Chapter fourteen

Like the twins  had promised they woke up without making  any fuss about it.He  made sure that  they  dressed up warmly since it was in early January .The  cold was bone chilling.

At seven, Jin came with his car to drop the  three at the airport. He  left after seeing their  plane take off.

The twins were really intrigued about boarding  a plane for the  first in their  lives.It wasn't first class but at least they were able to be  on that  plane. Five hours later  the plane  arrived  at Seoul international airport. Jimin had  taken  time  off to drive  them to their  new place  .

"Jungkook, you have no idea  how  I longed to see you "Jimin squeaked as he latched himself on to the  younger.

The  twins exchanged glances and  laughed.They  found  Jimin so funny for a reason.

"Hyung, it's really been long "

"I  thought  I would never see you again "

"Well, here  I  am.You  have  probably  seen  these guys "Jungkook said referring to the  twins  besides him.

"Of course  I know them.I  didn't know that  they  would  look  like Taehyung  that  much. They are  a splitting image of him "Jimin  blurted out only  to regret after  noting the  looks  Jungkook and  his  sons gave  him. The twins  looked like they had  heard that name for  the  first  time  in their lives. Jungkook  gave him the look that  screamed "just  splendid Hyung. Now  I will have  some  explaining  to do."

"Anyways let's  go"he  said.

"Papa who is he? "Min Jun started.

"Can we talk after we get  settled at home "Jungkook  sighed as he was  taking their laguage into Jimin 's  car trunk.

Jimin gave him  an apologetic look. The four eyed pair got settled in the backseat and was  immediately engrossed by watching  the view  of Seoul for  the  first time. Jimin felt it was better  to play the music.

"Jungkook,I'm  really  sorry. I didn't mean  to"

"Why  did you have  to bring  that  up.I had everything under control. Now what am I going  time say to them? "

"Don't they know  about  him? Do they know that you gave birth to them "

"They  know that  I gave birth  to them but they don't  know who Taehyung  is"

"Didn't they ask  about  their  father at all? "

"I  told  him  that  he died  so they don't ask about him. I mean I didn't lie to them. Taehyung  is dead  to them. Should  I tell  them that their  father  never  wanted  them.Should  I? "

"You  did  the right thing " agreed Jimin 

"I don't know what's  going on with  them.They  found  mine and Taehyung 's  picture  among my stuff and  they  talk about  it a lot. They  noticed that  they  look like each other and it got them  wondering "

"What  if they  meet  Taehyung. ?They  will definitely ask  questions "

"I  will make  sure  that  he  never sees them. Not  on his life "

"He  has  changed ,Jungkook. He  got treatment like you had  said. He  went  to therapy. I was  there all  along.I'm sure you will understand him if you give him a chance to explain  "

"Hyung, even if he has  changed, it dosent mean  anything  at all. It doesn't erase  the   atrocity  that he committed torwards my children. It was brutal. I don't think  even when  they find out they would want  to see him either. He doesn't deserve  them."

"Do you still love him after all these years? "

"That's  a million dollar question, Hyung "Jungkook laughed.

"Don't tell me  you are seeing someone else? "

"Is that a problem .I'm  sure he  has  also tried to find some  clones "

"You can't be serious "

"Why are you getting  personal? Since  when  were Taehyung and  you so close "

"I'm  not. I just didn't know that you would be over him  so soon.I just thought the two of you couldn't  live  without each other  "

"Can  we not talk about that. I haven't been  home in a long while and listening  about  Taehyung  is the last thing  I want. If you don't mind "

"Yeah  if you say so"

From there on there  was  sheer  silence until they had  arrived  at Jungkook 's new place. When  the  car stopped, the twins immediately  rushed out of the car to the car  that  was  in the drive way.

"Papa is this our  new car?"Min ho asked.

"Yes it is ,do you  like  it?"Jungkook smiled.

"And  the house too!"Min jun  beamed.

"Why  do I feel like I'm going to regret buying  this car and the  house. I have  literally emptied all  my savings  account. The  twins need to start school in a few days. I will need to add up on winterwear. It's just too much "

"You  can  always  talk to me  if you need  help."

"Thanks  Hyung, I'm  sure  I can manage "

"I have stocked up the  fridge and the  pantry like  you  had said. Shall I help you unpack  too?"Jimin asked.

"No , Hyung .You  have done more than enough. Thanks  a lot "

"So I better be on my way. Bye guys"

"Bye"-the twins waved at the older  with wide grins.

"Thanks once again ,Hyung "

"I will see you around. "

After Jimin left the three opened the  house  and  took  their laguages inside. The  twins were marvelled.

"This  place  is so nice, Papa. It's bigger than  the  last  one "

"I'm  glad  you like it guys. So what shall  we do first? "

"I'm  hungry, Papa "Min ho whined.

"You are probably  right. Let's eat  first. I will make lunch  for us while  you guys take a tour of the place. Be careful of the stairs. "

"Yes, that would be nice "Min Jun smiled.

"Okay, wait before  you go I wanna know whether you guys want  to share  a room or have  separate ones. ?"

"We are twins  so we should  always  stick together. I can't  even  sleep  without  my brother, isn't  that  so Junie?"

"Minie, is right "

"Okay that's  sorted. I assumed  that you would want  to share "

"So can  we go now? "asked Min ho.

"Sure "

After having lunch the  trio started  unpacking  their staff. They  started  out  in the  twin's  room. By the  time  they  were  done it was already dark out so Jungkook  made dinner while the  boys watched  cartoons of the flat screen tv.The twins were incredibly happy about being in the new house.

After dinner the boys  helped Jungkook  wash the dishes. He therefore  made  a mental  note  to get  a dishwasher. Hand washing  them was  a hustle.

When  they  were done  ,they hung up their  portraits in on the living  room  walls. Jungkook  had  deposited a very  huge amount  in Jimin 's  account  to get  an affordable house  for them  a few weeks back  while  he still was  in China .Jungkook  had  told Jimin  to get  him  everything  that  he  would  need  from  the  house  furniture and  a car.

Jungkook 's bank balance had  taken  a big  blow after  everything of which  he was  yet  to get  a job.

The  twins  did their  evening routine and  went  to Jungkook 's room  to keep  him  company  while he  was  unpacking  his  own  stuff.Min jun got  busy  with Jungkook 's phone  while Min ho was  scribbling  in his  drawing  books.

By the time Jungkook was  done the two  were already  fast asleep on his  bed.He  covered  them with the white  bedspread before  going  to take  his  much  needed  shower.

A lot was  on his  mind. There was  a lot  still needed  in terms  of house hold items.The  twins  room  looked too plain. New designing  and  new toys  were  needed. Jungkook  found himself  getting  frustrated in the shower  when  he  recalled that  the kid's citizenships had to be  changed. They also needed to go for  their monthly hospital check up.Min ho's eyesight had  to be  checked and both their teeth needed  a dentist 's attention.

It wasn't anything  new to Jungkook. He  knew that when one  has kids  all  he  ever does  is worry.Even for  the  smallest  thing.

After he had  named his  twins  he  had a hard  time  telling who was  who so he  placed  name  bracelets  on their  hands  until he was  about  to differentiate them from  each  other.

After  everything  that  had happened Jungkook  thought he  would  have  a serious case of post natal depression  but  he  never  had  it or else it would affect his  relationship with his  sons. He  was  really  glad  and thankful for  the  people  who helped him  throughout.
