Chapter twenty -one

It had been  two  months since Taehyung had last  seen Jungkook. He called him everyday but he  never picked up not even once. He would either ignore  it or decline. Taehyung had  become depressed and everyone could see it. On many occasions he  thought  of going to the younger 's house only  to change his mind after reaching his driveway. What if Jungkook  yells at him or brings  up the  divorce once  again. He  couldn't bear it. He had promised to give him space so that  was what he was  going to do.

Meanwhile Jungkook was  happy  that  the  twins  had  finally started going  to school. They were also taking  music  lesson at home after  school  and they were content.The twins had insisted that  Jin stay with  them and Jungkook couldn't refuse him .Jin had  found a job in the same  hospital  as Yoongi.

Jimin was having a hard time seeing  Yoongi and Jin hang out together. He  became  insecure and had Jungkook  to blame for that because  he was the one who had  introduced  them.Yoongi was playing along enjoying seeing the jealous side of Jimin.

Namjoon  felt like he had found the  one thing  he  had  been  looking  for. He had always been  into fleeting relationships but  this time he wanted  something real.He spent  most of his time doing two things; 1, day dreaming about  a certain someone and 2 comforting  a sulking  Taehyung.

Jungkook hadn't looked for a job yet because he was  still in a dilemma. The  twins came  back  from  school  at one and him  going to work  would mean  that they would spent  7 hours  alone at home before he can  come  back .He  didn't know if it was okay  to hire  a maid  who would be able to cook lunch and dinner for  them.Jin also had  the  same routine. Go to work in the morning  and come back  late in the evening. Only  if he could talk with the  children 's father  but his ego  wouldn't allow him. In all honesty he was getting bored by staying home alone. He needed to do something  wild and unpredictable to shake up his  life. Looking back on his life he had never done anything  like  that.

Taehyung was in Namjoon 's office like he always did. He couldn't go to Jimin because this days it seemed like he had his own issues and he was  being  too judgmental .

"I'm  going to call  him Hyung "

"You are being relentless. Just let  it go.You need  someone new for  a change. Jungkook is going to ignore you until you drop"

"Why do i even come to you. Instead of encouraging me  you are telling me to find someone else? "

"What  do you want  me to say"

"From now  on its better you don't say anything at all  because I feel like hitting you. Unbelievable "he  scoffed as he fished his phone from his pants's pocket.

The  phone was  picked up on the first ring "

"Hello " a small voice  answered and Taehyung froze for  a moment.

"Hie can I talk  to your Papa?"

"Papa  isn't at home. He  went with  Junie to school "

"So why  aren't you still school? "

"Papa  told me  not  to go.Junie  got in trouble  and the principal wanted  to see him .Who am I talking to ?

"I'm Kim  Taehyung  and  you ?"

"We have similar last  names.My name is Kim Minho but my papa and  Junie call me  Minie"

"It was nice talking to you.Will you tell your Papa to please call me back when he comes "

"I  Will, bye  Mr"


When Taehyung hung up ,a huge smile was visible on his face.

"He finally picked up didn't he?"Namjoon asked.

"That  wasn't  him. My son picked  up.Minho did "

"I guess you two had a brief conversation.?"

"Yeah, he said Jungkook went out with Minjun .It seems like he caused trouble at school. I never did something like that. He  probably got it from Jungkook "

"However he  will surely blame you for  it.He will be like :Taehyung  look  what  your  son did. I can't take it anymore. Mothers are always dramatic. Trust  me I  know "

"I  never had something like that happen  to me  before. My parents made it hard for me  to be  around  them.We couldn't  even have a proper conversation. I don't want to be that kind of a parent  to my children. Someone  once told me  that  an absent father  is better  than a  bad father .I agree with them "

"Therapy really  helped  a lot "

"Yeah  it did "

Meanwhile Jungkook got  back  home with Minjun and he  didn't look  pleased  at all.

"Jungkook, how did it go?"Jin asked as he was  sitting on the carpet making puzzles with Minho.

"The worst  you  could  think of.He  got  two  weeks  suspension. He  always  does things  like  this. In kindergarten I let  it go.What  kind of person  will  he grow up to be? "Jungkook slumped onto the couch. Minjun didn't say anything and walked to his room.

"Just look at him. He is just like his father "

"Papa  don't get mad at Junie.He isn't the  one at fault. Sunny started  it.He  called  us nerds and laughed at us because we didn't have a father. He  also called us weird because our mother is man"

"And how did  he know about this? "

"We told  him, thinking that he was  our  friend but he made fun  of us  in front of everyone. Junie didn't know that there was  a rock when he pushed him. We were both mad"Minho explained.

"Go and call  your  brother down  I'm calling your father. I can't  deal  with this "

"But you  told  us...."

"Forget whatever I said. I lied to  you .Just go and get Minjun "

"Papa, lying  is bad "rebuked the little boy.

"I'm sorry. I will explain later "

Jungkook  sighed as his son went up  the stairs.

"Jungkook are you sure about  it?"

"What else can  I do?How long will I be able to lie to them. You  heard what he  said. Minjun's  behaviour is as a result  that  he doesn't  have  a father figure  in his life "

"Maybe  it's for  the  best "

"I'm  going  to text Taehyung  and get  this over and  done with "

Can  you  come over?

Why haven't you been taking my  calls,?

Is that important right now. Your son  has landed someone's child  in an hospital.

I will be  there.

Be quick.

When  Jungkook was  done  texting, Minjun was  in front of  him.

"Junie you  know that  I expect  a lot  from  you. Be  it by seconds but  you  are  the  older twin. I  thought you were the responsible  one. Didn't I always  tell  you  to be  the  bigger  person? "

"I tried but  he wasn't  gonna stop "

"So does  violence solve anything? I guess your brother  told  .Your  father  is on his  way right now "

"Where was he ? Why  did  you  lie to us?"

"I'm  really sorry  but  that  I will explain in due  time. "

Talking to Minjun sometimes  felt like talking  to Taehyung. He  was  so stubborn  and  impossible. He  never  acted  his  age and  it scared Jungkook to the solar plexus.

Minjun went and joined Jin and  his  brother  to make puzzles. Jungkook wanted what was  in their heads.Would  their  perspective of him change because  he  lied to them. Jungkook  would  justify  it as protecting  them from the bitter  truth.Nothing  hurts  more  than being  rejected.

They  both looked at him with  blank expression and  so did  Jin.

In his  head Jungkook made himself  strong by saying. Let it pour. I'm  ready  as I will ever be"he thought grimly.

Taehyung felt uneasy because he wasn't ready for  whatever was  ahead  of him. What was he going  to say  to the children he had  once  rejected. Would they  accept  him  as their  father. He  just  couldn't  stop  agonising.
