Chapter 86: A stroll in Kouh

I once again found myself floating aimlessly in the void as the usual startup for my 'unusual' dreams went by. Memories of the Dimensional Gap rushed past me as colors of all kinds became a blur as I felt my surroundings rapidly move until all colors around me disappeared and everything turned monotone.

Ah, it's starting...

Hmmm, what is it going to be this time? Is it going to be another girl falling for Red? Or maybe it's going to be my favorite, a scene with me and Red going about on our day as an official couple? Come on, come on, come on, let me not be just as a spectator this time! I only had a couple few of those, please stop teasing me!


The first thing that played... I guess that I'm a spectator again, huh? Bummer. Oh, well. I'd rather have this than just a random one.

While I was anticipating what this dream is going to be, I was taken aback by the cold sensation I suddenly felt when the dream finally began.

A scene then played before me...

"Rias, stand back for now..." Red said to my dream self as he and most of the club walked inside in what appeared to be a massive cavern.

"I know that you wanna test out that new ability of yours, but right now, what we'll be facing will outclass almost every single one you, except Ophis." Oh, we're going to be fighting someone so far out of level again, huh? And this time the enemy is stronger than Artoria-chan? Typical Red. Still deciding to bring us along in a field trip even if the enemy can literally erase us with just a single flick of their fingers.

As much as I like our occasional trips, I certainly hope that the principal won't owe him a favor in the future, in case Red decides to have a school field trip approved. If that happens, well... Traumatized kids will be the end result of that trip.

Another scene played, this time Red is facing a massive woman that is almost naked, save for the thin piece of fabric covering her crotch that it can't even be classified as an underwear.

I felt my face heat up at the absurdity of the massive woman's state of dress, or lack of it. I know that I'm still building up my confidence to go for a riskier style of clothing to entice Red, and I've taken some steps ahead already.

For example, I started wearing a more risque styles of underwear for my bra and panties. I even started not to wear my training shorts over my underwear anymore. My next step would be to wear those in school, which is a really a tall order for me. But that lady just now... My goodness! I can't reach that level, and I know for a certain that Akeno wouldn't dare to wear that thin piece of fabric- Eh no. It's Akeno I'm talking about, so she might, but I know for certain she would be embarrassed while wearing it. Akeno's bold, but not that bold compared to that huge lady!

"Laaa---" The unknown giantess sang, and a massive wave of ink-like mud then tried to wash everyone away, but Red just snapped his fingers and the wave froze in mid air before going back to the massive lady in reverse.

This guy... Casually manipulating time with just a snap of his fingers...

No matter how many times I see Red casually defy the rules of the world. It's still a sight to see when he does that and it's also amusing when others see it for the first time.

"---Bzzt!" Another scene played, this time the giantess shot a beam from between her eyes towards Red which was so fast that I almost missed it. It didn't matter though because the beam just disintegrated after hitting Red, which he didn't even made him blink.

"That one just now would've easily killed a god-class being!" Artoria-chan said with widened eyes as she along with the rest, including my dream self spectated the fight inside a dome barrier, which was probably constructed by Red.

I wasn't surprised by it to be honest as I know that Red will eat a Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill Break to the face just to prove a point.

Ahem! Anyways, the next scene played again but this time the chilling cold that I felt earlier returned.

"Everyone, whatever happens..." Red said as he faces off the same giantess that seemed to have transformed into a monster. The primal guttural sound of her growling mixed with her singing turned into a sound so unbearable to hear that I was forced to cover my ears.

I didn't focused further at the giant monster as I turned my attention towards Red. And when I did, my perception switched to my dream self, giving me a first-person perspective of the scene.

"Do not leave that barrier!"  He barked out as a golden shimmer flickered across the entire barrier where we and the others are in as Red suddenly reinforced it, which is entirely uncharacteristically for him to do.

"Red-sensei? What's going on?" Kotomi asked as her eyes flicked between her usual color of lavender to Ophis' black.

"I-" Red tried to say something only for him to snap his head back toward the giant monster as the latter let out another horrid sound of her monstrous singing.

All of a sudden time slowed down as a barrier of sorts came from the beast, turning all its surroundings monotone in color.

I couldn't hear anything as the monster's barrier expanded from itself, making its way towards Red.

I don't know why that I suddenly felt fear when I saw that monster's barrier expanded, but that fear, this exact feeling of fear I'm feeling right now, I remember it completely. It was the same fear that I felt when Red went away when I was younger.

"This will be our final meeting." My eyes widened at that scene in the past.

I didn't know what came over me when I ran towards the barrier before being quickly pushed back towards the others, Kotomi wasn't fairing any better as she ended up the same way as I did, with Hayasaka-san catching her.

The other must've likely felt something wrong as everyone began to hammer attacks towards Red's barrier to no effect.

""Red!"" ""Red-sensei!"" ""Red-sama!"" Everyone yelled as we even resorted to physically attack the barrier in desperation before being blown back in return.

"Red! OPEN THE FUCKING BARRIER!!!" Artoria-chan yelled in desperation as she quickly got up to throw divine spears towards the barrier as the monster's barrier closed in on Red.

I watched as Red looked back towards us, his expression void of worry from the danger rapidly closing in towards him.

He fondly smiled at us, "What a troublesome lot, you are." He said as he snapped his fingers towards the barrier blocking us.

The barrier shined brightly that my eyes began to hurt, but I powered through only to see Red disappear into nothingness before the light of the barrier completely engulfed my vision.

"RED!"  I screamed hoarsely before realizing that I was teleported just outside of the club building including everyone that was inside Red's barrier.

'Red?' I mentally asked him through our shared connection, desperately hoping to hear his voice.

But there was no response from him.

Instead, I only heard the others doing the same thing I am currently doing, desperately trying to get a response from him.

I looked at everyone's faces as they all sported a distraught look that turned into despair.


I can vaguely hear Kanna-chan's despairing cries and sobs among the group.

'Red?' I desperately asked again, only to hear nothing.


Rias woke up with a gasp as she wildly wiped off the tears on her face. She then quickly leaped off her bed, missing how completely bare her room had been, but that didn't matter to her at the moment as a single thought only ran through her mind.

'I have to see, Red!' She thought as she ran from her room and nearly collided with Sona, but that didn't matter to her as she just continued her way toward Y/n's room.

Before Rias could reach out for the doorknob, the suddenly opened revealing Y/n with a worried look on his face. 

"Rias, are you okay? What's going on?" He asked, after noticing Rias' distress through their bond, forcing himself to wake up.

Y/n was alarmed when Rias bursted into tears as she hugged Y/n, almost slamming her body against him. Noticing the desperation behind the hug, he gently brushed her hair with his hand while whispering calming words to Rias.

Rias' shoulders shook with her sobs being muffled by Y/n's shirt as she cried against his chest.

"Red... Red... Red..." Rias kept repeating his name.

Y/n could only let out a quiet sigh as he observed Rias' current state, "Do you want to head inside?" He gently asked and got a nod in return.

Closing the door, the two failed to notice Sona, who saw all that happened with a worried look on her face. Deciding to not sneak in Y/n's room tonight, Sona then carefully went back to her room, mindful of how sensitive Serafall's senses are when it comes to her. 'I hope you get better, Rias...' She thought to herself.

Back with the two, Y/n sat himself and Rias in his bed with the latter still not letting go of him.

"Want to tell me what happened?" Y/n gently asked.

"I had *hic* a nightmare." Rias' muffled voice replied.

Y/n waited for her to explain further to which the latter didn't, prompting Y/n to sigh as he rubbed Rias' hair and back. "It's okay... It's okay..." Y/n comforted her, as the latter's sobs slowly died down and the shaking of her shoulders slowly settled.

Not long after, Rias fell asleep in his arms, but her grip on his shirt didn't change, getting a sad smile from Y/n.

"It must be a very bad one, huh?" He whispered to himself as he maneuvered the both of them to properly lay in the bed.

'If your nightmare comes back, don't worry. I'll be your backup.' Y/n thought as he rubbed the back of the girl's head before falling asleep himself afterwards while keeping his senses sharp for Rias.


The next morning...

Y/n woke up with Rias still in his arms with the latter waking up earlier than him and just cuddled up next to him.

"Mornin'," Y/n said to her upon noticing that she was awake.

"Morning..." Rias said as she tightened her grip on him, prompting a sigh from Y/n.

"You okay telling me what that nightmare last night was all about?" he asked her.

Rias closed her eyes a bit to calm herself down while Y/n waited patiently beside her.

"I dreamed of everyone in the club going to a cave of sorts..." Rias said as she started to tell everything that happened in her dream.

"So I got 'killed' by Beast II?" Y/n said to himself.

"Beast II? Was that the name of that monster?" Rias asked.

"Her official title is Beast II, but her name is Tiamat, she shares the name of the Tiamat of this Reality... Oh, wait. In this reality, they're the same being. What the... fuck?" Y/n mumbled the last part, which is still heard by Rias, who felt cold all of a sudden upon hearing that the cause of her nightmare last night is in the same realm she and Y/n are currently on.

"Wasn't she one of the Dragon Kings?" Rias said to which Y/n nodded.

"Yeah and she's the strongest of them all, the same Tiamat that you knew of only barely reaches Heavenly Dragon levels of power. This one though is way above them." Rias' eyes widened as memories of Y/n being erased surfaced in her mind.

"Don't worry though, she's not as strong as Ophis, so she's nothing to me-" Y/n said only to be interrupted by Rias.

"But I saw you die!" Rias shouted at him.

Y/n sighed before using his power to see through the future while sharing what he was seeing with Rias.

"I only got displaced Rias... Got sent to actual FGO." Y/n said, with the new term/word bouncing off Rias' head, not knowing what he is talking about, as she is paying more attention on the first part that he said.

"Displaced?" She asked, getting a "Yup." from Y/n.

"Yeah, sorry that I teleported you guys out. That looked very misleading to you guys. You especially." Y/n said as he brought Rias to his chest.

"I came back a few seconds after the displacement and whooped Tiamat's ass. Our shared telepathy was only disrupted during our fight." Y/n said as he showed her a vision of herself and the others, getting their shared telepathy back after a few minutes.

"So you didn't die..?" Rias asked again, making Y/n sigh tiredly at her.

"Rias. Imma bring you guys back after that forced teleportation so that I can show you guys that I will literally spank her in front of the entire club." Y/n said to her.

Tears began to gather again on the corner of her eyes as Rias buried her face on Y/n's chest to cry, this time in sheer relief and happiness.

"There, there... I am not one to die on my girlfriend." Y/n said to her, causing her to cry harder on his chest.

"Oi. You're supposed to not cry after that one!" Y/n playfully bopped Rias' head with the latter refusing to stop crying.

"Ay ay ay..." Y/n sighed as he let Rias cry her heart out while putting on a noise cancelling spell in the room to not worry anyone.

A few minutes later a knock on the door was heard, prompting the two red heads to look at the door.

The door opened revealing Emi. Upon seeing Rias in Y/n's bed she looked at the girl, "Ah, so we can do this now, huh?" She said, completely unaware of Rias' crying earlier due to the latter clearing her eyes of any sign of her crying prior.

"Huh? What?" Rias looked at Emi in confusion before looking at Y/n, quickly realizing what the other girl meant.

Rias' face instantly matched the color of her hair, "S-Sona did it first!" Rias cried as she quickly tired to get out of the bed, tangling her legs with the blanket at the same time, causing her to fall and land face-first on the floor.

"We will discuss about this later -You're not included in the discussion." Emi added as she turned to look at Y/n, who only pumped his fist, the latter being too lazy to get involved on such discussion.

"Anyway, I came here to get you and now Rias downstairs. Breakfast is ready. You two better hurry up before Kanna-chan takes both of your breakfasts and I'm not stopping her this time." Emi said before she turned around and left the room.

A second passed for the Rias and Y/n before Emi's words finally registered in their minds as the two scrambled out of the bed room and rushed downstairs, missing the strange looks being sent at the two as breakfast finally started for everyone in the house.


"So... mind heading to your class? Classes are about to start." Y/n said Rias as he inspected another student for any materials that are not allowed in school.

'Good thing this is Japan. I can just cross one item out of the list.' He humorously thought as he inspected another student.

"Good morning, L/n-sensei!" Amano Yuuma cheerfully greeted Y/n.

"Ohayou." Y/n lamely greeted, causing Yuuma to giggle as she let Y/n inspect her bag for a few seconds.

"So what are you doing outside, Gremory-san?" Yuuma asked Rias who arched an eyebrow at her.

"Good morning to you too." Rias replied, causing Yuuma to lightly blush before greeting the redhead back.

"So, did the school started to have a select few students do inspections now?" Yuuma asked, noticing the lack of bag on Rias' person and coming to a conclusion that the girl had already placed her bag in her locker and is just helping Y/n with the student inspection by the school gates.

"Yes, just this morning. The principal asked Red-sensei to pick a student to help him and he picked me." Rias answered, before Y/n could say anything.

"Ah... Yeah! What she said!" Y/n said to her, deciding to ride along with Rias' lie. He then turned to Rias, "Alright, now that you've seen me how I inspect their stuff, you can now inspect the others while I'm busy with one. If you see something not allowed in schoolgrounds just toss it to me."

"Ano..." Y/n and Rias looked at Yuuma, "Can I help out to?" She asked Y/n.

"Eh, sure. Inspect the boys' bags so it's going to extra damage if you discover a pornmag or something in their bags. But before that. Put away your stuff first so it won't get in the way." He said to the ravenette, who excitedly nodded before running towards the high school building.

*Pinch!* He looked back at Rias, noticing the letter pinching his side.

"What?" Y/n asked, fully knowing the reason behind Rias' action.

Rias only huffed before roughly opening another student's bag and fishing out a pornmag before throwing it on Y/n's face.

"Ah- It's not like that, Sensei!" the owner of the magazine said with a mortified look on her face.

"Just get inside. I'm handing this to your homeroom teacher so get this from them after classes." Y/n said to the student, who quickly ran inside the gate.

A few minutes later, Yuuma joined the two with inspecting the incoming student's bags for any non-permitted materials on school grounds.


"So what happened last night, Rias?" Sona asked, putting away her notebook after class bell rang while the students get ready for lunch.

"Just a nightmare." Rias replied, making Sona raise her eyebrow at her friend.

"Must be a really bad one for you annihilate everything in your room except for your bed, Rias." Sona said to her, making Rias internally despair at the reminder of all her stuff being destroyed, including her dresser.

"And because of that, I had to borrow one of Akeno's to go to school today." Rias said, being more aware now that she was reminded that she's currently wearing all of Akeno's clothing, including the latter's underwear, which Rias was very conscious about due to their more risque design.

"Akeno, did you get bigger again?" Rias whispered at her Queen.

"Yes, I did bought a few sets a week ago. Actually, the one you have right now is the one I outgrew, Rias." Akeno whispered back with an amused look on her face.

Rias caught her Queen's look and clicked her tongue. "Tch! Stupid Fallen Angel genes being more seductive than Devils." Rias grumbled, prompting a giggle from her Queen.

The two girls missed Sona's glare as the she enviously looked at Rias and Akeno's breasts.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow! Sona let go!" Akeno, Rias and Sona, looked at Tsubaki in confusion before noticing the hand that is roughly squeezing her breast. Their eyes then trailed towards the owner of the offending hand and found.

"Fufufufu~" Akeno giggled while Rias pinched her side hard to stop herself from laughing.

"Ah, sorry. I have instinctual need to punish traitors." Sona blankly said to Tsubaki as she did a last painful squeeze before releasing her Queen's mammary.

"It's not my fault they're like this!" Tsubaki yelled indignantly with a few tears on the corner of her eyes as shielded her breasts protectively from Sona.

"Ah. And a natural traitor too."

"Please stop fighting!" A feminine voice yelled at the quartet, making the four Devils look to see their classmate Asia Argento making her way towards them with her group of friends right behind her.

Stopping by Sona's table, Asia's hand glowed and went to separate Sona and Tsubaki. The two girls winced at the Holy aura on Asia's hands, forcing them to separate.

Looking at the two girls, Asia began to scold Sona and Tsubaki about friends shouldn't be fighting.

"Should we tell Argento-san that it was just all a joke?" Akeno whispered to her King.

"Nah." Rias whispered back, feeling slightly sorry for Tsubaki but decided against intervening or else she gets scolded along with the two kneeling girls.

A few minutes of scolding, Tsubaki and Sona are told to hug it out by Asia, much to Sona's annoyance, due to being once again being reminded of her lacking in feminine assets.

"Don't worry So-tan~ They'll start to grow when you reach eighteen~!" Serafall, encouragingly said to her sister, who gained a hopeful look on her face.

""When did you get here?"" all of the girls by the table asked in surprise.

"Huh? I was watching the entire time. I was about to step in when So-tan started getting handsy with Tsubaki-chan but Asia-chan beat me to it." She said to them.

"Are you a ninja?" Vignette Tsukinose wondered.

"Mhm~! Nin Nin!" Serafall cheekily said while forming a handseal.

"But I thought Sera-chan is a Magical girl?" Akeno asked in amusement, making Serafall look at her.

"Akeno-chan, ninjutsu is one of the specialties of a Magical girl!" Serafall proudly proclaimed.

Gab who was hiding behind Rias, yelled out. "No, it isnt!"

"Gabriel-chin~ Stay out of this~" Serafall calmly replied, getting an uncharacteristic 'eep!' from the blonde angel.

Nobody except Gab felt the cold tone that Serafall used as the rest of the girls are now all used to Serafall's shenanigans.

Breaking away from her intimidation act with Gab, Serafall addressed her fellow devils, "So are we having our lunch here or in the clubroom?"

"Here's fine. We'll miss a lot of time trying to get there anyways and Red's meeting with the principal so..." Rias trailed off, making the two Devil siblings shrug their shoulders while Tsubaki nodded in agreement.

Raphi, one of Asia's friends couldn't help but ask. "So what's going on with you four and Red-sensei?"

"He's my boyfriend." Rias instantly replied.

""What!?" Everyone looked at Rias in shock, including Sona, Serafall and Tsubaki.

"W-when did this happen?" Sona asked.

"Just this morning. He called me his girlfriend when we woke up." Rias proudly said.

"When you two woke up?" Asia repeated, before her eyes widened, "Then that mean you two- awawawawawa!" Her face turned beet red.

Vignette and Raphi had the same reaction, with the latter following up with a "Ara Ara, how scandalous~!"

Rias and Sona turned to Raphi for a moment, "Stay away from Akeno." They both said with complete seriousness as one 'ara ara' girl is scary enough in their opinion.

Serafall slammed her hands on Rias' table as she looked at the latter with manic look in her eyes. "Details. Now!" She demanded, prompting a faint blush from the crimson-haired girl.


Y/n and Tyuule stood silently in front of Irisviel's table, patiently waiting for the latter to address their presence in her office.

"Should we come back later after you're done with that?" Y/n asked, breaking the silence.

"I will be finished with these in a moment." Irisviel replied without looking at him as she signaled her secretary, Kuroka to pick up the stack of papers the former just finished signing.

A moment later, Irisviel casted a scanning magic on the stack of papers she's currently left with. With a relieved sigh she pushed back her chair and stood up, prompting Y/n and Tyuule to straighten up in response for Irisviel to finally address the reason why they were both summoned to her office.

The two were caught of guard when Irisviel suddenly fired a small fireball on the stack of papers, while Kuroka grabbed a remote of sorts and pressed a button.

"Haaa~ Finally done..." Irisviel's happy said as she watched the fire consume the pile of papers in front of her.

"-For today, Iri-chan~" Kuroka happily said as she placed down the remote for the fire sensor before sending the paperwork she received into a personal pocket dimension.

"Uwaaa~" Y/n and Tyuule sweatdropped as Irisviel bawled like a kid in front of her burning table.

"Alright, Alright! I'm sorry! I can help you both with that!" Y/n yelled, feeling guilty at the massive amount of paperwork he unintentionally gave the two after usurping Japan from the Shinto Pantheon.

The waterworks abruptly stopped as Y/n suddenly found himself being sandwiched by the combined assets of Kuroka and Irisviel.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" The two women happily said as they squeezed Y/n in their arms and-

"Can we get to the reason why Red-samna and I were summoned here?" Tyuule asked, feeling slightly envious at the two women's show of appreciation for her patron god.

"Well, we noticed earlier this morning that Rias-chan and Amano-san helped out Red-sensei with his gate duties. We came to the conclusion that Red-sensei alone wouldn't be enough to handle bag inspection without causing delays for the students." Kuroka said.

"Because of that, I decided to make use of our guests to help out with school duties outside of teaching students. Starting tomorrow, you, Tyuule-chan will be our school custodian and help out Sensei with his gate duties along with repairing school equipment." Irisviel said to her.

Tyuule stared Irisviel and Kuroka.

The two stared back while still hugging Y/n.

She then walked up to them and yelled, "Let go of Red-sama!" she then went to pry them off Y/n.

"Yes!" Y/n cheered while throwing his hands up in celebration, making it easier for the Warrior Bunny Priestess to pry the two well-developed Devils off him.

"But he's so warm!" Irisviel protested.

"Yeah! And comfy too, nya~!" Kuroka added.

"I said let go!" Tyuule yelled as she pulled the two with all her might, shifting her grip to the waistband of their skirts.

Irisviel's and Kuroka's eyes went wide when Tyuule suddenly pulled as both of their skirts were pulled off them.

""Noooo!"" the two women cried as their hands went to cover their lower part body, finally freeing Y/n who is still in the middle of cheering.

Suddenly, the door exploded open as Chifuyu entered the room after hearing yelling from the other side when she was passing by.

Everyone looked at Chifuyu, who looked at the ongoing chaos in front of her. A table burning in the background, a cheering Y/n, two half-naked women, and a bunny girl holding two skirts, presumably stripped from the two women on the floor.

"I would say 'It's not what it looks like' but I don't even know what this one even looks like to you." Y/n's quip snapped Chifuyu from her staring.

"What the hell is going on!?" She yelled at the chaos in front of her.

"A-ah, please close the door first, then I'll explain." A blushing Irisviel said to the very confused and agitated Chifuyu.


So after all of that chaos that happened in Irisviel-san's office has been explained and resolved, the day went by with nothing much going on.

The entire day was slow as hell. The only significant thing that happened during classes was when Neko was finally enrolled to her class and schooled everyone in her class during basketball.

So when classes ended, Tyuule, who usually walks home with me was called in by the principal for some reason.

The others, like Rias, Emi, Hun and the others were quite busy today.

Emi and Tohru told me that they will be heading to the market for fresh ingredients for tonight's dinner after they picking up Kanna from her class.

 Rias, Sona, Tsubaki and Akeno were dragged away by Argento-san and her friends to the mall which is nice so that they could at least bond with their other classmates.

Serafall told us that she'll going to a shooting for a couple few episodes of Miracle☆Levia-tan, which I haven't heard about in a long time.

Hun, surprisingly told me to go on early today as she has to talk with a couple of students regarding their future careers, because apparently, she's also a Career Guidance Councilor at school which is the first time I heard of.

Then Nana told me that she and Neko will be heading for the market as well because she invited Toshinori and his former sidekick as well Gran Torino for dinner.

Kaguya and Hayasaka are out to meet up with Hayasaka's mother as it was the latter's day off today, so they all went out to have dinner.

In the end I was left to go home on my own for the first time in 'several' months. I can't say that I'm fine with this as I missed the cheery company, but I guess every once in a while it's nice to have a stroll alone.

But then again... I can already tell that something is about to happen.

Like for instance... The current Lucifer that's been browsing though several shops for quite a while now, getting closer and closer to where I'm at.

Walking past him as he entered another store, I turned to a corner and thought, 'How about I actually take a stroll? It would take a while for the others to get home anyway. Might as well occupy myself.'

I would just gone straight home and go online to see what the guild is up to, but I'm taking a break for a few days on that one for now. I don't wanna burn myself up after all.

Walking around the more populated areas of the town I started to entertain myself. Entering stores, checking some interesting wares. I even bought some stuff because they looked interesting regardless of the price tag.

The night here in Kouh is pretty nice and calming. I might bring the girls here for a night walk. But then again I can see my offer turning into a free-for-all competition to accompany me alone with themselves, sooo it's going to be a 'maybe' for now.

Spotting a sushi bar just past a... ahem... nine-eleven store, I entered the bar just as I felt my stomach rumble, practically demanding a delicious sacrifice.

A waiter then greeted me, "Good evening, dear customer. Would get a table for tonight? And if so how many people are we expecting?" He asked.

But before I could answer, the waiter looked me over and said to me, "On second thought, sir. A private table is already reserved for you."

I was confused for a second, before realizing that it's likely that same Satan who reserved that table for me. I might even say that the guy most likely had reserved a table for all dining restaurants in town and just teleported to which restaurant I happened to enter.

Seeing my confused look, the waiter added, "We don't know who is this person that reserved your table, sir. But he told us on the phone to leave the name as 'Mr.Mysterious'." He said before making a gagging face.

I made the same face too. Like, holy crap. That's some shit codename, man!

Clearing his throat, the waiter then said, "I'll lead you to that table, sir. I think our mysterious guest is waiting for you there."

I stopped him, "Nah, ignore that table. Here, just get me a seat by the bar, I'll have my meal in there." I said before handing him a wad of bills to convince him.

"U-uh, sure, sir. Thank you very much, sir!" I bowed before leading me to the bar, situated across their kitchen.

Taking a seat on one of the stools, the waiter handed me a menu before leaving me to decide on the food I'm getting.

It didn't take long for me to decide as I called the same waiter, only to see him occupied by another table, serving some guest there.

"Ah, yes sir, what would you like to have?" A waitress asked as she walked towards me while pulling out a notepad to take my order.

"Can I have an order of teriyaki beef ricebowl? An order of prawn tempura. Hmm... Some gyoza as well. And- oh! Two orders of nine pieces of salmon sashimi!" I said to her, getting more and more excited as I gave her my orders.

A hand was suddenly placed on my shoulder making me internally sigh.

Dude. There's a reason why I ignored your reservation. I wanna enjoy this meal SOLO!

"I would like the have the same that my friend here is having. Actually, only the first half of what he's having." He said flashing a smile to the waitress, making her giggle with a light blush on her face.

"Oi. Do you mind, 'Mr.Mysterious'? I'm trying to eat in peace here." I said before gagging at the shitty nickname this guy took.

And hey the waitress shares my opinion, making the same face that I made. She then scribbled some more stuff on her notepad, taking the order of the guy sitting next to me as well before leaving to send out our order to the kitchen staff.

Turning to the jackass that's about to ruin my peaceful dinner, "What do you want, Jackass?" I asked him.

He smiled handsomely at me, making me gag for real this time.

He ignored my reaction, "Oh, I'm just taking a stroll around the town. Enjoying the sights of this town's night life, you know?" He said with an easy going smile on his face, which caused several blushing faces from some of the female patrons here.

"I might've gotten too invested with sightseeing and ended up getting hungry, and hey- this store happened to be in the corner so I went inside. Quite the cozy atmosphere in here isn't?" He said before thanking the same waitress that took our order as she came back with two glasses of water for us.

"Yeah, quite cozy that I might end up buying this place just so that I can ban you here." I easily replied.

He laughed at my response, "Hahahaha, you're an amusing fellow." He said before resting an arm on my shoulder before his entire body subtly froze upon contact.

"Hahaha. You're a goofy fellow, huh? Feeling buddy-buddy with me aren't we?" I mockingly replied, feeling a bit annoyed at him for ruining my peaceful dinner as I turned to directly look at him.

He stiffly removed his arm from my shoulder before taking a sip from his glass. Clearing his throat even after drinking from his glass, he spoke with a forced calm tone in his voice. "You're quite an interesting fellow. I wonder what a powerful being like yourself that possess such a scary aura ended up here in Kouh?"

So he still hasn't recognized me? That's weird. Serafall was able to quickly recognize me on our first meeting back in the previous reality so why is this guy having trouble?

You know, what? Whatever, I'm too lazy right now to think about it.

"Hmm... A long-time friend of mine  happened to be in this town so naturally I would go where she goes." I said to him.

He processed my words for a second before he took a breath. A second later he asks, "Tell me, Friend. Do you happen to know a girl who possesses the same hair color as mine? I'm just a... worried older brother, you know?" He said the glass of water beside him cracked from the pressure he was trying to bear down on me.

"A girl with the same hair color as yours? Does she have blue eyes? Around this height? Studying in Kouh?" I asked as more fractures appeared on the cracked glass.











"Nah, never heard of her." I said to him as the glass shattered.

"My apologies... I lost control of my emotions for a second." 'Mr. Mysterious' apologetically said as he took a few calming breaths.

"That's alright. In all seriousness, the girl you're talking about is Rias Gremory, right? Yes, I know her, she's a student of mine." I said to him.

"Good, good... That confirms that you're this "Red-sensei" that my friend Grayfia told me about." He said.

 He continued, "I also heard from her about how close you are to my sister and her peerage. Tell me, do you have any plans that would endanger my little sister? It's best to tell me now so that we can get over this with less complications."

Okay, now he's really annoying me. "Oi. Are you trying to trample on my pride as a teacher? No student of mine would come to harm intentionally as long as I live. Additionally, Rias is a very precious friend of mine so anything that I do that involves her would be for the sake of her smile." I said to him with complete seriousness in my voice.

 He stared at me intently, trying to look for lies in face, after a few seconds he leaned back and let out a relieved sigh on his face.

"Thank you for being truthful with me. I don't know why Rias garnered the attention of a powerful being such as you. I know for a certain when I felt a hint of your power just now that you far surpasses a regular god-class being and it is terrifying for such an unknown to that close to my sister without knowing their intentions. So once again, forgive my rudeness. I am just a worried older sibling after all." He said as he lightly bowed his head.

"That's alright, as long as you don't annoy me too much then we're good." I said feeling a bit uncomfortable at his bowing.

"Anyways, let's get back to reality. I'm actually getting hungry and that sashimi is looking very enticing every second." I said, continuing the flow of time with a snap of my fingers.

"Huh? When did you-" He looked around him in surprise.

"The moment when the waitress left." I said while gesturing at the whole glass of water that he shattered earlier.

"Hmm... Time manipulation abilities, interesting..." 'Mr.Mysterious' said as he examined the glass of water he accidentally shattered earlier.

"Now that you've seen for yourself that I have no ill intentions towards Rias, can you go?" I asked, making him look up from his close examination with his glass.

"Oh, but I did order dinner for myself. It would be rude of me to have the staff work hard to make my order, only for me to suddenly leave without their notice, no?" He said with a smile on his face.

'What a troublesome guy!' I let out a groan as I went to ignore this guy beside me and waited patiently for my food. 


Chapter 86 END
