Chapter 61: The First Official Hunt!


I let out a humming sound as I watched the person sitting next to Irisviel-san's table diligently work on a pile paperwork placed next to her.

"You know... It's rude to stare L/n-kun."

I blinked at Irisviel-san's words as I took my eyes away from the person sitting next to her and asked the latter.

"I don't think-No, why did you make her your secretary?" I asked Irisviel-san.

"Hey, that's a lot ruder than staring, Nya! I'm sitting right here!" Kuroka complained as she looked up from her paperwork.

I turned my eyes back to her.

Even with a complete office secretary outfit I still find it hard to imagine Kuroka doing any kind of secretarial work, even if it's just to fetch some coffee.

[Well, I can see herself doing some other secretary things. Like, bending over the table or secretly giving some hea-]

'You know... if someone other than myself knows of your identity as the former leader of the Biblical pantheon and hears what you are saying right now? They might immediately conclude that they're high as fuck.' I mentally replied, cutting off Artoria's crazy but reeeaaally tempting ideas.

Don't judge me. I'm still a hot-blooded male after all!

I was taken out of my thoughts when Irisviel-san replied to my earlier question. "Well, I can't really have one of my Peerage members doing nothing right?" Irisviel-san said with a proud look on her face. Wait-

"What?" I said out loud, earning chuckles from the two women sitting in front of us.

"Meet the newest Rook of Iri-chan's Peerage, Nya!" Kuroka proudly said while still maintaining her professional look.

Probably seeing my confused look, Irisviel-san explained.

"In exchange for not giving Kuroka-chan a death sentence. She would be exiled to one of the territories that Devils have in the Human world, while being placed under direct supervision by the governor of said territory."

"And in my books, being under my direct supervision means that person is part of my Peerage! Additionally, they didn't say that I couldn't recruit her. " Irisviel-san said with a proud smile on her face.

"Ah, naruhudo! Loopholes!" Artoria said with a snap of her fingers.

"Anyway, enough about that." Irisviel-san said. "The reason why I called you both was because of this." She said turning her laptop(Which I didn't even notice that was there) towards us.

On the screen is a live news casting of... To be honest, I seriously don't know. It's something about politics and stuff, I think...

"-uring The Battle of Ginza, several eyewitnesses claim that they saw a man with red wings kill multiple invaders before the JSDF arrived on the scene. What can you say about this Kano-san?" A middle-aged female reporter asked the same man from the news that Chifuyu-san was watching earlier.

"No comment."

The screen then changed into a different scene.

"-Dragons? Monsters? Are we really alone in this world?"

The screen changed again.

"If monsters like that existed, even from a different realm. What are the possibilities that monsters like those exist in this world as well? Living among us Humans."

The screen then turned off, bringing our attention back to Irisviel-san, who spoke.

"Because of that battle, people are now starting to get suspicious of the Supernatural world's existence. It wouldn't be long before some fool from either side exposes the Supernatural side of the world to the normal humans."

"-And if that happens, then chaos on the scale of the Great War is guaranteed to happen." Serafall said as she entered the office.

"So what's our role in this?" I asked Irisviel-san while gesturing to both myself and Artoria.

"Nothing." Irisviel-san and Serafall answered.

""Huh?"" Artoria and I said in confusion.

"We are just letting you both know on what is about to happen in the future. Because at the moment we can't really do anything about this without exposing the Supernatural side of the world to the public." Irisviel-san said.

Artoria and I took a moment to absorb the information given to us. After a few seconds of silence, Artoria spoke.

"Irisviel-san, I noticed that this kind of information you are telling us is for certain people's ears only. I'm curious about why am I being told of this information."

"The reason why we are also letting you know about this is that aside from myself, Sera-chan, Red-kun, and my Peerage. You are the only person in this school that I could trust with this information and because of yourself being a deity."

Both Artoria and I froze at that last part.

Probably from seeing our shocked faces, Irisviel-san explained.

"My first clue is when you used a particular type of magic that only a deity or a student of one could use and that is Pure magic. The second clue is when you taught Himejima-san that type of magic, which should be impossible to do if you were a student of a deity. Which means that you are either a deity in hiding or a reincarnated one." Irisviel-san finished with her words leaving the room tense and silent.

I was about to create a distraction when Irisviel-san spoke again.

"I wouldn't pry on to your identity as I trust you enough that you wouldn't put the students' safety at risk and I would like to have your identity revealed in public. Imagine everyone's expression when they discover your real identity. Oh, the drama~!" Irisviel-san happily said, completely dissolving the tense atmosphere in the room.

"I... Um... Ah... Wha?" Artoria being too flustered to even properly speak, made Irisviel-san's grin go wider.

Clapping her hands together knocked Artoria off from her flustered state. "Well now that I've said what I wanted to say. You two are free to go as the last period is about to start." Right when she said that the bell rang, signifying the end of lunch.


3rd Person's POV

After Artoria and Y/n left the office, Kuroka turned to her new King. "Was that true about Artoria-chan being a deity, Iri-chan?"

"Based on her reaction I think so..." Irisviel replied in amusement causing Kuroka and Serafall to look at her in shock.

"...Are you serious?" Serafall asked Irisviel in disbelief, with the latter giving her a playful peace sign.

"Boldly bluffing right on a deity's face, to make one indirectly confess..." Kuroka said with a chuckle. "What kind of devil did I sold my soul to?"

Smiling at her newest Devil servant, Irisviel Cleria Belial answered. "The best one there is, Kuroka-chan~"


With school for today being over, Y/n is currently heading towards the clubroom when he was approached by a distraught Artoria.

"Darling, she knows! Irisviel-san knows that I'm God! What do I do? WHAT DO I DO!?" Artoria frantically said as she latched onto Y/n, with her hands clamping onto his arm like a vice grip.

Not even bothering to shake off the woman that is currently

"How about smiting her?"

His suggestion earned him a slap on the shoulder.

"This is serious, Darling! What if she uses that information to blackmail me into making me join her pranking team, huh!?"

"That's what you're worried about!?" Y/n replied, bonking Artoria in the head with his free hand.

Shaking his head,Y/n said to her. "In all seriousness, you're not in trouble. Sure, their aware of your status but not the specifics. They don't know your past identity and they're still not sure if you're either a god in disguise or a reincarnated god." Y/n said, calming down Artoria a bit.

Seeing that she's calming down, he continued. "Besides, I read their motives earlier when we left Irisviel-san's office. They're not planning malicious or even anything about your identity so you're good."

"But what if they take advantage of it in the future?" Artoria worriedly asked.

"Smite 'em-" Y/n instantly replied, earning him another slap on the shoulder, this time in a playful manner.

"Darling..." Artoria said, giggling at Y/n's reply.

"*Sigh* If that ever happens, then I'll erase that information from their minds." Y/n said, reassuring Artoria.

"Thank you." Artoria gratefully said while gently squeezing Y/n's arm before letting go.

Their walk was silent for a moment before being broken by Artoria when she spoke.

"To be honest, I don't really mind having my... past identity revealed to the public. But I've already decided back then that I would be the one to reveal it so that I can enjoy the look on everyone's face after the epic reveal-! Ow!" Artoria happily said before yelping in pain when a fist landed on her head, courtesy of an annoyed Y/n.

"All of that drama you did was just for this bullcrap!?" Y/n said with a twitching eyebrow.

"Ehehehe..." Artoria nervously laughed, prompting an eyebrow twitch from Y/n. "Gomen gomen."


Tsubaki sighed to herself for the tenth time today as she looked at the sight of her King arguing with Rias about something stupid.

"I say we go in there and beat it up!" Rias suggested, prompting Sona to reject her friend's suggestion.

"Rias. Even if we outnumber the boss by three to one it's still a mid-level boss. Our combined stats could barely match the boss' stats without it going on rage mode. We don't even have tanks on our party and you want us to go head to head with it?" Sona said.

"We can take it down if we all properly work together." Rias stubbornly argued. "With you giving me Evasion Up Buff, Impenetrable Fortress Buff and Ultimate Spear Buff, I would be able to 'tank' the boss for a long time, giving Gab-san plenty of time to rain down attacks on the boss while its aggro is focused on me!" Rias said with grin, proud of her simple but effective strategy.

Her idea however, was again rejected by Sona. "The idea's good, but you forgot to take into account about the duration of my buffs and high mana costs each one have. I may be a level fifty-seven Master Wizard but I'm not at the level yet where I am capable of dishing out multiple costly spell buffs in rapid succession for a long period of time."

A quick solution to Sona's mana problems was immediately solved by Gab as she looked at Sona.

"How about Shitori-san create a Water Well below her during the boss fight so that she can take advantage of her characters' racial innate passive ability?" Gab said, much to Rias' delight as the latter joined in.

"Yeah! With your character's race being a Water Sprite then you can take advantage of its innate passive ability of casting spells with seventy percent mana cost reduction then..."

Sitting away from them, Yang watched the Gaming Trio strategize among themselves with an amused look on her face.

"It's really hard to imagine that those three are easily in the top fifteen most popular students of Kouh high school department, when they act like complete geeks inside the clubroom." Yang said with a chuckle as she turned to her sister.

"Hey Rubes, how about you socialize with your fellow tribe members? Don't you also play the same game they're playing?" Yang asked, earning her a painful elbow on the side from her loving sister.

"That was mean Yang. And I can't, I'm currently helping Weiss and Shimura-sensei on tutoring Neko-san." Ruby replied before turning back to Neko.

"I'm bored." Yang said with a bored sigh.

"Well if you're bored..." Rias said as she summoned a large stack of papers in front of Yang.

"Huh?" Yang confusedly said while looking at the large stack of papers that suddenly appeared in front of her.

Behind Yang, both Akeno and Tsubaki smirked, knowing Yang would soon come to hate this part of the job.

"Could you hand out those fliers? Those will be your Devil Contract Fliers that your future clients will use to summon you for your Devil contract jobs. It is MANDATORY for new devils to do this, so that they will be able to accumulate power to climb through the ranks of Devil society. So with that said, you're now free to go and hand out those fliers." Rias said doing a 'shooing' motion with her hand without even looking at Yang.

Yang let out a groan but still picked up the large stack of papers, although reluctantly as the latter left the room grumbling to herself.

Akeno and Tsubaki watched as Yang dragged her feet as she left the room. When the door slid close, they instantly let out a laugh.

"Good work." Sona complimented Rias as the latter looked back at the door with a vindictive smile on her face.

"Justice has been served." Rias said before turning back to her game.

A few minutes later the door slid open again, getting everyone's attention as Y/n and Artoria entered the room.

"Ah, Perfect! Our final member for the boss fight!" Rias happily said.

Seeing Gab playing with Rias and Sona, Artoria let out a sigh.

"Tenma-san, have you done your homework yet? Have you even started yet?" Artoria asked as she walked towards Gabriel.

"Eh? I'll do that later. Probably." Gab said, whispering the last part to herself.

Artoria's eyebrow twitched. "Tenma-san, the homework's deadline is tomorrow."

"Don't worry Sensei. I can finish it tonight. I got this!" Gab distractedly replied.

Artoria was tempted to pull the plug on Gabriel's computer but she realizes that the her student is using a laptop and she knew the second that she does that, she would immediately earn the ire of both Rias and Y/n as she could remember Y/n's 'words of wisdom' when the Otaku club was just recently established.

One of the cardinal rules of gaming is... Don't pull the GODDAMN WIRE!!!

Despite Gab's bad habits of playing games during class and doing her homework at the last minute, Artoria couldn't really do anything as the girl is still able to submit her homeworks in time with high marks and much to Artoria's relief and frustration, Gab also manages to get high marks on her quizes.

'For an angel named after the seraph Gabriel, she's really lazy. ' Artoria thought, deciding to leave Gab alone for now.

Y/n faked a cough to hide his laughter from Artoria's surface toughts. 

Looking around Artoria noticed the absense of some of their club members.

"Where are the others?" Artoria asked.

"Oh, Kobayashi-sensei went to pick up Kanna-chan at the elementary department as today's when Kanna-chan's class is returning from their field trip." Nana said.

"I'm guessing that Tohru-chan tag along with her?" Artoria asked.

"No, she and Belladona-san went outside to grab some ingredients." Nana replied before going back to teaching Neko.

"Oh? We're having dinner at the clubroom tonight? That's fine with me." Artoria said as she walked towards one of the bookshelves in the room containing her growing light novel collection.

"When do you think Lily-san and the others are coming back from their devil job thingy?" Ruby asked Weiss.

"I'm not sure. As from what I've learned they normally take a few hours to finish a contract. Yes, that is correct, Neko-san." Weiss replied before returing her attention to Neko.

Not having anything better to do, Ruby went back to helping Nana and Weiss in teaching Neko.


A few hours later, everyone is now having dinner in the clubroom.

Managing to hand out at least thirty fliers, Yang decided that should be enough for the day and decided to teleport back to the clubroom, just in time for Raven, Pyrrha, Neo and Cinder to enter the room after training.

Twenty minutes later, Irisviel and her Peerage entered the room, surprising and confusing most of the room's occupants at the fact that the clubroom is capable of holding more than thirty people at once while still looking spacious.

"If everyone is wondering on how the clubroom is still capable of all of us here without feeling like packed sardines. I placed an enchantment on the room that would make it ALWAYS spacious, regardless of the number of occupants in the room." Artoria said, much to everyone's amazement.

"Sugoi! I wasn't aware that enchantment magic is capable of doing such things!" Sona said looking around the spacious clubroom.

"Everything is doable, Sona-chan~" Irisviel said.

"Yep, you are only limited by time, power, resources, and by your very imagination!" Artoria added, giving everyone a confidence boost.

Y/n awkwardly coughed and whispered to himself. "Also the ability to completely ignore the existence of the rules of reality and universe itself."

"It's a shame that Tenma-san turned down our invitation to join us for dinner." Akeno said, sipping a tea made by Blake.

"Well, you can't blame her. Being a normal Angel and having dinner in a room full of Devils is basically suicide. And with nine of them being ultimate class Devils, not to mention my Nee-chan being a former Maou. I would be really suspicious of Tenma-san if she had accepted Rias' invitation." Sona replied.

"Still, isn't weird for an angel like Gab-san to not be hostile on Devils like us?" Ruby said in wonder.

"Not really." Lily replied, lifting up a hand. "If you must know, all Angels are aware of the ongoing peace treaty and are currently doing their part on being passive towards us Devils and the Fallen."

Lifting up her other hand she continued. "The same could be said to the Fallen to a degree as we can't really avoid the rowdy ones and the occasional deserters and traitors in their group from starting something. Which means that even if Tenma-san hangs out with the Otaku club she'll be fine and won't be in danger of 'falling' herself as long as she doesn't get too involved with us Devils."

"Speaking of us Devils. Why haven't we invited Tsukinose-san to our club yet?" Blake asked as she refilled Summer's tea.

"You mean, Vignette-chan?" Serafall asked Blake, who nodded. "I guess we were just too occupied in the past few days that we forgot about inviting her, but yeah I can ask her tomorrow."

Standing up, Rias was about to deliver her finshed plate towards the sink when she noticed the club's center table briefly flashed, leaving a letter with the Gremory clan insignia stamped at the center of it.

Walking towards the letter, everyone watched Rias rip open the letter and read its contents.

Rias' features turned serious after reading the letter as she looked towards her Peerage.

"I received a letter from the Duke, with the contents detailing a rescue order for a Reincarnated Devil named Leoleia. She was abducted a few weeks ago by her fellow Peerage member named Brunea who has an order for arrest when the latter decided to cut ties with her master, turning into a Stray in the process." Rias said to her Peerage, with her serious demeanor going away after reading the letter.

"With this order Akeno and I will finally be able to show you girls some work for us Devils." Rias said with a smile.

Turning to Y/n, Rias said to him. "You're not coming with us. Knowing your luck things will instantly get worse the moment you enter the area."

"I take offense to that." Y/n said from his seat earning him a pat in the head from the girl currently sitting on his lap.

"There there." Kanna said making Shirone, who is sitting sext to them pout.

"Anyway, my Peerage will go alone on this one as this job was given to my Peerage." Rias said while summoning a magic circle under her feet with her Peerage gathering around her.

"Be back in a couple of hours. So don't shut my computer off as I'm in a middle of downloading an expansion update. Anyway, see you guys later!" Rias said before teleporting away with her peerage to their destination.

"Does she even know where their target is?" Emi asked, earning her a giggle from Lily.

"Don't worry about that Kobayashi-sensei. Missions like that always leaves coordinates around the area, so they won't be that far from their target. And with their training, they would be able to pinpoint the location of their target with their senses, so they'll be fine~!"

"If you say so." Emi conceded at her words before going back to the jello that she was eating.

"Kobayashi-san, ahhhh~" Toru said, holding hup a spoon with red jello on it.

"Ah, thanks" Emi said before eating the offered jello.


Arriving at their destination, Rias' group looked around them and noted that they are currently in the idustrial part of the town.

"We're here." Rias said, surveying the area around her. "Based from the coordinates I've read on the letter, our target should be hiding on this part of the town."

Seeing a medium sized three story tall building standing a block away from them, Rias took note of the its characteristics and nodded when she found what she's looking for.

"Ah, Rias-san? Where are you going?" Summer asked when her King suddenly walked towards a random direction. "Shouldn't we investigate the area first or let Blake and Yang sense our target's exact location?"

"No need. It's obvious they're hiding on that building." Rias said, pointing at the building underconstruction.

"Um... How do you know they're hiding there?" Ruby asked.

"She just knows, Ruby" Akeno giggled as she followed her King.

"It's just common sense, Ruby. Third-rate baddies always hide in abandoned buildings or buildings undergoing construction." Rias answered before continuing her walk towards the building.

"That doesn't make any sense! You're just basing your logic on the Anime that you watch!" Weiss said in exasperation.

Not even turning to Weiss to refute her accusation, Rias instructed Blake and Yang to scan the area.

Blake used her Senjutsu to track their target by their life force, while Yang used Earth Magic to feel the vibration around her in a hundred-meter radius and found two of their targets, hiding on the top floor of the building that Rias is currently heading towards to.

"Huh, she's right." Yang said, surprising Ruby, Weiss, Raven and Summer. They then all turned to Blake for confirmation.

"Oi." Yang said indignantly, causing Blake to smirk.

"Yes, they're in that building and are currently on the top floor." Blake said, causing them to look back towards Rias.

"How!?" Weiss asked the same question running in their minds.

"Logic! Duh!" Rias yelled back. "What are you guys waiting for? Let's go!"

She was then stopped by Raven. "Hang on, let me just scout ahead for any surprises." She said before being engulfed in a black mist.

A raven then flew out of the mist and headed towards the upper floors of the building.

"Man, I still can't do that for some reason." Yang commented while watching Raven fly around the building and occasionally enter it through the window frames of the building's exterior sheathing.

A few minutes later, a small magic circle appeared next to Rias' ear.

[Alright, everything seems to be clear except for the top floor as there's some sort of barrier placed around it in place of the missing walls.] Raven said, communicating through the small magic next to Rias' ear. With their Devil enhanced senses everyone was also able to hear Raven's report, saving Rias' the trouble of relaying Raven's report to her Peerage.

"Good work. We'll meet you on the second floor." Rias replied before dismissing the communication magic.

A moment later they all unfurled their wings and flew up towards the second floor to meet up with Raven, who is now out of her avian form.

Pushing off from the wooden frame she's leaning on, Raven addressed the group. "Coast is clear. I've already checked the stairs and its safe for us to use." Raven said with Rias nodding in acknowledgement.

"Everyone." Rias said, getting everyone's attention. "Keep your senses sharp. The Stray Brunea is said to be an ambush-type, and with the mutations she's guaranteed to have from being a Stray, we can't tell how dangerous she has become. So be alert and cover everyone's backs." Rias said to them before turning towards the stairs.

"Let's go. The more time we waste the more danger this Leoleia person is in." Rias said as she ran up the stairs with Akeno quickly following behind her.

"Well, you heard her." Ruby said bringing out her sniper scythe and went to follow the King and Queen.

"Right." Weiss replied as she and the rest followed.


Rias and her peerage immediately stopped the moment they all reached the top floor as they all scanned the area around them.

Ruby, Yang and Weiss were thankful for their Devil enhanced senses granting them night vision as the moment they entered they immediately noticed how their vision shifted to adjust well in a really dark area, caused by the black walls surrounding the entire floor

"Ah, food has arriv- A feast has arrive~!" Everyone snapped their heads towards the source of the voice and saw a girl in her late teens with a shoulder length maroon hair, leaning casually against a support beam.

Recognizing the face of the person that greeted them Rias stepped forward. "Stray Devil Brunea, by the orders of the Duke, surrender peacefully and no harm will befall onto your person." Rias said towards the Stray Devil.

Everyone in Rias' peerage, except Akeno looked at Rias strangely.

"What happened to Rias-san? Did someone kidnapped her when I wasn't looking?" Yang whispered to her Team.

Akeno chuckled at Yang's joke or what she's assuming a shot towards Rias's sudden shift in demeanor.

"You girls have always seen Rias' goofy side. But now you will all see Rias' when she's serious." Akeno said to her fellow Peerage members.

"What the hell are you talking about?" The Stray Dedvil's words caught Rias off-guard which she skillfully hid behind a raised eyebrow.

Deciding to humor the Stray on the dumb act, Rias replied. "You are being charged for the crime of 'Straying' and for kidnapping your fellow Peerage member. You are lucky that you didn't try to kill your own master and just decided on deserting away. For that your punishment has been lightened to imprisonment, instead of being executed on the spot."

"I have no idea what are you talking about. Peerage? Master? For a simple food your being too confusing. How about let's get back to when it's less confusing, yeah? You stand there and I'll devour your delicious soul!" Brunea said before suddenly darting towards Rias, who didn't move an inch from her spot and only stared blankly at the approaching Stray.

But before the Stray could even get to a striking distance, she was blown away by a punch from Yang, as the latter jumped in front of Rias the moment the Stray moved.

"Promotion Knight." Yang said with her body glowing briefly, as she felt her body turn light.

Following Yang's example the rest of Team RWBY then promoted themselves and went to surround Brunea, who is currently rubbing her cheek from Yang's punch.

Seeing the Stray surrounded Rias told Summer and Raven to recover their rescue target.

"Oi. Oi. Are you seriously trying to fight me?" The Stray asked as she pushed herself off a black wall.

"Did that punch didn't gave you enough clue?" Yang retorted as she raised her fists while summoning multiple magic circles that went to cover her arm like a gauntlet.

The stray was about to launch herself towards Yang when she abruptly jumped to the side, narrowly dodging a slash from Ruby.

"Hah! Missed me, girlie!" The Stray taunted, which failed to rile up Ruby, due to the latter slowly getting resistant to Neo's taunting during their spars.

'Neo's taunting is better than this and she's mute!' Ruby thought to herself as she went for the offensive.


Neo made a noise when she violently expelled air from her nose all of a sudden. Spilling the icecream she was savoring towards the floor with a wet splat.

Neo stared wide-eyed at the spilled icecream on the floor before shifting her focus towards her shaking hands.

Pyrrha who was sitting beside her saw it all happen with fear in her eyes.

"N-Neo..." Pyrrha said, attempting to calm the girl down before she goes on a rampage without Raven there to calm her.

She then watched in trepidation as the silent girl closed her eyes for few seconds and took a deep breath

She was about to bolt out of the room when Neo forcefully breathed out and opened her heterochromatic eyes.

She instinctively held Akouo protectively in front of her when Neo's hand move towards her pocket... And pulled out a popsicle icecream.

Pyrrha stared at the silent girl blankly as the latter peeled off the plastic wrapping on the cold treat and began to eat it as if what happened a few seconds ago didn't even happen.

'This girl...' Pyrrha thought as she watched Neo enjoy her new treat.


Back with Rias' group, Raven and Summer managed to quickly recover their rescue target and deliver her to Rias.

"We've found her, Rias-san. She's unharmed but she's drifting in and out of consiousness."

Rias inspected the girl and noted the green scales on the girl's arms and the pair of folded green wings on the girl's back. Rias noted that the characteristics of the girl matched the description of one of their targets the letter, confirming the girl on Summer's arms is indeed Leoleia.

"D-don't hurt her..." Raven and Summer looked down at the girl they rescued as she struggled to remain conscious.

"Brunea's not in control... She's being possessed..." All Leoleia managed to say before slumping unconscious.

"Being possessed? Hmm... Brunea-san's lucky that we are only tasked to apprehend her and not execute her on the spot." Rias said, before contacting Weiss via communication magic as their target Stray managed to leave the building with Team RWBY following behind her.

"Weiss, we have been notified that our target Brunea is not acting on her own will and is being possessed. Please do your best to knock her out without seriously harming her." Rias said to her Peerage.

[Will do, Rias-san.] Weiss replied before cutting off the communication magic.

"Akeno please provide them aerial support." Rias said to her Queen who nodded as the latter flew out of the hole that the Stray made in the dark room in her attempt to avoid being surrounded in an indoor area.

As Akeno took to the skies she noticed something in the distance and contacted Rias.

"Rias, I spotted a person heading towards Team RWBY's location." Akeno said to her King.

[Alright. I'll have Summer-san and Raven-san watch over Leoleia-san. I'm going to head towards Team RWBY's location as well. I'll meet you there.] Rias said to her 

[Akeno, keep your communicatio- you know what Imma call it Relay magic instead it's a mouthful.] Akeno sweatdropped at her King but kept on listening. [I'm going to connect the entire Peerage to a single network so don't cut off yours. *Sigh* Man, I have to figure out a way for us communicate through telepathy...] Akeno chuckled at Rias' muttering before flying over several industrial building. Not noticing the unknown individual that she had spotted earlier is now following her.

The unknown that is currently following Akneo is a young black haired girl that has her hair styled in short ponytail with two short bangs framing the sides of her face. 'Are those wings? Who is she? What is she?' She asked herself as she followed Akeno from the ground. 'She's heading towards my target. Is she an accomplice?' The girl thought, increasing her pace to catch up.

Upon reaching the area the girl slowed down at the sounds of combat ahead. She reached her hand to her side in a manner as if she's trying to draw a sword.

Willing something to come out, the girl felt something on her hand and grasped it tightly before drawing it from her hip. On her hand is a Japanese katana with a silver rectangular tsuba attached to adark red handle and a meter long white tassel tied to the pommel.

Looking around her, she was about to go climb on top of a building to get a better vantage point when a building's wall not far from where she's standing exploded when a person crashed through it.

"Heh heh. Not bad! Shame, you could've killed me back there if you weren't holding a toothpick!" The person that crashed through the wall said as she eyed the hole in the wall.

"I'm not going for the kill while you're possessing that Stray Devil." A feminine voice coming from inside the building replied as she walked out of the hole, revealing Weiss and Yang who's fists are currently on fire.

'Devil?' The unknown girl wondered in confusion.

"Oh?" The Stray smirked at Weiss' response as she rolled her shoulders and dusted herself. "Well this-" The Stray suddenly cut herself off as she suddenly turned her head to the side to see an unknown girl holding up a sword.

"Ohohoho! I knew this feast would come with a dessert and a big one too! I can literally tell the size of this girl's reiryoku and it's making my mouth water!" The Stray said as she licked her lips while eyeing the unknown girl hungrily.

'Oh shoot!' Ruby thought while standing on top of a building directly behind the Stray. Using her semblance to appear next to the unknown girl in a shower of rose petals, Ruby protectively stood in front of the girl and held her scythe out.

"Hey, you need to get out of here! It's really dangerous!" Ruby said to the girl without taking her eyes off from the Stray Devil, less her opponent take advatage of her being distracted.

"I know what's going on. That's a Hollow you guys are fighting and I'm the only one currently who can injure that thing without injuring this girl that is currently being possessed." The unknown girl replied causing Ruby to sigh at the girl in frustration.

'Why won't this chunni girl listen!? This is serious! Even if she can fight with her sword, she would still be fighting a Devil, an opponent way beyond her level!' Ruby thought in frustration, already planning on knocking the unknown girl out to forcefully get her out of the area.

"Ruby, let that girl fight. If that weapon is what I think is the kind of weapon that she's holding, then she's the only one here that can harm this being without harming Brunea." Rias said as she and Akeno flew above them, surrounding the possessed Stray.

Stepping forward, the girl pointed her sword at the Stray. "Get ready, Hollow. As I'm about to kick your ass!"

"That was lame." Rias blankly said, making the unknown girl blush in embarrassment.

"Shut it Tomato Girl!"


Chapter 61 END
