Chapter twenty -two

Taehyung spent what felt like an eternity  in his car after he had arrived at Jungkook 's house. He  couldn't step out. Jungkook had called him many times but  he wouldn't  pick  up.

He finally got  out of the car and sighed when he had  reached the  door. He  sighed for the nth time before ringing the doorbell. His heart quickened when he  felt  footsteps coming towards the  door.

Jungkook opened the  door  looking  somewhat tired and  irritated.


"What  took  you  so long. Do you have any  idea how the  situation is right  now? "Jungkook asked as he lead the way  into  the  house.

"I'm  sorry. It's  really hard  for  me "Taehyung whispered.

"I  know Taehyung. It's hard for  me  too.You will have  to understand "

This was about to be the most awkward moment of Taehyung 's  life. The twins were seated  on the couch with  Jin. Tension trickled in the house like an electronic current.

Jungkook ushered Taehyung  to sit opposite  the  twins.

"Guys. ..this  is Taehyung. He is your  dad"Jungkook said.

"Mr...You  called papa right ?"Minho started  with a huge smile. At least  that  was  some  positive response.

"It's me"

"You  look  like Minie and I. I guess you  are  really our dad.Can  I  hug you? "Minho asked as he went over  to Taehyung who had knelt. Minjun  reacted  by walking  away.

"Junie. .."Jungkook called.

"Jungkook...let  him  be.He  will  need  time. "Jin said.

"I understand "

Instantly Taehyung and Minho  clicked and the younger was already telling him  some of Jin's  dad jokes. He  didn't ask about anything else. He was just happy  about  having  a person to call his father .

Jin made dinner but Minjun still wouldn't  leave  their  room. No one  really  ate that night.

"I  think  you  should  go and talk to him "Jungkook  suggested right after dinner.

"Should I? "Taehyung asked wryly.

"You  have to"

"I will  go with you "Minho offered  and  held Taehyung 's hand  up the  stairs. He  left him  in front of their room.

Taehyung gently  knocked  on the door and it was instantly opened.
"Can  I  come  in?"Taehyung whispered and the younger  nodded .

Minjun went to sit  on his bed and faced the wall. Taehyung  went and sat on Minho's.

"I really  don't  know where  to start. I don't think  apologizing will  ever be  good enough but  I'm  going  to do it.I'm  really  sorry "Taehyung hang his face in his hands.

"If Minie has forgiven you then  I will try  to do so.Papa said I wouldn't understand anything but  I still wanna know  why?"

"I'm  really sorry "

"I wanna  go to bed now "

That  night Minjun slept while clinging onto  Jin  tightly. He would always  run to him  if anything goes  wrong. Jungkook slept with Minho in his room. Taehyung  was sleeping on the couch in the living room.

"Papa, Junie is sad "Minhowhispered.

"How would you know? "Jungkook asked.

"I can  feel  it.Should we go to him? "

"Just  let him  be"Jungkook sighed .

Meanwhile Jin was having a hard time  trying to calm down Minjun  who was  crying silently.

"Junie, you know  if you get  sad then so will your  brother. Do you really him to be  sad  because  of you? "he asked.

Minjun sniffed and shook his head before cuddling  onto the older male  ever  so tightly.

That night No one slept and it was obviously for the  same  reason. Taehyung had woken up first before anyone else could. He  took whatever he could find in the kitchen to make breakfast.

Jungkook walked down to get  water.

"Are you okay? "Jungkook started.

"I don't know. I think I should stay  for a while "

"You have to go to work. I will take care of Minjun "

"It dosent seem right "

Right then  the  twins  walked down together. Minho rushed to hug Taehyung 

"Morning dad.Can  I ask you something? "

"Sure "Taehyung smiled as he stroked his son 's hair.

"What  is a zebra,?"

"I don't know? 'Taehyung laughed .

"It's a donkey with white and black stripes "he giggled .

Everyone  laughed besides Minjun who wasn't having any  of it.

"Minie won't you say  hie to dad?"

"Are you already calling  him that. ?Minie you are so stupid "

"Minjun. That's  rude. Don't call your brother names.  Minie go and get  ready for school "

"What about Junie?"

"He  isn't  going ".

"Then  I won't go either "

"Exactly what  I expected. So both of you won't  go to school for two weeks?Minjun  please follow me  to my room "

"Dad I think  Papa is cross with us.What shall we do?'

"Is he scary "

"Very "

Jungkook and Minjun had reached the older 's room.

"Sit down "Jungkook demanded sternly.

"If you want  someone  to blame or resent then  it should  be  me.I'm  the one  who left  your  father. He  isn't  at fault here "

"Why did you leave "

"You know. We were having  issues and  I  overreacted  and  left. I told  him  not  to look  for  me. I once was so temperamental  .Just  like  you "

"Do you still have those issues? '

"Not  anymore. We have  grown  up and we don't fight anymore. I really  love your dad  and  I wish  we could  be  together  once  again so we could  fix things. Everyone makes  mistakes  don't  they? '

"I'm  really  sorry Papa. Should  I go to the naughty corner? "

"Oh come on.Stop being silly. Just do me a favour will  you? '

"What is it?"

"Please go and talk  to him "


"He  would be  really happy  if you call  him  that "

"I  will. No-one will ever tease  us again. "

With that Minjun ran out of the room and went downstairs. Taehyung was  taken  by suprise  when the younger hugged him .

"Dad? Dad!I'm  sorry "

Taehyung knelt down  with tears in his eyes. He wordlessy  pulled the younger into  a tight hug. Jungkook came down to the scene. Minho went  and  hugged them as they watched Taehyung  and Minjun. Finally their family was  complete and so were their  hearts

After  crying like babies  they started laughing like crazy  people. However Jungkook was still worried about the  suspension. He wished  there was  a way to get it overturned but it seemed impossible.

The other kid had  hit his  head on a rock. There was  a big chance that  the  parents were  going  to sue them.

"So ...everything is fine now? "Taehyung  asked while the twins were playing in their room.

"Not  quite yet "

"I know what you are  worried  about. I will see if there is something which can be  done.Our kids can't  miss  school for that  long "

."Can  you  do that? "

"Only  if you tell  me who  that guy  is. The one  you  live with "

"Jin Hyung? He  is like  a brother  and  friend  to me  and the twins. He  is really  a special  friend "

"I could see that "

"There  is something  else  you  will have  to do"

"Anything for  you "

"You will have  to move  in with us.The  kids  would want  to spend as much  time  with  you as possible . "

"What about  you. Wouldn't you want to be  with  me? "

"Of course  I want  to but they need  you the most "

"Can't you come back  home? "Taehyung asked.

"You know why I can't do that. Goodness knows  what your mother would  do to them. I wouldn't stand  my children  being  humiliated. It would  kill me. I know this  place  isn't  as big  as your  house  but  I'm  sure you will manage "

"Of course. What about him?"

"Jin Hyung. What about him? "

"Will  he still be staying with us?"

"Is there  a problem? "Jungkook asked.

"Does it seem appropriate  to you? "

"What  if the  twins  don't want him  to go.They have known each other for two years  and  they are very  close "

"Jungkook.  come on.We really  need  to spend some  quality and special time  together  and  I would feel  uncomfortable  with someone being there "

"Tae, don't even think about it.The  walls  of this  house  aren't soundproofed.Anyone can  hear  anything and it will be  more troublesome  if the  twins  hear  any  weird sounds. They would  want answers. "

"You are really good  at giving excuses Jungkook. So are you going to tell him "

"Taehyung, Jin Hyung is a very  sensible guy. I'm sure  he  would reason .You  don't have  to worry about that "

"Did you think about working  with me? "

"Tell  you what? If you fix Junie 's problem. Once he gets unsuspended then I will come to work with  you without any  hesitation. Its a give and take  situation "

"Deal "Taehyung said before leaning onto  Jungkook. Before he could kiss him  ,he heard  fake  coughing.

"You were right. This won't be easy "Taehyung whispered into Jungkook 's ear and made him laugh.

"What are  you guys laughing about? "Minjun asked.

"Your dad just cracked a joke "

"No , I didn't "Taehyung said through  gritted teeth while starring at Jungkook.

"I  wanna  hear  it"said Minho.

"Jungkook! !?"Taehyung screamed inside his head.
