chapter 73


i'm not mad at her, i just feel betrayed. natalia was going to let me forget her, she even got the others to not remind me about her as well. how low, i know she was thinking about my safety and her safety but that's just low. even for her. i have to admit that i probably would've done the same thing, so i'm not mad at her. i don't know what she would do without me, she was literally starving herself to death.

"james, are you awake?" i hear a voice call out from outside my door which snaps me out of my thoughts, i frown and check the time, it's 3:35 am.

who would be awake at this time except...

"yeah, i'm up." i reply to nat in a tired voice, i throw off the covers and go to the door.

i open it to reveal a trembling nat, my eyes widen at the sight of her. she's sweating and her eye bags are really dark, she has no colour in her face. she's practically trembling out of fear, her eyes are red.

"what the hell happened?" i pull her into my room and close the door, she stumbles onto my bed and sits down.

"i-i dont know. i was scared..." her voice trembles just like how she's trembling out of fear, i frown at her.

"of what, doll?" i sigh and go over to her, i stand in front of her with crossed arms and look down at her with worry.

"i had a nightmare." she looks embarrassed about it, she wipes a tear away that i didn't even notice before.

i'm happy she came to me and not anyone else, it shows her trust. i sit next to her and place an arm around her waist and move hair out of her face with my other. she blushes when she catches me staring at her.

"do you wanna talk about it?"

"n-no." she shakes her head and i notice her trying to not look at me after i ask her that.

"you sure?" i cock my head at her and she nods her head, was it really that bad?

she seems really scared which is kinda rare.

"so...can i sleep here?" she clears her throat.

"do you have to ask?" i smirk and pull her into bed with me, she smiles.

"well i believe it's manners." she shrugs and shifts closer towards me.

"fuck manners."

"woah, is this coming from you?"

"yeah, now sleep." i place her head on my chest and close my eyes.

"no it's too early." she sits up and i groan at her, she's too energetic at this time.

"sleep." i pull her back and place her head on my chest again as she scoffs. "good night." i tell her.

"fine, but i'm not gonna fall asleep and you know it." she yawns as her eyelids close.

"sure..." i roll my eyes in disbelief and smile to myself when i hear her snoring lightly.


i wake up in james' bed and panic when i don't see him anywhere near me. where did he go? i check the time, it's 5am. i sit up and pull the covers to my chest.

"looking for me?" i hear a voice chuckle on the other side of the room, near the door.

"yes, actually." i relax a bit and calm down.

"well i'm right here." james comes back to the bed, he places me between his thighs and smiles down at me.

"where were you?"

"getting water." he shrugs as he caresses my cheek, i feel my cheeks getting hot.

"you should get some sleep." he yawns, lays next to me and places an arm under me.

"you should as well." i yawn as well.

"do you want to talk about the nightmare you had now?" james arches a brow at me when i shift uncomfortably.


"why not?"

"because i don't want to."

i don't want to tell him because it was about him, hydra and alexi. james dragged me to hydra and we somehow ended up in the red room, back with all of the girls. i was forced to shoot them all with james watching me, i then was forced to become alexi's wife. let's just say that didn't go well.

"fine but it's better to talk about it." he reminds me and i sigh.

"i know." i roll my eyes. "fine i'll tell you. it was was you dragging me to hydra, we ended up back in the red room and i had to kill all the girls then become alexi's wife again." i shiver at the thought, why would my mind make me dream about that?

"...just remember that it's not real." is all he can say as he takes in what i told him with his eyebrows knitting.

"are you okay?" i look up and stare into his eyes, this is exactly why i didn't want to tell him.

"just concerned, i don't like you having nightmares, especially about me."

"it's not your fault." i frown at him as he cocks his head at me in disbelief.

"what? it's not." i reassure him, i should've just lied about it.

"...i love you." he teases me, my eyes widen and i smile like it's my birthday.

i then give him a mischievous smirk.

"of course you do, everyone wants a piece of natasha." i wink at him.

"way to ruin the moment, dumbass." he scoffs.

"how rude." i open my mouth in shock as he laughs at me, i roll my eyes and close my eyes.
