Chapter 3

~Nat's POV

"Clint, you better fuck off before I kill you." I growl.

"Come on, Nattyyy. Come at me, bitch!" He laughs.

I jump up attacking him, I kick him onto the table. I'm surprised he didn't break it in half. He punches me in the stomach and I jump onto his neck, he flips me onto the floor and I land on my back.

(oml that last bit rhyme lmao)

"Fuck..." I groan.

"Can't handle me, can ya? I'm the best." He says smirking.

I get up and slowly walk towards him.

"You are done..." I growl.

"Right that's enough." Bucky says.

"Fuck off, James. I'm gonna kill him!" I scream.

"Come at me, unless you're pussy!" Clint smirks.

I charge up my Widow Bite.

"No, that's cheating!" Clint says.

I laugh evilly and begin running towards him. A hand grabs my arm, flipping me onto the floor.

"Enough." Bucky says, with the tone that no one would dare to mess with. Except me, of course.

I kick James on his legs, to make him fall back. Turns out it definitely did not work.

"Nat..." He says angrily.

"I love you and I'm sorry?" I giggle.

Clint approaches me and I kick him as hard as I can which knocks him over.

"Right, that is IT! If you two do not stop, I'll bring the Winter Soldier out to play." He smirks.

I roll my eyes and Clint scoffs.

"No, this is entertaining." Tony says, Thor agrees too.

"You two are going to kill each other." Steve chuckles.

Wanda giggles with Sam.

I've had enough of Clint's stupid grin. I grab his arm and twist it making him yell in pain.

"Natalia Romanova, you are going to be the death of me." James says, as he facepalms.

"Owwwowow!! Get off, Nat!"

"No!" I snap.

Clint punches me in the face, but not hard so he doesn't hurt me. He holds my arms to make sure I don't go anywhere.

"Can't move now, can you?" He chuckles.

"G-get off." I whimper.

Im having a flashback, of The Red Room. Fighting all those girls, killing them all. Reminds me of being a monster. What if I kill Clint?

"Nat, come on, fight!" Tony cheers.

"Tony, shut the fuck up." James glares at him.

I push Clint off of me and put my head in my hands.

"Nat, I thought you wanted to win?" Clint

"I-I don't want to kill you." I say.

"No one can kill me." He chuckles.

I walk over to the wall, the whole room is spinning. I slide down, making myself sit on the ground. Flashbacks of the girls screams and cries won't leave me alone.

"Nat? What's happening?" I hear someone say, I don't know who though.

I'm scared, I can't think straight I don't know what's happening. Tears roll down my cheeks, I can't stop them.

"Nat, Doll, look at me." I think it's James.

"She's having flashbacks, memories." I hear Wanda say.

"I can try and snap her out of it; but it'll make her unconscious while I do." She suggests.

"Only if she wants to." Sam says.

"Stop it...please.." Is all I can say.

The last thing I remember was James holding me tightly and telling me everything was going to be okay.

~Bucky's POV

~In Nat's Room~

"Is she okay?" I ask Wanda.

"Yes, they've stopped. Fighting Clint must have triggered them." She tells me.

For fuck's sake, I knew Nat would be the death of me. She's almost as stubborn as Steve.

Clint walks in.

"I-is she alright?" He asks nervously.

"Yes, she just needs to rest for a bit, then she'll be back to normal." Wanda tells him.

"Guys, what the hell just happened?" Natalia says. She's cute when she's worried.

I sit on her bed where she's laying and kiss her on the forehead.

"You scared us, Nat." I tell her.

"I don't know what was happening to me. I saw...things." She bites her lip to hold back tears.

I signal Wanda and Clint to leave so I can comfort her. I cuddle in next to her and turn her around to face me.

"I'm a cold-hearted monster. Why are you wasting your time, just leave." She flatly says.

"Why do you always get so defensive when someone cares about you?" I tell her, I don't want to get mad at her.

"Because they're wasting their time, watch when I snap and kill you."

"You won't."

"I will."

"Er, you won't."

"Errr, I will."

"No, you won't."

"You bet I will."


"Wil-" I cut her off with a long-lasting kiss.



"Don't leave."

"I won't."


"I swear." I say as I wrap my arms around her.

A few minutes later, she peacefully falls asleep in my arms. I softly kiss her on the cheek and close my eyes.
