Chapter 15

Nat's POV~

James has been on my case all day ever since that stupid scene last night. He literally stands outside the bathroom door if I take a shower. Or even if I'm sitting down somewhere, he sits next to me. We're all sitting in the living watching TV and hanging out.

"What are you thinking, I wonder." Clint chuckles.

"Huh?" I glance up to him. He's standing in front of me.

"You're daydreaming, about what?" He asks.

"Nothing." I roll my eyes.

"You hungry?" Clint grabs some pizza from the kitchen.

"No." I say quietly.

"How are you not hungry?" Sam ask and snatches the pizza from Clint's hand.

"That's mine." Clint growls and Sam scoffs it down in one go.

"Calm down, there's more." Steve tells them.

"My ribs hurt." I moan and try standing up.

"Sit down, Nat." James sits me on his lap.

"No..." I groan.

"You need to rest." He lifts up my chin.

"No." I rest my head on his chest.

"You're resting right now, though?" He chuckles.

"No." I rub my eyes.

"And you're tired." Steve laughs.

"No." I yawn.

"Expand your vocabulary, please." Tony lifts his feet up on the table.

"Okay, fuck off." I growl.

"Easy there, Spider." Tony lifts his hands up.

"No." I snap.

"Shhh, Tony shut up." James says to him.

I wriggle out of James's hold and run to my bedroom, locking the door.

"Nat?" He knocks on the door.

"Go away." I say.

"Open the door. Please?" He says in a humorous tone.

"Just leave me for a bit." I reply.

"Nat, open up." I hear Clint.

"No." I growl.

I hear Sam, Steve and Tony with Wanda near my door.

"Come on." Sam moans.

"Stop it." I growl at them.

I hear them knocking on the door, pathetic. I'm not coming out.

"Just come out, what's the problem?" Tony says.


I hear them walk away. They must've been shocked. For around 20 minutes I hear no conversation being made in the living room. I kind of feel guilty but they pushed me. I unlock the door and slowly walk towards the living room. I awkwardly come in and sit down next to James. No one says anything, they continue watching TV. I take a deep breath and shut my eyes. James pulls me closer towards him and lays me on his chest.

"I'm sorry." I say to them, I don't open my eyes.

"It's okay, Nat, sometimes I can be annoying. Sometimes." Tony says.

"Sometimes?" Steve chuckles.

"You mean always." Wanda giggles.

I open my eyes and I glance up at James.

"Have you been crying, Nat?" He feels my cheeks.

"No, I haven't." I look away from him and focus on the TV.

"Nat, it's okay to have emotions." Clint tells me.

"Well sorry, I don't have any." I say.

"Everyone does, Nat." James tells me.

"Every single one of you do, I see them all." Wanda looks at us all.

"I just don't like being pathetic." I shrug my shoulders.

"You're not, you were just taught stupid things in the Red Room." James plays with my hair.

"Why are you all so nice to me?" I ask.

"We're always here for you, Natasha." Steve speaks.

"Why?" I shake my head.

"Because you're our friend." Sam tells me.

I look down and smile. I then look at Clint and give him 'the look'.

"No fair." Sam moans.

"Aww, sorry." I giggle.

"What's going on?" James arches an eyebrow.

"3, 2, 1-" Clint starts.

"GO!" I finish.

I jump off the couch and me and Clint run out the door. We stole Sam's keys for his car so we get into his car.

"Can I drive?" I ask.

"No, last time you almost got us killed." Clint glares at me and I roll my eyes.

He starts the car and we drive to the supermarket. We go inside and look around.

"You get the candy section, I'll get the food section." I say.

"No, let's stick together, instead." He replies.

"Fine." I roll my eyes.

We go to the candy section and grab a whole load of candy. I open a sour sweet and eat it.

"Nat! We have to pay for this." Clint growls.

"So?" I chew the sweet, it's so sour.

"Hah, you look like a lemon." Clint laughs.

"Whatever." I spit the sweet out in his face.

"Ew, what the fuck?" Clint complains.

"Sorry, it was too sour." I put my hand over my mouth and giggle.

"Eww, let's just pay these and go." He wipes his face.

We pay for all the candy and get into the car. By the time he starts the car, we've finished all of it.

"This isn't healthy, is it?" I shake my head and giggle.

"Nope." He laughs.

We drive a few miles until we reach outside of the tower. A mans standing there. We stop the car and get out.

"Hello Talia." It's Alexi.

"You come near her and I'll break your face." Clint growls.

"She's my wife, I'll decide what I do." Alexi chuckles.

"I'm not your wife." I growl.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't you remember what happened last time, my dear?" He chuckles.

I shift awkwardly as I recall.

"And I believe this time, I'll get my own way." He smirks.

"And why would you think that?" I ask.

In a split second he appears next to Clint, holding a gun to his side.

"No." I whisper.

"Yes, if you don't come with me, my dear." He chuckles.

"Nat, no. Don't even think about it." Clint points at me.

"No, please." Tears well up in my eyes.

"Come on." Alexi growls.

I see Clint tap the button on his gadget which alerts the others that something is happening and sends them our location.

"I can't come. Just kill me, not him." I cry.

"No, Nat." Clint warns me.

"No, you're worth a lot." Alexi pushes the gun deeper into Clint's side.

Clint doesn't dare to move.

"Please, don't! Just kill me instead. I'll do it myself if you don't let him go, I swear." Tears roll down my cheeks.

"Do you really want a bullet in your friend here?" Alexi chuckles.

"Nat, just tell my kids I love them." Clint says.

"Kids? Wonderful. It will make this more fun" Alexi grins.

"Just kill me instead, it's not that hard." I walk towards them.

"I would, but then it wouldn't make sense would it?" Alexi smiles at me.

"Nat, just run." Clint tells me.

"Hell no. I will get you out of this." I snap.

"If you run, I'll shoot him in the head instead." Alexi growls.

Clint punches Alexi in the face and jumps out of the way of a bullet. Alexi then aims for me but shoots at Clint instead.

"No!" I scream and run to Clint.

Alexi chuckles and drives away.

"It's only my shoulder, don't worry." Clint chokes out.

"I'm so sorry." I cry and feel his wound.

"It's okay, Nat." He holds his shoulder.

I'm shaking as hard as I can. I then see the guys run towards us.

"Clint, shit." Tony looks at his shoulder.

"What happened?" Sam asks.

I just shake my head and fall to the floor, Clint sits next to me, holding his shoulder. He's sweating a lot.

"Clint, come with me. We need to get that fixed." Tony says.

James puts his arms around me and soothes me. I turn to him and sob in his shoulder, leaving him shocked and surprised.

"What happened, Doll?" He asks.

"He came back. He threatened to kill Clint. I told him to kill me instead but he didn't, Clint punched him and he shot Clint then drove off." I tell them.

"Who?" Wanda asks.

"Alexi." I wipe my tears.

"That son of a bitch." James growls.

"I can't believe him." Sam comments.

"It's okay, Nat." Wanda uses her red magic to calm me down.

~At The Tower~

All of us apart from Clint are sitting in the living room. I tell them all what happened. A few moments later, Clint walks in. I run up to him and squeeze him with a hug.

"Woah, easy there." He chuckles.

We sit down.

"I'm really sorry." I put my hand on my head.

"Nat, it wasn't your fault." Clint says.

"Exactly." James kisses me on the head.

"Cough, cough." Tony points at James kissing me and we roll our eyes.

"Nat, you would sacrifice your life for mine?" Clint asks.

"Of course I would, you idiot." I sigh.

"Why would you want to that?" He says.

"Because." I reply.

"Because what?" Sam asks.

"Would you risk your life for me?" Tony smiles.

"Yeah." I roll my eyes.

"She's telling the truth." Wanda giggles.

"God, Clint. I thought you were gonna die because of me." I blink away tears.

"I'm hard to get rid off." Clint chuckles and gives me a hug.

"We know." James laughs.

"I'm just happy you're alive." I smile.

"Yeah, me too." Clint shakes his head and chuckles.

"Let's hope it stays that way." Steve laughs.

"If you push Nat, bam. You'll get shot in the other shoulder." Tony jokes.

I glare at him and attempt lunging at him but James quickly grabs me and sits me on his lap. Tony then makes a stupid face and I violently try escaping which makes Tony flinch. James then chuckles and kisses me on the forehead.
