Chapter twelve

After he was done he went into  his room and came out with a huge  back and a first aid box.He first went  out with  the  bag and then came back into the house without the bag .Taehyung 's eyes were following him around. Excruciating pain was written all over his features.

Wordlessy  he helped Taehyung  lay on his stomach and gave him  first aid treatment on his  wound.He  did it nonchalantly . When  he was done he  bundled up in warm blankets and  carried the twins  one  by one going  out  of the house.

Taehyung looked at  him in confusion as he moved up and about in the house.

"I have called  up the  ambulance. They will be here in no time. You won't die Taehyung "Jungkook whispered as if he didn't want to talk at all.

"Wh-ere are you going? "Taehyung asked as his throat felt dry.Helpless  with dread he tried to think of ways  to to prevent  the inevitable but he couldn't come up with anything.

"I'm leaving because of you. Again. This time if you follow me, I will really kill  you. You better live your life reflecting on your wrong doings.The hospital will probably need a police report. You will know what  to tell them. You are smarter than that,Taehyung.  Goodbye "

Taehyung felt hopeless and helpless. Tears streaked his face for the first time in his  life as he felt someone important walking out  of his life.

"Jungkook. ....I'm. ...really. .sorry "the said male froze on his way  out and whispered. "It's a little too late "

With that he disappeared from the  doorway and from Taehyung 's sight and life. As Jungkook shut the door behind him, he burst into  tears and tried so hard to contain his emotions. After a while he finally got  a hold  of himself and went to Taehyung 's car that was parked in the driveway.He had already settled the twins in the backseat of the  car and they were now asleep.

He got into  the  car and drove  off.

Meanwhile someone had told Yoongi that someone from his address had called for an ambulance. He thought something might have happened  to either Jungkook or the twins  so he rushed home. When he got there ,the paramedics were already there  but he was suprised to see an unconscious  Taehyung. He tried calling Jungkook but his phone was  unreachable . After trying a couple times he finally gave up and went back to the hospital along with Taehyung.

It was past midnight when Jimin was woken up by  a phone call.

"Yah!Do you know what time it is.You said you were going to sleep  early then what happened to  that "

"Hyung. .."

"You  sound  distressed. What's wrong. Are  the twins giving  you a hard time already "

"I'm  leaving "

"What  do you mean leaving? What  happened? Did  Yoongi do something? "

"He  would never do anything .Actually. ...Taehyung  pitched up and you were right. He  will  never change "

"But  how did he find  you? :

"I  don't  know either "

"I  just hope  that  he didn't  harm the  kids "

"He  didn't. He  wouldn't  even  look  at them. He wanted me to leave  them and  I ended up stabbing him in the back "


"I  mean literally "

"You  did what? "

"Just that Hyung. If he dies by.any chance just go to his grave and apologize on my behalf "

"So what are  you going to do now? "

"You  can call me coward for running away but that's what I'm going to do.This time I don't know when I'm coming back. "

"So where are you going to go?"

"I'm  driving  to Mapo port.Maybe I might get a ship  to China. I would have booked a flight but the twins don't have passports nor birth certificates or names. The  situation  is just absurd. "

"Jungkook  ,do you realise what you are doing? These babies  will become Chinese citizens "

"So what about it ?I  just need to go far as possible from Taehyung. I don't think I can stand my children  to being rejected by their own father. It hurts my pride and everything I stand for "

"I understand  but what about your parents? They have been worried ever since you left .Just contact them and tell them  what's happening "

"I  will  call them  when  I get settled. "

"Do you have money ?You will need  it for everything "

"I have  a lot  saved  up.I will  look for a job  when the  time  comes.I really don't know what the future holds for  us.Goodbye Hyung "

"Just  please  stay in touch and take care "

"I  will. I gotta go I'm  sleepy "

"Bye "

As Jimin was about to lay back on his bed he got another call from Yoongi.

"Now  you finally call?It's hard to  hear your voice these days. Are you seeing someone? "

"Oh just shut up midget "

"Don't  tell  me to shut  up midget. I'm  sending  my lawyer with the divorce papers tomorrow "

"Chim ,please  listen  to me.Jungkook has gone missing and Taehyung  is in the hospital. I don't even know what on earth is going on"

"Is Taehyung  critical? "

"He  isn't  but  I think  his pain  isn't  physical but emotional "

"I  don't  know  if I should feel sorry for him  or not. He  probably  deserves what happened to him "

"What  about Jungkook? "

"He  left after stabbing his husband. He is so dramatic "

"He  left? Is he really  the one who stabbed him? "

"That's  what  he  told  me.I  was hella shocked .I  never knew he had  it in him"

"He is probably good with knives. He is a neurosurgeon after all and that makes him dangerous "

"Talk about irony. Taehyung  is a  cardiologist but he doesn't seem to have a heart at all "

"Is this  how their  love story ends ?"

"Who knows  but  I know ours is about to reach rock bottom "

"Jimin, don't  start "

"Do you  know that  it has been  a year  since  I saw you.It also means  I haven't gotten laid for that long? What's  the use of being  married "

"Jimin, you know that  I'm needed here. My whole life  is here "

"What  does that  make  me?I  also  need you  here. I should have known that  a long distant marriage never works out. All you  ever say is that you are  busy.Won't that hospital run  without  you? Can't you even make  time  for me ?"

"And  you? "

"What  about  me?I'm  the one  who came  to see you last  time. Is this even  a marriage? Your  job and  your family are  important and  I mean  nothing  to you right? You  had  a chance to come  up and work here but you turned it down. Let's just end it"

"Please can't we just talk about this? '

"You  see the  problem  here.One of us has to make  a sacrifice for this  relationship  to work but  it  seems as though  non of us is willing  to do that. We have  been  at it for  two  years  and I'm  getting  tired "

"Get  some  sleep. You sound tired "

"I'm being  serious Min Yoongi. Let's  stop this "

"Stop what? "

"This  farce of a marriage. It's not  working "

"I'm  coming  over there tomorrow and you can  say  whatever you want  to say  in person "

"I'm not  falling for  that  shit. You can't  change  my mind. "

"We really need  to talk  about us"

"Are  you being  real  right now? "

"I'm  having Taehyung  transferred to his  hospital  so I'm  also coming "

"You  aren't fooling  me right. ?I  really  can't  wait,Hyung "

"Jimin, I  love  you "

"I'm  not  buying it"

The  phone  call lagged on  for  minutes  as the  couple  talked .
