
Jia Davis

"I am sorry Vikky, please forgive me. I was such a fool to leave at that time. I realized I can't live without you" ya right, it took her 7 years to realize it. Now that I know who she is, I was even more furious. She was still clinging to Viktor and blabbering her apologizes and love for him. Girl, that's my man you are hanging on to.

I studied Viktor face, though it was blank, his scars had turned a big reddish and his breathing was getting heavy. Veins of his throat and head were popping, his hands were fisted. This is not a good sign.

"Leave me Jenny." It came out as a whisper from Viktor. She stopped to comprehend what he said and started with her ranting again.

"Vikky, please listen to me, let me explain"
This time he tried to push her holding her shoulders she kept her head low and tightened her grip. Such a shameless bitch!

"LEAVE ME." Viktor roared. All of us flinched at the intensity of his voice,
"You don't even want to look at my face, and you say you love me? Just go away" he started breathing very heavily and was unable to balance himself. I took hold of him and made up sit on his chair. I fumbled through the drawer to get his inhaler. He pumped it a few times.

Richard dragged Jenny outside, she did try to fight back but was no match for Richard.
It was just two of us now, and I hugged Viktor, resting his read on my chest. His breathing was getting normal slowly.

"Are you OK?" I inquired. He nodded, not speaking anything, still buried in my arms. After being like that for a few minutes, he released me and rested his head on the chair. Pulling me, he made me sit on his lap.
He chuckled, making me frown.

"Seven years, she comes back after seven years and has the audacity to claim loving me. She is fcuking married..." He was furious.

"What?" I was astonished. She is definitely a bitch. Viktor closed his eyes to calm himself.

"Are you sure you are ok, should I call Dr. Rashid?"

"No, I am not ok. I am feeling a bit breathless. I think I need rescue breaths...." he said. It got me so worried, I caressed his chest and face.

"Can you give me CPR... It will help." I was so worried and was about to... but then I noticed a small smile on his lips....

"You...." I punched him lightly on his arm.

"What? I am dying. Come on." He pulled me by the waist and our lips meet. We were so engrossed in our kiss that we didn't hear the door opening.

"WOAH!" We heard a gasp.

Pulling apart, we saw a very stunned Dr. Rashid standing at the door. I tried to stand up, but Viktor didn't let me.

"And here I was informed that you are having an asthma attack! How could you, Viktor? You cheated on me?" Dr. Rashid should join drama club.

"I am sorry Rashid, but we are over" Viktor replied. "Why don't you go back to your wife? She loves you... unfortunately"

"You know what, I will exactly do that. I will go to my lovely wife and get myself a few kisses too because you are a one ungrateful fellow." He huffed. My god, these guys are still kids.

"Door is that way" Viktor pointed at the door.

"You should thank me for saving your sorry ass. All the others are standing outside. It was me who stopped them. They would had witnessed your.... Your not so appropriate devouring."

I gasped. Oh! god, what are they talking about.

"Why don't you call them in then." Viktor stood up along with me, and we went near the door.

"Good idea. Let them know about your adulterous activity. They think Viktor Anderson is a saint, sworn to Celibacy" He went and opened the door. Soon Richard, Bruce, Giulia and Sofia entered with concern on their faces.

"Are you Ok Bro? " Lia asked with concern.

"He is more than Ok." He stood beside his wife, snaking his arm on Sofia's waist and kissed her softly. He then looked at Viktor smugly. I need to get used to these two.

"Bro, please don't listen to that women. She divorced her husband after drenching him to bankruptcy. Now she has set her target on you." Richard entreated.

"I am no fool, Richie, to take that vile woman back in my like. In fact I already have someone with whom I want to spend my life." Viktor came and took hold of my hand, interlocking our fingers. Oh! My goodness, I never thought he was serious about telling others. There was pin drop silence in the room, all their eyes set on our hands, Just then someone squealed. It was Lia, she squealed again and came running towards, engulfing me in a bear hug. I was shocked initially but hugged her back.

"OMG, OMG, I AM SO HAPPY. You know I always shipped you two together. I want all the details." She shook my shoulders and then went to hug Viktor.

"I am unable to believe it?... seriously...Bro?...Jia?...I can't imagine!...just like yesterday, you were yelling at her at your place and..." His eyes widened. "That day at your both were not fighting right? both were...."
Oh hell! God, they all are so blunt. I wanted to vanish from here. I never thought Viktor would approve of all this. Here he was smiling silently at everyone's reaction.

"Oh I witnessed it just now with my own eyes" Dr. Rashid smirked. Sofia slapped his chest. She came forward and hugged me.
"I am so happy for both of you." She whispered .

"Are you ok?...I mean... " She had feeling for Viktor.

"Of course Jia. I don't have any feelings for Mr. Anderson, other than respect. I love my husband."

"Is he always like this" I asked looking at four of them bickering about something.

"Only with them" Sofia chuckled.

Bruce was standing there with a small smile on his face

My phone dinged at that time and I checked the message. It was from Snappy.

Next Adventure Alert - Snappy.
Followed by the details.

I guess it's time to tell my friends too.
