Chapter 4

Nat's POV~

I take a deep breath. I'm lying in James's arms so I must've fallen asleep. It was only a dream. Why does this keep happening to me? I quietly sob. I'm suprised James hasn't woken up yet. I get up and go the kitchen.

I open the cupboard and get a glass, I hear shuffling behind me. I whip out my gun and point it at the dark figure behind me.

"Jesus, Nat!" James yells.

"I didn't know it was you." I roll my eyes and put the gun away.

"Why are you awake at this time, it's 3 in the morning." He asks.

"I could say the same to you, Soldier."

"Nat, is it nightmares? I've been there, don't worry."

"Who said I'm worrying?"

"Nat, I'm up because I heard you cry, why didn't you call me?" He comes closer.

"You were awake anyway, weren't you?" I snap.

"Nat, you were crying, was it that bad? He puts his arm on my shoulder, I don't look at him, I can't.

"It wasn't even that bad, I was just thirsty." I lie.

"You're a good liar, Doll, but you can't fool me..."

"A liar about what?"

"What was your nightmare about?"

I take a deep breath.

"You..." I tell him.

"What about me, Doll?"

"You left me to die while HYDRA came for me. They brainwashed us both, again." I say, coldly.

He was shocked, he couldn't say anything.

"Natalia, I love you. Nobody can take that away."

"I know..." I whisper.

He leans in and kisses me, and lifts me on the counter where we passionately kiss for a few moments.

"We should probably go before Tony or someone catches us." Bucky laughs.

"True." I say as he carries me to my room.

~In the morning~

"Natalia, time to get up." James wakes me up.

"Noooo.." I moan.

"Come on, it's 11:35 AM."

"I still wanna sleep." I groan.

"Right come on, Nat." He pulls me out of bed
and carries me to the living room.

"Good morning, SleepyHead." Wanda smiles.

"Hey, do you think you can use your powers to make me and Bucky fall asleep?"

"No more sleeping, Nat." James laughs.

"I don't think I should do that." Wanda giggles.

Clint and Sam gives me 'the look' and I give them 'the look' back.

"Shit gon' happen tonight, baby." Sam cheers.

"None of you are invited." Clint smiles.

"Except from me." I smirk.

"Yeah and where the hell are you guys going?" Bucky asks.

"Errrm." Sam says, thinking of an answer.

"A restaurant down town." I save his ass with my quick thinking skills.

I go to my room and get ready, I put my signature lipstick on, put on black leggings and a grey tank top. I then put on my jacket and leave.

"Come on, bitches, we gon' have funnn." Clint
walks out the door.

I kiss James goodbye and run after them. We get into Sam's car, a new one since James destroyed the other, and Sam drives off.
