Remembering God

Jia Davis

Today was the day, I remembered god the most.

"OHH GOD, WHAT DO I DO NOW." I panicked looking at his stiff body.

I need help, no I should get some help for him, but there is no one in this whole freaking building... I placed his head on my lap and placed my hand on his chest... thank god his heart is beating. He is not dead...ok Jia calm yourself and think... Bruce...where is he? He is always there, somewhere in the corners, but not today, huh? Richard.. Yes, he will help. I called him. He picked after a few rings.

"Ya Jia? I am driving" he sounded distracted.

"Richard, you have to come to office NOW, fast it's an emergency...Mr. Anderson...he just fainted..."


"Ya...there is no one around, not even Bruce. What do I do?..he was not feeling well since morning...he was so weird..."

"Oh, the nightmares," He whispered as if talking to himself.

"Nightmares"? Here I thought he fainted because of me.

"No, nothing He got an asthma attack, find his inhaler pump and make him inhale must be in his suit pocket."

"He is not wearing a suit today.."

"Oh fcuk.. his drawer, in his office, first one on left hand side." He said. I dashed towards his office and opened the drawer. That little thing filled me with relief. I went to my cabin and put it in his mouth, pressing the button, but nothing happened... I did it again and again.

"It's not working, I think it's empty" My hands were shaking due to fear.

"I am on my way, I am getting help...till then you, please give him CPR..."

"WHAT" what did he just ask me to do?

"CPR...try to give him some rescue breath through his mouth and pump his ches...

"I know what is CPR... I CAN'T DO IT TO MY BOSS" I yelled in phone pacing my small office.

"YOU CAN'T LET HIM DIE...Jia, please. You can't let my brother die. I have already notified the hospital they are sending help, but till then please help him." He was right, but...I looked at all mighty Viktor Anderson lying helpless on the floor.

"Ok don't yell.. I am doing it..." I cut the call and again sat next to Mr. Anderson, looking at his lips!

Oh! god help, what do I do? Ugh God!

There Snappy needs me...and I am stuck here...just then I got a beep in my phone. It was message from Stacy.

"Hey Jia Mike and I are going to Snappy's place. You meet us there directly."

I need help too, I wanted to cry.

Come on Jia you can't let any one DIE, even if he is rude and arrogant and snobbish.

God help me, Hakuna matata... Hakuna matata... no worries, I can do it. Jia you can do it.


Viktor Anderson

They just keep coming back, again and again. Just one memory and it triggers everything back. It all comes back, one after another. The day when my father killed my mom, the day I was sent off to that orphanage, the day when I almost died in that blast and the day Jenny left me. Those are the worst days to face. I lock myself in my office and immersed myself in work. I was planning to do that today. I had no energy to dress or eat.

I came to office and saw her highness has not arrived yet, I went to my office and started my laptop. We had bagged the cyber security project, and we need to provide them with our costing and course of actions. After making those points for Ms Davis to make a presentation, I kept waiting for her.

There she comes, her face displaying numerous expression. I don't know how she does it, or is she even aware of what her face is doing. After she came I called her, she was scared for being late and apologized, her eyes going wide when I didn't scold her. Her confusion and shock when I gave her the assignment, It all amused me, helped me to forget my sorrows.

I had planned to drop her home as it was getting late at night, but she got up and started packing after that call. Someone called her, then she kept calling, and all of a sudden, she decided to leave without informing me. I got furious, not good in my current state of mind.

"Where do you think you are you going?" I asked her in a cold voice. I was so tired.

"Sir I need to go, its urgent." She tried to explain me calmly.

"What about the presentation?" I went near her, her beautiful face was tensed. Somehow I was having difficulty to breathe. I didn't want to be alone, I can't let her go. Bruce was not there, he had gone to visit his mother, who was in a vegetative state.

"I will come back and do it please" she said.

"No, you are not going anywhere before completing it." I went too close to her and grasped her arm, leaning over he, she backed away from me. Am I that scary? My scares are disgusting to look at? My lungs were aching by now!

She pushed me gently, "Sir I need to GO." I straightened up and glared at her.

"Then forget about the job. Don't bother to come back ever again, and don't even dare to show me your face again." She was shocked to hear it, but soon anger took over her face, her cheeks turned red.

"FINE. Keep the fucking job for yourself and shove it up your .... I just don't care cause unlike you my relations and friends matter to me more than money, and I am not heartless like you to shove away people and feelings from my heart. You know what, Mr. Anderson. Your heart is uglier than your face and because of your ugly heart people leave you. So goodbye..." she ranted, I kept staring at her, not able to take what she said. I have an ugly heart? By now, my lungs were burning due to lack of oxygen. There was this excruciating pain engulfing my body. Black dots were forming in my eyes, blurring my vision. I was dying, and it would be for the best.

She turned to leave, and my consciousness left me.

Last I heard her yell
