Chapter 36: The reaction

"Have you heard of yesterday!?" "Yeah!" "I was really worried when I was watching the live feed." "To think that those kind of creatures really exists!" "Rumors says that they came from a temple!" "It's a gate Riko-chan!" "Ah! Gomen! Gomen! Kotegawa-san!" Topics about the attack yesterday filled the corridor as I walked pass my student while heading towards the cafeteria.
"A Sensei wait!" A voice called from behind making me look at the person who called me.


Sensei... About yesterday-" My student Yuusaki Riko said before being interrupted by.

'Shameless!' Said my automatic thought process everytime I see her.

"-Actually Sensei, Riko-chan here is having troubles with one of her studies and she's asking if you could tutor her in English?" Yui-san said interrupting Riko-san.

'Oi. I teach P.E ya know...' I thought to myself after hearing Yui-san's diversion.

[Darling?] Artoria mentally asked.


[When classes are over could you head to the Principal's office? Irisviel-san is requesting for a meeting.] Artoria said before cutting the connection.

Hmm... It's probably because of yesterday's attack that the principal is requesting for a meeting.

"Sensei?" Riko-san called breaking me off from my musing.

"Yuusaki-kun, Kotegawa-kun. Meet me at the Principal's office after classes are over." I said to them making them react, but before they could protest I immediately added. "Don't worry both of you are not in trouble. it's just about yesterday so meet me there or I'll just pick you both up on your classroom."

"O-ok" Riko-san nervously agreed.

"Ok Sensei..." Said the equally nervous Yui-san.

I guess the 'you are not in trouble' is a warning light that you are in trouble...

"W-well s-see you after classes Sensei!" Riko-san said making Mordred-san and Altria-san who overheard Riko-san's words commented.

"Hoh? That's bold of you Yuusaki! For the you to be asking L/n-Sensei on a date!? Damn!" Mordred-san teased.

"An after school rendezvous? Next stop is a Love Hote-" Altria-san added before being interrupted by the flustered Yui-san. "H-how shameless! F-for a Sensei-student relationship!? I won't allow it!"

Riko-san who is now steaming red cried "I-it's not like that! Sensei and I are not on a Re-re-re..." flustered and stuttering Riko-san tried to run away from the teasing but she forgot that I'm standing next to her, which she ended up-



Crashing onto me she tried to break her fall with her hands flailing wildy, 'coincidentally' her hands ended up on the waistband of my pants and with her momentum my reputation and dignity would normally be at risk.




"Ri-Riko-chan!? You-!?" Yui-san said as she watched Riko-san grab on the waistband of my pants braking her fall.

"Y-Your 'godly' falling didn't happen on Sensei!" Yui-san shakily said making some their classmates go wide eyed at the miracle that is happening in front of them.

"S-sugoi!" "The legend says that if one is not pantsed by Riko-san, then that person is her destined one!" "Uwa! This area is now a new wonder of the school!"

Comments from the students didn't help Riko-san's case as went 'POOF!' and run inside their classroom making Yui-san chase after her.

'Well that wouldn't be Riko-san if that didn't happen.' I thought as I patted my waistband that I telekineticlly willed to stick to my waistline.

Still... That girl though... She subconsciously tugged on my waistband when she fell...

After classes

I stopped in front of Riko-san and Yui-san's classroom as it's door slid open revealing Mordred-san, Altria-san, Riko-san and Yui-san.

"Alright! Let's go!" I said as I led them to the meeting room.

"I'm not in trouble am I Sensei?" Riko-san worriedly asked.

Probably because of her earlier falling.

"Nah! Like I said earlier it's about yesterday's event." I waved off her worries before remembering something. "Oh! Before that let's make a detour to the faculty room." I said.

Luckily they didn't ask as I'm too lazy to answer anyways.
After reaching the faculty room we went inside as I called for a certain sensei.

"Hey Nana are you here?" I called making her stick her head out from her work desk.

"Oh, Y/n-kun! What's up?" She said wondering why I'm looking for her as a cover. As she probably figured why I'm here.

"The ceiling- Anyways I'm here because the principal is looking for you because you ditched work yesterday." I said with a teasing grin causing her eyebrow to twitch in irritation.

"Didn't you do the same!?" She cried while grabbing her bag as she made her way towards us.

"I wasn't feeling well actually so I had to leave early" I said with my grin going wider as we left the faculty room.

"Hah!? Didn't we have a date yesterday!?" She cried trying to take me down with her.

Oho? So that's how she wants to play huh? And what do you mean date? Hah!? Wasn't about you asking me for an advice?

"I'll order two number Nine's, a number Ni-" I then chanted a flashback inducing spell on Nana which is super effective on her as I barely even started with the second verse before she interrupted me.

"Kyaa!!! Don't say it!!!" Nana cried out with a dark red blush on her face making the four students behind me look on with varying reactions.

"Hah!? L/n-sensei ditched work!? How come we're not allowed!?" Mordred-san complained in unfairness.

"Mhm. Double standards." Altria-san said while nodding.

"Wha-wha-wha-" Riko-san could only stutter in shock as Nana's claim about our 'date' sticked on her mind

"That's irresponsible for adults like you two! Ditching work!? How shameless!" Yui-san said as she scolded us with a flustered look on her face.

Ah, thank you Yui-san for staying the same!
After a few minutes of walking we finally reached the Principal's office. Reaching towards the door I turned the knob before pushing the door open. Stepping in the room I noticed that the room got bigger than what I remembered.

"Yaho~!" Irisviel-san greeted us while cheerfully waving her hand making the Riko-san and Yui-san awkwardly wave back.

I looked around the room and saw Arturia-san and Jeanne-san listening to Lily-san as she animatedly tells them a story making Mordred-san and Altria-san join them.

As I was taking a seat the door opened as the rest of the Otaku club entered the room.

After everyone finished getting into their seats Irisviel-san started the meeting.

"Due to the events yesterday some people are now aware of the supernatural world." She started making Yui-san raise her hand.

"Excuse me Kocho Sensei but what is this 'supernatural world' you are talking about?" Yui-san asked.

"Ara, I forgot about you three not being aware of the supernatural world. My bad~" Irisviel-san said sheepishly.

Seriously this woman...

Irisvie-san then gave them a basic rundown about the supernatural world making the three silent as they slowly absorbed the information given to them.

"Alright~! Now that is out of the way~! We can get back to the topic at hand~! Now... Based on the report given to me by Y/n-kun from yesterday's events. It appears that the attackers came from a gate that is connected to a different world." She said as the others went wide eyed from the information, she then continued. "And with that, I then decided myself that the Otaku club will go and explore this world beyond the gate with Y/n-kun leading the exploration." She said as she looks at me before turning to Serafall. "Of course Sera-chan here will handle the diplomatic side of things as the secondary goal of this exploration is to make alliances." Irisviel-san said before turning to Nana

"Nana-chan you will be joining the Otaku club as well." Irisviel-san said making Nana fistpump.

"Is it because of her involvement yesterday?" I asked as Irisviel-san nodded in agreement. "Mhm~!"

"All right! Then this could serve as a training trip for everyone as well!" I said making the girls present during the first training session excited.


"Yes another one with Red!"

"Date with Red-sama~! Hehehe~!"

"Another date with Red! And this time I will get that kiss!"

"Ufufufu~ My drama~!"

"Vacation with Darling~! Haaaa~"

Their reason that they got excited is probably not because they will get stronger faster though...

"I have a brilliant idea!" Irisviel-san suddenly said as she stood up getting everyone's attention.

"How about... Every one in the room get's to go!?" Irisviel-san said making everyone go wide eyed especially the two human students.

"Wai-" Before Yui-san could protest she was interrupted by a loud "Yatta!!!" coming from Riko-san.

"Meeting adjourned~! Now snack time~!" Irisviel-san said as she pulled out a large tray of snacks from out of nowhere and placed it on the center table.

'Finally! To the Special Region!' I celebrated internally as I could now freely let loose a bit while in that area.

Pssshhhttt! Crack!

A sound of opening can of soda made me look at Sona-san. 'She wasn't holding any cans when she entered the room! So how!?' I thought as Sona-san asked something that made us stop from what we're doing, except Kanna as she's...

Crunch! Munch! Munch! Crunch!

"Irisviel-sama, if you're going with us then who will be the standing principal in the meantime?"

"Oh I don't worry~! I got it covered~!" Irisviel-san said as she fed Kanna some cookies.

Next day

"Man... They sure work fast." I said as I looked at the interior of the dome that covers the Gate from the public.

"Yeah, it's like the building companies back at the underworld." Rias said in agreement.

Our exploration group stood in front of the Gate. We could see some soldiers moving around and with some soldiers giving us confused looks.

"I'm surprise no one's making a fuss yet at why a group of random people are here." Emi said making Irisviel-san say "Because Emi-chan we have permission from the higher ups of the Japanese government."

Wait. What?

Irisviel-san upon seeing everyone's surprised reaction explained vaguely with a smug look on her face "I have connections at high places~!"

"*Cough*Blackmail*Cough*" Lily-san coughed.

This woman... Is scary!

Anyways we are a couple of months earlier than the Special Task Force. That means that I get to fuck up this canon. Nice!


I then felt someone from behind grab hold of my hand making me look.

"We are going to be okay... Right?" Riko-san asked me worriedly, making the equally worried Yui-san place a hand on her shoulder. "Have faith on Sensei Riko-chan." Yui-san said with a comforting smile.

Riko-san only nodded in return while still not letting go of my hand.



Someone then grabbed my other hand making turn my head to se-

"Uuuu. I'm scared."

"...Could you? You know? Put on some effort at least Hun?" I said to Artoria who only pouted cutely in return.

Grab! Grab! Grab! Grab! Grab! Grab! Grab!

Multiple hands belonging to Rias, Emi, Tohru, Kanna, Akeno, Nana and surprisingly Serafall grabbed on my red Oppai hoodie.

"Guh! Too slow!" "Red..." "Red-sama~!"
"Red-sama. Sweets." "Ufufu~" "This is a bit embarrassing... But I won't lose!" "*Blush!*"

Y'all better not put a rip on this hoodie!

Pssshhhtt! Crack!

...Even now Sona?

"Let's go everyone-" Arturia said before being interrupted as she felt a tug on her scarf.

I didn't even bothered to comment on the clothing she picked to wear today as I'm much more focused on the one behind her.

"Fine..." Arturia said reluctantly as she patted Mordred's head before holding the jealous girl's hand.

"Fufufu~ This is so fun~!" Irisviel-san commented while watching our group interactions.

"Anyways! Ready everyone?" She said making as all answer.


Walking towards the entrance of the Gate we all prepared ourselves for an adventure beyond it.

Chapter 36
