
3rd Person POV

"School's over for today everyone. Remember to fill out the club forms as it will be submitted on at the end of the week!" The teacher said reminding the class.

"Finally!" Rias celebrated as she took her bag and walked out of the classroom.

"Are you that excited to start a club that you forget the club registration form?" Akeno said as she catches up to her.

"Ehehe~" Rias could only laugh sheepishly as she took the form from Akeno.

The two then walked to their destination discussing about today's class.

"So I've noticed you're really relax now Rias." Akeno said smiling over Rias' carefree attitude.

"Of course! I've finally managed to dissolve my engagement with that man!" Rias said with a shiver of disgust at the end.

"I really owe Sona a big favor though." Rias said still remembering Sona's indirect assistance to her.

"Well, she did unintentionally gave you a clue for a way out so I guess that's fair."

"Mhmm, I'm actually embarrassed to myself that I didn't thought of that a few years earlier." Rias nodded remembering Sona's gesture to herself with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes and the look you gave Sona after she heard about the dissolved engagement." Akeno said in amusement making Rias crack a smile as she remembers her actions a few weeks ago.

"Thanks for the tip Sona!" Rias said as she winked and stuck her tongue out to Sona making the latter jaw drop realizing what the former was talking about.
Flashback End

The two laughed as they remembered the entire thing, the two then continued walking to their destination while making small talk on their way.
Principal's office

After reaching the door of their destination Rias suddenly kicked the door open and went in without even knocking being clearly excited that she forgot her manners.

"Irisviel-sama! I've brought the club registration form!" Rias said as she kicked the door open adding another dent to the poor door.

"Rias-chan! You're the second person to dent my door!" Irisviel said without anger towards Rias' actions.

"Oh! Sorry!" Rias apologized to Irisviel. "Wait, if I'm the second one to do that then who's the first?"

Before Irisviel could answer her a voice answered for her. "It's my Sona-tan who did it! I saw it afterall!"


Rias quickly turned seeing Serafall behind her scaring her and Akeno.

"How did I not notice you Leviathan-sama!? You're wearing pink for crying out loud!"

"Rias-chan didn't you know that stealth is  a Magical girl's specialty!?"

'I'm pretty sure that's a ninja's specialty not a magical girl's." Rias thought afraid of saying that to Serafall's face.

"What brings you here though?" Rias asked Serafall surprised that a Maou coming to school.

"Oh I want to see So-tan so bad after I saw her kick that door open-" Serafall gestures at the door "-I got excited because I've never seen So-tan do something aggressive!" Said Serafall with excitement.

"How did you see Sona when you're in the underworld Serafall-sama?" Rias asked Serafall curiousity.

Serafall then pointed at 4 random directions before doing a twist and a wink accompanied with a giggle.

Rias looked at the directions that Serafall pointed and sweatdropped, realizing that there are four well hidden cameras in the room.

'...we are talking about Sona's onee-sama being a hardcore sis-con, this shouldn't be surprising afterall.' Rias thought.

"Anyways, I will leave now Iris-chan as I have to go get my Sonatime! Just hand me my class schedule later ok~!" Serafall said as she rushed out of the room while yelling out "Onee-chan's coming for you Sooo-taaaannn!!!"

Rias froze as she heard the suprising news of Serafall staying at the school.

"Ara, Rias-chan are you okay?" Irisviel asked Rias in amusement.

After recovering from her shock Rias immediately asked Irisviel"What does Leviathan-sama mean by her class schedule Irisviel-sama?"

"Oh~! Sera-chan is enrolling here, and I don't think calling Sera-chan her former title will do anymore Rias-chan as she handed her position to Katerea-chan~"

"Wait, how did she do that!? Is that even allowed!?" Rias cried out in disbelief.

"Well, she bullied the elder council to agreeing though." Rias sweatdropped as Irisviel continued. "And even then the reason that she only got the Leviathan title was because Katerea-chan refused it in the first place."

"Haha..." Rias laughed weakly as she now feels sorry for Sona. "Sona didn't even stood a chance in the first place!" Rias said referring to Sona's run for the presidential seat in the student's council.

"Rias? The form?" Akeno then reminded Rias of the reason for coming to the principal's office.

"Oh, I've almost forgot! Irisviel-sama I'm submitting the club registration form to start a club." Rias said as she placed the form on Irisviel's table.

Irisviel then looked at the paper for few seconds before looking back to Rias. "Are you sure about this club you're starting Rias-chan?" Irisviel asked.

"Of course! It's my hobby after all! And now that I'm free from my engagement. I get to freely enjoy my highschool life!" Rias answered.

"Well if that's your reason then I'm okay with it!" Irisviel then signed the form giving Rias the permission to start her own club.

"Finally! Now that the Otaku club is now officially a club I could now again resume my hobby here in the human world!" Celebrated Rias.

Irisviel smiled before getting Rias's attention "Rias-chan, there are things that you should know about. As we apparently have residents here in Kuoh that are not humans.

"What do you mean not humans? Are there angels or fallen angels here?" Rias asked Irisviel she then turned to her friend who looks confused "Akeno did Baraqiel-san mentioned anything about fallen angels coming to Kuoh?"

"No, Papa didn't metioned anything about fallen activity in town." Akeno answered Rias.

"Rias-chan, Akeno-chan, I didn't mean the angels or the fallen are the non human residents." Irisviel reassured the duo while getting their attention "I'm talking about dragons Rias-chan, and right now we have three dragons living in Kuoh not far from the school. And from what Seekvaira-chan told me 5 hours ago The True Dragon is one of them." Irisviel said seriously making the duo freeze from the news, she then revealed. "After getting a report from Seekvaira and meeting two of the dragons I've immediately informed Sera-chan about what's going on."

"..." The two girls remained silent for a moment before Rias said

"The True Dragon..." Rias trailed off.

"Rias?" Akeno said trying to get Rias' attention.

'It's been a while Red...' Rias thought to herself she then looked at Irisviel. "Thank you for telling me this Irisviel-sama, I'll go and start looking for a room where my club will be. Oh, by the way can I use the old school house by the woods" Rias said to Irisviel. "Uhh... Yeah, that building is fine Rias-chan for you and your future peerage." Irisviel said confused of the sudden change of topic. "Rias then said. "That's great! As I need to set a base for my future peerage when I finally receive my Evil pieces, so anyways I'll go start with the preparations now Irisviel-sama." Rias said as she left the room

"Umm... Okay bye?" Irisviel said confused at Rias' attitude just now.

"Found you! Sooo-taaann~!!!" "Wha- O-onee-sama!?" Serafall and Sona's voices were then heard throughout the entire school.

"Oh dear..." Irisviel said now worried for Sona.

Chapter 11 done!
