Chapter two

At work the two were  like a celebrity couple. Everyone  always had  their  prying  eyes  on them watching their every move. Nurses were especially after drama. They found their marriage amusing.

Jungkook was  checking something  from  the  front desk when a shorter male appeared behind him.

"Trouble  in paradise. Did you  fight? I  honestly  think  you  two  need a marriage counselor "

"I think  you should  go and ask  your  friend what's  the  deal with  him not wanting kids. Is it such a bad thing. I'm  even  prepared to put  my  career on hold  if I  have a baby. I will  do all the  hard work so I don't  know what  his  problem is.I'm  getting fed up honestly. Such an ungrateful bastard "

"Whoa whoa ,breath. You might just  kill a patient  today. Just  calm down. "

"I'm really sorry for ranting. I gotta go.Thank  you "Jungkook said as he was headed for the elevator. He  had found it fruitless  to get  mad about  it anymore .Taehyung  always talks over  him and has his way.

Jungkook ,Taehyung  along with Jimin went  a long time back. Jimin was  in the  same  class with Taehyung and  friends  with Jungkook  in high school. Jimin had also married a senior that  he was  crazy about  at some  point. He  found in beffitng to specialise  in GYNE/OB.His husband  Min Yoongi lived in Daegue because his work was based there. Like  the  rest of them  he  is a doctor, a surgeon at that.

That day Jungkook ditched Taehyung  for  lunch and went  to lock  himself in Jimin 's office.

"And  now? "Jimin arched a brow in suprise.He  was  sitting casually on his chair. 

Jungkook sat opposite the older and  placed his bowel of black noodles on the table.

"Can  you  believe  what  he  did? "

"What  did  he  do?"Jimin asked with amusement while opening his chocolate bar.

"He  told  my friends off.I mean  can't  I have  a social  life. Should  my  life only  revol around  him. He  is my husband and all  but can't  he give me  some  space. He  won't  even  do what I want as if I'm  asking  him  to shave  his  head.Yet he has  the nerve  to look  me in the eye  and  tell  me that  he  loves me.What a hypocrite  "

Jimin 's phone started vibrating  on his  table. He picked  it up with an uneasy expression.

"Is your phone  off?"suddenly he asked.

"Yeah why?"Jungkook asked.

"I  thought as much. Your  husband  is calling me. You  Should  go to  him before  he  mules me  over "

"I should have  gone  to Hoseok  Hyung. He  wouldn't  know that  I'm  with him "Jungkook pouted.

"Are  you  going  to go to him  or are  you  going  to let  him  come and  drag you? "Jimin laughed

"Which  one  is less embarrassing? "

"Going  to him. He  is in the underground  parking  lot"

"Bye,you can  have  this. I haven't  touched it and  I have  already  lost  my appetite "Jungkook pouted.

"Well  thank you. "Jimin  watched Jungkook  wryly walk out and  close  the  door  behind  him. Just looking at the younger made him wonder what his own husband was  up to.

When Jungkook got  to the parking lot,Taehyung  gave  him  a piercing  glare before opening  the  door  for  him. Jungkook  sighed and  started  bitting  his  lip out  of nervousness,arms crossed over his chest .

Taehyung  got in and  started  the ignition.

"Didn't  I  tell  you  about  ditching  lunch  with  me?You  did  it anyways .Such  a brat"Taehyung scowled.

"Tae i was  mad and  needed  a break. You just can't  go and  tell  off my friends  like  that. I'm  not  a kid. I'm 26 for crying  out  loud.Can  you  at least  treat  me  like  an adult. Its  infuriating  when  you  do that. My friends probably  don't want  ever want  to talk  to me at all "

"Your  friends should  know  that  you  are  married and most  of your  time  should  be spend with  me. Plans change and people change. This isn't med school anymore. You now have a life with someone else.  "

"Taehyung  are  you  even  listening  to yourself. You  sound  like  a desperate  teenager "Jungkook laughed.

"Jungkook watch  your  tone "Taehyung warned.

"Or what? I'm  tired  of you  bossing  over  me. I'm  not  afraid  of you. You  aren't  the  boss of me.Stop  the  car and  let me off /"Jungkook  yelled.

"I  have  been  too lenient with you  lately  haven't  I? "

Instead of stopping  the  car Taehyung  increased  the  speed  of the car ignoring Jungkook 's protests to stop.

The  car came  to a sudden  halt.Taehyung  furiously  opened  the  door  to his side and  went  over to open  for  Jungkook.

"What? "

"Get out and  go to  the  backseat and  strip.By the time  I get  back  you  should  be  ready  for  me "he  ordered  viciously.

"What? "Jungkook yelled.

"Should  I  do it for  you?.You  have  to learn  to respect  me and  I will teach you the hard way .You literally asked for it  "

"Taehyung this  is madness "Jungkook tried to reason.He knew what was coming. Hardly a month never goes by without him needing punishment. 

"I warned  you  to watch  that  temper of yours right. Now I'm going to punish you "

Jungkook wondered  if it was the  right time  to apologize. If he  dosent do what Taehyung  wanted  things  could get  ugly.

"I'm not nice so don't ever expect  me  to be "Taehyung said as he walked away. Jungkook  knew that Taehyung was daring him  to run away but  looking  at the  location he  didn't even know where to run  to.He would completely get  lost. There wasn't even a single person around. The  thought  alone sent shivers down  his  spine.

He went backseat and took off his  clothes  piece by piece slowly.  When  he was done  he sat with his  hands between his  legs. Just  in time  Taehyung  came  back with a evil grin  on his  face.

Without being told anything Jungkook  laid on the seat,legs open and  pink hole  on display,big eyes glossy.  Taehyung removed his pants and  the  cruel  punishment  began. Jungkook was  literally crying and screaming just  to annoy Taehyung  but he couldn't  care less.This kind  of punishment was  the  reason  why Jungkook  didn't want to make his husband  mad.It wasn't the vanilla type he liked but the type that Taehyung liked. Hard fucking.

It was  after Taehyung  had reached his  high and  filled up Jungkook 's hole that Jungkook realized that he hadn't  taken  his  pill in the morning because  he was busy being  angry. He broke into  a cold sweat and looked  at Taehyung  critically.

"You  want  another  round? "Taehyung teased as he caressed the younger 's sweaty forehead.

Jungkook  wanted  to scream  on top of his lungs. Now  that  there  was  a chance of him getting  pregnant  he  got scared  to his  core. He  came to a realisation that he  hadn't  thought  things through enough.

Was saying  sorry in advance going  to help.Without  meaning to Jungkook  started  crying. The  crying  of a naughty child who  had  done something wrong but  couldn't tell  his  parents. He had  to let them found  out  on their  own.

Taehyung noticed  the  tears and pecked both of Jungkook 's eyelids and  kissed  away  his  tears.

After cleaning up Jungkook  put on a sharp exterior just  to intimidate his husband but  he was shaking  inside.

"He  fucks me  whenever he  feels like it and expects me  not  to get  pregnant while he ..."Jungkook mumbled.He couldn't really blame him  in that sense. Despite being together for almost ten years they had never  had sex because Jungkook only  wanted it after marriage. It proves how much Taehyung  loved him  enough to respect and wait for him that  long .

"Are  you that angry that  you are  being  grumpy "Taehyung chuckled

"Is this  taking  me to lunch  that  you were talking  about .Lunch  time  is already  up and I haven't  eaten "Jungkook complained.

"Again  with  your  sulking "

"I'm  hungry, Taehyung .I don't know how  I  put  up with  you for ten years. I'm  such  a saint. Can  you  take me  home? "

"What about  work? "

"It's your father's hospital after all.Tell  them something. Would  you  be able to work  with  juice  dripping  out  your hole plus I'm  hungry "

"Okay, anything for  you "

"If they ask  for a specific  reason  why I skipped work  I will just  tell  them excatly what  you  just  did "he threatened 

"You wouldn't "Taehyung laughed. 

"Wait and see.My father in law will  get  to know  what  a jerk I'm married to"

"Can  we at least  talk about  this "

"We are already  talking. I think  the  term you  are  looking  for  is negotiate"Jungkook said with a sassy tone.

Did I say  something  about him  being  calm?Well  I take  that  back.

If you ask Taehyung  to describe Jungkook he would list these things. Cheeky, a tease, sarcastic, dramatic, nasty and  temperamental.
