I hate Hospitals.

Viktor Anderson.

"What the hell I am doing here!" I know where I am, this smell, beeping sound, white walls with green curtains... Hospital… I hate hospitals. I just hate them. I had fair share of experience with them and I had sworn never to step in here again.

What happened? My presentation! Did Ms Davis complete the presentation? She better have completed it.

I heard a door knob turn, and I looked in that direction. Oh! Not him again.

"Why am I here, Rashid?" I asked him rudely as he came by my side.

"Aww, I was missing you, so I kidnapped you and brought you here, don't you remember, we had such an amazing night. He said sarcastically. Pathetic fellow.

"Shut up, I don't like your face, I want to go home." I was annoyed. Just because I was a bit restless, they can admit me here. Rashid was checking the file in which he wrote something.

"Don't you look cute, behaving like a kid." Just because he is my friend, I tolerate him.

"Go to hell, Rashid, just let me leave." I tried to get up. They have even made me wear this stupid hospital gown. What the hell.

"Instead of thanking me for saving your life, you are being rude. Well, that says, you are perfectly alright and good to leave." He made me sit on the bed and removed the needle from my hand, Huh, finally. It was irritating. I tried to get on my feet but felt dizzy!

"Not soon sweetheart, let Richard and Bruce come, then you.."

"What happened Rashid?" I think it was something serious.

"You had an asthma attack, you should thank that girl, your assistant,. What was her name...ummm..." He said, looking at the window, trying to remember my assistant's name.

"Jia?" She brought me here, I thought it was Richard.

"Ya Jia, she gave you CPR at the right time, or else we would have lost yo…" He said casually.

"She did WHAT??" I yelled. No ways, she did that. No, she did not. Did she save me? She wanted to leave, she told it was urgent but still, she stayed, for me? Does she care for me?

"CPR, You know, giving rescue breath through mouth and pumping heart with hand…" He tried to act innocent, bastard.

"I KNOW WHAT CPR IS!" I touched my lips unknowingly. He looked at me keenly.

"You naughty boy, what are thinking? Do you like her? She is beautiful" I know she is beautiful, she has the most amazing eyes and plump lips and...hell what am I thinking. She is the clumsiest person ever. Unorganized...messy...ummm... lethargic...cute....HELL!

I glared at Rashid. "I think you are forgetting your profession, you are a doctor, act like one." I told him.

"Oh. My. God. You are blushing, I am so jealous" he said with amusement and a sparkle of mischief in his eyes. I scoffed at him.

"I am not blushing, bloody fucker." I gritted my teeth.

Just then, Richard, Bruce, and Lia came in.
Thank god for sending them, I can't stand this man anymore, and I hope he doesn't mention it to anyone.


Jia Davis

I hope he doesn't mention it to Mr. Arrogant. That doctor, what was his name.... Rahim...no Rashid. How will I face him if he knows what happened?

What happened Jia? Nothing happened, you just saved his life, it was just a medical emergency, and you did what was required. Yes, I just helped him…n… nothing else...his lips were so soft and electrifying...his hair..


What hell are you thinking, just stop

"What are you doing, Jia!" Stacy asked behind me. I was searching for an outfit in my closet to wear at Aarti's engagement. Unknowingly, I was throwing all clothes on the floor. My whole room was a mess.

"I don't have anything to wear."  I pouted and sat on bed. It was already 4 pm, and I was still not ready. I looked at Stacy, and she was looking outstanding in her ankle length dress.

"Here" she gave me a bag. I looked to what was inside. There was a beautiful outfit inside. Black velvet crop and a long skirt in of white see-through fabric, it was perfect and outstanding. I had tears in my eyes, I flunked myself on her.

"Stac what will I do without you? You saved my life" I wrapped my arms tightly around her.

"Now, don't kill me for saving your life." I released her and she huffed.

"Stac you can ask me my life and I won't think twice to give it..." I again hugged her.

"That was far fetched. Get ready, Jake is coming to pick us up, and you are ruining my dress" She said pushing me away.

"How is Snappy? Is he coming?" I didn't get time to meet him. Last night, Bruce dropped me home after I collected my stuff from the office. I had rushed to hospital along with the Ambulance and had left my bag in the office. In the morning, I even completed the presentation after going to office. I dreaded Mr. Arrogant will come to office and straight away ask for presentation. Richard thanked me again for saving his Bro. I took a half-day from work.

"He is." She said and left.

We got there by 5:15pm, Aarti's  mini mansion was decorated with fairy lights and garland, it was spectacular. Her father owed the biggest departmental store in Rosellie. All of us had arrived, and we were waiting for Snappy.

"Are you sure he wants to come here?" Mike asked. All of us were nervous.

Stacy nodded. I regret not meeting him yesterday due to my boss and that kiss.
THAT WAS NOT A KISS, stupid heart stop thinking and thumping like crazy.

We saw a sleek black Mercedes-Maybach coming to a halt in front of us. A chauffeur came out and opened the back door. He came out wearing a three-piece gray suit with sunglasses adorned on his face, looking devilishly handsome.

