Chapter 16

Bucky's POV~

I'm watching TV in the living room, alone. Nat's in her bedroom and everyone else is somewhere. God knows where. Out of nowhere they all walk in roaring with laughter in the living room.

"Can you all shut up?" I growl.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Clint giggles.

"I mean it." I snap.

"Oooh, someone's angry." Sam laughs.

"Bucky, what's up?" Steve asks.

"Nothing." I glare at them all.

"Bucky, why do you feel that way?" Wanda asks.

"I don't feel anything, all of you, shut up." I say.

Nat walks in and eyes us all.

"What's going on here?" She glares at us all.

"Nothing." I growl.

"Are you okay?" She asks me.

"I'm fine, why can't you all just be quiet for once?" I snap.

"Gee okay." Nat sits down next to me.

The others sit around the couches and have their own conversations.

"Nat, who's stronger. Me or Clint?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Nat replies.

"Shut up." I yell.

"Don't be so mean." Nat scolds.

"I'm not being mean, I'm being truthful." I glare at her.

"What's up with you, James?" Nat looks a bit hurt.

"Nothing, fuck off, guys." I glare at them all angrily.

"Someone's gone last their bedtime." Tony giggles.

I'm about to lunge at him but Nat stops me.

"Why are you so angry today?" She cups my cheek.

"Because you all won't fuck off and leave me alone." I spitefully spit out at her.

"James?" She glances up at me.

I ignore her.

"Don't ignore me, James, please?" She's definitely hurt.

I leave the room and go to the training room. I take out a punching bag and punch it as hard as I can. I punch it until my knuckles are bleeding. My metal hand is completely fine however. I keep punching and punching out of anger until I feel a hand on my shoulder, I'm about to attack the figure behind me but I quickly stop.

"Hey." Nat whispers.

I ignore her again and turn around, continuing to punch the bag. I'm not being that harsh, am I?

"Did I do something?" She asks, I can hear the pain in her voice.

No she hasn't. But I still ignore her and punch the bag.

"Fine." She chokes.

I can feel her roll her eyes and she scoffs. She then leaves the room. After a few hours of punching and kicking the bag, I'm sweating all over. I go to my room, pick out some clothes and have a quick shower. After my shower, I then put my clothes on and go to the living room.

"How you doing, Buck." Steve asks me.

"I'm alright, Steve." I give him a nod.

I get up to the kitchen to get a drink.

"What's up with you and Nat?" Sam asks.

"Nothing." I reply.

"Is someone mad?" Clint teases.

"Fuck off." I growl.

"Sheesh, you need to calm down." Tony chuckles.

"Shut up." I say to him.

Nat enters the scene and grabs my arm. She attempts pulling me but she can't so I just walk while she pulls me. She pushes me into her room then closes the door and I roll my eyes.

"What's up?" She arches her eyebrow.

"Nothing?" I say.

"Then why are you being rude?" She snaps.

"I'm not being rude, get lost." I growl.

"What exactly did I fucking do?" She growls back.

I roll my eyes at her and turn around.

"Stop behaving like a little bitch." She pulls me around by the shoulder.

"Says the one who got beat like a little bitch." I spit.

I pinch my nose bridge. Did I really just say that? I'm such a dickhead. She opens the door and pushes my chest, making me leave her room then slams the door in my face.

I put my hands in my face and walk to the living room. I collapse onto the couch.

"What happened?" Clint asks me.

"I-don't-even-know." I hit my head on the couch repeatedly.

"We heard a door slam." Tony says.

"Yeah, that would be Nat." I put my thumb up.

"Sounded like it." Sam chuckles lightly.

For a few hours we watch TV then I leave to go to my room. I check the time. It's 11:35 pm, I should definitely get to bed. I climb into my bed and cover myself with the blanket. I'm not really used to sleeping without Nat. I close my eyes and after an hour of trying to sleep, I finally fall asleep.

* * *

I hear someone open my door and walk in. They close it and sit on the bed where I'm half asleep. I check the time, it's 3 in the morning. Nothing new. I groan and slightly sit up.

"James." Nat whispers.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't mean to be a disappointment." She says.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"That's why you're mad at me, I'm a disappointment." She replies.

"No-no-no-no." I hug her.

"Yeah, why else do you hate me?" She hugs me back.

"I don't hate you, Nat." I whisper.

"I don't know what I did." She replies.

"You didn't do anything, nothing at all." I shake my head.

"Then what happened?" She asks me.

"I just felt angry all day, and kept thinking about how many times you've gotten hurt because of me." I pull her closer towards me.

"Winter Soldier much?" She smirks.

"I guess." I chuckle.

I pull her onto my lap and kiss her on the lips. She climbs into bed with me and I lay her head on my chest. She falls asleep before me and I look at her. She looks so peaceful and beautiful asleep. I kiss her on the forehead and close my eyes.
