Chapter 10

~Bucky's POV

"Everyone get your lazy asses up and come to the living room!" I hear Tony yell from the living room.

"For fucks sake..." I groan and make my way to the living room.

"Why are you wasting my time?" I hear Nat moan as she walks in behind me.

"Tony, can we not have one day of relaxing?" Sam rolls his eyes.

Clint, Steve, Tony, Wanda, Sam and Vision sit down but me and Nat stay standing around them.

"We're playing truth or dare." Tony smirks.

"You're joking me." Nat scoffs.

"Let's have some fun." Clint giggles.

Oh god.

"We're not going extreme with the dares." Wanda says.

"I am going to waste my time elsewhere." Vision leaves the room.

"Who's first?" Tony gives an evil smile.

"Not me." Nat glares at him.

"Not me, or else." Wanda says.

I sit down next to Clint and Nat joins me.

"Let's go with Bucky." He smiles at me.

"Ugh, dare." I am not gonna be a pussy.

"Awww, fine." He moans.

"Why should I choose truth?" I ask.

"Whatever, kiss the cutest person here." He smirks.

"Easy." I chuckle.

I pull Nat on my lap and kiss her passionately as she melts into the kiss.

"Enough, we get it." Sam groans.

We both laugh and go back to our original seats.

"Well. That failed." Tony says.

"Damn right it did." Nat tells him.

"Barton, truth or dare?" Tony asks.

"Dare, my guy." Clint rubs his hands together.

"I dare you to flirt with Nat." Tony smiles at me.

"Fuck no." I growl.

"It's only a dare." Sam chuckles.

Nat rolls her eyes at Tony and stands in front of Clint.

"Best pick up line you got?" She asks him.

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you have a pretty sweet ass." He says proudly.

"Cut that shit out." I growl.

"Is that the best you have?" She giggles.

"My pick up lines work on my wife." He shrugs.

We all burst out laughing.

"Moving along from that... Steve, truth or dare?" Tony asks Steve.

"Truth.." He replies.

"Who in this room have you kissed before?"
He smirks.

They all look at Nat.

"What?" She scoffs.

"You guys kissed?" I ask them.

"Yes, only for a mission. Public displays make people very uncomfortable." Nat tells me.

"Whatever, I guess it does." I say. I'm not mad... but why the fuck didn't they tell me?

"How about you, Tony? Truth or dare?" Nat smirks.

"Dare." He gives a smug smile.

"I dare you to fIX THE GODDAMN LOCK ON MY FUCKING DOOR." She yells.

"Okay, okay!" He runs out and makes his way to her door.

Tony returns like 2 minutes later.

"That was quick, how come you didn't do that before?" She asks.

"Whatever, truth or dare?" He asks.

"Truth, Sweetie." She glares at him.

"Hmmm, who did you lose your virginity with?" He giggles.

Everyone lets out a chuckle except me.

"Depends." She replies flatly.

"What do you mean?" Sam asks.

"I mean, the time I actually lost it, or the time I lost it." She rolls her eyes.

"What?" Tony is confused.

Everyone is baffled and confused, except me, I kind of understand.

"Well if you're talking about the time I lost it-" She pauses and smirks at me.

"It was with Bucky, obviously." She giggles.

Everyone gasps and faces me.

"Is there a problem?" I grin.

"What do you mean about when you actually lost it?" Sam asks, still confused.

"It was a part of my seductive arts training in the Red Room." Nat coldly replies then shrugs it off.

"Wait so they-" Tony begins then realises his mistake of asking.

"It wasn't a choice." She frowns then looks down.

Wanda gasps and closes her eyes.

"Wanda? What's wrong?" Sam asks.

"I'm seeing all of her memories, it won't stop." She yells.

"Ow, Wanda!" Nat groans.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"I can see all her memories, all of the ones that she doesn't really remember are going back to her..." She opens her eyes.

"I-" Nat passes out on my lap.

"Nat?" I gently shake her.

"Now that was weird." Tony rubs his chin.

"Leave her, she couldn't take it all coming back. She needs to rest." Wanda puts her hand on Nat's head.

"How did that even happen?" Steve asks.

"She has a lot of buried memories, you too, Bucky." Wanda tells me.

"From all the brainwashing..." I realise.

"Yes, the programming is also hard to break." Wanda sighs and lays on sofa putting her legs on the table.

"That table is very expensive, kid." Tony grunts.

"Shut up, you put your feet up too!" She growls.

"When will Nat wake up?" Clint asks.

"I don't know, I still haven't worked out what my powers can actually do." Wanda yawns.

"You've been quiet, Clint. What's up?" Sam asks.

He doesn't say anything but just stares at the table. He looks deep in thought.

"What's up, bird?" I say.

"Just thinking. About all the things that Nat told me about The Red Room." He replies in a quiet tone.

"What did she tell you?" I ask.

"She mentioned you, Bucky." He looks at Nat.

"She did?" I'm surprised.

"She told me about how you treated her differently to the other girls."

"Yeah." I did obviously, she was the best.

"Hey." Nat says with a groggy voice.

"You're awake." Wanda smiles.

"What the hell just happened." Nat quickly sits up and tries figuring out what's going on.

"Do you remember anything?" I ask.

"Yeah, a whole bunch of stuff." She looks a bit scared.

"It's overwhelming, I know." Wanda rubs her back.

"Wow, that was a crazy hour." Tony chuckles.

"Fuck off..." Nat moans and tries to go back to sleep.

"Language, Nat." Steve smiles at her.

I kiss Nat and lie down next to her.

"Talk aboUT BEDROOM BUSINESS!" Tony yells.

"Be quiet." Nat groans at him and I give him a glare to shut him up.
