Chapter five

Jungkook woke up feeling tired like he hadn't  slept  at all.It had  like that for two weeks now.

"Wake up sleepy head. You are gonna be  late "Taehyung said as he looked like he had just come back from his morning  jog.

"What time  is it?"Jungkook asked with a raspy voice while stretching

"Just before eight. Let's have a shower together .I have run a warm bubble bath"

"I can't believe  I slept for almost  twelve hours "said Jungkook heatedly

"So much  for  being  an early  riser and a morning person. You are getting  old  without  a doubt "Taehyung removed  the  bed covers and carried the  younger into the  bathroom. Jungkook looked into Taehyung 's eyes while he was  in thoughts. Would Taehyung hate him for the mistake that  he had made. Jungkook had missed the  wicked glint in Taehyung 's eyes as he looked at him.

Gently Taehyung  laid the  naked younger  into  the bathtub before stripping and  joining him. He  sat right behind the younger and started washing his back for  him .

"It feels so nice "Jungkook smiled dreamily, eyes close shut.

Soon he felt a soft pair of lips on his  back instead of the  warm water.

"How about this "Taehyung asked as he peppered kisses on the upper part  of Jungkook 's back.

"Even better "he  giggled.

The kisses  moved to the neck making Jungkook shudder a bit and made him  moan.

Jungkook flinched when he felt Taehyung 's strong hands grip  around  his belly  pulling him  closer. Instinctively he briskly removed them.

"What's wrong? "asked Taehyung

"We can  play later. We are getting  late "Jungkook didn't  even  blink.

"Okay "Taehyung laughed.

When Jungkook was dressing Taehyung  came and fed him his pill. Jungkook resisted the urges to glare  at him or spit it  out .

"You  do know that if you don't take them I will notice  right? "Taehyung asked with a serious tone.

Jungkook didn't reply and went out  of the room. He  went to  the kitchen and  made a bowl of cereal for  himself. It was already  getting  hard  for  him  being  around  Taehyung and his watchful eyes. Before he  could get  one spoon  into  his  mouth, a wave  of nausea washed over  him and Taehyung was  about  to come down any time soon .

He quickly ran and  used  the bathroom  downstairs. He had been doing that without Taehyung knowing for a while now.When  he came  back Taehyung was  already  on the kitchen counter also having his  cereal.He fixed Jungkook a quizzical glare before getting back  to his  breakfast.

Jungkook gritted his teeth into a smile and sat down.

"I'm smiling right now. Please look at me "Jungkook pouted  like a four year  old. 

"Why should  I?

"Because  you  say  I'm  cute when  I smile. Don't you? "

Taehyung faced the younger 's direction "Happy now? "

"You  look  mad, what's up?Oh let  me guess you have a problem that needs fixing right "Jungkook sticked out his tongue at him.

"Jungkook if you tease me  early in the morning you are  going  to regret  it"

"Whatever I'm  going to wait for you in the car "

"And your breakfast? "

"I'm skipping,big deal? "Jungkook asked with sarcasm

"Take a look at yourself. You are so small and yet  you  think  about skipping  breakfast "

"Just shut  it,Kim Taehyung "he gritted out

"You  seriously sound  drunk "Taehyung laughed.

"Am not "Jungkook grabbed his bag off the  counter and left  the  house  

After brushing his teeth and locking the house Taehyung went into  the  garage where Jungkook was already in the  car .

As soon  as he started the ignition of the car ,Jungkook  turned on the radio to full volume. No matter how many times Taehyung tried to tone it down Jungkook always  raised it back. In the end out of anger  he  turned  it off.

"Where is my  credit card? "he asked.

"If you gave it  to me  then why are you asking for  it?"

"You  lost it didn't  you? "Taehyung asked but Jungkook didn't reply.

"You always do this. I always do things for you but no matter what you always  manage to walk all over my heart. You always  turn  my efforts into nothing "

"I didn't tell  you because I knew you would get made just like you are  right now "

"If you had  told me  right  away then I wouldn't have been  mad.You never change Jungkook .You always make  me  feel like I'm married to the  16 year old  version of you "

"Take that back "Jungkook yelled.

"I won't. You are  still  the  same  immature spoilt brat .Back then it was always me who stood up for our relationship and  tried  to make it work but you ....You  didn't seem to care at all.It was  I who always tried to make time for us "Taehyung exploded .

"Then why  did you marry  me if that was how you felt about  me? Why?You know what your shit won't affect me. If you love your credit card that much  once  I find  it ,you will make love to it.Don't  talk to me for today. My aura needs  it's space. "

"Is it so hard so say sorry. Every time we fight has it always been  me  to apologize. It's always your selfish ego that gets in the way "

"Selfish, you are the  one to talk " he  snickered.

"Exactly  how am I selfish ?"asked Taehyung

"I rather we don't talk about it"Jungkook snorted.

"Jungkook.  are  unbelievable. When will you ever grow up. I'm  getting  tired of your  attitude. If you didn't want this marriage you should have said so from the  beginning. Don't make it seem like  I forced you into it"

At this point Jungkook was  crying silently. They had many meaningless fights in the  past  but  none of them were ever  this  intense. Jungkook knew without a doubt that he was  immature but  the words that Taehyung had said were  just hurtful .He  knew that the fight wasn't about the card but  the fact that Jungkook  keeps  things from him just like he was now .

Taehyung never  cared for  the  money as a matter of fact  he  worked only  to spoil Jungkook. Even  in high school he  would use the  monthly allowance  he had  gotten  from his  rich  parents on him .He had  also wanted to buy  a car  for him  but Jungkook refused and said he would save  up for it himself. That was when Taehyung gave him  one  of his credit cards to use while  saving  up on his own.

Taehyung was equally as upset. He  gripped onto the stirring even tighter. He  knew Jungkook was  crying  but  he never  turned even once  to him. Taehyung would get exceptionally cold when  he wanted  to.

Feeling melancholic Jungkook slept  in the car  with dried tear stains on his cheeks.

It was when they pulled up in the parking lot that Taehyung turned to Jungkook. The  corners of his lips slightly curled up in admiration. He  cleaned up his face before  gently waking him up.Jungkook only wanted to get away from Taehyung  put he grabbed him by the shoulders as pressed him against  the car.

"Jungkook  ....stop  refusing me. I have something  to say "

"Just say  it I don't have time "

"Okay, I'm  sorry. I was being  a mean jerk"

"And. ...?"Jungkook arched a brow wanting Taehyung to continue.

"I take  everything  back. I'm  really  sorry "

"Apology  accepted but don't  expect me  to smile. I'm  not  in the  mood"

Taehyung pulled Jungkook into a long  kiss pressing  him  more at the car.Someone  fake coughed and Jungkook wiggled out of Taehyung 's hold.

"Morning love birds. "

"Morning Dr Kim. Can  I join  you "Jungkook asked and Taehyung glared at him.

"I don't see why  not  Dr Jeon as long  as your husband dosent mind "Namjoon said with a knowing look.

"See you, baby "Jungkook waved at Taehyung as he was  going  to Jungkook who was holding  the  elevator  for  him.

Taehyung find rolling his eyes  alwfully sastfiying.

"What  a tease "he  laughed to himself.
