
Jia Davis

"Jia, calm down" I heard and that made me stop my struggling at once. This was the first time he had called me by my name, and it felt oddly amazing. His strong arms were around my waist and my back was flushed to his chest. Now that I was aware of the situation, my heart started thumping loudly, my anger vanished and anxiety took its place. He left me and I straightened my dress and stood beside Lia.

"That was so stupid of you both. You spoiled the event. Do you know how important this is for Rashid and Sofia? can't go and shut every person who says something bad about me." He said, looking at both of us.

"We can, and we will" we said in union and stomped out from there. I understand that it's an important event of Sofia's life, but trust me she would have done the same thing.

"Thanks Jia" Lia said, turning to face me.

"You don't have to thank me. I can't stand if anyone insults Mr. Anderson..." Lia stared at me. "I ...I mean, he is such a nice and genuine person, always helping others... He acts a bit cold and arrogant, but ...he..."

"I know Jia you respect him a lot and I appreciate your feelings." What she understood, I don't know because even I don't understand anything.

Is it just respect? Why my blood was boiling at every hurtful word of that girl. I wanted to rip her tongue out, scratch her face till it was it because I respect him?

"LIA....JIA...WAIT." We heard Richard calling us from behind. We had randomly started walking on the street. Richard jogged towards us.

"You girls were outstanding"...he laughed, making us giggle. Lia linked her hand around my arms and dragged me forward.

"This calls for an ice-cream." She pointed a finger towards an ice-cream cart parked at the corner.

"Ok my treat. You girls deserve it. Let's eat before bro comes and lecturer you. Two vanillas and what will you have Jia?"

"Chocolate chip." Of course, he didn't know what flavor I prefer. Richard had alienated me, but it didn't bother me somehow. He still was cordial when we met but the friendship that was building up, was gone.

As we were devouring our ice cream, Mr. Anderson and Bruce came towards us. What is wrong? Why is he looking so handsome? The way he was coming towards long strides wearing that sexy black tux, it made my throat go dry. I was unable to breathe. I wanted to fan myself so desperately. He scrunched his nose and went directly at the ice cream cart. Oh! He is joining us for a treat. But he came back with some tissues and gave them to me. Huh!

"Clean your hands, and we are going back inside." I then realized I had stopped eating my ice cream that had melted and stained my hands. What the hell! This is so embarrassing.


Viktor Anderson

This is relaxing. Nothing makes me peacefuller than being in nature, among the rustling of leaves, chirping of crickets, whooshing of winds and low clashing of water on stones. What else do you need in life.

I had set my tent on the usual spot by the lake on the hill top. There was a campsite below and people trekked till the lake at nighttime to get the beautiful view of moon's reflection in lake water, but it was far from my spot. I came here often for calm and tranquility.

Though, certain someone did pop up in my mind again and again, making me wonder. At one side she avoided me and on other side she defended me, she was furious at that girl who had insulted me...why?..

Viktor....stop loading your brain with these unnecessary thoughts. I closed my eyes. Enjoy the moon above you, enjoy the sand below your feet, the hot coffee in your hand and this serene ambience...


I snapped my eyes open.

Did someone shriek just now? I heard it again, and then I saw a girl running towards me, screaming at the top of her voice. Am I hallucinating, or it's Ms Davis?

As she came near, I grabbed her shoulders. She was screaming even louder with her eyes shut and feet stomping.

I shook her, calling out her name.

"Ms Davis.....Ms Davis..." Nothing.

"MISS DAVIS....JIAAAA...." I shook her roughly.

She stopped and opened her eyes... She was scared like hell.

"Mr..Mr... Anderson?" She was confused.

'What happened? What are you doing here?" I asked.

" friends... camping...I got lost...she started sobbing and hugged me tightly." I inhaled deeply at her gesture and pulled her with her shoulders..

"What happened." I asked, rubbing her arms. She was wearing a thick black coat and pink beanie. Her nose and cheeks were red from all the crying. Her brown eyes were wide with fear. Her face glittered in moonlight. She looked so cute...ahem!

"My friends and I came for a night trek and I got lost...I thought there was Annabelle behind me." She said, looking around us.

"Whose Annabelle?" Her friend? Were they playing a prank on her?

"A doll" she said.

"A doll?" I was flabbergasted.

"Ya..a..a possessed doll, that kills every..."

"Seriously, Ms Davis, a possessed doll!!!. Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no Annabelle here" is she for real?

"Some ghosts or spirits?. She said, looking around with her big eyes.



"Zom... never mind." I was amused by now.

"Were wolfs, Vampires maybe." It was difficult for me to hold my grin, but I bit my lips to control.

"Sorry again but, above-mentioned things. DO. NOT. EXIST. There are not even wild animals round here. You are perfectly safe." She was looking so vulnerable right now, I felt like taking her in my arms and consoling her.

Just then, someone grabbed her from my hold and pulled her in his arms

"Thank god you are safe, you scared the shit out of me" he said.
