Chapter six

"Dr Kim can I hold your hand? "Jungkook smiled up at the older. Namjoon was rather stunned by the request.

"You sure want to start world wall three don't you "he laughed.

"I need some inspiration and your genuineness. I mean  you are really famous in the ER. It's like your playground.You are really good, Dr Kim "

"Well I'm flattered but I think  your husband is also a genius in his field. At his age he has already  performed a open heart surgery. I envy him "

"There is nothing to envy about him. Trust me. "

"Is everything okay? "

"Nothing is ever okay between us"Jungkook 's mood got sour.

"You two are famous around here. You have been together for  the  longest. ?"

"Are  you going  to hold my hand or not Dr Kim. "Jungkook smiled cutely .

"How could I ever refuse someone like you. I just hope that its not a trap."

"Are you scared of him? "

"Well aren't you "Namjoon as the elevator dinged open.

"Everyone is looking at us.Taehyung is going  to know about this within a minute. "

"I just got used right? "Namjoon laughed

"Sorry, he told  me I should rebel once in a while so I'm  doing just  that "

"What if I get  caught in the cross fire? "

"Don't  worry I will protect you "Jungkook grinned.

"Shall I escort you to your  office?"Namjoon  offered.

"If you don't  mind "Jungkook smiled.

As the pair left Taehyung  got off the elevator and bumped into Jimin.

"You saw that right? Go and talk to him "Taehyung poked Jimin 's chest.

"Why  me? What did I do?.Wait why am I even talking to you. Why  are you even here anyways. Your office is on the 20th floor. Quit spying on Jungkook "Jimin poked Taehyung 's chest back and huffed.

They soon  found themselves together  in the same  elevator and they didn't have anything to talk  about. Jimin was just looking at Taehyung  weirdly.

"What? "Taehyung arched a brow.

"You look normal enough but I can't  figure out what your problem is.Maybe  you are just afraid of growing up and take responsibility "he mumbled

"I  said nothing. I will see you around "

"Whatever "

"That's incredibly rude"Jimin said as he stepped out of the elevator when he had reached his floor.

"Just because he is taller than me dosent mean he can look down on me. I'm  older than  him for crying in a bucket although its only a matter of months "Jimin grumbled as he wore his  doctor 's coat and sat down in his chair.

He bit on his lip while looking at his phone.

"The jerk hasn't called me  in two  days. He  is gonna hear  it from me "he said before dialing a number that was saved as "Mr Grumpy pants "

The call was  picked  up on the third ring  by a tired and obviously sleepy voice.

"Hello mochi "

"Don't  fucking mochi me .Why didn't you call  me  for  two goddamn days. Am i a pushover for  you. Where are you right now? I  just heard  a female voice in the background "

"I'm  really sorry. I have been  so busy. You know back  to back surgeries. It's been hectic .And  there isn't any woman around here. I'm  sleeping  at home "

"So you rather  sleep  during your free time  than call  me. I miss you so bad. I feel like taking the  next train  there  right now "Jimin pouted.

"I  miss you too but  I gotta  go"

"If you don't call  me  again I will seriously come  there  and cause  drama "

"Is that what  I have  to do to get you here? "

"Bye Hyung "Jimin was  getting emotional but  pretended to be okay when Jungkook  entered.

"Hie Hyung "he smiled.

"Hie ,do you mind telling me  what you were doing with Namjoon. Taehyung  almost teared of my  head"

"It's called socialising Hyung "he emphasized.

"Namjoon  is  flirt and a play boy. Keep  your distance from him "

"I would have believed you  if he weren't your  ex boyfriend .Everything you said sounded so made up."

"Please don't  remind me about that "he groaned. "Let's talk about  you  instead. I'm  really struggling  to visualize you with a baby bump. I bet once you start having craving you would ask for  roasted watermelon and  fried water "Jimin joked.

"That's really a good  one Hyung. I'm  just hoping for  the  best. I just wish for a miracle that would change Taehyung 's mind "he trailed off.

"I  know what you can  do.Talk to Taehyung 's mother and get her on your side.If there is something that in laws loves then that's  grandchildren "

"My mother in law  is a housewife who only  likes drinking tea,shopping, hosting parties  and going  to the beauty  parlor. And  if I'm  being honest,she dosent  like me "Jungkook  confessed as he was fiddling with the pockets of his coat.

"How would you  know "

"When Taehyung and I started dating she came to school and  called for  me and  told  me  to stay away from Taehyung because I was  in the way  of his studies. He was a senior after all.She said he was  destined for greatness and  she was  right  though. Ever since Taehyung and  I  met his  grades started  dropping  because  he always  fought because  of me.I was  afraid that he wouldn't  graduate.So I avoided  him  for  two months and blocked him on all social plattforms.  He  got so mad when he got  hold  of me.He  came to my parents 's house while we were still staying  in Seoul and what he  did  that  day scared  me.Luckily my  parents and my brother weren't home  "

"What  did  he  do?"

"He...almost slammed himself  into  me out  of anger. He stopped when he saw how  frightened  I  was. He  apologized to me but  he  didn't ask me why I was  avoiding him  and  I didn't tell him anything either. As if he knew what the problem was he started  focusing more on his studies and that made my guilty go away. Just when  I thought everything was  gonna be  fine between  us those rumours sparked. That  I was only dating  him  for his  money and that  I also cheated on him .You  probably know about it because it spread like wildlife around school "Jungkook bit his lip in thoughts.

"That. .about  you  and Lisa but you guys were paired up for  a class project right "

"Taehyung  didn't want to listen  to me all and  locked me  in the male bathroom and  almost  did  it again. He  was  furious Hyung. I still remember  vividly  that look  in his eyes. When  he  graduated we weren't on talking  terms. Basically it was me trying  to reach out to him. He  left without saying  anything and  blocked me  on his  phone. Then at school I became  the  ungrateful fag -slut that cheated  on the basketball team  captain. I got  so sick  and depressed  back  then and it got to the point where i could barely spleep and barely eat.All  I wanted was  a chance to clear  the  misunderstanding between  us.I guess it was when i realized that i couldnt live without him.Two  months later  he texted  me  and asked to meet. I was  apprehensive but  I went  anyways because  I had  missed  him  a lot.He  apologized  to  me. Taehyung  has always been  like  that  nonchalant, sophisticated, quite, appealing .He  usually kept his emotions  hidden "

"Personal I  never liked the guy  but  he was  cool  and  down  to earth.A man  of a few words but  that  dosent change the fact that I want to punch him so bad  "

Jungkook  laughed before continuing "You know  when  he  went to med school he always came over to our  house at night and take me out without  my parents  knowing. I would  sneak  out  of the window of my  room. Unfortunately one day  my  brother  caught us  and he being  a relentless bubbler mouth he was sold me  out. My dad  was  very  strict.He  couldn't accept  the fact  that  I was  involved with another  guy. He  thought  we were being  physical and  confiscated my  phone  and  grounded me  and threatened to report Taehyung  for  dating  a minor. I was  seventeen and  he was  nineteen back  then. You wouldn't believe the  spectacle that Taehyung made in front on parents .I was  left  speechless "

"What  did he  do?"

"He  told them if they don't let  us date he  would commit suicide and  I almost  believed him because he sounded so convincing . From there we started dating with my parents's  blessing. When  I also went  to med school there was so much  sexual tension between us.It was  hard being  around  him. He made such  advances that  I almost  got tempted.Luckily that  phase  passed. Honestly when he  pooped the question I was  overwhelmed  but the  thought of him breaking up with me after  refusing  him  killed  me"

"So you  accepted  the  proposal  because you didn't want  to lose  him. Bitch  that's  love  or more like compulsion "

"I was  no way  ready  for this but here we are. We have  a b.."Jungkook paused and sighed.A ghost of sadness was floating in his thoughts. 

"I feel as though fate wants  me  to choose between Taehyung  and  the  baby. This  isn't  fair  at all. Taehyung and I have  come to far but  I can't sacrifice this innocent baby 's life either "Jungkook started crying  in his hands .

"It's gonna be okay "Jimin soathed.

"Do you think he will ever  accept  his child? "Jungkook was sad and downhearted .

"He  will with time "Jimin assured.
