Chapter nine

About an hour later Taehyung  came back  home with intentions of getting Jungkook  to a abortion clinic. But seeing  the  note that Jungkook wrote made  him  speechless. He  tried  his phone but couldn't  get through to him. He even  tried calling   parents but to no avail.

By the end  of the day he  got frustrated and growled out Jungkook 's name. He  felt nothing but anger  and  betrayal.

Meanwhile Jungkook had  settled in Deagu and it wasn't  anything  like Seoul. It was much peaceful  and  calmer. Yoongi had been  most  welcoming.

The  following morning Yoongi accompanied  Jungkook to his  first  ever doctor's appointed which he was super nervous  about. Yoongi wanted to leave for his rounds but Jungkook gripped his arm and gave him  puppy  eyes. He was  begging  him  to stay.

After the  appointment Jungkook  got  perplexed. He  had  never  imagined that  he could  be having  twins. Just thinking about it made him  super  tired  but  he  still  deemed the  decision of leaving Taehyung as the right one.

While walking around  town  he  stopped  to get  a new phone  and  and  a new sim card so he  could share the  news  with  Jimin. He  looked around stores  for  baby layette .He  only wished that after five months he  would be  able  to hold  both of his babies.

He  bought vegetables and a few  groceries before going  back  home. He  would call  Jimin  after he had  his  lunch and maybe Jimin  would also  be free then.He would be  utterly lying if he had said that he wasn't  thinking  about Taehyung but  it only gave him heart ache.

After having his lunch, Jungkook sat on the rocking chair in the living  room. He thought texting would be  more  convient.

Hello Hyung

Jungkook is that you ?How are  you?

I'm  better. How  is he..?

Really, you can't  be  thinking about that  monster. Anyways if it makes you happy to know then he is glaunt and lacks spirit. Trust me, I don't wanna feel  sorry  for him.

I just hope he hasn't  interorrageted you.

Not  yet. At this moment he is still feeling sorry for himself. I just hope he dosent  drink rat poison.

He  wouldn't .He is better  than that. It's just  a shame that he  dosent want to be  a father  to twins.

You can't be serious. Get out  of town.You? Twins?

I know. Its hard to  believe right. I'm  still  getting  goosebumps and butterflies right now.

Now  I feel like going and shove it right in his face. No,he will probably kill me.

Hyung, don't ever.

How about we make a deal. I  spy on your husband and you spy on mine How about that?

Sorry, I can't spy on Yoongi Hyung. He promised me pizza and ice cream.

This is why I have trust issues.

As for Taehyung he can  go and screw around town for all  I care

You can't convince me that you are over him. Besides Taehyung will never look at anyone else in that kind of way.You are the only he has ever loved.

Hyung, we can't deny that Taehyung has issues and he seriously needs psychological help.

Are you assuming or do you know that for a fact?

I don't know.

Anyways just click a photo of the sonogram. I want to make sure that this  shit is real.

Geez Hyung. I will send to you later.

I look foward to it.Take care.

You too.Be wry of Taehyung. He  might get an inkling that you are involved in this.

Oh I'm so scared.

Hyung, I'm being serious.



s he got  off the phone with Jungkook, the door of his office cracked open and Taehyung  entered. Jimin didn't look fazed at all.

"Taehyung what are  you doing here. You have never  come  to my office ever.What are suprise? "

Taehyung didn't look amused but utterly mad."Listen here, if I ever find out that you have something to do with Jungkook leaving  then you will be sorry "

"What? Is he missing? If that's the case then report it to the  police "

Taehyung rolled his eyes and ignored the older ready to leave. Abruptly Jimin looked up from his  laptop towards the younger.

"Jungkook, was right. You have a problem and you have  to fix it before it's too late. Admitting it and getting  help won't  make  you  less of a man "

"Don't act like you know me.What do you know about me. Stop trying be my friend "

"I know that you have never seen me  as your friend but  I care for  you. Whatever is happening  to you isn't your  fault "

"Just fucking shut up midget "Taehyung yelled and clenched  his fists.

"You have already lost Jungkook. What else do you stand  to lose. Yourself? "

"That's  it "Taehyung stomped in front of Jimin 's desk ready to  deliver a blow until an eager tap on the  door interrupted him. Jimin was already holding his breath.

"Come in "he sighed.

Namjoon poped up behind the door.

"Am i intruding? "

"No,I was  just leaving "Taehyung said coldly and left the  room.

Jimin was  left to heave another huge sigh."You won't  believe  it but  I almost got  punched because of these lips "

Namjoon found it comical. "I  don't  think Taehyung is the fighting type "

"Well   you don't know him. I went  to high school with him. I have  lost  count of how many guys he hit  in high school "Jimin laughed.

"You  are really nice, Jimin. I wouldn't know why Taehyung  would  want  to fight  with you "

"That guy...I feel  sorry  for  him. I don't  know  if he will ever  be happy again. The  reason why  he hates me  so much  is.actually a secret that Jungkook or anyone else  dosent know "

"Well if you share a secret  then  that means you  are  friends"

"Maybe  you  are right. By the way  why are  you  here. I'm  not  usually the  type  to entertain exes"

"It's something  professional. The ER is a  mess and  I could use  some  help.You don't seem  to be  too busy"

"Are  you kidding me? Tell  the Human resources department to hire some  doctors. Why do I  feel  as though this is some  made  up lousy excuse to see my face. Am I that attractive "Jimin teased.

"Of course you are "

"I'm  married  you  dumbass.That  besides. Have  you ever spied  on someone? "


"Well  you  are  about  to"Jimin flashed an evil grin.

"Who is the person? "

"Kim Taehyung "

"Why would you want me  to spy  on him. There literally nothing on that guy. His  life revolves on Dr Jeon and his  work. Nothing else "

"Sadly Dr Jeon is no longer with us. That  is why  you  need to tell  me whatever he is  planning  or thinking "

"We aren't  that  close. I doubt if he even has friends  around  here. You said Jungkook  isn't available. Do you mean  they broke up or something "

"They are separated and  it's  one  sided.I  just want to protect Jungkook '

"Why would you think he would hurt  him "

"Of course he  would never hurt  him. You are asking  too many  questions agent. For  now do what I told  you. Get close to him  if you have to.Go inside his head  if possible "

"Now that's some  weird shit. Wait  why am I even listening  to you  .I  have the  busiest job  in the building "

"Just  think of it as saving a life "

"But you will need to give me  your  number "

"I will but  if you  do something  out of line I'm calling my husband  "

"I won't  if you agree to be friends with me "

"So if I  refuse will you become impossible. I have told  you so many  times that someone  for  you is out there. Not me.I have already  my soulmate you  see.However  I'm not declining  your  friend request "


"No I should be thanking you for saving me from what was going  to be my distraction. "Jimin laughed.
