Chapter twenty

After going to the airport and dropping Jin at his parents 's  house  ,he  went to Taehyung 's place. When he  arrived they  both went out in the older 's car. At the end of the day they had done everything necessary for the twins .They had managed to get them enrolled  in one of the best  school in town. Jungkook was concerned about the distance they would have to travel to and from to school but he didn't voice  it out.

Taehyung drove them back  so Jungkook could get his car that he had  left  at his house. They  had lunch together for the first time  in years.

Taehyung killed the  engine  and looked at Jungkook lovingly.

"Thanks a lot "Jungkook said.

"You shouldn't thank me. Like  you said I should  take  responsibility  of my sperm right "Taehyung teased.

Jungkook giggled "I  didn't put  it that  way.You are so naughty "

"I'm wondering about one  thing,when  did it happen. I'm sure you remember "

"I  think it's the day  we parked if I'm not mistaken because that was the only time  I forgot to take  the  pill"Jungkook laughed .

"Children get conceived is different funny  ways "

"Those who  were conceived in weird circumstances are usually naughty. Just  like  your  sons"

"I'm really sorry "Taehyung said.

"For what? "

"For not being  there. Only heavens  knows how it must have  been  for you "

"Taehyung. "Jungkook sighed. "Can we not talk about  that  now. I mean its the part of my life  that  I  don't  want  to remember only if it was easy to forget about  it. "

"So the  violin and the  piano  will be  delivered at your place  tomorrow. If you need  anything else  just  let  me know .Don't you lose the card  I gave you "

"I will try not  to lose it"

"So ...when  will  I see you again? "

"I. .don't  know "

"Okay, bye"

"Bye "

Taehyung leaned to unlock Jungkook 's door but they ended up with their eyes locked intensely. Jungkook 's breathing became harsh. Slowly but surely Taehyung  leaned  in onto Jungkook 's lips and kissed  him. Jungkook didn't even hesitate  to kiss back, wildly and passionately.

Taehyung pulled away and looked into Jungkook 's eyes once again "You  really don't want to work  with me? "

"It's not like that. I just don't want us to be centred at one place. Plus people will think that  I take  advantage  of you "

"Jungkook  ,who cares what people  thing. I want to be  with you  everyday  and  every moment "

"Don't you think  I  also  want  that? The  circumstances are as such "

"I understand. Just do what  makes  you happy "

"Tae. ."Jungkook wanted to say  something but  the older had already  gotten  out of the car.He opened Jungkook 's  door  for him and went  inside without uttering  another  word.

Jungkook weary  walked  to where  he had  left  his car.

When Taehyung got inside his house  he was met with  an unexpected and unwanted guest :his  mother. She was  having  tea in the living  room.

"What  are  you  doing  here? "

"It that the first thing  you say  to your mother  whom you haven't seen in ages "

"I'm going to say  this  for  the  last  time  ,Mrs Kim. I don't have a  mother so I would appreciate  it if you leave my house "

"I didn't come  to fight. I heard  that  fag  is back "

"Who  even talk you that. Mind you  he isn't  a fag. He is the only  person  I have ever loved and he gave  birth  to my sons "

"Son,it dosent matter  who told  me.The  matter  is are you really  sure that  their  yours. Did you check? '

"What are you  crazy?Jungkook  wouldn't do something like  that .I  know him "

"If he has  nothing  to hide  then  he  should  allow you to take  a paternity  test "

"That's  ridiculous "Taehyung scoffed.

"My children  and  I  don't have to prove  ourselves  to anyone"a third voice yelled  from the  door.

"Jungkook. . "

"It's good  that  you  are  here. I just can't help but wonder what kind  of man would conceive. Only  a freak  would  do that. Should I hold my  head up high in the society saying  I have grandchildren  that were  conceived from a man. The  world will laugh  at me "she  snickered. .

"Mom , that's  enough "

"Why did  you  come back  now? Did  you  get  tired  of prostuting yourself and  decided to come and empty  my son's pocket. You  just need  someone to pay the  bills.I  can't believe that you stabbed  my son  and  got away  with  it.You should  be behind bars for  it"

"Mom you have  really crossed the  line"

"When  will  you  ever leave myself son.It's  been  sixteen years  since  he has  been chanting your name like someone who  is possessed. You  have targeted him from high school. I know  this  much. I thought  you would heed my  words back  then but  it seems you are so stubborn and shrewd. "

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with sorrow  in his  eyes  before he decided that he wasn't going  to listen  anymore. He  stormed  out  of the  house  and  Taehyung went after him.

The  reason  why Jungkook had came into  the house  in the first  place was because  he wanted to tell Taehyung  that  he had decided  to tell the  twins  the truth  once  they  come  back.

"Jungkook,please. Baby  listen  to me "

"What else do you have  to say. Your mother has said more than enough  "Jungkook cried in anguish.

Taehyung hung his head in his hands. "Jungkook, I love you  and  you know that. Don't take to heart whatever  she said. Please "

"I  should have  left  you years ago ,Taehyung. I stayed  for  you. I could cope  with  a certain  degree of humiliation but  not  when my children are  involved "

"I'm really sorry. Tell  me how I can  make  it better "

"You wanna  know? "

Taehyung nodded.

"Just  stay the hell away  from  me and  my children. "

"Jungkook. ..please "Taehyung  looked genuinely pained.

Jungkook wasn't angry anymore. At least not with anyone else. He was angry with himself for  having  putting up with it for  long. His mother in law  had tried  for  so long  to destroy  him and  today  she  had  finally  succeeded .

Jungkook looked Taehyung in the eye. "My lawyer will  be here with  the  divorce. You better sign it.This  is payment for what your mother has  done.If you  need  someone  to resent then it should be her. She  crushed  my pride Taehyung. I won't lie to you "

Taehyung  fell onto  his  knees. "I can't  live without  you. Not  again, Jungkook "

"It can't be helped "Its my fault too you know. I should have  told you  whatever  happened back  then "

"Why didn't  you? "Taehyung asked, almost crying.

"I didn't  think we would  still  get  back  together. "Jungkook  sniffed "It's over. I'm going "he continued.

Mutely Taehyung  got to his  feet"If that's  what  you  want  but  I want  my children. I have  a right  over  them too"

He had decided to count attack as if he knew that Jungkook wouldn't be able to live  without them. Well everything is far  in love and war.

"You can't  do this  to me. They are  my  children.I  don't  want  them to be  fought over  like  some  objects. You  never  wanted  them  so just let us be"

"There  you  go again. Even though  I explained  what  my reason was you  still shoved it my face. I  too don't want them  to be  separated from you. The  only way  we can  do this  is stay together "

"I don't want that! "yelled furiously. At this point  he wasn't feeling cold anymore.

"Then it can't  be helped. You  can't  possibly punish me  for something  that  I didn't do.Is that  fair? "

"So is whatever your mother said about me fair. ?Is it justified. I need time to myself and this is the only way  I can think  of doing  it?"

"By punishing me. It's it enough that I spent six years without you. Do you know how hard it was for me. Do you even think about me  once "

"It was also  hard on me  too.Believe  me but you had  left me  no choice. "

"If you want time  then that's what  I'm  going  to give to you. Nothing  else. We can't run from  this "Taehyung said stroking Jungkook 's tear stained cheek.

"I have to go"Jungkook whispered as he walked towards his  car.Taehyung watched the younger  drive into  the  street.

He stood in the cold staring  blankly in the direction that Jungkook had disappeared into. His mother came out of the  house and he  turned  to her with  bloodshot eyes. They stood facing each other like  pit bulls about to go for a kill.The pent up tension of the day had spilled out of Taehyung and he felt like he  could easily hit his mother .

"You are dead  to me. How many times will you  ruin  my life? Don't try to be  my mother because  you aren't "with that he went back into the house and shut the door with a resounding bang.
