Chapter eight

After work Jungkook waited for Jimin to finish up with his last appointment for  the  day.He  sat in the  lobby  shuffling through some  expectant books.

Eventually Jimin texted him  to come  up but Taehyung  suddenly came and sat  besides  him.

"Let's go home "he smiled as he held the  younger 's hand.

"I. .still  have  things to do"he lied 

"What things? "

"I  promised to help  Hoseok Hyung with  prescriptions "he grinned.

"When  did  you become a dentist. That's  ridiculous. Come on,let me take you for  dinner "

"Ok"Jungkook sighed as he took out his phone. He texted Jimin telling him about the  situation  at hand.

"Who are you texting now "

"A friend "he stated.

"Okay, let's go so long "Taehyung took Jungkook 's hand and they headed to the parking lot.

Ten minutes later they  arrived  at their regular restaurant. Taehyung  ordered steak and  fruit  salad but something didn't seem right with Jungkook,Taehyung  had  ordered a bottle of expensive red wine .Jungkook knew that he  couldn't have alcohol. It didn't matter  which quantity. So he  did the  unthinkable he pushed the bottle off the table without Taehyung  watching. It broke right next  to his  leg.

"Jungkook are you okay. You aren't hurt are you "

"I'm  not. I'm so sorry for being clumsy "

"It's nothing we can get  another one. Or maybe juice. You weren't feeling well in the afternoon right ?"

"That would  be great .Thanks "

The dinner went  on in utter silence. Taehyung was  giving Jungkook looks that he couldn't  comprehend. He wondered what was  inside of his head. Was this a prelude to a storm.

On their way home ,the same deafening silence was over them. However it made Jungkook feel vulnerable. He could never get accustomed to Taehyung 's moodswings.

Back at home they went  to bed without Taehyung trying  to initiate some kind of sexual contact. Jungkook wasn't complaining instead he felt  relieved. He wasn't ready to get caught yet.

The following morning Taehyung slept in while Jungkook woke up and took  a shower alone and made  his  cereal. Not puking definitely. He hadn't felt this ginger in a  while.

Taehyung only woke up when Jungkook was done with everything. He kissed him good morning and went into  the bathroom.

Jungkook took  the chance  to look at himself in the mirror. He  unbuttoned his  shirt and looked at his  belly. The  lines of his abs weren't  there anymore. His  fingers  carresed his bump until a smile cracked on his  lips. At the same time  he  felt  great sadness about what the  future held for the three of them.

He felt like having tea so he went downstairs to make one for  himself.

When he came back up Taehyung was packing his laptop into  his backpack. He was sweet smelling and  clad in a very sharp  grey suit. Despite his uneasy feeling that something was going badly  wrong, Jungkook  smiled in appreciation  of his handsome husband. He had that effect on him. He loved his strong face with the boyish smile ,he adored running his fingers through  his  hair. He liked the way  his  eyes appeared intensely brown going along well with his tan skin.

Jungkook thought of all the  things  he wanted to say and decided now wasn't the time and place.

"You  are being the  slow turtle today .You have never been  hopeless at getting out of bed"Jungkook teased.

"Jungkook is everything okay? "Taehyung asked without looking at the younger.

"Perfect, what's wrong. Aren't you feeling well? "

Suddenly Taehyung  walked over  to the younger without any emotion on his face and  produced a pregnancy test  from his pocket. It wasn't new but Jungkook was too familiar with it.Shit he thought .He  thought he had hid it perfectly well but it seemed it found it's way  to Taehyung mysteriously.

"Is this  yours? "he asked despondently.

Jungkook felt for a moment that the ability of talking was sucked out of him.

"Answer me  damnit "Taehyung roared  and  Jungkook almost cowered in fear. Eyes wide as saucers.

"Even now, you are denying that there  is something wrong, Jungkook I thought you were smarter than that. There  is no point  in lying anymore. I know you are pregnant but it dosent matter. In fact I don't  really give a fuck because  you are  going  to get  rid of it."he spat

"What? !Jungkook felt as though his heart had  stopped beating and was being ripped apart .

What can you do when the person  who heals your heart is the  same  person  who breaks it and cause you pain.

"I was waiting for  you  to tell  me  ,you see. "Taehyung went on."You  became different a few months ago but  I just couldn't grasp what was going on.Did  you think  I wouldn't  notice  .That  small bump was a dead give away too.Did  you think  I'm  blind "

"I'm  really sorry. I didn't intent to.It was  a mistake "

"You said it yourself that it was a mistake and  mistakes should be  rectified right? "

"What does  that  mean, Taehyung .Why are you treating me  as if I went and  got pregnant  by another  man.How is this  my fault  alone. I didn't get  myself pregnant. You have always been unfair to me  in that  context. It takes two  to make a child "Jungkook screamed tearfully.

"I made it clear  on many occasions that  I don't want  a child or didn't you  hear me. You  are  going to get  rid of that  thing even  if I have to make you"

"Tae, you can't do this. This  is our  baby "Jungkook stammered tears  rolling over  his  cheeks .

"I told you that I don't care and I'm saying it again. I'm  going  to go and get  you the earliest  appointment  ready. How far along  are you "Taehyung 's  voice was tight with anger.

"16 weeks "

"Unbelievable "Taehyung scoffed as he passed through Jungkook who held  onto  to his  hand ready to  beg him for their child 's life .

"Please "he sobbed voice cracked.

Taehyung  responded by  shoving him away. Jungkook fell onto  the  floor  on his  belly  but Taehyung didn't  even  turn  to look back at him. He had  made  his  decision. A cruel one and he didn't even bat an eye. 

Jungkook frantically sat up and  checked  if everything was  okay.

He had loved Taehyung  but had gone blindly and betrayed him. At that  time  he hadn't thought about how much it was  going  to hurt  his  husband.

After crying and agonizing for a while he decided not  anymore. He weakly stood  up from  the white feathery carpet and strode over to the  white closet. He  looked distant and nonchalantly. He  took  out  all  his  sweatpants  and  hoodies. Afterwards  he took  up his  suitcase and  packed everything  in there. When  he was done  he  went  into  the  study. He removed their  wedding portrait that was  hung on the wall.Behind  it was a safe.He  entered  the  password that  was  the  year  they  got married.

He  took  out  cash  that  amounted  to ₩5 million and  his passport.  That  would be enough  to sustain  him until  he  gives birth. He  took  the  money  to the  bedroom and  packed  it into  the  suitcase.

There  was  only  one person he needed to call and  that  was  Jimin.

"Hyung. ."

"Jungkook, you sound upset. What's wrong? "

"Taehyung. He  has found  out. He said he doesn't want  it.He will force me  to have  an abortion  Hyung. I can't do that. I don't feel safe around him. I need  to protect my  baby "Jungkook  sounded so broken that Jimin  had to bit his  lips to stop himself from crying.

"So where are you going  to go?"

"I  don't know. All I  need  is to get  away from  him "

"Jungkook, listen to me Go to Yoongi .I'm  sure  Taehyung  wouldn't  look  for  you  there. I will text  you  the  address "

"Thank you  a lot, Hyung '

"Just know that  its your responsibility to bring that  child  into  this  world. Nothing else matters. Not  even Taehyung "

"I  think  I will need  to change my  phone  but  I will still keep  in touch. Please just don't tell Taehyung  where  I have gone, please "

"You  don't have to ask. I'm  on your  side.Take  care. Just don't steal  my  man.He has a weakness  for  cute things "

"You are really funny. I don't know if I can  still catch the  train  "

"You  can take  a bus"

"Thank  you Hyung once again. You are such  an angle .I will miss you a lot "

"Just  keep  me updated"

"I will "

Jungkook looked once again at the wedding portrait that was hung above  their  headboard. They were so happy back  then but  they  will  now  be memories.

Jungkook took off his wedding band and wrote  a note  for  Taehyung.

"If you wanted me  to choose between you and my  child then you have gotten my answer. Have  a good life and be childless all  you want. I can't live like that. What  kind of a man  would  want  to harm his own  blood. You are a empty person  and  I pitty you. I won't  let  you close enough to hurt me "

Jungkook  found himself getting  bold  while writing that  note.And  just like that he left with his head  held up high. He wouldn't live with the  guilty  of killing  his own child.
