Chapter eleven

When Jungkook woke  up it was already  dark out. The twins hadn't woken up so he thought he should heat up the takeaway  Yoongi had gotten and also get  the formula  water  ready.

It was only after setting up his dinner did Jungkook  realize that he  didn't  have any  appetite. Before he could  put his food away  one of the twins  woke up and started wailing.

"Someone  is awake "Jungkook cooed as he leaned into  the cradle and picked up the  small  baby into  his arms.

"Okay, let's have a diaper check shall  we?Alright baby needs a diaper "

After confirming that his son needed a diaper change, Jungkook  layed him back  into  the  cradle and  went  to his room to get the diaper. When he was about to go out his  phone rang .It was Jimin and Jungkook realized that he had put  off talking to the  older  for long  enough.

"Hello? "

"Mother  of the year. I have been  calling  and  texting didn't you realise "

"Sorry Hyung. We just got out  of the hospital today and I'm just wrapping my head around  the  changes"

"It that so.I heard  that  the twins  look like Taehyung  the  most.Super cute "

"How  come  i don't  see it.Who even  said  that. They  look  nothing  like  him "

"Yoongi  told  me.Anyways congratulations. I'm so happy  for  you. I wish  I could tell Taehyung  the  good  news "

"How. he?"

"I  don't know. I haven't  seen  him  all  day.I wonder what he is up to"

"I really  miss him  a lot. Especially today. I wish he  was  here  to see a part of him "

Yah its such  a good day  to spoil it by talking about him "

"I just  can't help  it "

"Oh please Jungkook. Do I need  to send  a slap through the phone for  you. Have you  named  them yet?

"I haven't thought about  it"

"What  are  you  waiting  for. Do you  think  Taehyung  is going  to show  up there  and  say  he wants  them.Wake  up Jungkook "

"Okay, I have  to go"

"Send me  their  pictures"

"Tomorrow Hyung. I'm  really tired. Good bye "

"Take  care .Happy belated birthday by the way "

"When  was my birthday again. I can't  remember "

"You  are so silly. I think sharing a birthday with your  kids is one of the best things that could happen to anyone. Still can't believe that you are 27"

"Neither can  I  .I  have  to go someone needs my attention "

As soon  as he hang up he went  to the living room only  to see the  window open. He  thought  that Yoongi  had come back.

"Hyung, is that you? "Jungkook yelled but  there wasn't  any  answer. He  shrugged  it off and  went  the  the  cradles  He  was  admiring his kids until his eyes  met an empty  cradle. His  heart  stopped, eyes  wide and  teary.Panic crept  over him and he didn't know what  to do.

"My  "he  yelled and was  replied by a wailing coming  from  the  kitchen. How  could  a one  week old baby move on his  own. Jungkook  rushed  there only  to see horror. A familiar  back  was  facing him  and  holding  his  son.

"Don't worry, daddy  is here  now "the  voice said.

"TAEHYUNG? "he  breathed out  and  the  said  male turned to face  him  while leaning of the kitchen sink.

"You  don't  look  as surprised  as I thought  you  would. You  were living  with Yoongi  all  this  while. I wonder what you two  were up to? "

Jungkook stood  his ground literally shaking "What. ..,?How  are  you  here? "

"How  long did you think  you  could hide from  me.I knew  where  you were  all this  while "

"So why are you here  now? "Jungkook 's tone was  suddenly cold.

"I  came  to take  you  home "he replied mildly.

Jungkook laughed humorlessly "What? "

"You  are going  to give  them up for  adoption and  come  back  home with  me. Look what  they  did  to you "

"Don't act as if you care about  me. I hate the  person  you  are. How  can you just say  that? You  are  heartless .I thought  you  would change and  maybe  you would  want to take  both me  and our  sons home but I guess the  joke  is on me. What  did these  innocent children  ever do to you. They are your  blood  for the  love  of God Taehyung. "Jungkook howled

"So are  you refusing. Are  you choosing them  over me "Taehyung 's tone was overly innocent.

"I guess i wasn't clear  enough  but  I already chose them the moment I left  your  house. I won't ever  understand your reason for not wanting then nor do I want  to.You should know that it's dangerous to trample  on another  man's pride. These  children  are my pride and joy.They mean  a lot  to me  more  than you will ever  mean  for  me and  that's  the  truth."Jungkook was hurt by his own words but he had to say it.

"Am I nothing to you now,?"Taehyung asked bitterly.

"You  wouldn't be  nothing if you  weren't so ruthless ,overbearing and  impossible. I'm  done with  you. This  is the  end.It's better  for  you  to leave "Jungkook yelled.

"Jungkook.  don't  mean  that? "

"I do.Just  hand  over my son and  leave. There is nothing here  for  you. I won't  go anyway without  them.They are  my life and  no one  can change  that  not  even  you "Jungkook took  his son into  his arms  frantically and  went  to the  living   room. He gently  placed him  into  the  cradle.

Taehyung also  strode  into  the  living  room .

After Jungkook had  settled the twin into  his  cradle he went over  and held  the  door  for Taehyung to leave.

"Leave "Jungkook 's eyes were soft  and  pink with  emotion.

As Taehyung  was  about  to leave  he grabbed  Jungkook 's hand  to pull him  out .

"Jungkook, you are mine and  only  mine"Taehyung growled as he pulled  the  younger out with him.

"Taehyung let  me go.This  is madness. You are really  crazy. I told  you  that  I'm not  leaving  my children  and  go to  live with a monster  like  you. "Jungkook yelled as he  fought off the older and ran back  into  the  house.

"Jungkook! "Taehyung roared as he followed after the younger  into  the  house.

Jungkook  picked  up a fruit knife  on the  dinning table and went  to his twins.

"If you take any  step near  me  or my  kids I swear to God that I won't  hesitate  to stab you. Don't  underestimate  the things I would do for them. I won't  ever  leave  my children Taehyung, do you hear  me? "he yelled  tearfully.

"Jungkook. ...let's  go home  and  it can  be like how it was for  all  those years "

"Taehyung,getting pregnant for you was a mistake but  me  deciding to keep  them wasn't. You  can't convince me  otherwise. You   are a lunatic. You really are  crazy and sick to the head and  help is what  you need  before  its  too late "

"So is my  love craziness for you ?"Taehyung 's tone was flat

"What love are you even talking  about? "Jungkook yelled. "This isn't love. These children are a symbol of our love but you  aren't willing  to accept them. This kind of love is hopeless, suffocating and overwhelming. I don't want  it if I can't have my children with  me .If this was the way that you loved then you should have never loved me"

"So are you willing to end everything that we had for all  those years "

"Were you even listening to me. What  we had  back then doesn't anywhere compare to what  we have  now. A part of me  understands you so I won't condemn you. It's not everyday that a man  gets pregnant. You  are  probably disgusted and I get  that  so I'm setting you  free .Please just go and let  us be"

"I'm not going anywhere without you "Taehyung protested

"Neither am I going anywhere without my children. So what  are we going  to do.Only  one  of us can have what he  wants. Just know one thing  Taehyung, if you  separate me from my children then you should  also  forget about having me because I will kill myself if that happens. "

Taehyung didn't say anything and went closer to Jungkook and picked him bridal style.

"I guess you weren't listening to me either. You are mine and I will have  you. Nothing or anyone can stop  me."Taehyung gave Jungkook  a sickening smirk.

"Taehyung  put me down this instant. So help me God,I don't want to commit murder. "

"That's very funny Kookie "

"Do you really think  I  will be  happy without  them?"

As soon as Jungkook asked that question the twins woke  up at the same  time and  started  wailing.

"Just let  me go"Jungkook  demanded but  Taehyung  wouldn't  release him.

Jungkook looked into Taehyung 's eyes. There wasn't any  hint of emotion or humanity in them.

"Taehyung  didn't  you  hear me .My children need me "

"I won't let you go again. Never. These past months have been hell you know that "

"They wouldn't have been hell  if you had considered my feelings for once. I  even wonder if you have a conscience. Just let me go while I'm still being nice about it.The twins are hungry. "

Taehyung rolled his eyes and started walking with Jungkook in his arms.

"Taehyung I'm not  going  anywhere  with  you. Didn't you hear me? "Jungkook scream mingled with the  wailing of the twins.

Taehyung ignored him  once  again. Jungkook  started hitting  the older 's chest with his  free hand. "Let me  go"

"You  should be thankful that  I  let  you give  birth to them "

"I  knew  it.You are a physcopath. When was the last time  you took your  meds"

Taehyung laughed humorlessly and looked at Jungkook who looked super small in his arms.

His smile quickly faded and was replaced with a groan.

"This  is what it feel  to be stabbed in the back, Kim  Taehyung "Jungkook deadpan as he pulled the knife from the  older 's back .

"Jungkook. .."

"What  I told you I would  stab you didn't I. Now it's up to your fate whether you live or die but I doubt the knife went deep "Jungkook dropped the bloody knife on the floor as he got from Taehyung 's arms.

Taehyung grunted as he fell onto the carpet  ,eyes wide in disbelief. The  fierceness vanished from his face, leaving a vulnerable look of pain.

Jungkook rushed to his twins and  changed their diapers. He acted as if Taehyung wasn't even there. He  briskly made formula  for  them and  fed them one at a time.
