chapter 90

its been like 2 years since ive updated, my writings become bad but hey let's see where i go from here


i awoke up with a sharp headache, consuming the entire of my head with intense pain, making it immensely hard to open my eyes. my blurry vision slowly begins to become clearer with each breath i take as i slowly begin to sit, however, i freeze as i feel my arms chained to my bed frame.

'what the fuck?' i growl, looking to my side to see steve and his stupid 'team member' tony glaring down at me, they clearly miscalculated how i could easily break these chains, which i do and jump up, leaping to grab tony by his shirt.

'i wouldn't do that if i were you.' steve snaps, grabbing me by the shoulder and glaring into my eyes.

'what is your issue, both of you, are you genuinely this bored in mornings?' i push steve, making sure to cause him a bit of pain and make him back away.

'you hurt natasha, attacked her in the middle of the night and you expect us to allow you to stay?' tony snarls, looking at me from head to toe in utmost disgust.

'what the hell are you on about?' i pause, looking at them both in confusion, steve returns the confused look to me whilst tony frowns. why would i ever hurt natasha?

' don't remember?' steve questions me, crossing his arms and raising a brow.

'no, i think that is quite clear.' i state, looking around for any signs that could explain why i'm in this situation with two imbeciles.

'you snuck into natasha's room and left her bruised.' tony informs me, opening the door and motioning for us to follow after him, my heart beat begins to quicken as i question if i really did hurt her or not.

we slowly make our way down towards natasha's room, which i have no memory of entering which leads me to question whether this is all a joke. steve slowly opens the door, poking his head through first so that i have no view of inside the room.

'are we okay to come in?' he questions with respect.

'don't let me stop you.' i hear a sweet, soft yet powerful voice answer with a hint of humour.

we enter and as we do, i frown in confusion, it's quite dark as the curtains are closed, i wonder what could be hidden in this darkness. tony hits a light switch, turning on a light to reveal natasha resting in her comfortable bed, however looking incredibly uncomfortable and pained. she appears to have a noticeable bruise planted across the left side of her face, bandages wrapped around her waist are noticeable through the top she has on; i recoil in utmost horror, my eyes widening at the sight.

she merely smiles.

'don't like this look on me, do you?' she gives a small giggle then suddenly bursts into a coughing fit. 'sorry, my ribs are supposedly broken, isn't that funny?'

'me? i done this to you?' i take a step back.

'if the shoe fits, wear it.' tony leaves a sly comment then exits the room, sneering at me as he does.

'no.' natasha snaps, looking up at me harshly. 'you did not.'

'so who did?' steve asks as he freezes, looking around at us both.

'the winter soldier, of course, who else did you think?' she rubs her eyes tiredly, sitting up properly to turn her body to face me.

'that's impossible.' i say through my teeth as steve's eyes widen in shock, natasha rolls her eyes.

'listen, i know you're not brainwashed in this moment, but there had to have been side effects from it. i know what happened and you switched, you wouldn't respond to reason.' she explained, crossing her arms as she did.

'we need to figure this out, maybe wanda can assist, i'll go and ask her.' steve huffs, making his way out and leaving me alone with natasha, this makes me feel uncomfortable as i feel terrible for hurting her in any way.

'natasha, words can't explain how sorry i am for this.' i refuse to make eye contact, staring at the ground and feeling guilt.

'don't worry, it wasn't your fault.' she sighs, holding out a hand to me, i look at her in confusion.

'what are you doing?' i slowly take it, she gives me a small yet sad smile and pulls me to sit beside her.

'you said my name.' she whispers to me, staring deeply into my eyes, i admire how beautiful of a woman she really is, not taking into account what she means.

'your name?'

'last night, you called me natalia.' at this point i notice she's holding back tears, my heart burns as i become more and more confused.

at that precise moment, steve and wanda burst through the door, ruining whatever next was about to be revealed.
