Chapter 22

Natasha's POV~

It's been a few days since I met up with Alexi in the alleyway. He hasn't contacted me yet about what I'm supposed to do for the fucktard. James isn't as suspicious as before, thank God. I need to keep everyone away from Alexi and HYDRA. Otherwise their deaths will be on me. I'm on my room finishing off the work Nick gave me.

"Hey Natasha." Clint walks in with a smile.

"Hey birdbrain." I giggle.

"Birdbrain? Really?" He chuckles.

"Sorry." I smirk.

"Do you wanna go and get high on fast food?" He gives me a thumbs up.

"Maybe another day, I'm busy with work." I pout and point to my computer.

"Awww, okay." Clint shrugs and walks out.

I then hear my phone beep. Oh God. I slowly pick up my phone, take a deep breath and open the message.

'Natalia, my dear wife. Here is what you have to do.'


'End that despicable relationship with the Soldier.'


'Do it, or you'll be a widow for real. I'll kill him for you.'

'I can't.'

'It's either the relationship or him. One will have an end.'


I can't. Can I? I close my phone and throw it against the wall. I slide to the floor and bring my knees up to my chest and cry.

"Natasha?" Clint calls from outside the door.

"Mhmm?" I reply.

"Can I come in?" He asks.

"No..." I whimper.

He walks in and isn't surprised when he sees me like this.

"Hey." He sits down next to me and hugs me.

"Why are you here?" I hug him back.

"I heard a crash and then you crying." He rubs my back.

"Don't tell James, please." I beg him.

"Okay." He nods and wipes my tears.

"I need to be alone, Clint." I tell him and he rubs my back again and leaves.

How am I going to do this? I can't let James be killed though. What if Alexi can't even kill him and he's just threatening me. I can't take a risk, it's HYDRA for god's sake. I take a deep breath and go to the living room. I walk in.

"Hey, Natalia." James smiles at me.

"I can't." I say quietly.

"Have you been crying?" He furrows his eyebrows.

"We can't do this anymore." I shake my head.

"Oh my god, are you two breaking up?!"
Tony yells.

Does he really have to state the obvious?

"What do you mean, Natalia?" He asks.

"It's Natasha." A tear falls out of my eyes.

"Natasha, what are you doing?" Clint is shocked.

"Natalia, don't do this." James holds my hand.

I sigh then run out of the living into my bedroom and slam the door. I jump on my bed and put my face in my pillow. Did I just fucking do that? I've ruined everything. Fucking Alexi. I'm gonna kill him when I get the chance but it'll add more blood to my ledger. Ugh.

"Natalia, can we speak?" James says from outside the door.

"No..." I sob.

"Please?" He begs.

I pick up my phone, it has cracks on it but it's fine. I message Alexi.

'Done, what else?'

'You will deliver a package to me.'

'What? From who?'

'Questions result in death. I'll send you the details'

He sends me the details and I read through it all. I have to leave at 8 in the morning. Great. It's 11 o'clock so I should probably sleep. I calm down my crying and get to sleep. It's no use, I can't stop crying and thinking about James. I regret this all, I keep thinking about what would happen if I just wasn't alive. Would this all just be left alone? I need water, my throat is so dry. I leave my bedroom and go to the kitchen. I place my hands on the counter and breath.

"Natalia." James says.

"Why are you up, it's 4 in the morning?" I don't look at him.

"I'm up because you've been sobbing your eyes out since 12." He sighs.

"No I haven't." I lie.

"Were you forced to end our relationship?" I see him arch an eyebrow.

"No." I brush past him and leave the kitchen.

I walk to my room and get in bed. It's 4:10. Great, how am I going to wake up? Some time later, I let the darkness consume me and I actually get sleep. But then the alarm goes off. Shit. I need to hurry, I jump out of bed. I get ready and leave the tower. I make my way to where I'm meeting some druggie. It's in the same alleyway, the guy turns up after like an hour.

"Hey, girl. How are-"

"0193." I cut him off and put out my hand.

He glares at me then puts the package in my hand and leaves. I wait for Alexi to come here and meet me. He eventually arrives with some muscular guy. He snatches it from me.

"Why couldn't you do it yourself if you were coming here?" I ask.

He cracks me across the face and kicks me to the ground. He turns to the guy and says something to him in Russian but I can't quite hear him.

"You will pay for being disloyal." Alexi growls.

"What? I asked a question, Alexi." I snap.

The guy walks over to me and gives me a smirk. He has the HYDRA logo on the jacket he's wearing. He grabs me by my neck and pulls me up in the air. Alexi nods at the guy and leaves me and the guy alone together in the alleyway.

"You're so weak, even though we made you." He growls.

He smashes me to the ground and kicks me in the chest. He then punches me in the face a good 4 times and stomps on my side. He then punches me in the back and stomach a few times and I groan in pain.

"Fight back and I'll tell Alexi to kill your soldat." He chuckles.

"What the fuck?" I punch him in the face to move him away from me.

He takes out a knife a brings it up to my throat and I gulp. He takes my wrist and makes a few cuts. He then cups my cheek and kicks me in the knee. He then kicks me in the chest, picks me up then slams me to the ground. He pins me down and chuckles. My vision's gone blurry.

"I'll see you another time." He walks away.

Fucking HYDRA. Fucking Alexi. They should all be blown to hell. I sigh and stand up. I walk the whole way to the tower. What's James gonna think when he sees me? I enter the elevator and it goes up. I need an excuse but I'm too tired to think of one. The lift stops and I enter, I walk to the living room and collapse on the couch.

"What the fuck?" Clint gasps when he sees me.

"What?" My eyes are shutting.

"Natalia!" James yells.

"I'm fine..." I moan.

James picks me up and takes me to his room. He then passes me my phone.

"I'm not stupid, Natalia. I read the messages." He sighs and feels my injuries.

"I don't wanna get you hurt." I groan.

"Yeah? Well now you're hurt. I don't want that." He hugs me.

"James?" I ask.

"Right here, Nat." He replies.

"Do you forgive me for lying?" I sigh.

He doesn't reply but instead kisses me on the lips passionately.

"This time, you're stuck with me." He hugs me tightly.

"You said that last time." I giggle.

"Oh only this time, it's real." He takes off my clothing and gets a medic kit.

"Ugh, are you joking me? Not again." I complain.

"Well, stop getting hurt then." He waves the medic kit in my face.

I roll my eyes and sit on his bed. He crouches down on the floor and cleans me up. I look up at the clock, it's 10:45 pm. Time goes quick when you're being haunted by Alexi.

"It's always me getting hurt." I giggle lightly.

"Yup, and it shouldn't be." He puts his hands on my knees.

"It's just the way it is." I shrug.

"And that should be changed." He stands.

"What if just join HYDRA-"

"No way." He cuts me off and growls.

"-or just die." I continue.

I can't read his expression. He sits next to me and pulls me in.

"Anything you wanna talk about?" He sighs and rubs his fingers through my hair.

"I hate being such a waste of space, sorry that I keep getting hurt and wasting your time."
I shrug.

"I love you no matter what." He kisses me on the forehead.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because you're mine." He says confidently.

"Are you sure?" I smirk and glance up.

"100%, baby." He chuckles.

"I'm exhausted." I jump into his bed.

"And where's my space?" He points at the bed.

"Hmmm, there?" I point to the floor and smirk.

"Nah..." He picks me up and moves me over a little and gets in the bed.

I kiss him on the cheek and rest on his chest. I feel him chuckle lightly and wraps his metal arm around my waist. I get comfortable and feel my consciousness slowly ebbing away from me. My eyes are growing heavier by the second but I then feel panic overwhelm me. I focus on being safe with James and calm myself down then let darkness consume me.

I open my eyes and hear my phone beeping. It's a message from that fuckward, of course it is.

'Natalia, you have another package to deliver to me.'

'No, I've had enough of you. Fuck off."

'I know where you and your little avengers are. They'll all be left as bloody puddles if you don't listen to my requests.'

'Send me the details, Alexi.'

'Good girl, maybe one day I'll have you all to my self...'

I leave him on read 'cause he deserves it. lol.  
I then look at all the details. This time, I have to go to the shopping market. I might pick up a dress actually. I then scroll down. 8 fucking 30 o'clock? It's 8:00 right now. I get ready as fast as I can. I make my way to leave but crash into Clint.

"Nat, where are you going so fast?" He groans and stands up.

"That's what I'm wondering too, Natalia." James says from behind us.

"Shopping." I stand up and run.

"Come back, Nat." James chases me.

I run out the tower and jump in Sam's car. I drive away and get to the shopping market and run inside. I check the time. 8:29, thank god. I look around and a guy grabs my arm.

"You the Red's little red?" He ask then chuckles

"Yep." I sigh.

"Here." He passes the package to me and walks away.

Alexi messages me.

'I'm outside, bring it here.'


Is this guy lazy as fuck or what? He's right outside?! What the hell? And 'Red's little red'? No way. I scoff and get outside.

Alexi snatches it from me and stuffs it in his pocket.

"What's inside?" I ask.

"Excuse me?" He smacks me across the face.

"Nothing, sorry." I see someone hiding in the distance.

"Good girl." He growls and pushes past me.

I'm about to go and check out who's hiding but I then realise that James is probably freaking out. I get to Sam's car and drive to the tower.

I park the car exactly where it was and rush into the tower. I enter the elevator and it goes up. I sigh and walk out when it reaches the top. I tip toe into the living room.

"Natasha!" Clint yells and hugs me.

"Where's James?" I hug him back.

"He went out looking for your careless ass." Clint says.

"Natalia." James growls and walks in.

"I only went shopping for a dress." I giggle.

"Yeah? And where's the dress." James asks.

"I left my purse." I roll my eyes.

"And what's this?" Sam takes my purse out of my jean pocket.

"My purse." I glare at him.

James growls and pulls me by my arm and pushes me into his room.

"What the fuck where you actually doing?"
He locks the door.

"I was shopping, I told you." I growl.

He slams me against the wall, I whimper and his grip on me softens but his expression doesn't.

"Can I have the truth please?" He says in a stern voice.

"S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G, I wonder what that spells out?" I glare into his eyes.

"Isn't it spelt A-L-E-X-I?" He growls.

I feel my heart beating faster and faster. I take a deep breath and tears form in my eyes.

"Don't even say that disgusting name." Tears trickle down my faces.

"Natalia." James breaths and his grip on me loosens.

He pulls me on the bed and sits me on his lap.

"I hate being his little puppet." I sigh.

"You're not his puppet, he's just a controlling piece of shit." He growls.

"I did missions, so he'd leave you guys alone."
I mention.

"I don't want you to get hurt." He feels my cheek where Alexi slapped me.

"I'd rather me get hurt than anyone else."

"But I don't want you getting hurt, so don't listen to Alexi anymore. He can try coming here if he likes but we'll blow him to hell." James chuckles.

"I feel like inviting him so we can do that."
I laugh and smile at him.

James kisses me on the lips and holds me close.

"Don't go and get yourself into trouble with that imbecile again, understand?" He cups my cheek.

"Yeah." I sigh and lean on him.

"If he goes near you-"

"You'll rip out his limbs, I know." I cut him off and giggle a little.

Ahhh, these chapters are getting shitty I think😬. Someone give me ideas😂.
