Chapter 34

Dunno why I had the need to use this song but the ones I listen to are inappropriate for this so yeah XD.

Bucky's POV~

God knows where Natalia is. She's been missing for 3 goddamn days! I'm sitting on my bed, waiting and waiting just for one text or phone call from her. My phones next to me on the bed and I pray it goes off any time soon. I huff in frustration and pick up the phone. I text Natalia for like the millionth time.


'Where the hell are you?'

'Goddamnit where the fuck are you?'

'Please reply, we're all worried.'

'Natalia Alianovna Romanova, you better reply right now, at this very second!'

This girl is going to be the death of me, I swear to God. I don't even want to imagine where she is, a bar? With Alexi? Taken by hydra? Hell, even in Russia! The door opens and Clint walks in with Sam.

"Where is she?! She's not answering, she's ignoring my texts." I pinch my nose bridge.

"No idea, Bucky." Sam sighs and crosses his arms.

Clint shifts awkwardly and stares at the ground. He presses his lips together in a straight line and rubs his neck.

"What do you know about her disappearing, Clint?" I furrow my eyebrows at him and stand up.

"She said she'll be back...eventually. She doesn't want to be bothered." He bites his lip.

"...where...?" I curiously ask.

"A's close enough though." He shrugs.

"And how do you know she's not in danger, or in trouble?" Sam puts his hand on his head.

"Oh-I don't know-instincts?" Clint stands up straight, away from the wall.

"Let's find her, right now-" I'm halfway through my sentence.


"No 'buts', we're finding her right now." I cut Clint off and stand up from the bed.

"How?" Sam puts his hands up.

"Track her phone." Tony comes in from the window.

"Holy shit." Sam growls.

"What the actual fuckery?" I point at Tony jumping away from the window, he sits on my desk chair.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Clint yells.

"I was bored so I decided to listen in on your conversations." Tony smiles at us.

"Stalker much?" I snap.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Now we can track Nat's phone." Tony stands up in front of us.

"How?" Clint asks.

"I have a tracker on her phone." Tony chuckles.

"What the hell, why?" Sam asks.

"For moments like these, I'll be back." Tony skips out of the door and closes it.

"I wonder if he has a tracker on us all." My eyes widen in shock.

"Obviously!" Tony storms in and laughs.

He must be joking.

"What the hell." Clint facepalms.

"Nah, guys I'm kidding. I tracked down Nat's phone by her SIM card." Tony erupts into laughter.

"Oh." All of us except Tony say in unison.

"She's at a motel-"

"We know." I tell him.

"But you don't know which one." Tony snaps.

"Okay, thanks for your help, bye." Clint pulls me and Sam out of the room.

We already knew she was at a motel, but which one?

"You're welcome!" We hear Tony yell as we leave the tower.

We get in Sam's car, he's driving and I'm at the front with Clint at the back. It's absolutely freezing today, I pray Natalia's not frozen to death.

_ _ _ _

We arrive at the closest motel and park outside.

"Who's going in?" Clint asks.

"Me, of course." I get out the car.

"Okay, we got your back... all the way from over here, praying for your ass." Sam closes the car door in fear.

I roll my eyes and enter the motel, a woman is on the phone, smacking some gum.

"Excuse me?" I say.

"What!" She yells.

"My girlfriend is here, do you know her room number?"

"Wait a minute, you unmannered reptile!" She shouts.

"What did you just say?" I growl at her.

"Sorry, I'm on the phone." She whispers to me.

Oh. I thought she was speaking to me, I was about to give her a piece of my mind.

"Sorry, Darlin', what you need?" She puts the phone down on the counter.

"I'm looking for my girlfriend, she's here somewhere." I repeat.

A man walks in, smoking. I'm guessing weed. I sigh and prepare myself for anything that's about to happen, trouble always follows me around.

"Aiden, I told you no more smoking here! Get yo' ass outta here, motherfucker!" She yells at him.

You're actually joking me.

"Sorry, babes." 'Aiden' rolls his eyes and leaves the motel.

"Anyway, what did you-"

For hell's sake.

"It's okay, don't worry." I scoff and walk down the corridor.

Where, oh where would Natalia be? I go to the second floor, it's complete darkness, there's light shining through a tiny window. I then hear yelling. There's a guy behind someone but I can't see who that someone is. I look closer and see the figure of a woman behind him. The man seems to be flirting with her. She pushes him away and hisses at him, he punches her in the face and pulls her by the hair up to his face.

"You little whore." The man uses his other hand to pull her cheek.

The woman sighs and kicks him to the ground, jumps on him then begins suffocating him with her thighs. Oh for God's sake, Natalia.

Even my stress has stress at this point.

"Hey!" I yell, my voice as loud as thunder.

She immediately lets him go and quickly runs into a room, I run over to it and she shuts it in my face. She locks it and I sigh.

"You know that bitch?" The man stands up, holding his neck in pain.

"Yeah, that's my girl." I punch him in the face, instantly knocking him out.

He collapses to the ground and I kick him out way of the door. I knock once. Twice. Three times but she doesn't open it. We're going to have to do it the hard way, aren't we?

"Stand back, Doll!"

I kick the door with as much force as I can, but not enough to break the whole thing. The lock smashes into pieces and drops, I open the door and walk in. It's a decent place. I look around for Nat but she's nowhere to be seen, I hear painful moans coming from under the bed.

"Natalia?" I get on the floor and look under the bed.

"W-what?" She turns the other way.

"Come out, Doll." I sigh.


"I guess we're doing this my way, then."

I force her out of under the bed and pull her out. I pick her up and sit her on the bed. I scan her body, she has random bruises and cuts all over. What the actual fuck?

"Let me die here..." She groans then attempts going back under the bed but I pin her to the bed.

"Last time you ate?" I ask and lean over her.

"...was the last time you saw me." She weakly smiles.

"You've gone 72 hours without eating?!" I yell in alarm.

"...mhm, I had a few biscuits and some water." She shrugs.

"And who the fuck was that bastard?" I ask.

"Some guy... he wouldn't leave me alone."
She rolls her eyes.

"We need to go, you're exhausted, freezing cold, probably starving, definitely dehydrated and in a lot of pain." I pull her up.

"N-no..." She mumbles and collapses to the ground.

"Goddamnit, I can't let you out of my sight for one minute! You're worse than how Steve was back then, always picking fights with random guys he couldn't take on." I yell at her.

"Sorry." She huffs and pulls herself up.

"Why are you doing this again?" I help her up.

"I feel like killing someone, I'm too used to the feeling of murdering someone with my cold hands." She wraps her arms around my torso and leans her head on my chest.

"It's okay." I kiss her on the head.

"No it's not, what if I kill you?" I only just realised she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"You won't Doll, I swear." I run my fingers through her hair.

"I wanna stay here." Her sobs are getting harder to control.

"Don't cry, Doll. Let's go home." I separate from her and feel the bruise swelling up on her face from that punch she got.

She doesn't say anything but instead falls limp into my arms. I pick her up bridal style and we carry her to the ground floor.

"Aye, where's my money!?" The woman downstairs yells at me.

"Here." I roll my eyes and take some change and give it to her.

I exit the motel, holding Natalia and carry her to the car. I open the car door.

"Natasha!" Clint's eyes open wide.

"Holy shit, what happened to you?" Sam asks her.

"Long story." She groans.

I put her at the back with Clint. I sit at the front and put on my seatbelt. Sam drives out and we're on our way to the tower. A few moments later, Nat lets out a painful groan.

"What's wrong?" Clint asks Nat, she's resting her head on his shoulder.

"Nat?" I ask her.

"Everything hurts..." She sighs.

"With everything you've told us that happened throughout those three days of surviving with no food, I'm sure it does." Sam says as we park outside the tower.

We get out and I carry Natalia in my arms again. She holds my shirt as we get into the elevator.

"I'm surprised you're even alive, Nat." Clint breaks the silence.

"The only thing keeping me alive is the Soldier serum, sadly." She shuts her eyes, she said 'sadly' quietly so only I can hear.


We get out the elevator and we go into the living room. Everyone's eyes open wide when they see Nat.

"Holy shit." Tony exclaims.

"Natasha, oh my god." Steve gets up from the couch and gets a glass of water from the kitchen.

I sit on the couch and rest Nat's head on my lap with her body on the couch.

"Oh Natasha, what have you done?" Wanda sighs as she puts her hand on Nat's head.

"I'm fine." Nat mutters.

"Fine my ass, you would've been dead!" I utter.

She rolls her eyes and slowly takes the glass of water from Steve. She gulps down the whole thing in a second.

"You haven't eaten for 3 days, you need food." I get up and go over to the kitchen.

I open the cupboard and take out an energy bar, I take a bottle of water and an ice pack.

"Here." I go back and give them to Nat.

She sighs and eats the energy bar, she drinks some water, puts it down then puts the ice pack on the bruise on her face.

"Good thing I found the motel-"

"Tony, hush." Sam cuts him off.

"Sheesh, okay." Tony puts his feet up on the table.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself. I had the urge to kill someone so I left." Nat speaks up.

"Natalia, it's okay." I kiss her on the cheek.

"Ow, careful!" She rubs her cheek.

"Sorry." I chuckles and kiss her on the lips instead.

"I would've been okay anyway." She smirks.

We all glare at her and she giggles, she moves closer to me and rests her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her waist.

"Did I tell you about the time I-"

"Beat an entire Russian mob while stuck in a char, yup you did." I chuckle.

"And with the chair, they didn't stand a chance. Call themselves a mob." She giggles.

"Well, you are an assassin." Clint smiles.

"A deadly one, we're living with like 3." Tony points out.

"The more the merrier." Wanda laughs.

"I understood that joke." Steve smiles.

Wow, Steve, wow. I scoff and everyone else rolls their eyes, Steve proudly smiles and I laugh. Nat looks up at me with a smile and I wink at her. She's not allowed to leave without saying exactly where, what did she mean by 'Sadly' in the elevator? Is she doing this shit on purpose? Oh god, I actually have to keep a close eye on her, now. My grip around her waist becomes protectively tighter. She looks at me again and smirks.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _

I'm guessing this is bad because I'm writing this at 2-3 in the morning
