Chapter eighteen

Promptly past seven, Jungkook heard  a knock on his door while he was just about to retire to bed.He  only thought that it would be no one else at the door  besides Jimin.

He  went to the door with a tired droopy face.

"Hyung, it's you? "he said with a sleepy  tone. The door was slightly open only  to stick his head out.

"Aren't you going to let  me  in?Don't  tell me you have someone  in there "

"Okay, come in"he groaned

"I actually invited a few guests "he grinned ."I hope you don't mind "

"What? "Jungkook asked in  suprise and  four  other men  appeared from behind Jimin all wearing huge smiles. 

"Guys? "Jungkook was really suprised .

"Hello Jungkook "Yoongi waved and Jungkook went to hug him  tightly. The  others all  looked at Jimin  anticipating a reaction from him but he didn't  react at all.

"I  really missed  you  so much, Hyung "

"So why  did you leave without saying goodbye. I'm really mad at you "

"I'm really sorry. It was really stupid of me "

When Hoseok and Namjoon didn't get any reaction from Jimin, they looked at Taehyung who had a rather  blank expression on.

When Jungkook broke the hug Namjoon went and hug him. Yet again Hoseok checked for a reaction from Taehyung  but  he got non.After exchanging greetings Namjoon went inside with Jimin and Yoongi.

"Hi"Hoseok handed Jungkook a bottle of wine before pecking his cheek. It caught the younger by suprise. Hoseok winked at Taehyung before going in.

"Don't misunderstand me. I came by invite.You know Jimin Hyung can be  very insisting "Taehyung  began.

"Okay but why do I feel that was an excuse to get to see me?'

"Well it's not entirely false "Taehyung 's hands were behind his back and made Jungkook  curious.

"What's that you are holding. Did you bring  something for me "he teased

"Ah lilies. You said you were allergic to flowers didn't you? It's such a shame. I bought it and  forgot all about it"

"I don't remember telling you that Taehyung. Are you  confusing me with someone else?"

"Of course not. Here "Taehyung offered the bouquet to the younger.

"Come  in and thanks"Jungkook smiled.

Before Jungkook could get in two men arrived and started offloading things into  his house. They left afterwards without saying anything.

"So what's the occasion guys,?"he finally asked.

"It's house warming. We won't be long  since its already late .Are the twins already asleep? "

"No they are at my parents "Jungkook said and watched a twinge of disappointment on Taehyung 's face . Maybe he was really looking forward to get a glimpse of his children.

Jungkook was  really tired and entertaining guests was the last thing he needed. He would have turned them away but Jimin  would call  him  an anti social nutcase .

"Are you guys hungry. I can cook if you want "Jungkook offered to the Hyungs that were sitting on the couches in the living room.

"We didn't want to trouble you so we ate out. I think it's time we present the  presents"

"Taehyung  got you  a dishwasher"Jungkook froze for a while. Talk about telepathy. He was just thinking about yesterday. Taehyung knew how Jungkook  hated hand washing dishes. He had always made a farce when the dishwasher of their place broke down  when they were still together.

"Thanks but you didn't have  to"

"Oh don't be modest. If he dosent spend  money on you then  who.Taehyung  I think you should take Jungkook and the kids to Paris for shopping. It's really great  to spend money on those you love "Hoseok said.

"Did you take someone there? "Namjoon asked

"Of course I went by myself. Why would you even ask that "Hoseok laughed and so did everyone.They all knew Hoseok wasn't really into dating. He would become a monk if he could.

Yoongi had gotten a microwave and left Jungkook speechless. Namjoon gave him a painting.

Hoseok 's gift warmed Jungkook 's heart. He  had gotten two  sets  of quilts that had cartoon characters on them which were meant  for  the twins. Jimin had struggled for long  to get a suitable  present but an Xbox PlayStation was all he could come up with. Everything was done in such a short  notice and some gifts were  picked up in hurry but Jungkook was  happy that he had such friends.

Hoseok opened the wine he had gotten to celebrate Jungkook 's return. Jungkook didn't have any wine glasses  so they used plastic cups  instead.They had also gotten a few snacks. 

"Is it okay for you guys  to drink  like this. Don't you have  work tomorrow? "Jungkook asked.

"It's  a good thing  that  we are drinking  with  the  director  so we won't get in trouble "Hoseok said. "I'm  not sure about Yoongi  though. I think the director of his  hospital  will probably  kick him out "

"Very funny "Yoongi snorted "At least I don't have to work with dorks like you "

"So Jungkook  are you  coming back  to Jinsung hospital? 'Namjoon asked.

"No , I won't. I'm going to a different hospital "he admitted

Taehyung regarded   Jungkook with  a blank  expression  before looking away.

In a way Taehyung was happy to be  out with other people for a  change.  Ever since  Jungkook left  all he did every night before Jennie came  was  cook,play classical music, push up the volume and on rare occasions he lit up a cigarette which  he wouldn't smoke anyways. He  knew better than to mess with his health.

The  six friends  sat and talked and laughed  for a while. Amidst it all Jungkook 's phone  buzzed and he  left  the  room. Taehyung also felt the urge to follow him  so he did  just that.

"Hyung, I'm sure the twins would  be elected  to see you? "

"What  about you? "

"Of  course I would be .Was there ever a doubt. I will come pick you from the airport  tomorrow "

"Bye "

Jungkook  ended the call  with  a smile only for it to fade away when he found Taehyung  standing like  a zombie behind him.

"Don't ever do that. You startled me "

"I'm sorry. I thought  we should meet  up tomorrow  and discuss about  what  the  twins  need  if you don't mind .The  ealier we do it the better "

"Aren't you going to work tomorrow? "

"I'm  on a sick leave "

"You don't look sick at all to me "Jungkook  laughed.

"Just tell me what time  would be  good  for  you. We  can meet at my place "

"Uhum maybe twelve. I have to pick someone from the airport  in the morning "

"Is it a guy,?'Taehyung heard himself ask.

"Yeah "

Taehyung didn't say anything and  went back  to the living  room. Jungkook came a few minutes after.

"Before coming here we agreed that Taehyung  would  stay here and help you clean up "

"I don't think that would be  necessary "Jungkook said impatiently.

"Jungkook,it  won't  kill  you  to accept help from someone.We played  rock ,paper and  scissors then he  lost so undoubtedly he has to clean up "Jimin said.

"Fine  ,whatever "

"Okay, we will be  leaving now. You  guys take  care "

After the others left the air in the house hanged with defeat. They sat and stared at each other  wordlessy.

Jungkook was the first to get up.He went  and took all the things that would be needed for cleaning up.No word was said  until  they  were  done.Suddenly Jungkook was weary to spend any more time having a wooden conversion with the man  he had loved.

Jungkook walked Taehyung  to the door so he could lock  it after the older leaves.

"Good night "Jungkook whispered tiredly.

"I. ..really  don't want  to leave "Taehyung  mildly admitted .

"Taehyung, I'm  really  tired. I have  had  a long day  and I wanna sleep. Its  way eleven. Just stop messing with my  head.

"Please. ."he pleaded.

"Taehyung what exactly are you up  to?"

"Nothing Kookie. I just missed you so much. Can't you let  me stay  here just for tonight. I will sleep  on the couch so you won't be uncomfortable "

"Just  don't  make  me  regret this "Jungkook sighed deeply.

"You won't "

Taehyung sat on the couch while Jungkook  went  up.After ten minutes  he  was  back  wearing  only  an oversized t shirt. He was  holding a blanket and  a pillow. He  also  had a pair of sweatpants  and another t shirt 

"Change  into  this. Your clothes might get creases. The  bathroom  is over there."

"Thanks "he smiled.

As he  was  about  to leave Taehyung  tugged  his hand. "What  now, ?Taehyung "
