Chapter 20

Bucky's POV~

Im in my room, lying on the bed. I look up to my closet and see my Winter Soldier outfit. I get up and go over to it. I take it from the hanger and look it up and down then place it back. I've killed people wearing this.

"No, fuck off!" I hear yelling from the living room. I'm guessing that's Nat.

"You're evil!" I hear Clint yell back at her.

I roll my eyes then storm to the living room.

"What now?" I growl at them.

"He wants to use my gun." Nat fiddles with her gun.

"Why not?" Clint moans.

"Because you're a bird?" Sam jokes.

"As are you?" Nat smiles at Sam.

Sam rolls his eyes then goes over to the kitchen, he opens the fridge and water falls over him.

"Holy shit!" He yells.

"What the fuck?" I arch my eyebrow then face Nat and Clint. They both give each other a regretful look then giggle together.

"You going to explain, or am I going to have to make you both?" Sam walks over to them.

"We were bored?" Nat gives a sly smile.

"Shut up, Nat." Clint kicks her to be quiet.

"Who's idea?" Sam growls.

Nat stands up and knees Sam in the stomach, he groans in pain then Nat runs over to me and hides behind me.

"Nat." I hold her by the shoulders.

"I'm just having fun, this life gets boring sometimes, you know?" She winks then flips onto the couch.

Sometimes I worry for her. She's smart and dangerous, but sometimes reckless when she's with Clint.

"Just don't do anything idiotic." I groan then look towards Nat.

Clint's standing by the wall. He's spread against the wall And Nat is aiming knifes above his head. I sigh and smack myself on the head.

"You were saying?" Sam scoffs at them.

"You're fucking joking me." I pinch my nose bridge.

"Holy shit!" Clint yells as a knife almost hits him between his legs.

"Whoops, I slipped." Nat gives an evil smile.

"Stop, now." I say sternly and take all the knifes away.

"No fair." Clint pouts.

"You literally nearly got killed!" Sam yells.

"It was only fun." Nat complains to me and Sam.

"What's going on?" Tony moans and walks in with Steve.

"They're basically throwing knifes at each other." I glare at Nat and Clint.

"Who's throwing knifes at whaaat?" Tony asks.

"Obviously, Nat was aiming knifes at me." Clint

"It was fun." Nat shrugs.

"It's not nice to be hit by knifes, Nat." Steve arches an eyebrow and smiles lightly.

"I should know that." Nat sighs.

"What do you mean?" Sam furrows his eyebrows.

"Long story." Nat shrugs her shoulders and yawns.

"You've been hit by knifes?" Sam looks concerned.

"They tested our pain tolerance in the Red Room." She nods.

"How old were you?" Tony asks.

"I don't know, young I guess. The older you were, the more pain tested on you." She points at some of her scars.

I close my eyes at that memory and turn around, crossing my arms.

"You alright, Buck?" Steve asks.

I air him and walk out the door and storm off to my room. My phone vibrates.

'Come backkkkkk.' It's from Nat.



'Why are you messaging me, you're literally like 10 feet away.'

'I can't be bothered to walk to your room, I need energy for missions ;).'


'Fineeeee, you stubborn soldier🙄.'

I throw my phone on my bed and collapse along with it. I then hear the door being open.
I glance up to see Nat.

"Hey." She jumps on the bed and sits next to me where I'm laying.

"Hey." I sit up next to her.

"What's up?" She pouts.

"I'm fine, Nat." I arch an eyebrow at her.

"Whatever you say, Sarge." She smirks then lays her head on my lap.

"You seem happy." I chuckle lightly.

"Not really." She smiles at me.

"Yes really." I smile back.

"Unlike you, what's up?" She stops smiling.

"Nothings up, now can you go?" I lie back on the bed.

"What?" She furrows her eyebrows at me.

I sigh and get up then open the door.

"Really?" She tilts her head.

I glare at her and she rolls her eyes then walks out and slams the door behind her. A few moments later she walks back in with a smirk.

"Really?" I chuckle.

This girl never seems to give up, does she?

"Nice to see you too." She says.

I roll onto the bed and she scoffs. She collapses on the bed and lies next to me. I can't help but smile.

"Why you smiling?" She looks confused.

"Because you're a cute, little redhead." I smirk.

"Call me cute one more time and-"

"You're a cute, little redhead." I cut her off then chuckle when she glares at me.

"You're such a tease, even when you're in a mood." She kisses me.

"I'm not in a mood." I look down at her.

"Whatever." She smiles then tries turning around but I hold her by her waist.

"I'm tired." She moans and tries turning again.

"Nope, you're facing me so I can see your pretty, cute face."

She rolls her eyes and cuddles in closer.

"Why'd you storm out of the living room?" She lays her head on my chest.

"Memories came back." I whisper.

"Of what?" She whispers back.

"Red Room. You. Pain."

"Oh." I feel her move closer and tense up.

"You okay?" I furrow my eyebrows.

She glances up at me and slowly nods. She puts her arms around me tightly.

"You don't seem okay." I kiss her on the forehead.

She doesn't say anything, she's about to get up but I hold her tighter.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

She tugs at my grip on her waist, she then elbows me in the arm when I don't let go.

"Woah, okay." I let her go.

"James?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm right here." I stand up next to her.

She stares at me for a few minutes.

"Nat?" I ask.

She shakes her head then runs out. I run after her and follow her to her room. I close the door after me. She shuts her eyes.

"Natalia, talk to me." I hold her by the shoulders.

She opens her eyes and I see tears form in her eyes. She then punches me in the face and knees me in the stomach.

"The fuck?" I groan.

"I will not fail my mission." She mumbles.

That's it, she's lost it.

"What mission?" I ask.

"To kill and make people's life's hell." She looks at herself in the mirror then picks up a gun and shoots her reflection.

I open my eyes in shock and grab the gun from her. She growls then flips onto my shoulder and attempts strangling me but I throw her on the bed. She's throwing punches, kicks. She's even biting and scratching at me. As she attacks me, I realise she's hiding more than I thought she was. I knew she held back moves, but not these. She grabs my arm and twists it behind me, I grab her with my metal arm and push her down on the ground. She punches me in the gut and I pin her down.

"I can't fail my mission." She whimpers then pushes me off.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm made of marble, I'm a weapon. That's the only thing I'm going to do, be a weapon." She kicks me and runs out the door.

I storm after her and chase her to the living room. Great, she's gonna end up killing us all.

"Hey, Nat." Clint says.

Nat glares at him

"Woah, Bucky, what happened to you?" Sam asks me.

"She happened to me." I nod towards Nat.

"What?" Tony asks.

"I don't know what's up with her, she keeps talking about some mission." I say.

"Where's Wanda when you need her?" Tony groans.

"What's up, Clint?" Sam asks Clint.

"This happened once." Clint says.

Nat stands still and closes her eyes.

"What happened?" I ask him.

"We were talking about her past, then she snapped and tried to kill me. She thought I was her mission." Clint walks over to Nat.

Nat opens her eyes and punches Clint in the face. She then runs over to Sam and knees him in the gut and kicks Tony in the stomach. She goes to the kitchen and grabs a knife. She grins evilly.

"Fuck this." Tony runs out.

"You're joking me." I growl at Tony.

Nat runs towards me and tries stabbing me with the knife but I kick her away. I signal Clint to grab her from behind. Sam distracts her and nearly gets stabbed in the throat.

"That was fucking close." Sam gasps.

Clint grabs Nat and I hold her too while Sam takes the knife away from her.

"Give it back or I'll kick you there." She glares between Sam's legs.

"No, no, no. I may as well give the knife back." Sam yells at me and Clint but we roll our eyes and scoff.

I pick up Nat and hold her in my arms. She punches me and kicks me but I don't let her go.

"Let me go or I will kill you." She growls.

"I doubt that, Doll." I chuckle then tell Sam and Clint to leave.

She leaps out of my arms. She glares at me then punches me in the throat as hard as she can. I growl in pain and grab her by the arm.

"Don't hurt me." She whispers.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"What?" I ask.

"I didn't mean to fail." She closes her eyes.

"You didn't fail anything, you're not a weapon." I assure her.

She collapses but I catch her before she falls to the ground. Her eyes are shut, I take her to her room and put her on the bed. I lie down and put her head on my chest and cover us with a blanket. 20 minutes later, I feel shuffling.

"My head..." Nat moans.

"God, Nat." I sigh and hug her tightly.

"I don't even know what happened." She groans and hugs me.

"Just know that you're not a weapon." I kiss her on the forehead.

"I wouldn't be sure about that." She says quietly.

"Well it's my opinion." I chuckle lightly.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Soldier." I see her lips form a sly smile.

"Whatever." I chuckle.

"Thank you." She kisses me.

"For what?" I ask.

"For everything." She smiles then kisses me again and closes her eyes.

Some time after thinking, I close my eyes too and go out like a candle.


Don't blame me if this is really shitty xD. It's like 1 in the morning here and I wrote this in like 1 and a half hours lmao😂😴. I'm exhausteddddd.
