Chapter seven

The weekend had finally arrived and Jungkook couldn't wait to get away from the city's air. A change of environment is what he  desperately  needed.

His parents 's house was  only  a two  hour drive  from Seoul. He took a bus while admiring  the  change around him. He wasn't  thinking about Taehyung nor the  pregnancy .He just wanted to feel  the  clean air.

The bus stand was just minutes away from the house. As he was at the gate he  could hear shouting and screaming inside. His  mother and his older brother were at it again. His  brother was  a lawyer of 35 years but at home he  was  the mama's boy. Instead of having his own  apartment at that age he chose to live with their  parents.

The reason why he  fights with their mother is because she wants him to move out and start a family of his own. She  desperately once grandchildren but  Young isn't having it.He makes Mrs Jeon wonder if he really is man enough.

"Just get  out  of my kitchen, paste "

"Mom don't treat me  like I don't  bring money into  this  house. It's not fair"Young pouted as he chewed on the carrot in his mouth.

"I don't need  your  money. I just want grandchildren from you. I'm  not  getting any younger "

"Mom you  aren't  that  old. Its because  you probably  got pregnant too early "he  laughed.

As Jungkook opened the kitchen door a wooden spoon was being  huled across the kitchen aiming at his brother who successfully dodged it only to land on Jungkook 's forehead.

"Guy"he screamed while  rubbing his  forehead.

"Mom, you see what you  did. You have hurt  Kookie "

"Only if you hadn't dodged it"

"Are you saying it's my fault? "

"Yeah it is"she  answered.

"Enough of this  dog fight. I'm the victim of your  squabbling. Don't  you have anything to say  to me "

"Welcome, son.How are  you doing,?"she asked as she hugged him .

"Mom, he wants an apology but  the  problem is who is going  to apologize '

"You  guys are unbelievable. I shouldn't have  come at all "

"Did your husband finally get  tired  of you. I wouldn't be  suprise "

"It's obvious that you never liked him. We have been  knew. How about  you get a life '

"Jungkook, you are talking to your brother "

"A brother who  has always screwed me  over "

"Let  me tell your friends that you used to creep  into  my bed when  you sleep walk .Who sleeps  walk at this age?"

"Right, I too wonder the same .You are going to be forty in five years. Please grow up "

"You guys  are so mean "

"I wonder who made you a  lawyer "Jungkook laughed

"Mom, please tell your daughter to go back soon to her husband 's house "

"What? "And that was the cue for Jungkook to grab his brother 's hair and bang his head against the wall.

The mother was also stunned by her oldest words.

"Guys please. Get out of my house if want to fight like animals "the mother yelled but it went unheard .She  literally face palmed. There might be a age difference of  9 years between their sons  but they always fight  like  monkeys. Jungkook says his brother makes it difficult for people to love him.

It turned out that it was rather their welcoming ritual. After having lunch they became the best of friends and  chatted a lot.

After dinner the two brothers laid on the green grass watching  the stars. Of all  things, stargazing was the  only  thing that  they  had in common.

Jungkook was delighted  to spent  the weekend  with his  family while he  cleared  his  head but he couldn't bring  himself to tell  them about  the  pregnancy .However his mother  gave  him  the weird eye since  she had  been  assessing  his  behaviour. In the end she  just  shrugged it off to enjoy  time with  her son.

Meanwhile Taehyung texted Jungkook  every hour  of the  whole  weekend. Young got  mad that Jungkook was  always  stuck with  his phone rather than  spend time with his family that  he hadn't  seen  in a year .The  truth of the matter is:he never liked Taehyung.

The weekend ended and Jungkook was glad that he  hadn't  gotten  caught by his  mother.

Three months later

Being a junior doctor wasn't  easy. Certainly while  being  pregnant. Jungkook was  running some errands in the ER when  suddenly his mouth  went  dry,vision  blurry.His  eyelids  felt  heavy  until  he let them close  and  drifted  into  unconsciousness. Luckily Jimin was  somewhere around. He  ran to him  before  anyone could  get  to him. He  had some  other doctors help  him to the  bed.

Just then Taehyung got  out  of the elevator coming towards their  direction.Jimin  feared  that  Jungkook would  get  caught by his husband.

"What happened to him? "Taehyung exclaimed.

"He  will be  fine.I got this, Taehyung. I think he is just tired.Let him rest for a while "

"If you say so "Taehyung sighed as he looked at the sleeping younger.

Jimin stayed until Jungkook had regained his consciousness.

"Ah my head hurts "he groaned as he sat up in the bed.

"Did you have breakfast. We almost got caught '

"We..?"he laughed

"Jungkook this isn't the time to be  cheeky. Taehyung is also  a doctor  and  soon enough he will find  out. You are already  starting  to show "

Jungkook yawned "Hyung, what  am I even  doing. Where  is this even going. I'm  so confused. I can't  think straight  anymore. My heart makes me  feel  like  a fool"

"Jungkook, you should have an ultrasound to check whether everything is okay. Come  to my office after work.I will be  waiting  for  you in my off."

"I'm really grateful for everything you have done for me  but  I don't know if I am ready to see the  fetus yet "

"Jungkook, this isn't about you. Don't be selfish you hear me.How is it your fault that Taehyung can't cope with the  prospective of being  a father "

"I'm sorry Hyung. It's just that  I'm afraid of Taehyung  finding out .What  if he asks me  to choose between  him  and  the  baby "

"I really wish I could assure you that  everything will be okay. Jungkook stay strong for the baby.There is just something about a mother 's love, the other sort of love for a man, just can't compete  "

"Thanks Hyung. You are really sweet "

Jungkook turned to his left to see Taehyung coming their way. He went a pecked Jungkook 's crown lovingly.

"Are you better now? "

"I'm fine, Taehyung. You don't have  to be worried about me "

"I just can't help but worry about you. You know that "

"Now I'm  telling you not  to do that because I'm perfectly fine. Right Jimin Hyung? "

"Yeah he is."

Taehyung took Jungkook 's s hand that was resting on his tummy and placed it between his bigger ones.

"I  love  you. You know that  don't you? "

Jungkook felt the tears clouding his eyes as  he looked at Taehyung 'ernest face.

He  nodded tearfully.How uncomfortable did Jimin feel in this kind of situation .He couldn't stand being a third wheel so he left but he was still worried about Jungkook. He wondered how Taehyung couldn't have  noticed the slightly noticeable bump on Jungkook.

If he had given  up the baby  for Taehyung, he  knew he would  eventually hate him and if he  didn't Taehyung would  hate him. They were bound to have  a relationship  filled with anger and resentment either  way.
