Chapter 33: Welcome to Otaku club!

Otaku club-Y/N POV

"Where's Akeno-san?" I asked Rias who's reading her manga.

Not bothering to look up, she answered. "I asked her to give Nero-san, Mordred-san and Altria-san a tour of the school in my place." Her answer made me look at her in deadpan while thinking.

'She's not even her Queen yet and Rias' already dumping her work on Akeno-san.'


The clubroom door slid open revealing So-tan *thunk!*

'That instinct of hers though...' I thought as Sona quickly went up to me and apologized "I'm sorry Sensei! My hand for some reason moved on its own!"

I only waved it off, not wanting to reveal the reason why she unconsciously retaliated at me.

"Hmmm... " A voice said behind Sona revealing Artoria-san, and Jeanne-san looking around in the clubroom with a searching look in their eyes.

"Where is it..." I heard Artoria-san said as she searched for something in the bookshelves containing Rias' manga collections.

"Serafall-chan said that it is extremely required to have in an 'Otaku's' room." Jeanne-san whispered to herself as she looked around while thinking with her one hand on her chin and the other supporting it by the elbow.

Jeanne-san's words reached Rias' ears, making her look up from her manga and asked Jeanne-san. "What is this Serafall-sama said that is a requirement to have in a otaku's room Jeanne-san?"

Rias' question startled Jeanne-san from making her jump a bit in suprise "Oh! I'm sorry for my rudeness! To answer your question Rias-san the required object that Serafall-chan said is this thing called 'Magical girl'."

Ah... As expected of Serafall.


Speaking of her.

"Hey! Everyone~!" Serafall walked in with her staff. Wait-was she holding that staff during my class?

"Onee-chan where is Lily-san?" Sona asked making Serafall stop before saying "Oh..."


"Oh! I remember! She joined up with Akeno-chan's group when she and I came across them!" Serafall said while slaming down her fist on her palm.
Psshhtt! Crack!

A distinct sound of a soda can being opened sounded in the silent room making everyone look at the source, only finding Sona sipping from her freshly opened soda can.

"...Where did you get that?" I asked while staring at the soda can in her hand.

"Hm? Wasn't I holding one the entire time?" She answered with confusion in her voice.

'Yeah, next time I see you I'll be keeping a close eye on you. So that I would know how you keep pulling out soda cans out of nowhere.' I thought before the door slid open again this time revealing Artoria and Akeno's group.

"Hi! Darling~!" Artoria greeted as she walked in.

"Sup... Hun?" I said while testing the nickname she suggested with a tiny adjustment.

"Hun?" Everyone aside from Rias repeated in confusion.

"Kyaaaaa!!!" Artoria squealed in delight as she tackled hugged me sending the both of us towards Rias' spot.

"Uwah!?" Rias could only make a noise before the three of us collided with each other.


Within the pile of tangled limbs Artoria lovingly nuzzled on my chest while Rias on the other hand...

"It's fine Rias... You also saw her in that future so it fine..." She muttered repeatedly to herself while staring at her ripped manga.

"Artoria-sensei sure is lucky that this manga is not a signed one or else... Ehehe..." Rias said out loud with a scary laugh in the end sending shivers on our spines.


Now with everyone including the 'dragon girl trio' in the room and seated. We began our meeting.

"So to start off why are some of Irisviel-sama's peerage here in Kuoh?" Rias asked the blonde group making them look at Arturia, while covering Nero's mouth before hand.

"We are here because we all asked Master for a 'normal' teenage experience. And this is the result." Arturia answered before gesturing on her school uniform by tugging on it.

Sona sighed from the answer. "Welp. Rias and I are on the same boat as you girls are..." Sona said as she gestured towards Rias and herself. She then turned to Tsubaki who's about to grab herself a biscuit from the table.

"I tagged along with Sona here so that I can accompany her in the human world and finish my schooling here in the process." Tsubaki said as she bit on her biscuit before asking Akeno for tea.

"Mine is basically the same as Tsubaki's. Where Rias goes I go." Akeno said while pouring Tsubaki a cup.

"Mine's a long story. Pass." Emi waved off while Tohru puts her hand up and said. "I came here to have a lovely dovey time with Kobayashi-san and Red-sama!"

The 'Fate' girls took Tohru's words without questions before turning to Kanna, who just stared at them.



"Saikawa and sweets." Kanna said after the awkward silence making Jeanne ask who this Saikawa is.

Kanna turned to Jeanne and answered her. "Friend at school..."

Emi elaborated for her "She's Kanna-chan's classmate."

"Ohhhh" The transferee nodded in understanding.

'Oh! Synchronized nodding! That's cool...' I thought while grabbing a biscuit offered to me by Rias.

"Here Red! Say 'Ahhhh'!"

Ya better not Emi choke me Rias!



"So with everything said! Do you girls agree?" Sona said on my left.

"I'm fine with it!" "Yeah! Same here!" "Mhm." "Of course!" "Umu!" "I find the request reasonable enough." Five voices said from across Sona responded.
What the hell...

Did I accidentally pressed 'skip cutscene' here?

I looked around with my eyes finding Artoria and Rias on the far corner of the room hearing Artoria's barely audible words of "...ias... Banned... King..."

Now that I noticed they are all standing sideways like they're standing on the walls as if they've learned 'tree walking'...

Am I lying down? If so, then this one's a highclass pillow indeed! That I'm deciding to whether or not should I bring this comfy pillow back home.

While making a decision the pillow moved making me look up.

What I saw did the deciding for me instead, as this pillow turned out to Emi's lap.

Kuh!!! A lap pillow from a pretty Onee-san!

My movement caught Sona's attention making her look at me.

"You're finally awake." She said getting everyone's attention.

"Sup Ralof..." I greeted with a half lidded eyes hiding my shock. 'Was I unconscious!?' I thought while Artoria and Rias, the latter wearing a guilty expression on her face. 'What happened?'

[Darling, Do you remember the biscuit that Rias-chan gave you?] She asked through our bond.

Ah yeah?

[Turn's out that particular biscuit was made by her personally that sent you into unconsciousness the moment you took a bite from it.] She said making my eyes grow wide outwardly.

Did she just made a really bad biscuit that is potentially capable of sending someone's consciousness to Skyrim?

"What are you going to say Rias-chan?" Artoria asked Rias as if scolding a child.

"Uuuuuu... I'm sorry Red! I promise I will not bake again unless I'm skilled enough to do so..." Rias apologize with teary eyes.

"I told her she's banned from baking at the moment until she has enough knowledge to properly bake." Artoria said while placing both of her hands on Rias' shoulder in an attempt to make the latter feel better.

"Hun, Where's the biscuit?" I asked her making as she pointed at a lone table on a corner of the room away from everyone else in here.

"We immediately moved the table on that corner the moment you've lost consciousness from that biscuit." She said making Rias sulk more.

I feel you Rias... I feel you...


A few minutes later...

"Behold! My treasured collection of manga that I personally bought myself from Akihabara!" Rias excitedly said as she brandished her manga collection to the new students.

"Hmmm... This one looks interesting Mordred said while eyeing on what I noticed a shōnen manga. She then took the manga from Rias' hands and started reading it without paying attention to the details.

"So... You just pray and shit happens? That's a cool ability!" Mordred said while mimicking what she saw from the manga by touching her palms together.

"Wrong! Where in Maou's name did you got that idea!?" Rias yelled in irritation from Mordred's words as she explained in great detail the workings behind the cool ability (as Mordred dubbed) from the manga.

While she's busy in enlightening Mordred. The other girls...

"Oh! Check this out Arturia-chan! This one here looks appetizing!" Lily-san said as she showed a certain manga that almost made me laugh.

"Mhm! This manga looks promising to have a great story within!" Artoria said with an expression failing to match her words.

Woman! That drool on the side of your mouth makes me not to take your words seriously!

Still... What's up with her having that particular manga series!? My face is literally in that manga! Kore!

While I was raging in my mind Altria tapped Rias' shoulder asked something that made her stop from her non-stop explanation.

"Do you have this kind of genre in your collection Gremory?" She asked Rias before whispering in her ear.

"Like, or or probably..."

I could barely make up her whispers as she finished whispering to Rias.

"What!? Of course I do-" Her loud voice garnered everyone's attention making her look around before her eyes met mine.
"A-actually I-I don't have those manga you were a-asking for Altria-san! S-sorry! I don't have that taste towards that kind genre!" Rias yelled with embarrassment as the coloration of her face rapidly turned red while waving her hands wildly in front of her.

Hmm... I've never seen her this flustered before..
I should save this moment in my memories for future blackmai-err incentive! Just in case...

Still... What did Altria-san asked Rias for her to get this flustered?

"I-it's not like that!"
Chapter 33
