for today so you're allowed to have your break ten minutes earlier." Y/n said closing the government issued health education textbook.

"Sensei, you're the best~!" His class happily said.

"Of course I am!" Y/n replied with a laugh as his class excitedly left their own classroom among them is Kaguya.

"Hurry Hayasaka she's here!" Kaguya excitedly said while dragging her secret personal aide out of the classroom.

"Okay, okaaay~ You're too excited Shinomiya-san~!" Haysaka cheerfully said in her sunny and friendly student cover.

Passing by Fujiwara's table whose owner is putting away her notebook. Hayasaka didn't think twice as she let her hand loose and grabbed Fujiwara by her collar from the back.

"Hekff!" Fujiwara let out a choked sound as she was effortlessly dragged out of the room.

Y/n saw the entire thing happened with slight curiosity in his eyes, wondering why the usually reserved Kaguya all excited.

Deciding against in satisfying his curiosity Y/n left the classroom and headed towards the Otaku clubhouse to eat his lunch while ignoring the rumbling of his stomach.


"Schnee-san!" Kaguya called out just as Weiss stepped out of her classroom.

Turning her head Weiss' eyes widen in recognition.

"Miss Shinomiya!" Weiss greeted with barely held excitement in her voice as she and Kaguya walked up to one another and exchanged brief hugs to one another.

"It's been months since I last saw you!" Kaguya happily said after releasing her hug.

"The company has been really busy lately and is giving me a lot of headaches." Weiss said with a sigh, now starting to think back her reason why she started her own company and name it SDC, short for Schnee Dream Company in which Weiss claims originality, is a worldwide famous company that mainly specializes on technological and medical advancements. Due to this her company is received positive response from the public all around the globe, an achievement in which Weiss is all too happy in achieving.

'I guess it's all worth it in making this company better received compared to it's counterpart...' She thought with a smile on her face.

"Let me guess, Stark Industries." Kaguya said with small frown on her face.

"It's a rival company and for some reason the SDC is being involved! *Sigh* I get it, 'Rival Company' I'm bound to somehow get involved, but because of it I'm getting migraines by REFLEX! Every time that company name is mentioned or just the logo pops out on interviews!" Weiss ranted as she, Kaguya and her human chain, i.e., Hayasaka dragging a still choking Fujiwara.

"Heerrrrllppp meeeee!!!" Fujiwara cried on for her collar to be tugged harder, once again cutting off her oxygen supply.

"Should we help her?" Sakie Satou asked her fellow sensei Chifuyu Orimura who is walking beside her.

"I don't think so..." Chifuyu said secretly taking pleasure in watching Fujiwara's face slowly turn blue in coloration.

"As I know Fujiwara-san is a really talkative person and base from my observation of her a few classes back she could fire off a long stream of words before talking a breath. And because of that I could say her 'choking' is merely an act." Chifuyu said with a nod.

"I don't think Fujiwara-san's acting, Chifuyu-sensei, she's genuinely choking and is turning blue because of it!" Satou said now walking towards the four girls.

"She's turning blue because of... Enlightenment. Yes, enlightenment! And because of it she'll go to heaven and finally leave my-her class in peace!" Chifuyu argued walking right beside Satou.

"Chifuyu-sensei, Fujiwara-san is literally going to heaven in a few minutes and it's not because of enlightenment!" Satou argued back and was about to call out to Hayasaka, but was beaten to the punch by Artoria, Hayasaka's class advisor.

"Hayasaka-san, you're choking Fujiwara-san here!" Artoria said causing Haysaka to blink and release her hold on Fujiwara's collar. Causing the latter to collapse and pant heavily on her knees. After recovering Fujiwara latched onto her savior and cried.


"There, there Fujiwara-san you're fine now." Artoria said while rubbing Fujiwara's back, turning to Hayasaka she said. "Haysaka-san! What would everyone say if they saw you treating Fujiwara-san like that, even though it's just horseplay for you it would look like bullying to others! You're lucky L/n-sensei didn't saw you doing that or else he'll make you run laps as he doesn't like bullies!" Hayasaka's body straightened after hearing what would be Y/n's reaction towards her actions.

"What about me Sensei?" Fujiwara asked with a hint of indignance in her voice.

"Also, think about Fujiwara-san's feelings, you didn't even asked her if she's into choking." Artoria quickly added causing Fujiwara to choke on her saliva.

"I'm just kidding Fujiwara-san, now let's get you to the infirmary and get yourself acquainted with Hasegawa-sensei, she's a fun person to hung out with~!" Artoria said escorting the pink haired girl towards the infirmary.







"Well, that happened." Chifuyu said, turning her heels while ignoring Satou's star struck expression.

"Spears-sensei is soo cool..!" Satou said in awe. 

"Let's get our lunch Satou-sensei." Chifuyu called out while walking away, not caring if Satou heard her or not.

"Is she okay?" Weiss asked, looking at the stiff form of Hayasaka as she and Kaguya stopped their discussion after noticing the commotion behind them in which Hayasaka get a scolding lecture from Artoria.

"I think so?" Kaguya answered unsurely while approaching her blonde friend. "Hayasaka?"

"I-I'm okay..." Hayasaka stuttered, with herself haven't fully recovered from thinking about the possibility Y/n's disappointed eyes being directed at her.

"Okay..?" Kaguya and Weiss said while exchanging worried looks, silently agreeing in postponing their earlier discussion in favor of cheering up Hayasaka.

"How about let's head towards the Otaku clubhouse, we could easily relax there, what do you guys say?" Kaguya suggested.

"Sure, you're here longer than I am." "Okay..." Weiss and Hayasaka agreed.

Nodding in satisfaction Kaguya led the two to their destination.


Y/n entered the Otaku club room to see Shirone letting out a satisfied sigh with his empty bento on her lap.

"Hiya~! Red-sama nya~!" Shirone happily waved at Y/n.

"That's my food..."

"Oh? But Tyuule-chin said I could eat this." Shirone said in confusion while tilting her head to the side.

"She did?" Y/n asked, surprised that Tyuule would let someone touch his food or anything that belongs to him.

"Mhm~! Tyuule-chin said so! Red-sama can ask her, she's at the back making something delicious, nya~!" Shirone said while taking a long sniff before beginning to salivitate due to smelling something pleasant from the kitchen.

Tyuule walked out of the kitchen with an excited smile on her face, on her hands is a large bento that is twice the size of the bento that Shirone ate, both in height and width.

"Ah, Red-samna! Perfect timing! I just finished your lunch, please enjoy~!" Tyuule happily said placing the bento on top of the center table in the lounging area of the room.

Opening the bento Y/n widened his eyes at what greeted him.

"Tyuule, you're doing a genius..." Y/n mumbled to himself with his eyes firmly placed at the professionally organized placement of the food before him. It's like looking at three restaurant dishes sitting right next to the other in complete harmony. All of that was just sitting at the top part of the bento, because of that it made him curious on what is waiting for him at the bottom part of the bento.

Lifting up the upper part made his eyes tear up.

At the very bottom of the bento sat a surprise, a small pepperoni pizza divided into four slices all steaming and looking delicious.

"This is perfect..!" Y/n said to Tyuule who blushed.

"D-don't just praise me Red-samna, Velvet also helped me in preparing this and she was the one who originally came up with the pizza at the bottom surprise!" Tyuule said pointing at Velvet whose head is poking out of the kitchen doors.

"He likes it to the point of tears Velvet!" Tyuule happily said making the brown haired bunny girl let out a relieved sigh.

"We did it Lady Tyuule!" "Yes, we did!"

While the two bunny girls are celebrating the door in the clubroom slid open revealing Kaguya, Hayasaka and Weiss.

"That door doesn't make sense." Weiss pointed at the doorknob attached at the door.

"That was my reaction as well!" Kaguya agreed as she and Weiss entered the room.

Kaguya noticed Y/n in the room and turned to Weiss to introduce her to him, not noticing Hayasaka freezing upon entering the room.

"Weiss, this is L/n-sensei. He is this club's advisor. Sensei, this is Weiss my friend and- Weiss?" Kaguya said before noticing Weiss ignoring Y/n in place of the two girls celebrating next to him.


That simple word made Velvet's head snap towards Weiss with her eyes widening in recognition upon spotting her.

"Weiss Schnee?" Velvet asked in confirmation.

"Y-You're that second year girl in team CVFY!" Weiss said, somewhat answering Velvet's question.

Y/n silently ate while savoring the taste of Tyuule and Velvet's cooking and the drama that is about to happen in front of him.

He smiled when the corner of the room lit up, where the Gremory teleportation circle is. Signifying someone from the main family or in their peerage is teleporting in.

"Did I do it?" Ruby asked looking around her.

"Not bad Rubes! You got it on the first try!" Yang complimented getting a proud smile in return.

"I-I hate being transported like this-urp!" Cinder groaned with one hand quickly covering her mouth.

Next to her is Neo who is mirroring her actions only in a mocking manner.

"There there." Pyrrha rubbed Cinder's back comfortingly.

"You're not helping!  Y-You're only making things wors-Urp!" Cinder growled before quickly dashing towards the nearest trash bin.

"I'm sorry!"


Y/n silently laughed to himself in seeing Cinder pull a Jaune, not even slightly bothered by the display in front of him.

"R-Ruby..." Ruby and Yang stopped their interaction after hearing a familiar voice and slowly turned towards its owner.

"Guys!" Weiss launched herself towards the duo who barely caught her.

""WEISS!!!"" The three girls pulled one another in a three-way hug before being shortly disrupted by a comment from Yang.

"Still flat I see..."

"Xiao Long-!"

"-It's Branwen Weiss. Yang Branwen" Yang quickly corrected, getting a surprised look from the white-haired girl.

"Like that insufferable drunk!?" Weiss said in shock thinking about their uncle before shaking her head.

"Druncle-I mean Uncle Qrow is not that bad!" Ruby defended.

"You were about to call him 'Druncle Qrow, Rubes, you've lost your argument from the start." Yang deadpanned at her sister.

"We'll talk about this later, for now I have to come up with an explanation towards for my friend Kaguya here!" Weiss said in a slightly panicked tone.

"Oh, Kaguya-san!" Ruby greeted, getting a polite wave in return.

"Y-you know her!?" Weiss asked, at the dark haired girls with wide eyes.

Kaguya nodded and explained her two and a half month training with most of the club members.

"Bllrrrghhh!" Weiss scanned the room upon hearing a familiar noise.

"Arc!?" "Nah Weiss, that's Cinder." Yang said pointing at Cinder still throwing up in the trash bin while being comforted by Pyrrha.

"There, there..."

"WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS GOING ON!?" Weiss yelled in frustration.

"Darling~ Let's eat our lunch~!" Artoria barged in along with Rias both with separate bento in their hands.

""I'll feed him!"" ""Grrrrr!!!"" The two butted heads in the door way, just as Weiss body hit the floor.

"That took longer that expected." Y/n bit on his pizza while staring at Weiss' unconscious form in amusement.

"Schnee-san!" Artoria stopped her actions and quickly walked towards Weiss.

"She's fine Artoria-san, Weisscream just had an information overload." Yang said getting a look from Ruby.

"That's a big word Yang..."

"Shut it Rubes before I embarrass you here." Yang threatened causing Ruby's eyes to briefly glance at Y/n before quickly nodding back at her sister.

"This is... Perfect!" Y/n said, enjoying on his pizza... And his drama.


A few hours later...

"She's still in that pose?" Ruby whispered to Blake who is currently pouring Ruby a cup of tea.

Looking at Weiss, Blake observed the look of her counterpart's friend is currently wearing. With one hand placed under her chin in a thoughtful manner while the other hand is being used to hold her now cold tea, Weiss's posture perfectly mirrors the textbook look of a thinking pose.

"For the past five minutes, yes. Don't make that face this is honey tea, Rias-sama should be the one getting special treatment not you." Blake said turning to Ruby getting a sheepish smile in return.

"I guess I can see why she's like that." Ruby said while looking at Weiss.

After being informed of the hidden side of the world and while at the same time being informed by the current events, Ruby could understand why her partner is being unnaturally quiet at the moment, as she knew herself would be in coma instead in an attempt to process a huge load of information in one go.

A moment later, Weiss finally spoke.

"Tell me Rias-san... Have you heard of the Grimm?" Weiss asked the crimson haired girl, making everyone focus their attention at the two.

"Yeah, they reside in Hade's domain in the Underworld." Rias replied surprising Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Pyrrha, Cinder and Neo.

"I learned this from my family." Blake said, answering Ruby and Yang's surprised looks.

"Blake-nee, do you have sweets?" Shirone asked while tugging Blakes sleeve.

"Didn't you just ate a bunch of anpan half an hour ago?" Blake asked the girl in confusion.

"Mhm~ It's delicious Nya~! Can I have another~?" Shirone asked.

"Later, after I finish pouring everyone a cup." Blake said getting a beaming smile in return.

"You're the best cousin ever~!" Shirone said before giving Blake a quick hug, making Blake almost spill the tea on the teapot that she's currently holding.

"This is good!" Rory said, referring to her tea.

"Thank you, our head maid Grayfia-sama personally taught me how to make good tea." Blake politely replied.

Unknown to Blake, two pairs of eyes are currently observing her from the far corner of the room.

"This is soo weird! Blake's socializing!" Ruby whispered to Yang who snorted.

"I thought I was the only one who noticed." Yang whispered back.

"Girls, please don't talk about your friend in a low hushed tone. It kind of looks like you're both making fun of your Nekoshou friend behind her back." Summer said, unknowingly joining her two daughters in their whispering.

"Don't scold them if you're going to join them..." Raven said to Summer with her words being ignored causing her to sigh.

The clubroom was then quiet with it's members having small talks every now and then, with the only constant noise coming from Shirone's side due to her playing some fighting games.

*-O Lord, bless this Thy hand grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits-*

Y/n's  phone rang making him jump a bit before quickly pulling out his phone out of his pocket.

"Sorry that's mine." Y/n said in an unapologetic manner, before answering the phone.

"Mhm... Seriously? Is it bigger than what we fought the last time? Ohohoho~! A flying shark thing? And what? An army of black creatures? That's perfect!  So, I would also get to spar with a strong being after the battle? Sure! Just gimme a moment we'll be there... Yea, bye~!"

Ending the call Y/n turned to the people in the room.

"Guys, I have some good new and some really good news... We're going back to the Special region for training!" Y/n announced surprising everyone in the room

"-So we're fighting an army again?" Nana asked with some excitement in her voice, which is mirrored by almost everyone who's been at the battle against the Orc army.

"Uh-huh, and that army is huge, like, twice or three times the size of the Orc army." Y/n replied causing Nana, Tohru and Emi to simultaneously crack their knuckles.

"Finally, a stress reliever..!" Nana said with a relieved smile that is not matching her body's actions.


"Perfect timing! I want to see who much I've improved after that last training session!" Tohru excitedly said with her fingertips becoming sharp and pointy.

"It may sound weird, but I'm looking forward in fighting this army." Emi nodded, a bit excited herself due to her missing out the fight against the Orc army.

"Mr. L/n?" Weiss asked I couldn't help but overhear your words during your call earlier-Not that I was eavesdropping, but I heard something alarming..." Weiss said getting the attention of her 'team' along with Summer, Raven, Pyrra, Neo and Cinder.

"Are you referring to the black creatures? If so, then, yea." Y/n said while casually stealing Sona's soda can from her hands, earning a pout from the can's owner.

Pausing to drink the can's contents, Y/n continued while ignoring the familiar 'Pssshtt!' and 'Crack!' noise in the background. "My guess is probably the same as yours. With the current pattern going on lately, I wouldn't be surprised if the Grimm would pop out, like what we think is happening right now."

"Can, we come?" Ruby asked with hint of pleading in her tone.

"Of course you can come, Ruby! You and you're family is part of my Peerage!" Rias said to her servant.

"Ooh! Ooh! Rias-san! Can you also put Blake in your peerage?" Ruby asked Rias with her wide silver eyes.

"Oh, don't worry! I was already planning in inviting her to my Peerage." Rias said, surprising 'team RWBY'.

Seeing their surprised looks Rias continued. "After seeing your interaction with Blake here, I decided that I would invite her to my Peerage as I don't want to see you guys sad when you outlive her, as you know Devils have a longer lifespan than Nekoshou's."

"I-It would be an honor to serve you as one of your servants!" Blake said with a ninety-degree-angle-bow.

"What are you talking about Blake-san? Aren't you my personal maid already?" Rias asked with amusement in her voice causing Blake's cheeks to turn pink.

"This offer also extends to you Schnee-san." Rias said turning to Weiss.

"Don't worry I give you a couple of days to think-" "I'll take it." Weiss immediately took on Rias' offer surprising them.

Seeing their expression Weiss turned her slightly pink face away from their eyes. "D-don't get me wrong I'm just taking Rias-san's offer so that I could reincarnate my family when I reach the rank of High Class, which I believe won't take too long for me." Weiss in slightly arrogant tone.







"Red?" Rias said turning to Y/n

"Yep, we've found her." Y/n said confusing everyone aside from Rias and Artoria with the latter giggling to herself in amusement.

"Found what?" Weiss asked in a wary tone.

Yang, Ruby, Sona and Serafall turn to Y/n waiting for his response.

""The Tsun tsun."" Y/n and Rias said at the same time.

"T-that's pretty acurate!" Ruby said with the corners of her mouth twitching.

"What are they talking about Rubes?" Yang asked causing Ruby to whisper in her ear.

Yang let out a belly laugh causing Weiss' eye to twitch irritation and her face to turn a darker shade of red.

"Tsun Tsun! Weiss is a Tsun Tsun!" Yang pointed at Weiss with a laugh.

"What in God's name is a Tsun Tsun!" Weiss angrily yelled.

"Hnn! Gah! OW! Ouchie! Itai! Argh! My head! Yang it!" All of the devils in the room flinched and held their head in pain, all except for Rias.

"I didn't get damaged?" Rias said in confusion making everyone look at her in surprise.

Y/n discreately shifted his eyes towards Artoria who just smiled and winked at him.

[She's my sister now. Can't have her flinch in pain every time someone mentions "God" now, do we?] Artoria mentally said to him.

'So that means you are still capable of affecting the Heaven's system?' Y/n replied.

[You mean the "God's system", right? If that's what you're talking about then yeah. How do you know this kind of information anyway?] Artoria asked.

'I have the Canon cheat sheet.' Y/n replied before looking down when he felt someone hugging his right arm.

"What are you doing Nana?" Y/n asked his fellow PE teacher.

"Hmph!" Nana gave him a pouting glare before looking away with a huff.

'What did I do?' Y/n thought before shaking his head.



"Everyone ready?" I asked the people in the room.

"Team RWBY is ready!" Ruby said with her teammates nodding behind her.

"I think I'm having second thoughts about this..." Kaguya said before looking to Hayasaka-


Kaguya face turned into despair after hearing Hayasaka's answer making me almost laugh.

"Don't worry Shinomiya-san, with your Aura now unlocked you wouldn't have to worry about getting easily injured unless you get careless." Summer said while placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Mhm! And with you and Hayasaka-san receiving training from Red, Artoria and Sera-chan. The army that you are going to face would be no biggie!" Rias added.

"Is it just me or is it just you guys couldn't take an ARMY seriously." Weiss said crossing her arms. She then blinked before her expression turned into horror when she remembered something important. "I just realized that I'm going to fight an army without my weapon Myrtenaster." 

"Here." I gave her a modified copy of her weapon, surprising almost everyone in the room.

"H-how!?" Weiss asked in shock.

"I used my Canon knowledge to create a copy of it in my Unlimited Blade Works and transfer it to my Gate of Babylon to make it permanent." I answered.

My answer received a lot of confused looks due to the name of the abilities that I used which some of them are not familiar with.

"How about my teammates?" Weiss asked, before Ruby placed her arm out.

"Crescent Rose!" Ruby called out as a large red mecha-themed Scythe appeared in her hand. This stunt stunned Weiss into silence as she stared at Ruby and her weapon.

"I just finished crafting my baby two weeks ago during our two and half month training in the Underworld." Ruby said while excitedly spinning her weapon a bit. "Oooooh! I can't wait to finally try her out with all of the modifications that I placed on Crescent Rose thanks to Red-san's weapons giving me ideas in improving my baby." Ruby said while affectionately hugging her weapon.

"Wait. If Red-san had a hand in improving your 'baby' then that means..." Yang trailed off making Ruby go stiff before her eyes slowly shifted towards my direction.

O-oi, don't start this topic you blonde troublemaker!

"I-if, Crescent Rose is our child then..." Ruby said as a happy smile appeared in her blushing face.

"Red-san, you have to take responsibility." Summer jokingly said making Ruby faint with a thud.

"By the way, I'm serious about what I just said, Red-san." Summer quickly added before giving me an unnerving look.

"O-oi, don't take Yang's words seriously!" I said in an attempt to stop a potential mess that is about to form.

"S-so, Weiss-san are you sure about joining my peerage?" Rias said to change the current topic we are unfortunately in due to Yang.

"I'm sure, I wouldn't-" Weiss said before being cut off by Rias.

"I'm only asking you this is because once you get reincarnated into a Devil you wouldn't be able to turn back and be human again." Rias seriously said making Weiss pause and think for a few minutes.

"You know what? I don't care." Weiss said causing Ruby and Yang to faceplant and Blake to crack an amused smile on her face.

"Okay? Well, you and Blake stand next to each other and be still for a moment while I do the ritual." Rias said, pulling out the evil pieces from her skirt pocket.

Walking up to Blake, Rias held up two Pawn pieces on top of Blake's chest before casually pushing the Pawn pieces inside her chest. She then did the same to Weiss- Wait. Where's the chant?

"Where's the ritual chant Rias?" Sona asked the question I was about to ask.

"What chant?" Rias asked, tilting her head in confusion, causing Sona's glasses to slightly slip off her nose.

"B-But you can't reincarnate someone without using a proper chant!" Sona said.

"But I've successfully reincarnated Akeno, Ruby-san, Yang-san, Summer-san and Raven-san without using any chant." Rias replied, causing the five mentioned people to nod behind her.

This topic is starting to give me a headache!

I sighed and pulled out my phone and dialed a number. I then waited for a few seconds before the phone-

"L/n-Sensei?" Mordred's voice greeted me on the other end of the line.

"Hey, do you guys want to fight an army? Cuz, we're going to the Special Region tonight to fight an army bigger than imperial army we defeated." I asked, getting directly to the point.

"Gimmeamoment." Mordred quickly said before the line began to get loud as various voices sounded at the other end. I then waited for a few minutes before hearing Mordred's voice again on the other line.

"We're coming Sensei! Are we meeting at the clubroom?" Mordred asked.

"Yup and it will be almost all of the club members." I replied.

"It's a shame that Yuusaki and Kokegawa couldn't come." 

"It's Kotegawa not Kokegawa. Apologize to her the next time you see her" I said to her.

"That's what I said Sensei! I don't see why I have to apologize to Kotekawa for saying her name right. But anyways we're ready and we'll be there in a sec-"

"-ond." Mordred's voice suddenly came from the corner of the room with her phone still right next to her ear. Behind Mordred is her fellow Peerage member.

"Arturia-san?" Rias said in confusion as she and everyone turned to the group that teleported here.

"L/n-sensei asked us if we wanted to fight an army." Arturia replied making Rias nod.

"Well, now that everyone's here. Let's go." I said in impatience before summoning a large teleportation circle that covered the entire room with it's golden glow.

The nearly blinding golden glow coming from my mass teleportation spell died down giving some of us a nearly beautiful view of Tempest Village's entrance gate.

"Ow! What gives!?" A voice that I didn't hear this entire day cried in pain making all of us look at the owner of the voice.

The owner of the voice is a young woman appearing around her mid teens with shoulder length blue hair and purple eyes that complements well with her cute skin complexion. Strangely this girl is missing her 'circuit' like tattoo's that she usually has on her body.

"Cortana? How did you get here?" I asked the girl who is rubbing her rear in pain.

Blinking, the blue haired girl turned to me. "Red? Wait, why we're in your world?"

"Rimuru called me earlier about inviting the club in fighting an army. I accepted and here we are!" I answered.

Mentally repeating the words that I said just now made me realize that my wording kind of makes it sound that fighting an army is part of Club activities and is technically allowed by the school board.

"So how did you get here?" I asked again as I'm pretty sure I didn't see her inside the clubroom when I used my mass teleportation spell.

"You used one of your mass teleportation spells, right?" She asked which I confirmed with a nod.

"Well I was stuck inside of Sera-chan's large cosplay wardrobe the entire time and probably due to your spell I was teleported along as well." She said-Wait.

"Wait, then how did you get stuck inside of Sera-chan's wardrobe?" Artoria asked my question.

"Well..." Cortana then began to tell us how she got stuck in a pretty lengthy story which for some-

"Gah! Enough! Shorten it to twenty words or less!" 

-reason easily irritated me to the point that I could compare it to my irritation to losers staring at me.

"I got curious and went inside the wardrobe. I then accidentally knocked myself out at same time trapping myself inside." Cortana said making everyone sweatdrop at the girl.

"L/n-sensei, what does... Cortana-san mean by 'your world'? Does she mean that you don't originally belong to our world?" Kaguya asked in confusion getting the attention of Hayasaka, Team RWBY, Summer, Raven and her apprentices, with each one of them also curious if I'm an 'alien' in their world.

"I ain't no alien! What Cortana means by 'your world' is literally myself being this world's ruler after coming to the Special Region for the first time." I yelled with slight irritation in my voice.

"Man, this is the second time I am noticing my emotion being on the aggressive side while here in the Special Region. I wonder what's the reason behind it." Said in a less irritated tone while calming myself down. 

"The reason why is because you completely replaced Emory the former God of War, Violence, Death and Insanity." Rory answered sleepily- Oh, right! She was sleeping on one of the couches in the room and I forgot wake her up when I used my teleportation spell.

"So that means Red-samna has both humans and monsters as his followers now!? That's amazing! Red-samna is the first deity to govern both humans and monsters in history!" Tyuule, my lovely priestess excitedly said.

"Wait-What!?" Weiss who is being the most vocal in her shocked team said loudly. 

"YOU RULE THIS WORLD!?" Mordred yelled in shock as she along with her fellow Peerage members looked at me with wide eyes, except for Arturia who is wearing an 'as expected' look on her face.

"YOU'RE A GOD AS WELL!?" Kaguya said loudly, forgetting to put on her regal mask due to the shocking information that she just heard.

Their loud voices didn't go unnoticed as a Hobgoblin marched out of the gate and scolded our group.

"What's going on here!? If you adventurers are arguing then do it away from our village so that you don't disturb our village wide battle preparations!"

A new resident perhaps? He doesn't appear to recognize some of us, so I guess that's an accurate guess.

"Oi, Gobtra what's going on-AH! M-My! APOLOGIES FOR MY FRIEND'S IGNORACE RULER-SAMA!" A second Hobgoblin from within the gates said in panic.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU FOOL!? LET THEM IN! THEY'RE IMPORTANT GUESTS OF RIMURU-SAMA!" The second Hobgoblin yelled at the Hobgoblin named Gobtra who quickly ushered us inside.

 "My apologies honored guests! I didn't realized that your group are Rimuru-sama's guests! Please follow me I will guide you to where Rimuru-sama is." Gotra said before turning around and walking further in the village. Deciding that everything seems serious at the moment, we then followed him...






For a while...

"So you girls wanna have a tour?" I asked which got nods from the majority of the group.

Splitting away from our 'guide' we ventured into the shopping district that looks bigger than the last time I was here.

"You know Red, if I didn't saw them before I might've mistaken the Hobgoblins for orcs." Rias whispered to me.

"Too much Warcraft, Rias." I said to her.

Her only response was to playfully stick her tongue out before turning to talk with Artoria and Akeno.

"So this is the Village that we were about to go to." Arturia said while looking at the different races in the village peacefully interacting with one another.

"Oh, yeah you girls went back mid-way towards here, right?" I said, getting a nod from her.

"It's really a shame I wasn't able to come here the last time. But now... I can fully savor my time here!" Nero said with a satisfied smile on her face.

I turned to her fellow Peerage members in confusion, silently asking them what's going on with her. 

"She's been getting requests every night for the past two weeks." Jeanne said with Altria, Mordred and Arturia silently nodding next to her.

"Mhm! Currently, she's our second biggest earner after Illyasviel-chan!" Mordred said causing Nero to beam in pride.

"Wow, so this is what a busy street is like..." Kaguya said in amazement as she and Hayasaka looked around.

I... Better stay close to them before they branch off in distraction.

"Hun, could you take the lead..." I said before trailing off as Artoria just followed me with a smile on her face.

"Nope!" She said with a pop at the end,

Ah, whatever... 

"I think they'll be fine." Artoria said referring to Mordred's group that split off from us and separately explored the village on their own.

"The diversity of races in this village is amazing!" Pyrrha said in awe while looking at some Hobgoblins having a conversation with Orcs and Warrior Bunnies.


"Your highness! Gret Rwed-samna!"


"Hm?" Tyuule turned to the owner of the voice to see the... substitute queen? I'm not sure if that's the right term but, meh! 

"Delilah! What are you doing in Tempest Village?" Tyuule asked the Warrior Bunny 'queen' in surprise and confusion.

"I am here for important reasons, my queen!" Delilah replied.

"Important reasons?"

"Yes, I came to this village to secure an important trade product that is only exclusive to this place." Delilah said in a serious tone.

"And that is?" Velvet asked.

"It would be this thing called Cake."







Someone within our group made a noise causing a chain reaction that resulted almost all of us to laugh out loud.

"A cake... What she's referring to as an important trade product is a cake. A cake-!" Weiss said in disbelief. Her mouth was thankfully covered by Ruby and Yang, stopping a possible rant in the process.

Good thing her reaction was ignored by Delilah, due to her being praised quite loudly by Tyuule.

"Good! Good! I tasted that product before and I can tell you it's heavenly! You made the right call Delilah!" Tyuule praised causing Delilah's cheeks to turn pink.

"Y-you praise me too much your Highness!" Delilah said in embarrassment.

"Lady Delilah, what did you promise to trade in return?" Velvet asked.

"That would be the 'Magiore' that our hunters get from the monsters normally found in our territory." Delilah answered.

"Very good! Our kingdom don't have much use for those anyways as we only use it as exchange goods when trading with other places. An excellent trade if I must say!" Tyuule praised causing Delilah to slightly preen on Tyuule's words.

I don't think that's the best move. It may be a good one but it's not the best.

Of course I'm only basing this due to Weiss' current facial expression at the moment. 

"Mrmmhrpph!!!" Weiss muffled voice in the background cemented her disagreement.

"Soka! You're here! Is Gabiru with you!?" A dragonewt yelled as he ran towards our silent otaku.

Reason why I refer to Soka as such is because of her discovering Shoujo manga and becoming a silent club member similar to Altria, although more silent than the latter. Come to think of it...  Who even introduced that manga genre to her? I know Rias wasn't the one responsible as she would had introduced Shounen manga to Soka instead.

"You're one of my brother's subordinates, right?" Soka asked.

"Yes, I am one of Gabiru's subordinates. Is Gabiru with you?" The dragonewt replied before asking again in a worried tone.

"He's not with me. Why would he be with us? We just got here a few minutes ago!" Soka replied with irritation in her voice.

"Oh, I forgot to inform you that your brother went to go on a self-searching journey a couple of months ago."  I whispered to her ear.

"Mmmmm~" Soka purred in relaxation after hearing the good news of her brother being out of the village at the moment. 

[She's not purring because of that.] Artoria's mentally said in a deadpan tone- Then what's the reason she's making that sound that is almost erotic to the ears.

[Figure it out yourself, Red!] Cortana mentally said with amusement in her voice which I noticed sounded a bit... Relieved?

[You also need to figure out why I'm relieved as well!] Cortana added as she and Artoria giggled to themselves.

Then from out of nowhere a familiar blue haired Oni appeared next to me. The Oni's sudden appearance subconsciously caused me to protectively shield the physically closest person to me.

"Eeep!" Soka squeaked with her face rapidly turning red from my actions. Her reaction of course made me realize that she's not in danger.

Releasing my hold on Soka, I turned my attention to the blue haired Oni.

"Hey, long time no see Shoelace-"

"-Souei. My name is Souei, Great Red-sama." The blue haired Oni quickly corrected.

"Ah, my bad."

"Great Red-sama, I've informed Rimuru-sama of your arrival. She's currently waiting for you to meet her in the conference building. I take it you still remember where that build is, correct?" Souei asked before disappearing in a blur, not even waiting for my reply. 

What a rude fellow.

"I'll rate this village three-point-five stars because of that rude fellow." I said making some of us chuckle.

 "I think you deserved it that treatment Darling. You did messed up his name after all." Artoria said in amusement.

"Pffft! Shoelace!" Ruby laughed along with Yang, Pyrrha and Rias.

Ya know... You could try following Neo's example...


Neo's suppressed laughter sounds better to me compared to them openly laughing at someone.

I then turned to the dragonewt that was asking Soka of Gabiru's whereabouts earlier.

"Don't worry about your leader. He's fine. I was the one who named him after all!" I said to him in reassurance.

"Ah, yes! I remember you, Great Red-sama renaming Gabiru in the past! Oohhhh! With a powerful being such us yourself renaming such a great person as Gabiru then I don't have to worry of his safety!" The dragonewt said before walking away while whistling a happy tune.

Turning my attention back to the girls. "Okay, you girls could enjoy yourselves here. I'll go meet with the village leader. Hun, could you stick close to Shinomiya-san and Hayasaka-san so that they won't get lost." I said to them before walking away from the group and proceeding to head towards the conference building.

"Have fun! Say 'Hi' to Rimuru-san for me, Red!" Rias said in the distance.

"Sure!" I replied without looking back.


"The village seems bigger than the last time we were here." Nana said while looking at some of the new establishments in the street.

"Well this place was under construction when we left remember?" I said to her.

For some reason no one told me that Nana was following me and because of it we ended up walking towards the conference building together to avoid her getting lost in the village.

"Hey Red, look there's a little girl in the middle of the street." Nana said while pointing at the pink haired girl that seems to be in her early teens wearing a white and blue dress. Currently, she seems to be walking around aimlessly, probably looking for her parents or friends.

Nana ran towards her with me close behind. Can we ignore her and just head towards the conference building?

My wish didn't get answered as Nana looked at me with expectation in her eyes.

"*Sigh* Let's help her find her parents. Even though she seems old enough to handle this kind of situation." I said while whispering the other part to myself.

"Oi, brat. Where's your parents?" I said to the girl.

"...What did you called me?" The girl asked in a whisper.

"Sheesh! This brat's deaf as well!" I said to myself with slight annoyance.

"Ah... Red?" Nana said in a nervous manner.

Why she's nervous?




3rd Person's POV

"What's taking him so long?" Rimuru said impatiently.

"Red-san is probably on his way here Rimuru-chan." Shizue said after taking a sip of her tea that was prepared by Shuna.

'Would you like me to fetch him for you Rimuru-sama?' Ranga asked from within Rimuru's shadow.

'No need he's not that far anyways-' Rimuru's words were interrupted when a heard a loud explosion from the distance within her village.

"And attack!?" Shion said as she, Rimuru and Shizue rushed out of the room.

'Already!? But the Charybdis shouldn't be here yet!' Rimuru thought as she looked up into the sky after leaving the conference building.

"Huh?" Rimuru said in confusion after not seeing a single enemy in the sky.

"Rimuru-sama, look!" Shion pointed at the large crowd in the distance.

Rimuru ran towards the crowd.

"Move out of the way!" Rimuru said loudly as the curios villagers in front of her moved out of the way.

'What is going... on?' Rimuru stopped in her tracks after seeing the cause of the commotion.

Y/n is currently looking down at Rimuru's most recent guest with confusion in his eyes.

Rimuru's guest on the other hand though...

"Ow?" She said while pulling her fist back before looking at Y/n in confusion.

'Yea, she's probably wondering why her punch didn't blew him away.' Rimuru thought.

"That's what you get for punching things harder than diamonds." Came Y/n's unneeded comment.

Deciding to step in before a fist fight between two overpowered beings breaks out Rimuru spoke. "Hey Red, I thought Souei already told you to head towards the conference building about half an hour ago."

Y/n and Milim's head snapped towards her at the same time almost creeping Rimuru out.

'Should I gave them honey?' Rimuru thought to herself, hoping it might make it easier for her to deal with the two beings in front of her.

Shaking her head, Rimuru asked the two come with her.

"Gotta think of a way for me to dump my responsibility of Milim to Red." Rimuru thought with a half serious and half scheming expression on her face. Fortunately for her, she was walking ahead of the two making them unaware of her facial expression.

"*Whistle* Wow, the conference building got bigger and fancier than the last time I was here." Y/n said admiring the renovated conference building.

"Well, the village is slowly getting bigger and more modern looking so I decided to have the building renovated to match the buildings next to it." Rimuru said while sitting down on her seat.

"So onto business." Rimuru said with a serious tone on her voice that was matched by Y/n's indifferent look who is trying to ignore Milim's curious look being directed at him, who in turn is not aware of Nana's cautious look being sent at her.

"Yes, onto business." Y/n said with a clear 'I'm bored already. Are we done?' look on his face.

Rimuru sighed as her hand went to rub the bridge of her nose.

'Not even five minutes in...' Rimuru thought before looking back up and starting their meeting.

'And what the hell's with this staring system!?' Rimuru yelled in her mind upon noticing the confusing staring pattern in the room.


"Oishii~!" Artoria delightfully said with sparkling eyes as she slowly chewed the food on her mouth to savor it's taste.

"Spears, it's just barbeque." Emi said while holding a stick of barbeque that is similar to what Nana is eating.

"Try it first before calling it a mere barbeque Emi-san!" A blond haired girl named Eren said while handing each members of team RWBY a stick of barbeque.

While deciding to kill some time while Y/n is talking with Rimuru, the girls decided to walk around the village. Currently, they are eating on a newly established restaurant after being introduced to it by Eren, who is a regular visitor in the village noticed couple of 'new' tourists in the village.

"Go on Emi-san~! Take a bite~!" Eren encouraged Emi.

Taking a bite, Emi went wide eyed and looked at the Hobgoblin who is responsible for the delicious food she's eating at the moment.

"It's good." Emi said before taking another bite.

"So where are you guys from?" Eren asked Emi.

"We're from the Japan." Emi answered getting amused looks from her group.

"Ooohhh! You're from the same land from where Shizue-san came from!" Eren said in excitement.

"Shizue-san?" Emi said in confusion.

"Ah, Shizue-san is a resident of this village. We've met her when we came here to visit Red which in turn ended up with us along with Red and Rimuru-san to fight the Orc Army." Rias answered while ignoring Tohru's cries of 'Unfair!'

"Wait! You fought along with Great Red-san and Rimuru-san!?" Eren said in shock.

"It was only us." Sona said as she along with the others who went to fight the Orc Army that night raised their hands.

"How do you know of Darling?" Artoria asked the blond adventurer.

"Darling?" Eren asked in confusion.

"She means Red. So how do you know Red, Eren-san?" Rias asked, repeating Artoria's question.

"Oh, I've heard of him being the talk of the village during one of my visits. I heard stuff around him being a god or something." Eren said while calming down.

"Red-samna is not a god. He is the Ruler! One that rule over everything, even such 'beings' as gods and demon lords!" Tyuule passionately claimed. 

"But didn't you called him a deity earlier?" Akeno wondered as she took a sip on a can of soda that Sona provided for each of them, except Eren who preferred to drink a cup of wine instead.

"Yes, I did. Which I am now regretting of calling Red-samna with an insulting title ." Tyuule regretfully said with her ears hanging low.

"She's really serious about this being Red's priestess." Yang whispered to Ruby in a tone loud enough for Blake, Weiss and Velvet to hear.

"Lady Tyuule is serious about being Red-sama's priestess, because of him saving our kingdom from it's destruction and our people from being enslaved by the Empire." Velvet said to Team RWBY.

"But I don't see why Tyuule-san look at Red-san in a way that doesn't seem grateful, but instead she gives him this weird looks when he's not looking." Ruby said in wonder as she noticed from time to time Tyuule would look at Y/n in a way that Ruby doesn't like for some reason which always confuses her.

Yang, Summer and Raven chose not to comment on Ruby's words as the three of them exchanged knowing looks to one another without Ruby's notice.

Pyrrha smiled at Ruby's direction upon hearing her words. Silently wondering to herself when would the silver eyed girl would notice her infatuation towards Y/n.

"Oho? What kind of looks is Tyuule-san is giving Great Red-san, Ruby-san?" Eren asked, turning her attention to Ruby.

"W-Well-" Before Ruby could fully start, Tyuule hurriedly covered the younger girl's mouth with her hand to avoid herself from being embarrassed by the younger girl's innocence.

"H-hey, h-how about we head out, yes? This village is almost as big as the Warrior Bunny Kingdom and I'm sure all of you would want to check out more places and not just this barbeque bar, right?" Tyuule suggested in panic, desperate to change the topic to avoid embarrassment.

Rias and the others, thank fully complied with her suggestion, although a few amused smiles being sent her way caused some heat to rush towards her cheeks.

"Sure, sure~! Lead on Tyuule-san~!" Serafall said in a teasing tone making her blushing cheeks more noticeable.

Stepping out of the bar, the group then patiently waited for Tyuule to choose their next stop. But before Tyuule could make a decision a certain weapons nut made the decision for her instead.

"To the smithy!" Ruby excitedly yelled before running off in a random direction causing her team to run after her in panic.

"I guess, Ruby's leading!" Summer said in amusement as she, Raven, Cinder, Pyrrha and Neo followed her.

How about you Eren-san?" Rias asked the blonde adventurer who shook her head 'no'.

"Sorry, but I have to meet up with my party here." Eren apologetically said.

"It's fine Eren-san. We'll probably bump into to you again in the future anyways." Artoria said as she and their remaining group bid their farewells to Eren before following after the group that went ahead of them.


*Pant* *Pant* *Pant*

Chika panted in exhaustion as she slumped on a bench.

 Currently she's doing her regular nightly jogging to stay in shape after discovering one night to her horror that she had gained weight.

"I should've tried harder in PE class." Chika grumbled to herself.

Looking at the park she's currently in Chika decided it's time to head home as she felt that she had covered a good distance after jogging all the way from her house to the park she's currently in.

Standing up Chika began to jog slightly faster towards her home so that she could shower a lot sooner.

After about twenty minutes of jogging that turned into sprinting Chika finally arrived to her house while panting heavily in exhaustion. After getting inside, Chika didn't wasted any time as she immediately went towards the bathroom and  began to set up the water for her bath.

About five minutes later Chika rinsed her body of sweat and dirt before finally stepping in her bath tub.

"Haaaa~ This sooo relaxing~" Chika sighed as she fully relaxed on her bath tub letting her tired muscles rest under the warm and comforting bath water she soaking on.

However her relaxation didn't last long due to a sudden flash of light that blinded her for a few moments. Instinctively, Chika closed her eyes and raised her hands in an attempt to shield her eyes from the sudden flash of light, only for it to stop mid-way when her hands felt a familiar sensation.


"Um... While I think it's really flattering that you would propose to me, I would have to decline your proposal." A female voice said to Chika causing her eyes to snap open.

In front of her is a highly attractive teenage girl with long bubblegum pink hair and emerald green eyes. Chika was about to question the girl of her sudden appearance in her bathtub when something caught her eye. A long thin black tail with a heart-shaped tip behind the girl casually waved back and forth making Chika blink.

"Are you the Devil?" Chika asked while moving her hands away from the 'Devil's' breasts that she noticed being slightly bigger than her.

"Sorry, I'm not this 'Devil' that you're talking about. My name is Lala Satalin Deviluke and I'm a Devilukean." The Devilukean named Lala said introducing herself to Chika who remained seated on the bathtub.

"Can we talk somewhere less cramped and dry?" Chika suggested after noticing that most of the bath water in the tub spilled over due to Lala's appearance.



Now properly dressed the two girls talked in Chika's bedroom to discuss what is going on.

"So Lala-san how did you suddenly appeared in front of me earlier?" Chika asked the devilukean girl while holding herself from squealing in excitement due to the strangeness of the situation.

Outside of Chika's house is Itachi who is standing on top of a street light near the Fujiwara residence. Currently he is observing Chika through the window of her bedroom and was about to leap towards her window.

'I'm sorry for this. But I have to save Izumi. I hope that both you and Izumi will forgive me for this.' Itachi mentally apologized to Chika in advance for kidnapping her before his thoughts shifted towards his girlfriend who is being held hostage by his 'employer' Susanno to ensure Itachi's cooperation.

Steeling his resolve, Itachi leaped off the street light towards Chika's window.

A sound of breaking glass made the two occupants of the room to jump in surprise causing them to subconsciously latch on the other.

"A burglar!" Chika yelled in both shock and fear while holding on to Lala, who is confused about the mysterious person sudden appearance in the room.

Just as Itachi was about to close in towards them to knock the two girls out, he was again surprised when the two girls suddenly disappeared from existence without a trace.

'Not again!" Itachi thought in frustration as he looked around the room to look for seals, magical runes or magic circles that would help him in tracking down his target.

'While I am frustrated on what just happened, I am also thankful that my actions didn't succeed.' Itachi thought after investigating the room and finding no signs of supernatural involvement within it. Walking back towards the broken window Itachi looked up towards the moon and silently hoped that a certain two Shinto gods that he's familiar with would notice Susanoo's dark behaviour as of late.

"Now, I would need to think of a good excuse about my failure." Itachi said with a frown as he leaped out of the empty room's broken windows and disappeared in the night.


Chapter 52 END
