chapter 37: mom

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nat's pov

so. i'm. hungry.

"someone bring me something to eat!" i yell from the living room, everyone is chilling in their own rooms.

no one comes. i pout and cross my arms in frustration. stupid, selfish people.

"here." james throws me a pack of crunchy m&ms, i look up at him from the couch with heart eyes.

"i love you so much." i catch the packet with one hand and begin eating them.

"you need real food." he sits next to me.

"no i don't." i say with my mouth full.

"uhm, yeah you do. you need savory food.

"oh well." i finish the packet and he looks at me in surprise.

"what?" i swallow the last m&m.

"see, you were that hungry!" he yells.

"huh? oh no, i just love m&ms." i giggle.

he scoffs at my behavior and places his head on my stomach. i know what he's doing, he's going to take a nap and expect me to not let anyone disturb him.

"seriously?" i roll my eyes.

"yes, you're so cuddly." he completely lies on the couch and places his metal around around my waist.

he's too cute for me to get up so i stay and fiddle with his hair. i love the shampoo he uses for it. it's so soft. he hums as i play with it.

"hey guys!" peter happily skips into the living room but quickly places his hand over his mouth when he sees james trying to nap.

he respects me and bucky the most. peter is one of my most favorite people, not only because he's a spider like me. but because he looks up to me...and he's just so adorable, like the son i never had.

"it's okay." i whisper to him.

"oh cool." he puts his thumbs up and sits on the opposite couch.

"how are you, spidey?" i give him a genuine smile.

"great, ms romanoff! i think i'm becoming really close with tony!" he gets so excited that he wake james up.

james growls and kicks the end of the couch, i play with his hair again to soothe him. peter looks terrified.

"don't mind him." i tell peter.

"anyway, i really wanted you to spar with me." peter says nervously.

"sure, but remember, you bought this upon yourself. i won't be responsible for any injuries... or death." i say darkly, i try and scare him because i find it funny.

"oh...okay." he swallows hard.

"peter parker? is that a hickey?!" i point at his neck and ask in a protective tone.

"what? a hick- no. i fell down." he stutters.

"on someone's lips?" i whisper so tony doesn't hear if he's listening.

"crap." he places his hand on his head.

"don't worry, i won't tell anyone." i giggle.

"thanks, natasha." he sighs in relief.

"michelle jones?" i arch a brow at him and smile.

"y-yeah. i really like her." he blushes and a smile forms on his lips.

i give him a smirk and relax in james' arm, his eyes are closed and he's breathing deeply, signs that he's fast asleep.

"peter, how are you?" clint walks in and cheerfully asks him. loudly.

"clint! i'm going to fucking kill you!" james sits up and yells at him, he's pissed. so pissed off.

"language, james, peter is here." i caress his cheek, his metal arm is still around my waist.

"ah shit...sorry, bucket...i mean bucky." clint is going to piss him off today, it's one of those 'piss off the tin-can' days.

james aggressively throws a pillow at clint. peter bursts out laughing.

"what's so funny?" james growls at peter.

"oh n-nothing, sorry." peter has a hint of sadness in his expression.

"james buchanan barnes! apologise to him, what the hell?" i push his metal arm off me.

"sorry, peter. i just feel like killing clint." james apologizes to peter and sighs.

"it's okay." peter smiles.

i smile at peter.

"you ready to spar, parker?" i give peter an evil smirk.

"'t kill me please." he stands up nervously.

"i'll try not to." i laugh as i stand.

"have fun, i'll pull a 'piss off the tin-can day', nat." clint winks at me and sits on james' lap.

"get the fuck off me." james is so mad that he
manages to terrifyingly stay calm.

"but i want to sit here." clint gives him puppy eyes.

james picks him up by the collar of his shirt and literally throws him across the room.

"okay, let's leave. fast. training room." i say quickly to peter.

we rush to the training room before james decides to spend some 'quality time' with me and by that, i mean taking out his a very seductive way. i mean i can't say i don't enjoy it...

we enter the training room, and peter anxiously takes his step on a mat. i roll out my shoulders and they make a crunching noise. i crack my knuckles and my neck. peter looks at me in horror.

"come on spidey, show me what you got." i tease, i decide to go soft on him.

"a-are you sure?" he asks.

"yes i'm sure! come on." i encourage him.

he throws a punch at me and i dodge it. i throw a kick at me but he manages to shoot webs at me, pulls me towards him and throws me onto the mat.

"wow, you've improved." i compliment him.

"thanks mom-i mean-nat." he facepalms and sits on the mat.

"it's okay, peter." i shrug and think nothing of it.

he doesn't look up, he brings his knees up to his chest and looks down. i frown at him, what's wrong with him? then i realize, 'mom'. he must miss her. and his dad. i know i do, being an orphan is the worst.

"i'm sorry, peter." i sit next to him on the mat and rub his back in comfort.

"it's good." he sniffles.

"i don't have have my parents too." i sigh.

"i miss them, i know i see aunt may as a mother but i want my mom back." a tear drop rolls down his cheek.

"i want mine too, but she's watching over you. she must be proud." i place my hands on his cheeks and turn his face so he can look at me.

"thank you." he suddenly hugs me and tears get on my tank top but it's okay.

"it's cool. now, parker, let's move along...and spar." i laugh.

"okay." he laughs it off and we both get up and spar for a good 45 minutes.

i mean i destroyed him during those 45 minutes, but he 100% improved after.
