
"Hey, look at that red one"


"This black one?"

"No...he prefers soft colours"

"Umm...see this pink one...or the teal one?"

"Ya this one is good. He loves blue in general"

"I will buy the red one, Mike will love it"

"Oh! You want to say Mike will love you in it."

They giggled and that made me roll my eye.

Stacy and Jovita were freely roaming around the Victoria's Secret store doing the lingerie shopping for the wedding. I and Aarti were being shy and reluctant to even touch those sexy, seductive garments, we were surrounded with.

"Hey girls, you are not getting anything for yourselves?" Jovita teased, bumping her shoulder with Aarti's.

"Umm....n I don't need it...I mean, as of now, I don't need it." Aarti blushed.

"Why? Stephen doesn't enjoy these?" She probed further.

"Don't tell me you are still a virgin." She inquired examining her flushed face. God she is so blunt.

"We...we are waiting until marriage." Aarti confessed looking at the floor.

"Ohh...what about you, Jia?" She turned to me. Why is she interrogating about our sex life in the middle of a store.

"We have not gone that far...yet..." I implied with my cheeks getting heated.

"Then you should buy this black one. Seduce Mr. Viktor Anderson into doing the deeds." She smirked at me shoving a black thing on my face.

"Excuse me, did you say Viktor Anderson? Why she has to seduce him?" Someone said from behind us... I turned to see who it was and came face to face with non-other than Jenny.

"Do we know you?" Jovita scoffed. Jenny turned to face me.

"You were there that day, aren't you his assistant? Shame on you to try to seduce your boss. Anyway it won't work, just look at you" she motioned her finger up and down me.

'Who is she?" Stacy asked coming towards us.

"Viktor's ex fiancé." I said with disgust.

"Oh, the one who left him" Stacy quipped.

"Ran away screaming after looking at his scars" Jovita completed.

"Ya that one." I snorted, folding my arms in front. All four of us took a step forward to her as if challenging her to say anything.

"You bitch..." She tried to show a brave front, when she was clearly scared.

"Just stop, Viktor and I are in a serious relationship. So, you better stay away. I don't want any drama around us"

"We will see who needs to stay away." She flared and went away.

"Is she mad!" Aarti suggested. We went home to continue our work. Wedding preparations were in full swing. I and Viktor hardly met and had no time to talk. Of course he was my date at the wedding but still, we had not got alone time for ourselves. It was a beautiful wedding at a small church with just a few of us attending. Stacy looked breathtaking that day, glowing with happiness. I was so happy for both of them.

It was the next day of the wedding that we were alone at Viktor's place. I was feeling lonely at home and I came here to spend the night.

We were relaxing in the living room couch, snuggled together in a single blanket. Soft music was playing in the background, and he had lighted scented candles.

"What do you think about the house?" he questioned all of a sudden.

"It's amazing. It love it here." I beamed looking around.

"Is it big enough" where was he going with these questions?

"Ya it's huge" I exclaimed.

"So you won't mind living here?" He asked again. Is he asking me to move in with him. He slid on the carpeted floor on his knees, holding both my hands.

"This is my house and I want it to be ours, I want you to take charge of everything around here and me. I want us to be a family and spend the rest of our lives together. I have been alone for long and had accepted the fate of spending my life alone, then you came in my life like a ray of home, my Sunshine. I now want to have everything for myself. I want you as my wife, as mother of my kids and as grand mom to our grandchildren. I love you, Jia Davis, will you marry me."

"Viktor..." I whispered in shock. I do want to spend my life with him but is it not too early for us!

"Let's get married Sunshine, let's not waste time. I have been alone my whole life, without a family. I just can't take it anymore, I want us as a family with kids and happy endings." He pleaded.

"When do you want us to get married." I smiled with tears in my eyes.

"As soon as possible." He smiled back, taking out a ring from his pocket and sliding it in my ring finger.

With that, he captured my lips with his with full passion and need. He pulled me down, laying me on the floor and hovered above, holding his weight on his elbow and pressing his lower body on me. His kissing and sucking moved to my neck and collarbone, making me moan out loud. Soon buttons of my pajama shirt were opened to reveal a black lacy bra that Jovita made me buy. He sucked in a deep breath, staring at my chest that was moving with heavy breathing. He sat up on his knees around me to take in full view. He removed his Tshirt and threw it. My heart skipped a bit drinking in his well-formed chiseled abs. Slowly his eyes came to mine.

"You are so beautiful, Sunshine." He groaned and caressed my breasts with his palms, leaning in to kiss the exposed skin in between. I was a heated mess by now with throbbing pain shooting in my core. My body reacted on it's own and started grinding against his hard member.

"Stop it baby, you are making me lose control" he mumbled between my breasts. I stopped moving my hips, feeling embarrassed. He looked up with his hazel eyes burning with desire.

"As much as I want this, I want to make our first time very special. I want to make you mine on our wedding night. Is it ok?" He asked. I nodded. He rested his forehead on my, calming his breath. He stood up, pulling me up. A part of me was relieved that we won't be doing it today, whereas a part of me was burning to have him in me.

He buttoned me up and wore his Tshirt.

"L..let's get some sleep." He was nervous. I was nervous because it would be my first time, but his behavior confused me. I furrowed my brows at him.

"Are you scared too?"

"Umm...I don't want to hurt you and.... it's my first time too"


Hey everyone, sorry for the late update was busy with festivities. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Viktor and Jia are getting steamy. Do comment and like.
