Ch 5


Hischool Dxd is owned by Ichiei Ishibumi

"Booming voice or sound"

3rd Person's POV

"Tannin-dono what happened? What did you do to repel Great Red?"

Sirzechs asked Tannin as the latter, still facing the empty spot where the red dragon previously occupied.

"I didn't do anything! No, it just looked at me as if it just noticed me when it saw me from it's peripheral view." Answered Tannin, with him now feeling tired from his near death experience 'It just directly looked at me and I was immediately paralyzed with fear as my life flashed before my eyes. For me to have a close encounter with death from just a look! That Being is truly scary!' He thought out loud.

The four Satans looked in silent understanting, with being the center of attention from one of strongest beings alive. Tannin was truly lucky to not even be considered as a threat.

Within the awkward silence the Maou Asmodeus spoke.

"Welp. Everyone! Now that Great Red went back to the Dimensional Gap and with our race is not in danger anymore. I'll go back to sleep!" With Falbium with his eyes losing their alertness.

"Um... Don't you have some paper work to fill in?" Asked Sirzechs in confusion.

"I'm not a loser." Retorted Falbium with him teleporting out. Back in his office to sleep, as his peerage sighed tiredly expecting a mountain of paper work they have to conquer.

"I guess I can go back to my project then!" Said Ajuka following Falbium's example in pursuing his hobby than doing his duty as a Maou.

As he teleported, his peerage left as well to do their own hobbies as well

"Me too! As I was interrupted while I'm in the middle of putting hidden cameras in So-tan's bedroom earlier!" Said Serafall excitedly as she departed with a wink.

And soon after, her Queen followed suit. Without the wink of course.

*Sigh* "Am I the only one who takes this job seriously?" Sirzechs tiredly complained.

"Sirzechs-sama... Earlier you were planning to ditch your paperwork so that you can go to the human world so that you could give Rias-sama a surprise visit! You don't have the right to complain here!" Said Grayfia with a twitching eyebrow.

"But Ria-tan is my beloved imouto! And as her 'Onii-chama' it's my job to spoil her!" Reasoned Sirzechs as if it's common sense.

"Then please spoil your daughter instead Sirzechs-sama! As Lily-sama is the only one spoiling her!" Countered Grayfia.

"But I do spoil Millicas-chan as well!" Sirzechs said weakly. "Hmph! Creep." Grayfia coldly said.

Soon after they activated their teleportation circle while the two still arguing back and forth, with their other peerage members not far behind them watching in amusement as they're consumed in crimson light.

"It is really depressing hearing things like that from the Yondai Maou." Commented Tannin with his self now relaxing after seeing the interaction earlier.

"Heh!" Tannin let out a quiet chuckle after being reminded of his actions earlier "Charging in without thinking! I guess I'm still not so different from myself back then! A reckless punk trying to take on everyone!" Mused Tannin comparing his present self to his younger days when he was still a reckless prideful dragon.

"This a story I could laugh about from the Centuries to come!" Declared Tannin as he flew back to Dragon mountain.


As I reentered the Dimensional Gap I immediately started to familiarize myself with my powers, a few tests later I soon came to realize that to control my powers I have to will it similar to willing my body to move  and not commanding it as if it's a seperate entity like a pet.

It took me a 43 hours practicing and testing my powers until I discovered the correct way for me to control my power is to not consciously think about it. In which I was doing the opposite when I was trying to suppress my power levels in the Underworld, to which made me lose control.

Good thing that way of controling my power also applies to my other abilities.

Speaking of abilities I could literaly do anything, except 'snapping' someone out of existence which is bullshit.(A/n you can't will them out of existence. And your powers is only limited by your imagination and morals.)

Bottom line is that I'm a cheat character.

I guess I would have to hold myself back for to at least enjoy beating this world's baddies.

I was then knocked off my musing by a sound of cracking coming from behind me.

As I turned around I felt a powerful presence coming from the crack. "I guess meeting this being is unavoidable afterall." I whispered to myself.

Soon the empty space with cracks starting to spread then not soon after it shattered as a large green figure shoot out from it and luckily crash landed on one of the giant floating rocks I created 16 hours ago while testing my powers

'Huh? That's not Ophis.' I said in surprise and relief as I don't want to deal with a overpowered loli at the moment.

"Tohru! Are you okay!? Wake up! Tohru!" A voice cried out from the injured green dragon's hands which are cupped together protectively.

'Isn't a bit too early for a crossove- wait! I need to help them!' were my thoughts as I rushed in to help them.


3rd Person's POV

A bespectacled young woman with bright red hair emerged from the green dragon's hands.

"Tohru! Wake up! Come on Tohru! Please wake up!"

As the woman was crying out to her friend to wake up a large shadow covered the entire rock they are crashed on. She looked up and saw the biggest dragon she has ever seen.

"Allow me to help!" A deep masculine voice came from the dragon she is looking at "Please!" The young woman cried out in response as the red dragon's eyes glowed gold. She and her friend are then bathed in golden light. Black smoke then started to come out from the green dragon's wounds, as it's wounds starts to rapidly heal and close up after the smoke left it's body.

The green dragon's breathing then relaxed as it's eyes slowly cracked open and slowly stood up on shaky legs

"Thank you for saving me and  aswell removing the 'death mark' curse from me." A feminine voice came out from the green dragon as it thanked great red dragon in front of her.

"It's nothing." Great Red responded

"Now could you tell me how did you two ended up here in the Dimensional Gap of all places?" Great red questioned the two.

