Chapter ten

Time flew by real quick. Jungkook was glad that there wasn't any  complications in his  pregnancy. Both Yoongi and Jimin were super supportive and helpful. Jungkook felt he couldn't thank them enough.

Only loneliness was aware of his endless thoughts in the silence of the night. He  cried  and found himself in the never ending  maze.Thinking about Taehyung would only take a toll on his pregnancy so he tried not  to do it and of course it was hard.

Meanwhile Namjoon had made quite progress with Taehyung  and got him  to talk.However Taehyung  couldn't fully open  up to him. They never talked about anything personal. It was all work  related.

Jimin felt as though Taehyung had  let his guard down  or even  forgotten about  Jungkook.

How do you lose the one you love.After giving it all you gave it up.Jimin 's heart cried out  for  the  couple. Jungkook needed a desperate change that Taehyung couldn't  give  him.

As his belly grew the more misrable Jungkook got.He  couldn't  even  look at his own reflection in the mirror. He  thought that everyone but him wasn't fat.He used to whine to Jimin about how huge his belly was  and  that his  belly button was  sticking out. He thought himself as grotesque looking.

He was sitting on the rocking chair when Jimin  texted him  .

Hello, how are the boys

I feel horrible. I couldn't sleep  all night and I can't even tell  whether  they are  contractions  or they are up to their mischief

So it's anytime soon.You  will  have  to deal with them head on and face  to face.

I'm so not  ready for this. I'm getting cold  feet already. Going for lattey shopping was  the  easiest part of this pregnancy. Nothing else was.

You  must be tired. Try  to get  some  sleep early. You will need  it

I don't know if I can  sleep. The  pains are increasing.

I wish I could do something to help.

Hyung, stop stressing. The  jerk who  did this is happy living his life while I'm toiling here.

You said you wouldn't talk about  him.

Well right now  I'm  super mad.I  didn't get to unleash my moodswings  on him. Its  such a shame.

Anyways sleep  early

I will try.

Jungkook felt his throat getting dry so he went  to the kitchen to get  himself  some water. He  had  to go to bed afterwards. Yoongi was working  night shift so he wasn't home. He  felt more wrecked than  ever.

Moving around wasn't  that hard for him. There weren't any  stairs  to climb. He  went into  his room  and  struggled to get  onto the bed as usual. How he wished  someone would help him. Someone  like Taehyung. Once again he found himself  in thoughts.

He  tried  to  sleep  inspite the  the  cramps in his abdomen. He  looked at his  nightstand clock and  the  time  was  already  before  midnight.

Once again he felt  thirsty and  the  need to pee. He  cursed his fate for not letting  him  rest.

He first went to pee and  then went to  the kitchen. As he was  sipping on his  water  the  glass slipped out of his  hand as he let out  a sharp scream. His whole body became sweaty and cramped with pain.

Suddenly a gash of water  drenched over him and he knew it had  finally happened. His water had broke and he was in labour.

"Oh crap..."he stifled a cry and bit his  lip to the point that it almost bled.

He grasped his belly as if  to guide the  baby  through  the  knifing  pain  that  shot through  his back.

"Breath's  gonna be okay "Jungkook tried not to panic but  that was  what he was doing. He was alone in the house and didn't know what to do.No one had prepared him for child labor.

The pains started coming stronger together like tidal waves washing over him. He  needed to get  to the  phone and it sounded tasking. He could barely  stand.New tears streaked  on his  already moist face.

Out of helplessness he crawled over  to the  home phone  that was in the  living room. He had  memorized Yoongi 's number in case of an emergency.

After the  first  ring he  picked up.

"Jungkook are you okay? "

"I'm  not. My water  broke.I'm  sorry "he sobbed.

"Why would you  be sorry. Its not your fault. Just  breath.I will be  on my  way with the  ambulance. "

"Thank  you for being there  I don't know how I will ever repay  you "

"Jungkook stop talking  too much and  breath, okay "

Within fifteen minutes Yoongi and the ambulance arrived just before Jungkook could pass out . He  had packed receiving blankets and other  essentials  days in advance. He  hadn't gotten a lot of things in terms of baby furniture.  Just two  cradles and  a baby closet.

Upon arrival  the stress of the  twins were checked by a stethoscope and Jungkook needed a c -section immediately.

After he  had  gotten ready he  requested to see Yoongi  before being taken into  the  operating theater.

"Hyung, if I die just let Taehyung  know that  I will haunt  him  for  live "

Yoongi laughed "You won't die.You are in great hands.I  promise  "

"I'm  afraid of table death."he whined.

"Just one dose of aesthetic and  you won't  feel  a thing. It will be  over as soon  as it begins "

"It sounds reassuring but  I'm  still scared "

"Come  on"Yoongi coaxed as Jungkook 's bed was being pushed  into  the  OP. Just like Yoongi had  said Jungkook  didn't feel  any pain  as his  belly  was  being  cut open. However  he  was  drowsy. The  last  thing  he recalled before  passing  out was  Yoongi  and another nurse showing  the  twins  to him. He  had  failed to keep  his eyes  open.

A week later the three were allowed to go home after everything was confirmed to be okay. The twins were in perfect health. They were identical in every  aspect be it their birth height and  weight and mostly  their  faces.

The reason why they had to stay  for that long was  because Jungkook 's blood pressure wasn't stable. At times it would get  too low or even  too high. Jungkook felt  misrable and resentful towards Taehyung. He  wasn't the  man he had wanted  to be. However his joy was much  greater  than the  resentment he felt towards his husband. His twins became his strength  and  his  word.Jungkook 's father  had always said that a man shouldn't  be enslaved by his loyalty. A person should be  loyal to himself  first.

For the whole week his sons were being  taken care of in the hospital  nursery. He would  get  to see them once in a while. When he got  cleared Yoongi  took  them home.

As much as Jungkook needed to rest he couldn't. As soon  as they got  home the twins  became  super cranky. He  heard to learn how to change diapers and  make formula in a  span of minutes.

Yoongi left after helping him  put them to sleep. Jimin had  also  left  a million messages and  missed  calls.

Jungkook 's stitches  were  still hurting  a lot  and it was hard  for  him  to move  around. The twins were sleeping  in their respective cradles that  were in the  living  room where  he could watch them. In just an hour  the  room  was  a huge mess.Finally Jungkook was  able  to rest a bit  so he slept  on the couch. He  would call Jimin later once  he  had  rested  a bit.
