Chapter 56: A short break from battle

"Haven't seen him do that before..." Rias muttered to herself after witnessing the flashy defeat of the stubborn Raid Boss at the hands of Y/n.

"Yeah, I haven't seen Y/n-san use that on our training," Sona nodded in agreement.

"I could do better." Milim muttered to herself which only Rimuru heard.

"And Red-chan has a good reason for not using that ability of his on friendly spars," Serafall said getting a nod from Artoria.

"Sera-san is right," Artoria said, joining on the conversation. "You've seen how that ability of his easily defeated Charybdis, right? A powerful beast with an annoying durability like that was quickly defeated by Darling when he started using that ability, granted he could still easily defeat that beast even without resorting to that ability of his, but you get the point."

The people who frequently trains with Y/n shivered at the thought of themselves being erased from existence via death by rainbow.

"But still! That move was really cool, though! It's like seeing the end of a good anime fight!" Rias enthusiastically said, before frowning to herself. "Too bad I wasn't that strong yet to one-shot the enemy."

"Eh, whatever." Rias shrugged, earning her a sweatdrop from her peerage. "When I'm old enough to participate in rating games, we'll make sure to curb stomp the competition."

"Hoh? But how are you supposed to do that when you get taken out of the competition early, Rias?" Sona asked in a challenging tone.

"Wait... You're joining in as well!? I thought you and Tsubaki will be cheering on us!?" Rias countered with an obviously fake-surprised tone in her voice.

The two Kings then went back and forth, trying to one up the other in front of everyone.

'Hmmm... When was the last time did So-tan and Rias-chan had these kind of moments?' Serafall asked herself, outwardly cheering on the two younger girls on their rivalry exchange.

"So we have to fight Sitri-san and Shinra-san as well?" Ruby asked Akeno.

Nodding, Akeno replied. "Mhm~! Isn't exciting~!?"

Weiss and Blake scooted away from her.

"Wow, this kind of reminds me of Vytal Tournament!" Ruby enthusiastically said, missing her team's grimace at the mention of said tournament.

Summer noticed their reactions and mentally took note of it. 'Hmm... It seems that Ruby had a different outcome on her other version's Vytal Tournament.'

She was about to turn towards Raven to see if the latter noticed their daughters' team's reaction when-


They all looked back up to the sky, specifically at Y/n, who seems to be frustrated at something.

"Oh, good! He remembered that I asked him keep that man alive..." Rimuru said with her eye twitching in irritation, already picturing the political fallout she'll have to deal with upon coming back to the village.

'Did you just had loyal my subordinate killed in cold-blood? Then this means war!'

Rimuru's eye twiched again, imagining the reaction of the Demon Lord Carrion towards Phobio's death.

Ugh, politics. What a pain!

A brief flash of light caught her attention as she turned her eyes to see Y/n, now back in his human form and is currently being bombarded with questions by the younger members of Rias' group.

"Y/n-san, that was sooo cool! The way you turned into a dragon and fought that giant flying blue thing, it was like watching a Kaiju battle similar to the movies!" Ruby said in rapid succession with the people around her barely keeping up with her words.

"Too bad you didn't get to end it with an atomic breath, though. That would've been awesome." Ruby said before quickly adding, "N-not that I'm saying the spinning rainbow wasn't cool, though. I was only looking forward for the atomic breath."

"Uh, what?" Y/n said in confusion, causing Ruby's cheeks to instantly glow red.

"Ah-h, I-I'm so sorry!" Ruby stammered, embarrassed by her geeky side coming out in public, Ruby quickly pulled her hood up in an effort to hide her glowing red face from everyone's eyes.

Deciding save her sister from further embarrassing herself in front of her crush, Yang asked. "So what now? Do we proceed to fight this imperial army?"

Everyone turned to Rimuru as the latter spoke. "No, for now let's return to the village to regroup. I know it's not really necessary for us given with our heavy hitters," she said gesturing to Y/n and Milim. "But some us are not as strong as them,"she said as she gestured towards the spent Orcs, Goblin, Hobgoblins and their wolf mounts.

"The Empire has declare war or Tempest Village, and we will make sure that we will be there personally to win it, as our-my village's pride won't accept someone else doing the fighting for us-Although, we accept help from our allies." Rimuru quickly added at the end as she nervously looked at Y/n.

"Rimuru-san, may I have a word with you for a moment?" One of the men belonging from Dwargo's reinforcements said to her.

"Sure." She said walking up to the man in armor.

"It looks like bad news." Raven said, noticing the frown on Rimuru's face as she talked to the man.

"Is this where they betray us? Oh, please tell me I'm right!" Mordred excitedly said with a hint of bloodlust in her voice.

"Hm... I don't think, they'll do that, Mordred." Jeanne replied, as she watched Rimuru nod with an understanding look on her face as she parted from the man with a respecting nod, which the man returned.

They watched as the reinforcements from Dwargo climbed back onto their mounts with their leader wishing Rimuru good luck on their battle against the Imperial army.

Noticing the questioning looks from everyone, Rimuru explained. "Due to Dwargo having a non-aggression pact with the Empire, Dwargo wouldn't be able to provide us aid in the upcoming battle, in fear of jeopardizing or downright breaking the agreement."

"Good, we have less people to share with!" Mordred said with the battle-hungry people in the club nodding in agreement towards her words.

"Anyways..." Rimuru began as her hand suddenly flew towards Y/n's ear.

"I thought, I told you to not let Phobio die!?" She angrily said as she began to pull Y/n's ear.

"Why are you pulling my ear?" Y/n confusedly asked, unaffected by his ear being pulled by the angry girl in front of him.

"Because of you going all out on Charybdis, Phobio was killed alongside  it. And now I have to deal with the fallout of his boss finding out about his underling's death by our hands!"

"Actually, it's by my hands-" Y/n corrected.

"It doesn't matter!" Rimuru interjected. "The Demon Lord Carrion will still see it as myself being the one responsible for his death!"

"Why are you so worried about upsetting the guy? We could easily beat that guy up-" Y/n's words were interrupted by the people behind him.

"Please don't drag us to every fight, L/n-sensei. All of us here has school life as well." Kaguya said with Hayasaka hesitantly nodding beside her.

"Red, fighting an army is fun at times, but it gets old as well. And it's been a while since I last logged back in Yggdrasil." Rias said.

'Hmm. She's right, it's been a while since I last logged in and I bet Tabula-san is probably annoyed that I'm dragging my feet in finishing the last one of the trio.' Y/n thought, blocking out Rimuru's ranting.

"Rimuru-san," Artoria spoke, stopping Rimuru mid-rant as the latter turned to her. "You do remember that Darling can bring back the dead, right?"

Rimuru's hand made contact with her forehead 'How could I forget about that!? He's the reason why Shizue-san is alive again!'

"Hey Red, could you do me a favor and bring back Phobio? I really don't want to deal with an upset Demon Lord after a long fight with Charybdis." She asked.

"It's really tempting to say no just to piss off that Demon Lord, but sure." Y/n replied as he brought his hand out and his eyes flashed for a brief moment.

They looked towards the blank space where Y/n pointed his hand at and watched as Phobio's body appeared in a ghostly transparent form, which then began to slowly solidify and began breath deeply, indicating his return to existence in an unconscious state.

"Amazing..." Weiss whispered in awe, as she along with Team RWBY looked back at each other, silently confirming amongst themselves if what transpired just a few moments ago did really happened.

"For some reason I'm not surprised that Mr. L/n could do that." Cinder said, crossing her arms underneath her breast.

Mordred and Arturia's eyes twitched in irritation as they both looked at Cinder's more developed body with envy.

Pyrrha looked at her partner in amusement as the latter unknowingly attracted several looks from Rimuru's forces, including Benimaru.

"I agree." Pyrrha nodded "Seeing him create a living and breathing bird before. I can see why Cinder wasn't surprised at L/n-sensei bringing back the dead."

Hearing a groan Rimuru turned to see Phobio stirring unto consciousness.

"Where... Am I?" Phobio groggily asked with his memories blurry. "What... What happened?"

Visions of a fight assaulted his mind, causing his eyes to snap wide open in alert as he wildly looked around him, scanning the faces of the people around him as he looked for a specific person.

"Did you remembered what you did?" His head snapped towards Rimuru.

Faster than what his mind could process, Phobio's forehead met the ground as he prostrated himself in front of Rimuru and Milim. "I'm so sorry!"

"I've done something unthinkable to Lady Milim, and I've caused so much trouble for you!"

"Who do you think he's really apologizing to?" Milim whispered at Rimuru, who shrugged in return.

"Then you are aware of what you have done, correct?" A new voice said belong to Treyni as she and another Drayad walked out of the treeline towards them.

"Tell me," She began, complete seriousness in her tone "How did you know where Charybdis was sealed? I won't accept that you just happened to find it." She asked, interrogating the kneeling Beastman.

Looking down at his hands, Phobio replied. "Right... You see..."

He then began to tell them how he met a pair of strange masked beings that used his emotions to manipulate him and led him towards Charybdis' seal.

"Footman, huh?" Benimaru muttered to himself, remembering the exact description of the masked being that was responsible for his village's destruction.

"-what happened was my own responsibility. It has nothing to do with Demon Lord Carrion, so please... Take my life and leave him out of this!" Phobio begged as his forehead touched the ground again for the second time.

He was ignored by Rimuru and Milim.

'He's still apologizing?' Y/n wondered to himself as he cracked open a soda can, making Sona, who is standing next to him flinch in surprise after hearing a familiar sound that is usually associated with herself.

"For now we shall return to the village so that we could regroup and prepare for next incoming battle. Souei, any news about the incoming army?" Rimuru asked.

"Yes, one of my clones stationed near the edge of the forest reported movements of said army, I shall explain in further detail later when we get back to the village." Souei replied.

"Cool, now that we're done here, how about we talk about that weirdo hiding in the bushes." Y/n said, pointing towards at the two men hiding poorly behind some bushes.

"Hey, Carrion!" Milim waved at the blonde-haired man, who awkwardly waved back behind the bushes.

Yang subconsciously stepped in front of Ruby, hiding the latter from the man's view as he and his subordinate stepped out of the bushes.

"C-Carrion-sama!" Phobio gasped, surprised to see his leader so soon.

'So this is the Demon Lord Carrion...' Rimuru thought as she  observed the man confidently walking towards them.

'It's that red-haired man who created that strange magic!' Carrion thought after recognizing Y/n from his battle with Gelmund.

"You must be the leader, right?" Carrion asked, stopping in front of Y/n.

Gulp... Gulp... Gulp...

"No, he's not the leader. I am" Rimuru said elbowing Y/n really hard on the side in an attempt to make him stop drinking from his canned beverage.

Skillfully hiding his surprise, Carrion nodded at her and smiled. "In that case, I thank you for sparing this guy's life." He said, glancing briefly at Phobio who went frozen stiff the moment his eyes made contact with Carrion's golden ones.

"Hm... You're the Masked Majin that helped in defeating Gelmund, are you not?" He asked Rimuru who tilted her head sideways.

"Uh, actually, I only watched that guy get pummeled by this guy here." She said, jerking her thumb towards Y/n.

"Why you ask? Are you here to avenge him?" Rimuru casually asked, causing everyone to tense up for battle along with Y/n, who is now paying attention.

'Say 'Yes', bud. I dare you.' Y/n though, looking at the two in anticipation with a bloodthirsty smile slowly forming on his face.

Carrion smiled at her, impressed by Rimuru' courage. "Nah."

'I'm not that stupid.'  Carrion inwardly said to himself, not wanting to risk the possibility of Milim joining the fight against him.

He then turned to Phobio and ordered him to stand up.

Rimuru sighed in relief, knowing that the matter about Phobio is over and she only has one problem left-


She stood wide eyed at the prone and unmoving form of Phobio as the latter's head was smashed by Carrion against the ground.

"It seems that my underling here was out of control... I apologize about the troubles that my underling gave you." He apologized to Rimuru.

"S-sure." Rimuru replied, still in shock on what just happened in front of her. 

Rimuru then awkwardly coughed, getting back her composure. "To avoid this from happening again, I'd appreciate if you'd enter a non-aggression pact with our nation." She asked.

"Hm... Well, I do owe you one for sparing that idiot. Is that's all you want? Very well." Carrion replied in a tone as if he didn't just smashed a person's head on the ground. Even his other subordinate that came with him is currently shaking as he approached Phobio's  prone form, unable to tell if Phobio is dead or not.

"The Demon Lord... no... The Beastmaster of the Animal Kingdom of Eurazania, Carrion, swears on his name to never raise a blade-"

"-or claw." Blake instinctively added interrupting Carrion's speech.

"*Cough* Don't mind her, please continue." Weiss said, behind her is a Blake, who is sporting a glowing red face.

"-Or claw, to your nation." Carrion finished.

"Thanks." Rimuru gratefully replied, happy of the agreement.

"All right." Carrion said picking up Phobio by his collar before hauling the latter over his shoulder.

"Hey! He's losing tons of blood!" Rimuru pointed out Phobio's badly bleeding head.

Glancing back at her Carrion bid her farewell before teleporting away.

"Welp, now that's done. We only have an Imperial army to worry about- Wait. Gah! I forgot to ask Carrion for assistance with the upcoming battle!"

"Good!" Three voices said in unison.

Y/n and Mordred turned to Arturia in surprise as the latter flushed red from her neck to her forehead after realizing that she spoke out loud.

"Please ignore me." Arturia said burying her face on her hands.


"Five-hundred-thousand..." Rimuru muttered, repeating Souei's words.

A couple of hours after the battle, Rimuru and the others returned to the village and currently are in a middle of a discussion regarding Souei's report.

"Which is only a rough estimate, Rimuru-sama. But it would wise to assume that their numbers would be more than that." Souei replied as he sat down.

"We are probably looking around six-hundred to seven-hundred-thousand soldiers." Benimaru said, not looking bothered by the absurdly large numbers of the opposing side.

"Isn't that a bit overkill for a single village?" Emi asked, feeling numb from Souei's report.

Which, most of the people in the room who are new to the Supernatural world are currently feeling as well.

"Not really." Shizue answered. "Monsters like Shion-san here has the strength comparable to five to ten-thousand soldiers and is capable of taking on a medium-sized militarized town all by herself.

"But even still... Emi-san here makes a good point. Six hundred thousand men is still way too much and with the army of two hundred thousand, the Orc army back then could've taken over the entire forest if Rimuru-sama wasn't here." Shuna said supporting Emi's opinion.

"What if the Imperial army is planning to do the same thing that we did? Conquer the entire Great Forest of Jura."

Everyone stopped and went silent as Rimuru and her subordinates processed the words that came from Geld's mouth.

The entire room was silent, save for the occasional loud snores coming from Milim, with the latter falling asleep at the corner of the room.

'Luky...' Ruby thought as she eyed the sleeping girl with barely concealed jealously and sleepiness in her eyes.

Keeping her sleepy gaze on Milim longer, Ruby's head met the table soon after.


"I'm sorry!"

"Ruby, I know that our team developed the natural reflex to fall asleep the moment Professor Port's mouth opens, but-" Yang reprimanded in an offhanded manner.

"I did not developed such reflex!" Weiss cried, appalled at the thought of herself displaying such rude behavior.

"Well, she did got us out of that boring meeting..." Blake said, not looking up from her book.

"It wasn't intentional!" Ruby yelled making Yang chuckle.

"I know it wasn't intentional, Rubes. You were sitting right next to Y/n-sensei-"

"Yaaanngg!!!" Ruby cried, throwing a pillow at her sister's face in embarrassment.

Laughing at the red-faced Ruby, Yang then turned to her secondary target.

"What do we have here? The Lusty Argonian Maid?" Yang's voice caused the book on Blake's hands to instantly close shut.

"Not being subtle now, are we?" Yang asked with a wide smile of her face.

"I will claw your eyes out." The nekoshou hissed.

Knowing that she's going to be Yang's next target, Weiss decided that it would  be best if she temporarily leave the room to avoid Yang's annoying and embarrassing teasing.

But before she could start her strategic retreat, a knock on the door was heard.

Looking at each other for a moment, Weiss turned back to the door.

"Who is it?" She asked.

Strangely, the response that she got was another knock on the door.

Weiss was about to ask again the identity of the person knocking on their room, when the door was suddenly kicked open, revealing Neo, Cinder and Pyrrha.

Smiling apologetically at them, Pyrrha spoke. "Sorry, I tried to stop Neo from kicking your door open-"

Her words quickly turned into a gasp when a red blur collided with her stomach in a form of Ruby subconsciously using her semblance.

"Pyrrha!" Ruby excitedly greeted.

"H-hey, Ruby..." Pyrrha greeted back, slightly in pain from the unexpected tackle.

Closing the door behind her, Pyrrha heard Yang's surprised voice

"Woah, Rubes... You've rediscovered  your Semblance!" Yang said, jumping off her bed.

"What do you mean by 'rediscovered your Semblance, Yang?" Weiss asked in confusion.

"You know  that our Aura's was unlocked again after getting the memories of our alternate selves right?" Yang said, turning to Weiss.

Nodding Weiss replied. "Yes, I remember Ruby telling me that, and?

"Well, when we had our Aura's unlocked for the second time, our Semblances for some reason didn't came with it. To be honest Mom and Ma just recently rediscovered their Semblances and just now, Ruby did as well." Yang said as she looked at Ruby with slight jealousy in her eyes.

 Sighing she continued "I'm a bit jealous though as I haven't rediscovered my Semblance yet, but I guess that's a good thing, at least I'm learning to not depend on my Semblance all the time to win my fights." 

"Huh, I didn't realize that my Semblance was locked as well..." Blake said on the side, surprise on her face after attempting to use her Semblance to summon a shadow-clone of herself only for nothing to happen.

"I guess, Blake's having the same problem as well..." Yang said with a smile.

"That fine, I still have my Yojutsu to fall back on." Blake said as she summoned a clone of herself, via Yojutsu, immediately wiping off the smile on Yang's face.

"And with this method, my clones are more versatile compared to my Semblance, so I guess I'm fine without it." Blake said, giving Yang a smug look.

Weiss hummed to herself and spoke. "I guess I'm the only one that was different. I was born with my other self's memories along with my Aura and Semblance. Good thing I have control over it when I was an infant-"

"Wait, does it mean that you were aware of everything even when you were a baby?" Ruby interrupted.

"Yes, I went through everything and it was horrible." Weiss replied as she shivered upon remembering the embarrassment that she had to go through during her childhood.

"Well, you guys are lucky..." Cinder grumbled. "My other self only discovered her semblance on her second year in Beacon!"

Team RWBY only looked at her, not knowing how to approach her, due to their other selves' history with their own Cinder Fall.

"Um... W-what's your Semblance any way?" Ruby asked, getting a sharp look from Yang, which fortunately no one noticed.

"My semblance allows me to superheat objects and manipulate their shapes. Sadly, I wasn't able to improve and venture further than that, as I was killed by a scorpion Faunus on my third year." Cinder said sadly.

Ruby, feeling bad for her, approached the frowning teen and placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Don't worry, when you rediscover your Semblance, you will be able to continue improving on it!" Ruby said in encouragement.

"You're right, Ruby. When I finally rediscover my Semblance, I will ask Mr. L/n to help me improve on it!"

"On second thought, I hope you never get your Semblance back." Ruby immediately replied.

"Huh?" Cinder looked at the girl in confusion.

"Hahahaha, don't mind what Ruby is saying, she's just giving you some... Uh, reverse psychology crap to encourage you further!" Yang nervously said while dragging away an annoyed Ruby.

"We're not even friends yet and she's betraying me already..." The girl grumbled.

Shaking her head at the stupidity in front of her Weiss looked for the girl who kicked their door open.

"Hey, that's my bed!" Weiss turned to see Yang glaring at Neo, who is sitting on the former's bed with the usual taunting smile on her face.

"Get off my bed before you get a foot shorter." Yang threatened.

The mute girl's response was to grab Yang's pillow and lie on the latter's bed before giving Yang a challenging smile, as if to say 'make me.'

With a yell Yang leaped towards the ice cream themed girl, intending to literally throw the latter out of her bed.

Weiss watched the two grapple in a contest strength and cunning, intending to throw the latter out from their soft and comfy territory.

Everyone watched in interest, even Blake, as the two began to use their surroundings as weapons.

"Get off my bed!" Yang yelled smacking Neo in the face with a pillow, throwing the girl off the bed, and sending her flying towards the opposite wall.

Narrowing her eyes at Yang, Neo grabbed the nearest pillow to her and rushed back to Yang with a silent war cry.

"Are they seriously having a-" Blake said before being suddenly interrupted when she was blindsided by a pillow.

"Pillow fight!" Ruby yelled before suddenly turning to Cinder, who reflexively used a still reeling Blake as a shield.

"Wha-" Blake cried out before being interrupted once again by a pillow, sending her sprawling at the floor.

"Here." Blake looked up to see a pillow being offered to her by Weiss.

Blake was honestly surprised by Weiss' action but didn't bother to ask why the latter isn't trying to stop the brewing pillowy storm as Blake is too busy herself in exacting revenge on the person who blindsided her.

Blake suddenly ducked, causing a pillow to miss her head. Turning towards the person responsible Blake once again was surprised to see Weiss holding the same pillow that missed her head.

"Weiss-" Blake said before being interrupted again for the third time by a pillow.

"I can swing more than once, Blake." Weiss said before turning to Pyrrha, who in turn is also arming herself with a pair of pillows

"Where did you get those?" Weiss asked the red-haired girl.

"From the closet, for some reason its stuffed full of pillows..." Pyrrha replied, not taking her eyes off the girl she talking to, while also paying attention to her surroundings.

"Are you ready for this?" Pyrrha asked.

"Gods, yes! I've been wishing to have a proper pillow fight ever since I had one with my siblings." Weiss replied, before leaping towards Pyrrha, pillow raised above her head.

"Are we training already Ruby?" Cinder asked, while nimbly dodging a pillow being swung at her by Ruby.

"Yes, we are having an endurance training, now stay still..."

Dodging a swing again, despite Ruby's instruction to stay still, Cinder replied. "I don't think it's a good idea, I just saw you stuff a book inside of that pillow."

"Hence, the endurance training."

"Ms. Raven -I mean, Raven-sensei similarly did the same in our training, The only difference was that she didn't stuff them on pillows, as she used training books to 'physically' teach us the contents of said books, by swinging on our heads." Cinder said, gracefully backflipping away from Ruby's wild swinging, only to get in the way on one of Yang's swings aimed towards Neo.

Ruby watched in satisfaction as Cinder unknowingly placed herself in front of Yang's swing, hitting the girl in the face causing her to flip four times in the air, before landing with a dull thud in the floor.

"Sorry." Yang

Ruby took pleasure at the groan of pain coming from Cinder's prone form.

Her fun didn't last long however, as she failed to notice a pillow held by Blake being swung at the back of her head.


'I wanna see what's going on inside.' Y/n desperately thought, dying in curiosity as he stood in front of Team RWBY's room.

Within, he could hear Team RWBY's excited voices along with Cinder's and Pyrrha's. Now, where is the other one...

"Stand still, shorty!" Came Yang's frustrated yell. Ah, there's Neo...

Y/n knew for certain that Yang's not the type of person to refer to either Ruby or  Weiss in that manner. Additionally, he is also aware that Neo is one of the few people that are capable of getting that kind of reaction from the blonde Brandwen.

'Must not fall to temptation!' Y/n mentally chanted when he heard a yelp, followed by a giggle from the other side of the door. He knew he could just use his power to see through walls and stuff but he doesn't to be labeled as a voyeur by his conscience.

Sighing to himself, Y/n mentally prepared himself for what he is about to see on the other side of the door.

Knocking twice, he noted the abrupt stop of the noises coming in the room.

"It's L/n, can I come in?" He said to the occupants of the room.

"A-ah, p-please wait for a moment, L/n-sensei!" Came Ruby's flustered reply.

"Alright." Y/n replied in acknowledgement.

Internally Y/n began to cry in despair at the missed opportunity. 'Ugh, why does regret had to exist!?'

While Y/n is having an internal conflict. The occupants of the room began to panic, due to the mess they've made in the room. Looking at it, the room itself seems to look like it had a hurricane as a guest that got a sugar high and proceeded to bounce off the walls, disorganizing everything within the room. With beds flipped on the side to serve as a makeshift cover from the incoming pillows, closets being wide open after having been ransacked of its fluffy ammunition before being used as a makeshift cover as well from said fluffy ammunition afterwards.

Not only that, but the pillows themselves were used as a 'smoke screen' as said cushions, if were thrown hard enough will explode in a feathery fashion, making an excellent substitute to smoke screens.

Ruby wished that a certain scary deputy was here to solve her current dilemma. But alas, she has to do it the old fashioned way.

"Guys, we have to clean this place quick! Yang-" Ruby, like a master strategist, began to formulate a solution on the fly, as she began to bark out orders to everyone in the room which everyone followed without a fuss, even Neo, who gave her a beautiful salute.

Outside the room, Y/n paced back and forth, picturing what state the room will be along with its occupants, but mostly the latter.

"You can come in, Sensei." Came Weiss' voice.

Y/n noticed something on her tone but he didn't have enough time to ponder on it as he turned the doorknob and opened the door.

The first thing he noticed was the occupants of the room. Shoulder to shoulder they stood in attention, for a moment Y/n thought that he's looking at a line of soldiers, standing in attention and waiting for orders.

"Hi, L/n-sensei." The group greeted as one.

Y/n was about to tell them his reason for being in their room, but he stopped when he noticed something.

"Wait. Why is the-"

"Y/n-sensei, are you here to call us for dinner?" Weiss cut him off, as she spoke. "We were about to head outside to buy some food, you know?"

"But you don't have the right currency to buy anything here." Y/n pointed out, missing the smirk on Ruby's face.

"Well, I heard that you bought some sweets for Shirone-chan a few days ago. We were thinking that you could help us out with our current problem." Blake said, with eyes blank and staring at nothing.

"Okay..?" Y/n replied, a bit confused at Blakes behavior. "Anyways, Weiss was right about me coming her to call you down for dinner, but there's also another reason why I came here." Y/n said. 

Ruby and Cinder began to awkwardly cough, signaling the others to divert Y/n's attention once more. "But, I think we could discuss that while eating. So, let's go?" Y/n said, not wanting to delay dinner any longer.

He left the room soon after, which the other occupants did as well.

"I can't believe that worked!" Yang muttered to herself, eyes wide in disbelief as she took one last look on the room that is completely bare of ANY furniture. She briefly took a glance at the wide-open window before she closed the door.

"We'll think of a way to change rooms later..." Yang whispered to herself as she ran to catch up to the group.


Chapter 56 END
