Hey Buddy

Jia Davis

It was Wednesday evening, and I was about to leave for home after working the whole day like an ant, nonstop. I had made a presentation for the meeting with cyber crime department, which Richard was going to present tomorrow evening. I had come to notice the working pattern of both these brothers. Mr. Anderson would do all the background work and research, would do the presentations (well he made 'ME' do all the research and made me do all the presentations) and then he would pass it to Richard. Who would do the meetings with clients. Mr. Anderson never went for meetings, he didn't even conduct meetings with employees. He just interacted with me and Richard. Why was he so conscious about his scars, I don't know? As Stacy had mentioned, I was not bothered by them at all. To be frank, his eyes were more scary, the way he looked with his cold hazel orbs, he could kill anyone.

"Miss Davis" my boss called me.

"Yes sir" I went in front of his desk. Just then, Richard entered in.

"Hey bro, hey buddy" he greeted us

"Hey Richar...ummm... Hello Mr. Anderson."
My boss looked at us as if it was the strangest thing we did. He pulled down the projector screen and sat in front of it, with his back facing me.

As My boss was wondering about Richard's 'Hey buddy', I know, so you all are. So let me give you details on it. After our coincidental meeting at cafe, we had been there again for 4 times, yes initiated by him inviting me. We chatted a lot and become friends... not something of my liking. I would definitely like us to be more than friends....but am happy with whatever I have. All these incidents were clearly noticed by office staff, resulting in my friends teasing me and all other girls throwing dirty looks at me. Ya...so... that's how...

"Lets run through the presentations." My boss said casually, bringing me back to the present.

I was annoyed, angry... furious...OK Jia you are a good girl, don't get angry. It will ruin your skin. Breath, keep swimming, just keep swimming. I told myself my regular mantra.
I fell in love with Dory's way of cooling herself. Keep swimming, just keep swimming...

"Miss Davis? Can you get back from your wonderland?" Mr. Snobbish said in a cold annoyed voice.

"Sir it's 8pm" I reminded him, he was not aware of time, I suppose.

"Yaaa, lets start, tomorrow morning we are going to manufacturing unit to check new vault. So, we won't get time to run through it before meeting." He said

Ugh! This man... I was so angry at him. What do I do with him. Ugh. l just removed my imaginary wand and flicked on the back of his head, mumbling 'Avada kedavra' hoping it to work somehow. But it didn't work. My bad luck.

He turned towards me "Did you say something" I shook my head. How can I even dare say something.

I started with my presentation.


Richard's POV

I looked at her face as she scrunches her nose at bro's words. I had noticed, she made this funny faces to express herself. I doubt she is aware of it, they just appear on her face. I liked being with her. She had this naughty innocent aura to herself, that attracts everyone. She is so easy to be with. I know she is not my type, nor I am thinking of taking her to bed, but still, I like being around her.

"Sir it's 8pm" she told bro

"Yaaa, lets start, tomorrow morning we are going to manufacturing unit to check new vault. So, we won't get time to run through it before meeting." he said, ignoring her tone.

I looked at her, squinting her eyes, she removed something from her pocket, just there was nothing, then she flicked her hand behind bro's head. I was so curious to know what she was unto, she mumbled "avada kedavra" and that made me go splitting with laughter. I darned not to make noise and pushed myself lower into the chair.

Bro turned around

"Did you say something," he asked, and she shook her head innocently.

I was still laughing, avoiding looking at bro. I can never forget this moment my whole life. This girl is really something.


Hey everyone, thank you for reading my book. And thanks for all votes and comments. Please keep them coming.

Next will be the point of view of Viktor Anderson. I know you will be waiting for it
