Chapter seventeen

"I won't lie and say that I don't know why I did those things to you or what went  through  my mind. But how I wish you  could  forgive me and give me one more  chance.I didn't mean to break your heart  "

If Jungkook had known the kind of person Taehyung  was he wouldn't have loved him back then. Not that anyone  had ever guesed about the  howling loneliness inside.

"You are asking for  too  much Taehyung. More than  me I  think my  sons would be  heartbroken the most when they get  to know what happened back then. They wouldn't want to see you. And the truth is Taehyung, you  are dead to them. They don't know you exist. Only  if you had trusted me "

"Being without you will tear me  apart when  I know  how  it could have been. I swear  I will be  there "Taehyung squeezed Jungkook 's fingers  tightly.

"Did you ever  look for  us even once? "

"I couldn't I was so ashamed of myself. I knew you wouldn't  want  to see me. But now as long as I live I will  love you. You are my every reason. You are all that  I believe  in."

Jungkook 's head started spinning. "Dare you to get me  side tracked. Do I look easy to you. I'm  surely going to divorce you "

"Maybe if you give  me  a valid  reason  as to why I should let you go.I might think about it "

"Like seriously Taehyung. You  are  living  with another woman in our  home "

"Are  you  jealous "

"Madly and utterly. I'm going to demand  so much alimony that you would be left penniless and you won't be able to recover from it"

"Should  I take it that I'm  forgiven?"

"I  don't know Taehyung. If I forgive  I will feel as though  I have  betrayed my  kids. You understand don't you? "

"So can I count  on it?"

"Whatever floats  your boat.Back  to the reason why  I'm  here "

"Child maintenance? "

"Yeah  that. They are starting elementary school and I don't have any money. We moved  here yesterday. Min ho needs  a piano and Min Jun needs a violin. "

"Sure whatever you need. Everything will be  taken  care of."

"You have to understand that it would take some time  to see them  right? .I just can't tell them that the father I told that was dead is actually alive "

"I understand. Just being given the chance  means  a lot  "

"Taehyung? "Jungkook 's tone was serious.

"Yeah baby"Taehyung replied

." Six years is really  a long  time. If I ever  find out that you cheated  on me even once  I'm  going  to kill  you. You still have  time to get  rid of those girls in your  phone "

"Does  that mean we can smooch? "

"Not  too  soon. I'm not  that easy. You took a kiss  from me without my permission ealier and I'm sure your baby mama wouldn't  like  it"

"Baby mama?"Taehyung laughed.

"You should eat more Taehyung. You are so skinny. Everyone is blaming me for it.It ain't cool "he frowned

"I'm  not. Only  my face  is"he pouted.

"Same  thing "Jungkook sang

"And  you look the same way  you  looked  when  you were  eighteen "Taehyung said as a matter of fact.

"Since  you are flirting  with  me  I  guess  I should go .I  need  to look for  a job.I'm  so done with your sarcastic remarks  "

"Aren't you going to give me  your number so we can chat  "

"First clean up your phone and then I will think about it"

"Come on there is nothing in there "

"If you are that confident give it to me  right now "Jungkook asked daringly.

"Actually  it's  in my  room. Let's go and get it "

"No thanks. Who knows what  you might do to me  there.Are your cheeks feeling better. I didn't mean  to slap you.My hand kinda slipped. I'm  sorry "

"I  think I like  this  kind of you  even more. "Taehyung remarked.

"I should be  going  now, Mr Kim. "As Jungkook  pulled his hand from Taehyung 's grasp he noticed that the older still had his wedding band on.It made him wonder where his was?

Jungkook got up to leave and Taehyung got up as well.

"Jungkook,I know that a lot of time was wasted between us and I'm really sorry. Let's try not to waste anymore time and move  on along.We ain't kids no more "

"Speak for  yourself. I'm still  young enough  to have  another baby "Jungkook blurted out only to regret it later.

"Are you suggesting that we have another one? "Taehyung asked with a playful grin.

"Oh come on.That slipped. I'm  in my  thirties and I will probably go through table death. Don't get any ideas "

"Having a daughter that looks like you would be a dream come true .She would have the most beautiful eyes "

"Just, shut. Up"

"Okay, I'm joking. On a serious note it's nice to see you again and I'm terribly sorry for everything I did "

"For the things that you did  not  say ,Taehyung "

"I stand corrected "

"I have to go "

"I will see you out "Taehyung offered 

"No , you don't have to.You were probably busy with something  before I came "

"Nothing can be more important than you right now. You don't know how happy  I am right now"

"I will believe you "Jungkook said
sarcastically as led the way  put of the study. Taehyung was checking Jungkook out as he walked ahead of him .Jungkook could feel the older 's eyes  undressing him .

"Okay, I will be leaving now '

"Wait  weren't you curious about something? "

"What Taehyung? '

"I want to introduce you to someone "

The same woman came over to them.

"Jungkook  this  is my cousin and niece Jennie. They are visiting for a while "

Jungkook looked at Taehyung incredulously.

"You don't seem  to believe  me "Taehyung whispered.

"It's nice to meet you Jennie "

"Same here Jungkook. I finally get to meet  you. I have heard so much about you "

"All bad I guess "

"No Taehyung hasn't said anything  bad about you. I have never seen anyone so crazy about the person he loved "

"He was  just being  nice. I really did some alwful things. Anyways since you are here please make sure that he  eats and  dosent set foot in the gym"

"Do you want me to turn into  a pig?"Taehyung whispered.

"Why  would I do that when you are now here. He doesn't even listen to me "Jennie scowled.

"I have  kids to take care of and that makes my hand full. Taehyung learn to listen to someone for a change "Jungkook scolded.

"Yes, sir"

"I really can't wait to see the  twins. When are you guys coming home. I will keep Taehyung company till then "

"I'm not sure but it's not going to be any time  soon. There are some issues that need to be sorted out "Jungkook was now looking at Taehyung with soft  eyes.

"If you say that she will never leave "Taehyung whispered.

"I heard  that. Either way  I'm  staying. You are really an ungrateful brat Taehyung "

"Bold of you to say that .I  have been housing you for as long as I can remember "

"Oh hello. I was actually doing  you a favour. You looked like you were dying out of loneliness "

"I have to go."Jungkook whispered.

"Wait I will walk you out "Taehyung insisted.

"I don't think  you guys will ever finish this up.I have to  get to the Chinese embassy before it gets closed "

"Don't worry about Taehyung and  I .We do this a lot. Trading insults is our favourite past time. We can always continue from where we left off"

"You guys are ridiculously unbelievable "Jungkook laughed.

"Shall we "Taehyung subtlely  placed his hand on Jungkook 's waist only to get it slapped away.

"Bye Jennie. It was nice meeting you "

"Same here "she smiled.

"Can I ask you something. I don't mean anything wrong about this. I'm just wondering if you know someone named. Jeon Jin Young ?"

"Unfortunately  I do.How would you know that. ?"she couldn't bear to have this conversation.She could burst into  tears but her curiosity got  the best of her.

"Your daughter looks like him and he is my older brother "Jungkook confessed.

"What? You can't be serious. It's just unbelievable "

"I know right. But  he has another daughter the same age what happened? "

"They are twins. We decided to keep one each "she wryly confessed.

"What a small world world, Jennie.You haven't told me about him. I'm your cousin aren't  I,?.Jungkook do you know what happened? "

"Shall I tell him if you don't mind. I only heard my  brother 's side of the story. "

"I will tell you. Your brother might have twisted some facts.We were working together on a case and one night  we went on a stake out. One thing led to another  in that car.We were a tad drank.A month later I discovered that I was pregnant. That wasn't the worst part. I was actually engaged to someone else .I  told him and he broke up with  me  and your brother, everyone  knows  that he dosent do commitment. He  is almost forty one  "

"I'm really sorry but don't lose hope. He will take responsibility. You will surely be  suprised. "Jungkook went and  kissed his alleged niece.

"So very soon  I will be sending you  to the Jeon resident? You  are too dumb for a lawyer "Taehyung remarked and Jennie glared at him.


"You have said that about twenty times already and I'm not sure  you actually want to leave me "

"Keep telling yourself that "

At the end of the day Jungkook was now aware that not only  he was suffering but  also Taehyung  was. He had always known that Taehyung had  issues. Somewhere along the line Jimin had opened up to him about Taehyung 's suicide attempt  in high school. It didn't make sense  until Taehyung made himself vulnerable.
