What a day!

Jia Davis

We saw a sleek black Mercedes-Maybach coming to a halt in front of us. A chauffeur came out and opened the back door. He came out wearing a three-piece gray suit with sunglasses adorned on his face, looking devilishly handsome.


All of us looked at him with our mouth wide open.

"Is he our Stephen?" Stacy asked, furrowing her brows.

I blinked a few times to make sure it was Snappy. Yes, he was my Snappy, my bestie. I went towards him and hugged him, he embraced me and kissed my forehead.
"DQ how are you" he asked as if everything was normal.

"Did you hire it. I whispered in his ears, pointing towards the car. I wanted to make him smile.

He chuckled. "I don't show it off doesn't mean I don't own it." His voice was sad, filled with hurt.

"Are you okay, You didn't need to come here." I was so concerned. By now, all the guests coming in and out of the house were looking at Snappy. I am sure the news of a rich, handsome man must have reached everyone inside.

"Why, I want to see him" he started walking towards our friends.

"What are you planning, my boy? Mike asked, patting his back.

Snappy smirked, he actually smirked, he was definitely up to something. "Nothing, just want her to see what she missed" he said, and we went ahead.

It was a whole new story inside. The most vibrant picture was displayed in front of us. People were singing, dancing and laughing, wearing some bright-colored traditional outfits. If it were not the situation, I would had enjoyed myself immensely. I would have danced along with cousins and aunts of Aarti. When I looked on the right side, there was a wide spread of sumptuous  food. I was so tempted and nudged Snappy as we were the ones who would always look out for food at any occasions, but he was busy glaring at a guy sitting on a high chair on a raised podium. Oh! so that's the groom. He was handsome, but nothing compared to our Stephen Parker.

Aarti was sitting right beside him wearing a pink shimmer outfit, she was breathtaking, her tear filled eyes were glued to Snappy.

What is the problem? They both like each other so much, why can't they just accept it and be together. Ugh!

"Ahh, welcome, Aarti has been waiting for you all." Aarti's mom welcomed us, she was beaming with joy. We were served some red drink that smelled of rose and some fried nuggets. Aarti sat there with a sad face, her head held low. Snappy had still not spared the guy. He must be thinking of thousands of ways to kill someone.

Suddenly, all the music and chatter stopped. We heard Mr. Sharma, Aarti's dad arguing with other fellow, both looked furious from their face. What's the matter?

"I cannot do what you are asking, Mr. Bansal." Mr. Sharma said, getting agitated.

"Raghavji it's for your own daughter." The other guy tried to convince.

"If it's for my daughter, then I will name this house to her, why should I name it to Namit?"

What?? This guy is something, he wants this mansion in his son's name to marry Aarti?

"What difference does it make, they both will be together"

"That's right, if it doesn't make any difference, then it can be in Aarti's name."

"Raghav ji if you are so adamant on you point then I am sorry there will be consequences."

Aarti's mom went and stood beside her husband and whispered something to him, he looked defeated. She was on the verge of crying. Aarti too came and stood with her parents, distress written all over her face.

"We...we can name it in both name, but..."

"No papa don't promise anything. This is your house, you earned it with handwork." She said, holding her father's arm. "Namit, please say something to your father." She looked with expectation at him.

"Aarti, let elders decide, we should not get involved. It's not good manners to talk in between our parents." Man, you are screwed. Well done, you earned lots of hatred for yourself.

Aarti's family glared at him, Aarti was crying silently. Snappy was about to go towards them, But we stopped him. This is their family matter, we can intervene.

"This is my father's house, and it will remain his till his last breath." Aarti said firmly. You go girl, I am proud of you.

"Namit, let's leave" Mr. Bansal started walking towards exit, all the other guests from groom side followed him, now it was just us, Aarti's extended family and three of them hugging each other. Snappy jerked his hand out of our grip and went towards them. He knelt in front of Aarti and her parents.

Woah, this man is gonna get bashed. Not the right time, buddy, but he was already down there. Is he proposing? I was shocked and so were our friends. All these years they were together, and he had numerous times to propose, but he is doing it now, in front of her whole family in this situation. Good luck.

"Aarti's… I have never had courage to say what I felt for you. I always feared rejection and losing you as a friend, but if I don't do this today,, then I might never be able to do it again. Aarti..I love you."

There was an audible gasp around us.

"I love you from the very first day I saw you at college. You have been my life and my point of survival from that day onwards. I promise to keep you happy till my last day. I know you like me too, but we never came to the point of a relationship. I want to marry you and build a family for us. Will...will you marry me." Aarti was crying hysterically. Tears ceased to stop, she was laughing in between and so wanted to say yes. But she looked at her dad, seeking his permission, he looked at his wife, and she nodded slowly. He, in return, nodded yes to Aarti. That was so cute.

Aarti said yes and knelt down in front of Snappy and hugged him. Snappy cupped her face was about to kiss her, in front of everyone, Aarti turned her face in time and his kiss landed on her cheeks. Annoyed, Snappy whispered something in her ears and she blushed. Awww Both of them were so happy. I was so happy and engrossed in the situation that I didn't notice, I was crying too. The whole house was crying.

Ohhh! What a day. This calls for a celebration. And celebration it was. Within no time Music started playing again, Mr. And Mrs parker arrived with a ring and the couple exchanged rings. Sweets were fed to everyone, and we danced with joy and happiness.

It was just WOW.

The next day I got up with a huge smile on my face. We partied till late and celebrated and celebrated. My smile was soon replaced with worry cause today is the day I face Mr. Arrogant, My boss. Ugh! God help me.
