Chapter fifteen

The next morning Jungkook woke up but the twins were still fast asleep. They were both heavy sleepers that they would get stolen in the night without realizing it.

Jungkook went downstairs and made breakfast for the three  of them. When he was  done he  went and  wake them up so they  could  eat.

After breakfast he told  them to go to the  backyard to  play. He  really wanted  them to enjoy the reminder of their holiday before school opens.

In the meanwhile he  cleaned up his room and sat down afterwards. He  took his phone and checked his bank balance after much hesitation. To his  horror there was nothing there. He want going to have a negative balance anytime soon. It made him wonder  how he was  going to handle everything. Being a single parent wasn't easy but Jungkook never compromised  when  it comes  to his  children. Be it their happiness or health.

A thought came into  his  mind. However for that to work he had  to shed  every ounce of pride he  had. It wouldn't kill him.

He went outside to call the boys in but  they  threw snowballs at him and he just shrugged because they seemed to enjoy it.

"Okay, you don't want to be  in the naughty corner do you? "

They both shook their  heads with cute pouts.

"So you have to listen  to me. You have  to go and bath we have somewhere  to go"

"Where? "

"You will know when  you  get  there, alright"

"Okay, Papa "

"That's  like my boys "Jungkook looked at them with a twinge of sympathy. How he wished they had grown up in a complete family with both parents but it seemed to be asking for too much from his destiny.

In an hour  they were ready to go out. The twins were  thrilled to be  in the  new S.U.V car.

"Everyone ready? I hope  your  seatbelts are  on"

"Papa  can  you really drive? "Min Jun asked.

"Why  would you ask that? "

"Its  because I have never seen you drive a car  before. Do you have  your  driver's license? "

"I do know how to drive. I got my driver's license when your dad and I were still dating "

"Do you still have it?"Min ho asked.

"I don't. It's been  years "

"Do you think about  our dad?Does it make you sad that he went  to heaven alone? "Min Jun asked.

"Junie, can we not talk about depressing  stuff. You will only end up crying and I can't stand that "

"Papa what if the police ask for  your drive's silence. What  will  you  do?"Min ho laughed.

"You haven't watched fast and furious right. I will just  run away like  that "

"But  if you run away that makes you a bad guy dosent it?"Min Jun asked

"You guys are so innocent aren't you? "

"Papa you are also innocent "Min ho said

"What makes you think  that? "

"Bad guys have scary faces but  you are so  cute. Just like a fluffy bunny "

"I'm  flattered guys. "Jungkook smiled brightly .They had one of the best drive of their lives on that trip.

"Okay, guys we are  here. Let's get off "

"Hospital? You know that I can't stand hospitals. They will come with their huge injections and. ...I don't even want to recall  that  day"Min ho complained and the  two laughed  at him.

"You guys are so mean "he whined.

They  got out of the car  and sat in the hospital  lobby. Jungkook was checking the place out. It had changed a lot maybe because of the  reservation. Jungkook decided to text Jimin to let him know that he was  in the  building.

Jungkook went to the reception to ask if the  ophthalmologist was free or not. When it was confirmed that he was free Jungkook  went up with  the  twins. After twenty minutes Min ho 's eye check up was  done.They were now headed to the dentist 's room.

As Jungkook opened the door a man literally latched himself onto him and had the twins judging them so hard.

"Hyung, I can't breathe "

"Come on Jungkook. Just let me hold you. I haven't seen you in ages "Hoseok pulled away when he heard cute laughs from behind them.

"And these  cute dolls? "

"We aren't dolls, Mr"

"They are typically their  father. How  do you even deal  with that? "Hoseok whispered into Jungkook 's ear.

"It's not as hard  as you  think "

"I'm glad. Anyways it's good  to have  you back  here. Don't  ever think  about  leaving again "

"I won't "Jungkook grinned.

"Do their teeth need cleaning? "

"Yeah, you read  my  mind "

"I thought as much. So we is going first,?"

"Does  it hurt.?"Min ho asked.

"Just a tad bit to make sure that you won't  have  candy and snacks without Jungkook knowing "

"We never did  that  though ".Min ho pouts."Junie you  should go first "

"Should I? "

"Just go ahead. We don't have  all  day "Jungkook  took Min Jun to the  chair.

Jimin walked  through the door with a wide grin.

"Dr Park ,I didn't hear  you  knock "Hoseok  snorted  .

"I didn't come  to see you, dimwit "

"I  figured "

"Jungkook, I thought you would never step your foot in this  building again "

"Why? Did  I kill someone or is there a lion or something in here ?"

"You  are  really  bold. I'm  sure  our director already know that you are here? "

Jungkook's eyebrows rose in suprise "Director? "

"Oh come on.Don't  make  that  face. He is better than  everyone else  in cardiology. Not even  the  professors here can  compare "

"Okay lets say  I agree so what about  it? "Jungkook asked with sarcasm.

"I'm saying that  I don't think  that you would be able to leave this building without  seeing  him .Did  you think about  that? "

"Yeah  right. I came prepared for him "

"That's  good  to know but I'm wondering why you came to this  hospital of all places "

"I don't have  money, happy '

"Oh I get  it.So the twin's  dad is going  to take  care  of it right? "


"You  are  really smart '

"Was there ever a doubt "

"I gotta go.I have an appointment  just about  now. Call  me in case of an emergency "

"Don't  even  count on it"

"So I will assume that you have  everything  under control '

"Hyung if anything  he should be  the one  who has to ran away  from  me.He  wouldn't  forget  what  I did to him  so fast "

"You  left quite a scar  on him "

"As long  as he  is alive  right ?"

"You are right. That's all that  matters. I gotta  go."

"See you around "

After  an hour  the twin's teeth were  translucent. Jungkook  went  to the  reception were  payments  are  made.

"What  will you be  paying  with sir?"asked the  accountant.

"Please  place  the expenses on Director Kim 's bill"

"Excuse me? "she asked in suprise.

"Did  you  not  hear  me. ?"Jungkook  asked. "Boys go and wait  for  me  in the  car "

The twins  ran to  the  outside parking lot.

"I'm  sorry  sir.We just  can't  do that  without  his  consent"

"When  did  you start working here,?"

"Three years ago "she stated incredulously.

"Figures. Call  him  down here "Jungkook said with uncharacteristic boldness.

"What? "

"Why  do you have  to make  me  keep  repeat myself "

"Don't overdo it ,Jungkook "Hoseok whispered .

"What  do you want me  to do?She  is driving me nuts"Jungkook whispered back.

"Are you ready  to meet  him ?What  if she  really  calls him? "

"I'm  sure  she  wouldn't do that "

"Okay , if you say  so"

Jungkook cleared his throat and broke back  his attention  to the  woman in front  of him.

"What's  it gonna be,?"Jungkook asked with a menacing tone and Hoseok found  himself laughing hard  making Jungkook glare  at him.

"Ah...he is getting  out  of the elevator just now "she  said looking behind Jungkook.

"What? "Jungkook whispered incredulously.

"Dr Kim is here "

Jungkook felt his heart come to a sudden halt.His  palm and  forehead precipitating. Throat went dry as a  tissue paper. If this  was  a drill Jungkook was  ready  to murder a bitch.

Slowly Jungkook  turned  to the  elevator and behold that tall ,handsome dark haired devil was  staring  at him with intensity. Their faces  were  in close proximity.

Jungkook was sure that he saw tears in Taehyung 's  eyes and his breathing  ragged. Jungkook  couldn't  stop  his gaze  from  flickering to the ground .

"Jungkook! ...."Taehyung  breathed  out  and Jungkook started staggering backwards. Taehyung  calling  his  name  echoed  in his  head a million  time

A violent forced gripped  over Jungkook when Taehyung grazed his  arm.He  slapped  Taehyung  on the  cheek not once but  twice  and  made  everyone in the lobby gasp in suprise.

Taehyung was hurt but he masked it.Blood was drained from his face.
