Chapter nineteen

Taehyung  didn't  let  go of Jungkook 's hand  but  he pulled him  to sit on his  lap facing him .

"Taehyung. ..please. ..don't "Jungkook 's breath was  suddenly ragged by his body was responding either way. Everything felt erotic. 

"You  know what Kookie, I  want  and  love  you  in every way "Taehyung started rubbing  his  hands on Jungkook 's bare  thighs. The mere sound of his masculine voice sent tremors of shock through Jungkook.

"Don't. ."he  moaned. Breathing heavily and eyes closed.

"Kookie, open your eyes  and  look  at me "he  ordered and Jungkook  obliged by opening  his eyes which were dazed.

Taehyung  moved his hands  to Jungkook 's waist pulling  him  into  a violent  rough kiss.Jungkook  wasn't  responding at first until  Taehyung  cupped his ass making him moan into  the  kiss.Taehyung took the chance  to take charge and explore his  wet carvern. With time the kiss  got heated  and Jungkook found  himself impatiently  unbuttoning  Taehyung 's shirt and unzipping  his  pants.

Taehyung  flipped  the  younger onto  the  couch and  hovered  above him.

"Getting eager are we?"he  smirked.

"No?"Jungkook  bit his lip as he was looking at Taehyung 's perfectly tonned abs. Taehyung was  now between Jungkook 's sprawled legs.

He was suprised when Jungkook pulled  him  by the  neck into  a very  deep  kiss.Once  again  the kiss got  heated and Taehyung's  lips  were  buried   against   Jungkook 's neck making the  younger  moan out his name and  arch his back.  He was grinding up on the older in desperate need of friction  as he was kissing his neck sensually. Jungkook  ,who had thought that he had  forgotten what lovemaking could be  discovered that he  had never forgotten. It was perfectly natural to caress Taehyung  and undress him, feeling his hands caressing him fiercely and their lips locked. Then he couldn't think straight  because he felt himself go liquid with desire  and he wanted Taehyung  inside of him.

Then Taehyung was  holding him  closely  with his powerful arms and just as
Jungkook was about to completely  remove Taehyung 's  slack when his  phone  rang on the night side table. 

"Wait...I have  to take  this "

"Sure "

Jungkook sat up and answered the phone but that didn't stop Taehyung  from messing  with him. He  started kissing his nape.

"Hello. ..ah Taehyung stop"

"Jungkook? Are  you with  him?

"Mom I can  explain "Jungkook gravely  looked at Taehyung before  moving away from him. He  felt a strange protective love  so  intense that it startled even him. He  loved Taehyung cared for  him  wanted to take care of him and in turn be taken care of by him.

"Explain what? I can't  believe you are already  in bed with  him. If it happens  again it's you who  will  get  hurt. Anyways I can't  tell  you what to do .You  are  a grown up.Just as long as you don't come  crying  to me "

As his  mother said those words Jungkook regarded Taehyung  with uncertainty.

"I'm  sorry  ,mom..."

"Anyways I call because  the  twins want  to face time. You know they can't sleep when you aren't  there. "

"Okay "Jungkook hung up so he  could face time his  children.

Hie guys? Did you have a good day? "he waved with a twinge  of guilty in his voice.

"What  are you  doing alone? "Min Jun asked.

"Nothing  I was just about  to go to bed"Jungkook looked at Taehyung once again .

"Papa  are  you  sure you are alone? Why  do you keep  looking in that  direction? Min ho asked.

"Why is your  face flushed. ?Were you crying? Your  lips are also bigger than usual "Min Jun asked.

Jungkook  bit  his  lip and blushed. He didn't know that he would ever feel  the butterflies in his  tummy  again.

"Guys  it's not  like  that. Jinie is flying  in tomorrow. You would like that right,?"

"Yay!"they yelled in unison.

The  conversation  lagged  on for another 15 minutes. Taehyung was  looking at Jungkook  from time to time and Jungkook was  fighting  to return  the look.

After ending the call he slowly walked back to the couch and sat while facing Taehyung.

"Who is Jinie ?"Taehyung asked as he snaked the younger closer to him,gently .Their  faces become dangerously close that Jungkook  couldn't avoid Taehyung 's  intense gaze 

Somehow, Jungkook managed  to fix a noncommittal look on his face "I  don't know "was all he said. Taehyung knew that Jungkook was  teasing him.

A brief smile flashed across Taehyung 's face. "You like to keep me  guessing don't you ?"Taehyung had always  liked the bolshy side of Jungkook especially  in bed.

Jungkook followed up Taehyung 's gaze .The mood was  so perfect. It was romantic  and all.That was until his mother 's  words echoed in his head.

"Tae .....About  ealier.Don't think about what happened or what  didn't. .."

"What does that mean? "Taehyung was horrified.

"I mean we shouldn't be  thinking about doing  that  kind  of  things now. There with be time  in the  future. Maybe when  we have  settled  everything. I hope  you understand. "Jungkook knew that his mother was  only  worried and looking out  for  him. Just  like how he  worries about his  boys .

"I'm  sorry  about  that "he said  apologetically.

"You know that I love you  don't  you? "Jungkook asked.

"Of course I know  and I  love  you  more "

Jungkook smiled before kissing Taehyung  on the lip.
"Good night "

"Night baby "he  returned the  smile.

Before Jungkook could get to leave the room, Taehyung  removed all his  clothes .

"What  are you doing? "

"I'm  changing  ,dimwit "Taehyung flushed a comical smile.

"Couldn't you wait for me  to leave. I was  already on my way "

"Does it affect you "

"No"Jungkook stated  before running up the stairs.

When Jungkook was no where in sight Taehyung  started touring the  house  until he stopped at the photo section. There was a dozen photos of Jungkook  and  the  twins. Taehyung had never tried to imagine what  his children looked like and now that he had seen them he felt guilty and  at loss for  words. Tears streaked  silently on his face. He was a failure and an excuse of a human  being.

He didn't know when he  slept  because he was looking  at all  the  photos and admiring Jungkook 's  strength and determination for wanting to keep  the pregnancy and raising them up alone to this stage.

The next morning Jungkook  woke up to Taehyung  making breakfast.

"You know you didn't have  to "Jungkook said.

"Good morning sleepy head  .You overslept
"Let's just say  that  old habits  die hard. I hope you don't mind someone cooking in your house "

"I'm not complaining. I have been having my cooking for  the  past  six years and I don't mind tasting  something different "Jungkook said as he sat on the  kitchen counter while Taehyung  served breakfast.

"You have already showered?'he asked after seeing Taehyung in the clothes that he was wearing .

"Yeah "Taehyung replied.

"You seem to eager to leave "Jungkook mumbled.

"Don't you want me  to leave? .You know what  you look so gorgeous  in the morning  with your  droopy  face. "

"I didn't  mean  that.And  how  is droopy gorgeous anyways.  Can you give  me a few bucks. I'm out  on gas and I have to go somewhere "

"Sure "Taehyung took out his wallet and handed it to Jungkook.

As Jungkook opened the  wallet, the first thing he saw was  a photo of him when he  was sixteen "Really "he  laughed.

"What? "Taehyung asked.

"It's  nothing "he smiled fondly.

What he saw next made  him  dumbfounded. His wedding band  was  also  in there. He didn't want to get emotional so he  took the  money and briskly closed the wallet before giving it back  to the owner.

While eating Taehyung  asked  about  the  twins and Jungkook  told  him  just the basics stuff about  them.Just listening to Jungkook talk about their kids made Jungkook emotional once again. If only  he had been a good human being and be there for  them.Was it too late to ask  for forgiveness.

Jungkook  walked Taehyung  out  to the driveway and watched  him get into his white range rover and left. Suddenly he  got afraid that he would never see him again as if being with him the preceding night was  a dream.

He  felt bad for not thanking him for breakfast or let  him kiss him goodbye. All the mundane things suddenly appeared important to him. They had  lost a great  deal of time  without each other and he was  willing  to make up for  it.

Jungkook wished he could pretend that he didn't need Taehyung.
