Chapter four

The following days were difficult for Jungkook because every time he heard the term pregnancy he  flinched and being in the hospitsl all day didnt help at all .It was like horror to him. Eventually he  got over it as days went by.The  mistake he had made was  way long  forgotten.

Their marriage anniversary arrived and they were both happy and  took  a two day vacation just  to celebrate. Jungkook felt like everything was going  to be  okay .

Just as everything seemed perfect between them pregnancy happened. Jungkook started having morning sickness but he was  still in denial until Jimin a gynecologist  caught  him  throwing up in the hospital bathroom.

"Jungkook  ....are you okay? "Jimin stood behind the younger and  made him flinch like he had been caught stealing food.

"I think it's food poisoning "Jungkook  grinned in a silly manner as he washed his  face masking his weakness. Only he knew how many times he had to rush for the toilet bowl and  heave his guts up.

"Idiot, Taehyung  can fall for that but not me"Jimin chuckled.

"What are you talking about ?"he played dumb obviously.

"Come here "Jimin dragged Jungkook into a stall.

"You know what this might mean right? "Jimin asked critically.

"Hyung, I. can't  be ..right? "Jungkook stuttered.

"How long have you been feeling  nauseous ?"

"Two weeks "

"There is only one  way to know. I don't have any  appointments after lunch so you  need  to come  with me  to my place "

"But Hyung. .."

Jimin gripped Jungkook 's shoulders"No excuses,you have  to be  sure before Taehyung  smells anything.I'm  not going to kill you  "

"Okay "Jungkook finally agreed after much hesitation.

Suddenly  the  door of the stall cracked open and both males eyes went wide as they possibly could be.The  position that they were in was awkward as fuck. It was Taehyung who had opened the door  and he didn't look amused at all. He had recognized their voices.

"What  are  you guys doing,?"he asked with a bored tone.

Jimin briskly removed  his hands from Jungkook 's shoulder 's. "We were playing and Jungkook don't forget what we talked about  "with that Jimin  left leaving  Jungkook  in the cross fire.

"What  is he talking about? "Taehyung raised his eye brows in suprise.

"Actually. ..he  wanted  to hang out since we are both  free this afternoon."

"You can  go with him after we have lunch together. I will pick  you  up from his place  in the evening .Is that okay? "


"Since  we are  here. ...?Would you like to make the most of it"Taehyung licked his lips.

"What  ?Don't  except me  to do anything dirty here. Have some  self control and shame, Kim Taehyung "

"Please "Taehyung pleaded as his  long  arm snaked Jungkook 's waist. Jungkook 's weaknesses was  that  he  couldn't  deny Taehyung and  they  ended up making out for ten minutes. The  kissing was hungry like and impatient.

The way Taehyung kissed him only reminded him  of their wedding night. Taehyung had been so gently with him at first but turned into a hungry lion  thirsting over a bunny. Jungkook would wake up and then sleep  again with Taehyung still  fucking  him. Jungkook wondered how someone could have so much  stamina. Not to even mention how much he  bled.Instead of enjoying his honeymoon he was  sleeping  in a  hotel room not  being able to lift any limb because his  whole body  was  cramped and stiff  .

Jungkook got mad at Taehyung  for the rest of their  honeymoon until he  promised he would be  gentle.

When they came back from the bathroom  all eyes were  on them
Obviously everyone noticed  that  they had  made  out thanks to Jungkook 's swollen lips. Taehyung  didn't even have anything  on him.

After  lunch Jimin drove Jungkook  to his  place. The  first thing he did was  give  him  the  kit.Jungkook was  hesitant about using it until Jimin literally pushed  him  inside the  bathroom .Jimin was  waiting for  him in the hall.

"Hyung, you  are making me  nervous. Can you go downstairs "Jungkook yelled as he was  leaning against the closed door.

"Okay, just make  it snappy "

"Okay "Jungkook whispered  to himself while Jimin went  downstairs  to make  tea for himself.

When Jungkook was done he went downstairs with the test  in his  right hand and according to Jimin, he didn't look well at all. Without uttering any word Jungkook  sat opposite the older on the kitchen counter.

"What is it?"Jimin asked.

Jungkook responded by  sliding  the  test towards the older who picked it up frantically. Jungkook watched a wide grin appear on the older 's face 

"This is good  news. You  should be  happy "

"Hyung this  sounded  so much easier in my  head and now  that  I'm actually pregnant, I don't  know what  to feel? Isn't this  thing dead or something,?'

"Do you want another one? "Jimin asked with sarcasm.

"Can  I? "Jungkook pouted.

"Jungkook stop acting as if you committed  a crime. Face  it ,you are pregnant and  it's what  you have  always  wanted .You should be happy "

"I don't  want  Taehyung to hate  me. I love him  a lot "

"I think  both of you got issues. So will you  kill your unborn child just because  the  father dosent want  it.That's  ridiculous and laughedable.What matters  is that you want  it"

"So what  shall I do?"

"What did  you have in mind? Go to an abortion clinic? "Jimin was overloading with sarcasm.

"Hyung I won't  abort  it"Jungkook whined .

"First of all  you could  use some  tea"

They spent the whole afternoon brainstorming ideas on how Jungkook was  going  to handle  the  situation but none of them  seemed  to work. Jimin heard  a car honking outside his gate.

"Jungkook. ..Taehyung is here. Don't act impulsively. I think  you should hide it until  its  at a point  where  he can't  force  you  to terminate  it"

"I will, I really  want  to have  this  baby  Hyung. As much  as I love  Taehyung  I also  love  this child. He  might  not  like it but  it's a symbol of our  love. I wish he  would just tell  me  why he  would hate his  own  blood  this much "

"Don't get  all  emotional  now. He  will  catch  on.Act natural .He is at the door "

When Jungkook turned around to see Taehyung entering the door  he felt a wave of guilt washing over  him. He wanted  to weep and Taehyung noticed it and he got concerned. Jungkook 's big eyes always let  him know when something was  wrong.

"Are you okay? "

Jungkook shook his head and went to hug his husband tightly and made him startled.

"Kookie are you okay? "he was really stunned.

Jungkook pulled away just enough  to get a good look on Taehyung 's face.

"I  .. I. ."

"Damnit Jungkook "Jimin mumbled under his  breath.He  didn't want  Jungkook  to betray himself to Taehyung .

"I  just  missed  you  a lot "he  lied and Jimin heaved a sigh of relief.

"You  are cute. I told  you  not  to hang out with Jimin. He  is mean "Taehyung laughed as he caressed Jungkook 's cheek.

"That's rude "Jimin huffed.

"Hyung bye, we have  to go"Jungkook smiled.

"Take care  of  yourself "Jimin said  with a somewhat stern tone.

"I  will "

On the way home a melancholic feeling creeped into Jungkook.

"Where  do you want  to have dinner tonight? "

"Anywhere   is fine "Jungkook said nonchalantly.

"Is there something  bothering you. You sound off."Taehyung asked patiently.

"Actually I wanna go home  for the weekend  if you don't  mind "

"Your parent's? Is everything  okay? "

"Everything is  fine  .I just missed  them a lot especially  my brother. I haven't  seen  them  ever since  we got married and  that was a year ago"

"You  don't have to ask permission from  me  Jungkook. You are  not  my slave but my  husband. "Taehyung said fondly .

"That line is very  clinch "Jungkook laughed.

"You  invented it after all "Taehyung  laughed back.
