The unforgettable wedding

Jia Davis

"I have nothing to wear" I huffed, today is Tuesday and tomorrow is Sofia's wedding. I still am clue less what I will be wearing. The best part, Mr. Anderson has declared an official half day to attend the wedding. Yeh!

"Are you three not the bridesmaids. Your dress would be chosen already by Sofia, isn't it?" Lee asked. We were eating our lunch in the cafeteria.

"I was talking about today's party." I scoffed at him. I had nothing to wear at todays sprinters party.

"I did my shopping on weekend itself" Clara said with excitement.

"Me too, let me show you." Ellen opened her mobile and came closer to show her shopping.

"Ok girls, I am out of here" Lee got up, rolling his eyes. Definitely, he didn't want to be part of this.

"You are coming to the wedding right?" I asked as he turned to leave.

"Yes, off course, how can I miss the sight of beautifully dressed girls." He said, looking deep in my eyes. What is his problem?

I stormed into Stacy's room as soon as I reached home, and regretted that very instance. Stacy and Jake were in some hot moment. Entangled on the bed with their lips glued together, almost naked. Eww.

"What the Hell, Jia, shouldn't you knock before bargain in." Stacy pulled the covers on them as I turned around, not looking at them.

"Shouldn't you lock before… umm…whatever.
I don't have anything to wear tonight." I pouted.

I don't know what happened to me but witnessing their intimacy, my heart ached. I missed being touched and loved by someone who could make me wet by just giving a stare.


Great, just great, after yesterday's amazing party, I find myself in this situation walking like a stiff board with my hands around my boss's hands. Yes, you read it right. That maid of honor bitch of Sofia's cousin was supposed to walk the aisle with best man that is my boss, but she refused (How dare she?) to walk with Mr. Anderson, and I was the replacement. So, here I am walking with my arms linked with my boss, who is the arroganest (if that is any word) and rudest of all person. Whom I had kissed… No JIA. THAT WAS NOT A KISS. UHG! How many times do I have to remind myself.

Giulia was walking with Richard behind us and that bitch was walking with Xavier (Doctor friend of Groom with whom I had to walk as per the rehearsal) Clara was walking with Bruce, can you imagine, their situation was just like us. Hilarious!

Mr. Anderson had been a perfect gentleman and ignored that bitch's reaction and had aced his roll of best man as if nothing happened. She refused to walk with such ugly person (her words) I was boiling with rage. Even now, when we were at the reception, she was going on and on about how she can't bear a sight of him around her.

I was sitting at the round table with Clara, Ellen and a few girls from work. Lee left after the wedding. She was sitting on the right side table with her friends.
Mr. Anderson and family were sitting behind my table.

If she doesn't stop now....

"How can he come out in public with such an ugly face?" She said, and that was it. I lost my control. I had kept myself down as I didn't want to ruin the celebration for Sofia. But ENOUGH!


Viktor Anderson

I knew it was Miss Davis at Ben's. The way she ran away from there, stated it was her. She was avoiding me, and I… felt hurt. She regretted doing what she did, maybe, but for me, it was a rebirth.

I didn't feel bad when that girl refused to walk with me after we had reharshed together, saying it will ruin her photographs, it nevertheless made Ms Davis walk with me instead

She was stiff and never looked at me. During the whole ceremony I was looking at her, she smiled, cried even blushed when Bride and groom kissed each other.  She was looking stunning in that lilac off shoulder gown that showed her delicate neck and shoulder's soft skin in view. Even now, when she is sitting in front of me as the couple's first dance is going on with soft music in the background, my eyes are set on her neck. I wanted to kick myself for desiring to put wet kisses on that neck.

Get yourself together, Viktor and stop your brain and heart. She deserves a beautiful person, not someone broken and ruined like you. Where these feelings erupted from is a mystery. Till yesterday, she was this clumsy girl, how she turned so attractive all of a sudden?

I was sitting with Richard, Lia and Bruce when Ms Davis got up all of a sudden and went towards Sofia's cousin who was her maid of honor.

"What the hell did you just say?" She yelled. I was so shocked and so were everyone around us. Lia frowned, looking with interest.

"One more word against him and you will have your face scratched by me." Jia yelled again. Her back was facing me, so I was unable to see her expression, but What is she talking about, and who is she defending? Lia and I exchanged looks.

"What are you talking about" that girl spat?

"Who gives you the right to judge people when you know nothing about them. Do you even know what a gem of a person he is?" She said, going towards her. That girl tried to be brave, but was clearly scared by Jia.

"Why...why...don't you get lost with him, you ugly bitch" She spoke. Jia's friends were trying to control her, who was all red.

"You know what is ugly? Huh?  Your fake plastic boobs are ugly, you Botox filled lips are ugly, and you say Mr. Anderson is ugly?" There was a loud gasp around us. Did she mention me. Before I could understand, my name made Lia shot forward to join Ms Davis. This is not good.

"What she said?" Lia asked, pointing a finger towards that girl. Who was petrified.

"That, how can Mr. Anderson come out in public with such an ugly face." Lia and Jia were ready to pounce on that girl.

What terrified me was that these two girls might beat that poor girl up. I looked at Richard and we both went forward, he grabbed Lia by the waist leaving me to deal with Ms Davis. I grabbed Jia by the waist, and we dragged both the girl outside the banquet with Bruce tailing behind us. All guests were looking at us.

"Easy...Easy now girls" Richard said trying to control Lia who wanted to get back inside to finish the job.

"Jia, calm down" I said, and she stopped struggling at once.

"That was so stupid of you both. You spoiled the event. Do you know how important this is for Rashid and Sofia? can't go and shut every person who says something bad about me." I had left Jia's waist and looked at both girls.

"We can, and we will" they said in union and stomped out, not a bit guilty about what they did inside, I looked at Richard.

"I don't think they did anything wrong" he said going out behind them. I shifted my glance to Bruce, who shrugged. Rashid and Sofia came out with concern on their faces. I never wanted to be the reason of their spoiled celebration.

"I am sorry, Rashid and Sofia, we ruined your beautiful moment."

"No, Mr. Anderson, I apologize for my cousin's behavior. She should have not said all that. I think we will wind up" she looked at Rashid who nodded in agreement.

"No, No please don't, and continue with the celebration, it's your once in lifetime moment.  I will get the girls back." I told Rashid.

What just happened? Did Jia fought for me? Did she stood up for me? I can understand Lia's reaction, but Jia? No girl had ever done that for me. Whatever it was, one thing was sure. I will never forget this wedding in my life.


Hey my readers, sorry for the late update. I promise to update regularly from now onwards, hope you enjoy reading.
