Grabbing the Opportunity!


Hischool Dxd is owned by Ichiei Ishibumi

"Booming voice or sound"


"So let me get this straight. You two were attacked by this 'Khaos Brigade' organization because Tohru refused to join and Emi here being your friend was targeted as well?"

I clarified to them while feigning ignorance of the organization they mentioned, so that I could get more information from them.

"Hai. They wanted me in their ranks, as my ability to open doorways to different realms and bypassing their protective barriers unnoticed is invaluable to them." Tohru now on her human form confirmed my thoughts of her being the 'Tohru' I know from a certain anime.

But it's a surprise to me here is Emi-san as her surname is still Kobayashi but what shocked me was she really has a first name here, granted it's a requirement in real life for identification purposes.


These two here are actually a part of this universe, which helps proves of my theroy that this is an alternate universe.

"Great Red-sama!" Tohru said seriousness

'Sama?' I wondered

"I'd like to ask you a really really big favor!" Tohru said in which I thoughtlessly corrected her "One really is enough..."

But she ignored me and went on "I would like to ask you to turn Kobayashi-san here into a dragon!"

"Wha-" Kobayashi or Emi-san cried out in surprise, but Tohru continued on while ignoring her reaction in the process "If it's Great Red-sama anything is possible!"

What am I? God?

Oh wait! I'm a Dragon 'God' Emperor right?

"And why should I do that?" I asked in curiosity as well as silencing her.

"..." Tohru quietly told to me her reasons with her face turning solemn.

I of course ignored her reasons as my attention was only focused on her expression.

'MUST. PROTEC. DAT. SMILE!' I roared in my mind, but outwardly I sighed to keep my stoic demeanor.

My entire body was then covered in a golden light as I transformed into my(Original Great red's) human form in front of them.

I turned into a familiar figure due to the color of Great Red's scale and eyes coincidentally matches that iconic character's features. Dark red spiky hair and golden eyes with my physical age looks like I'm in my early twenties while wearing a butler's outfit for some reason.

I of course created the iconic white headband for me to finish the look.

Ohohohoho~! Time to beat Archer!

I softly landed on the ground(giant floating rock) while my headband's ends fluttered behind me from the nonexistent air for no reason.


"What?" I asked them with my voice losing their booming sound.

""Nothing!"" they quickly said with a blush as I know for a certain that they're trying hard not to laugh as they find the headband weird as it doesn't fit well with the butler's outfit.

Whatever! I'm not taking this handband off as removing it after tying it on would make me look stupid!

"Do you agree with this Emi-san?" I asked her.

She then looked at Tohru then back to me and nodded "As long as I can help Tohru and protect her as well then I agree to being turned into a dragon!" She said with determination on her face.

I looked at their faces then nodded making them sigh in relief.

"You two come close and stay still" I instructed them as they did what was told and stood in front of me with Tohru on my left while Emi is on my right I then placed my palms where their heart should be...

"H-hey!?" (Emi)

"Wha-" (Tohru)

"Hold still! As I'm using Tohru-san's soul feedback to provide Emi-san's soul dragonic energy, while I'm serving as a conductor for the dragonic energy to flow into your soul." I calmly said to them.

"T-then why are ya touchin' our b--breast then!?" Emi asked/yelled in a familiar dialect with a rapidly spreading blush on her face, while Tohru's face is getting redder as Emi speaks.

'Huh. I didn't expect Emi-san to have a Kansai dialect! That's cute!' I yelled in my head.

"I have to. As your heart is the closest to the soul." I explained to them in with my tone not changing
Bullshit. I just haven't touched a woman's breast yet as I'm an otaku introvert back then in my previous life. So I'm just taking the opportunity to do so, while transforming Emi's soul to a dragon's at the same time.


Zoom zoom


It's a package deal for me

No, it's a win-win situation for all of us!

As I was squeezing their breast a dark thought came to mind, which I immediately stopped before it corrupts me.

'Ok let's not do the 'marking' cliché and do this the way of real men. Conquer their hearts fair and square.'


Both Emi and Tohru bodies glowed brightly while spreading outwards starting from the 'part' where my hands are with their respective colors, green being Tohru's and red being Emi's.

As the light show died down I noticed something in my right particularly my right hand.



'Whoa...' was the only thing that popped in my mind.

I noticed something different in my right hand as I blinked and subconsciously squeezed again. That seems to knock off Emi-san and Tohru from their err...
Anyways, she backed away from me and held her arms protectively to shield her breast from me while glaring at me. Tohru followed suit with a faint blush still on her face while backing away, minus the shielding and glaring.

'I'm so sorry! I can't help it!' I mentally apologized.

'?' Emi-san stopped her glaring when she noticed something different than usual.


"I-it's bigger! M-mah breasts got bigger! Tohru look! My breasts got bigger!" She excitedly said while putting Tohru's hands on her breasts, making Tohru squeeze them in curiousity.

*Squish* *moan*

Damn! This is the 2 in 1 package deal! You get to fondle two girls' breasts then get to see them fondle the other!

Oh my! I can see 2 points poking underneath her shirt.

No bra?

"Yis-" *cough!*

I fake coughed to cover my excitement over two girls groping the oth- Anyways! It's seems my fake cough got their attention as their faces are now steaming crimson red.

"I-it's not what it looks-" I held my hand up to stop her from speaking so that the plot may move on.

"Now that it's done-" I said while being interrupted by a "huh?" From a confused Emi. "I did not just touch your breasts just for fun you know(lie)? I mean didn't you agreed to be turned into a dragon?" I told the two as they blushed again remembering what transpired earlier.

"So did it work?" She asked me which I immediately replied "Yes, as you were originally a human I only needed to turn your soul into a dragon's, making you a humanoid dragon."

"That means?" Emi-san asked for an explanation.

"That means you're the opposite of me Kobayashi-san! While I can turn into a human. You Kobayashi-san can turn into a dragon!" Tohru happily supplied for her.

Tohru then turned to me with a look asking for something.

"What?" I asked

She looked away "Well..."

Anndd done!

Sorry! It took me a while to update this story as I'm racking for ideas on how to proceed with the story after Ch 5 as I'm getting irritated on how I can make the story go forward as there's so many ideas popping in my head

Anyways Ch 7 is coming next!

Here's a sneak peak on one of the characters that are guaranteed to be introduced in future chapters.

That's all for now buh bye!
