chapter 75


why is everyone just so frustrating, why can't they all just leave me alone? i can't stay in my room for as long as i want because of "safety reasons". how is that fair? i'm not going to starve to death or become dehydrated i just want to lock myself in my room for a few days.

"natalia, how many times? stop locking the door." james hisses from outside the door, i hear him kick it with his foot to get me to open it.

"fine, fine." i groan and open the door to reveal james leaning against a wall, he slowly walks in as i move out of his way then i close the door.

"what's wrong with you, are you okay? sick?"

"no i'm perfectly fine and healthy."


"of course."

he cocks his head at me in disbelief, i frown at him, wondering what he's trying to get out of me. he slowly comes closer to me which makes my heart skip a beat which each step he takes. he leans into my ear as i swallow hard.

"are you sure?" his breath tickles my neck when he asks, i roll my eyes, trying to hide how nervous i am.

"i said yes, didn't i?" i snap as he smirks at me.

"yeah, but i don't believe you-"

"why?" i cut him off and he arches a brow at me for interrupting him.

"because, natalia, people don't just lock themselves in their rooms for days." he points out as i stare at the ground to prevent myself from rolling my eyes again.

"maybe those people don't like peace and quiet then." i shrug, keeping my gaze on the ground.

"maybe or maybe they actually take care of their health properly." he tells me in a sassy tone and steps right in front of me so i stop staring at the ground and look at him.

"whatever." i sarcastically say then cross my arms, this is what i mean when i say i don't get peace or quiet.

"what's wrong?" he repeats his question from
before as i roll my eyes.

"nothing!" i snap, glaring at him as he wraps an arm around my waist.

he seems tired of my behaviour, he grabs me and leans me onto the bed. he brings his face close to mine, i can't stop myself from staring into his eyes. he makes me feel nervous and gives me a weird feeling in my stomach but at the same time he makes me feel safe, protected and calm. i bite my lip when he smirks at me, leaning in for a kiss but we're interrupted by-

"guys! i-goddamn!" tony shrieks as he walks in, he covers his eyes.

me and james reluctantly get up and both sit on the bed.

"we're fully clothed and not doing anything, you idiot." i scoff at him as he slowly looks at us, flinching.

"oh okay-" he stops talking when he notices james' death stare, he freezes.

"continue." i roll my eyes at james and at tony's terrified expression, how pathetic.

"...o-oh yeah," he clears his throat. "a redhead has been going around town asking about a certain other redhead." he cocks his head at me when he mentions redhead.

"what do you mean?" i ask.

"are you stupid?" he scoffs and chuckles but freezes again when he looks at james to see him glaring.

"alexi?" i say in realisation.

"no shit, sherlock." tony crosses his arms and arches a brow at me. "he's asked people if they know a natalie rushman or a natasha romanoff and where she would be at what times."

"why, what's he planning?" james growls under his breath as he protectively pulls me closer towards him.

"we don't know, just thought i would let you know." tony shrugs then walks out, he closes the door and i hear his footsteps retreat.

"great." james hisses, he stands up away from me as i roll my eyes.

"oh well." i shrug, unbothered.

"oh well? oh well? are you joking?" his tone is cold as he faces me. i stand up away from the bed and frown at him.

"no i'm not." i laugh at him, why is he behaving so-

winter soldier like?
winter soldier?

"you're not joking, are you?" he hisses in a sarcastic tone as i stare into his ice blue eyes.

"no i'm not so stop talking before you go all winter soldier on me." i warn him.

"fine, i won't talk to you all day then." he blinks as his expression softens as if he's back to well, 'normal' i guess.

"fine by me." i refuse to be the nice one here, i scoff at his childish behaviour as he storms out, slamming the door behind him.

how mature.

"be like that!" i yell then curse myself and him. why are we so stubborn?

"for god's sake." i hug my elbows, ignoring how my chest tightens as i overthink.

i then hear a long lasting chuckle come from outside of my door as i roll my eyes.

"i can hear you!" i snap at his foolishness.

"i know you can."

"and i'm not going to talk to you!" i hiss, i'm ignoring him until he decides to behave.

"no, doll, you have it wrong. i'm not talking to you and it's going to drive you crazy." i can tell from his voice that he's smirking, let's see him smirk when i don't speak to him at all.
