Messed up

Jia Davis

'Ohh my goodness!'

In the last 6 months that I am working with my boss, I have never seen him like this.

He looked rugged, messy, and handsome. OMG! What am I saying, but there is something definitely wrong. He was wearing his black dress shirt that was not even tucked in his trousers, his hair were fumbled up, and his eyes were puffy and red.

I need to stay as far as possible from him.

"Ms Davis." He called out
Oh no! God save me.

"Ms Davis, you are late" He looked up from his laptop.

"I… I am s..sorry sir...I ..." I tried to come up with some excuse.

"Hmm." Danger Alert. Did he just let that pass?

"Can I have my coffee please" something is definitely wrong he requested me! HE. REQUESTED. ME.

I went out to get his coffee before his mood could change, what is today? His birthday? He is behaving too weird.

I made his coffee with extra precautions, this could be a trap, he will act all goody goody and then when I loosen my weapons, he will attack.

"Ya, ya as if he has no other work." My subconscious mind is speaking too much nowadays.

As I placed the coffee, he gave me a file

"I have noted down all the points for the tomorrow's meeting with cybersecurity department. Get the presentation ready by evening." He said casually.

"This evening?" I asked with my brows raised.

"Yes" he rolled his eyes, that is something new now. He never does that. Hey, It's my thing.

See! I knew it he was just acting to trap me  and here I am trapped. How The hell am I suppose to finish it by this evening. I wanted to yell at his face. I will need a full night too. Even Richard is not here. He has almost vanished after Lia showed up.
Oh god, why me, why me?

I started with the work, as it exhausted me just looking at the points he had written. No point in crying, Jia. Soon it was lunchtime and my friends went ahead without me. Lee insisted on waiting, but I refused. He still has not told me what he said the other day. I asked him so many times, he just blushes when I ask him. This place is full of weirdos. Huff.

At around 9 pm, I received a call in an empty office building. I reached for my mobile that was buried under all the papers scattered on my desk and saw Aarti's name flashing.

"Hi Jia," She sounded sad.

"Aarti my love, make it fast, you don't know what I am going through here. These people are making me slog." I complained over dramatically.

"You don't know what I am going through." She said in the same sad tone.

"Hey what happened." I got worried hearing her voice.

"I am getting engaged" she said in fake enthusiasm. "Tomorrow my place at 5pm, be there."

"WHAT! HOW? I mean who?" I was flabbergasted.

"Namit, he is doctor from India. He is here with his family for a few days, so everything is happening fast...I.. I am getting married next week." Her voice cracked,  I could feel she was on the verge of crying.

"Aarti why" I whisper. I felt so bad for her and for ... Snappy. oh! god, he must be devastated.

"That's how it is at our place" she said with a sad chuckle.

"Did you tell Snappy?" Poor guy must be heartbroken.

"I invited ever.... everyone. I need to go, Jia. Be there bye." She cut the call.

What the hell, I need to call Snappy, no Stacy oh god what do I do? I called up Stacy, she picked after 3 rings.

"Hey Stac, did Aarti call you?"

"Ya even I am shocked" we somehow always thought these two will end up together.

"Did you call Snappy" I asked

"No, you talk to him, he is more close to you and let me know.. "I cut the call and called up Snappy. I was almost trembling from anxiety. My legs were shaking on their accord. This stupid guy is not even picking up the call. Come on Snappy. I kept dialing again and again, finally after 5th time he answered.

"Snappy." He didn't say anything, but I could hear heavy breathing.

"J..Jiaaa...she is getting e..engaged.." he slurred. He is drunk. I need to go to him.

"Snappy, are you drinking? Don't do this to yourself buddy" I tried to put some sense in him.

"I will lose her forever...I love her so much...why is she doing this... I love her s..she this to "he kept blabbering?

"Snappy, where are you, I am coming...where are you?..."

"Am...ath.. mai.apparthmeth..."

"Ok, Ok, I am coming." I cut the call and started placing my stuff in my bag, I was about to leave when a voice froze me.

"Where do you think you are you going?" Mr. Anderson came at my desk. He somehow looked more worn out from the morning.

"Sir I need to go, its urgent." I tried to explain.

"What about the presentation?" He came near me, and he was having problem in breathing.

"I will come back and do it please"

"No, you are not going anywhere before completing it." He came too close  and grasped my arm, leaning over me, I was almost leaning backwards on my desk.

I pushed him gently, "Sir I need to GO."

"Then forget about the job. Don't bother to come back ever again, and don't even dare to show me your face again." Is he for real? I lost my patience.

"FINE. Keep the fucking job for yourself and shove it up your .... I just don't care cause unlike you my relations and friends matter to me more than money, and I am not heartless like you to shove away people and feelings from my heart. You know what, Mr. Anderson. Your heart is uglier than your face and because of your ugly heart people leave you. So goodbye.." I ranted, and he kept staring at me like a maniac, gasping for air.

I regretted what I said as soon as it left my mouth, but can't help it he went beyond endurance. I turned to leave, but a loud crash sound stopped me dead on my tracks.

Mr. Anderson had fainted and fallen unconscious on the floor, and he was not
moving at all.

