Jia Davis

As the car stopped near my house, I was happy. It was the first day after working at Anderson group that I was having an early day, dropped home by Richard and had a free meal. Wow! too many good things in a single day.

I turned to Richie to thank him.

"Thank you so mu..."

"Who was that?" He asked with a frown

"Who?" I asked confused.

"That guy at the restaurant with Mr. Parker?" He asked, trying to sound casual. OMG, is he jealous?

"Ohh you mean Snappy, I mean he is Mr. Parker's son Stephen Parker and my best buddy." I replied

"Oh Ok." He said as if in deep thoughts.

"Hey would like to join us, we are going for snorkeling on Saturday. All my friends are coming." I asked, remembering our outing.


"Ya" I nodded, "it will be fun" I tried to convince him.

He cleared his throat "umm ok, but then next weekend you will come with me to have fun, my way" he said mischievously.

Is he asking me out…yeeee I shrieked inside.

"You can get your friends too" he said, busting my happy bubble.

"Ya done, but where we will be going?"

"I will let you know" hmm surprise!

"Ok, see you tomorrow, and all the best for the meeting"

"Jia" he called when I was about to step out of the car. "Why he called you DQ??"

"Ohh that ummm it is short form of drama queen." I said blushing.


Richard Anderson

'Drama queen', I laughed out loud after she left. It suits her perfectly. I started to go to office

I reached and went to my office. Need to prepare a bit before the meeting. I called Sofia to bring my coffee. Just as she placed my coffee, there was a knock at the door and Bro came in. He rarely comes in here.

"Hey Bro"

"Mr. Anderson" Sofia greeted him sweetly.

"Sofia, how are you" he asked her in all gentleman way. Sofia blushed she had feelings for bro since she  started working here, but bro never responded, poor girl moved on and now has a boyfriend.

"Richard this meeting is very important, hope you are prepared" I rolled my eyes at that. No, actually I didn't. I can't dare do it in front of him.

"Bro don't worry I am prepared, and you know I am good at convincing people, project is ours no worries"

"Ya right" he scoffed.

"Bro...why don't you take a break, it's been so long you are working nonstop. Go on vacation, find a girl, have fun" I suggested. Sofia slipped out silently.

"Shut up Richie, just because you look older than me, doesn't mean you can advise me."

"What, I look older than you?" I asked baffled.

"Just look at that hair and beard, untamed just like you. Let me tell you, mend your ways before it's too late."


I huffed and kept quiet. I can never win against The Viktor Anderson. 

As usual the meeting was amazing, we bagged the project, our first cybersecurity project. This calls for a party.

It was Saturday, and I was on my way for Snorkeling adventure. Jia had sent me the details and asked to meet at the spot. I still don't know why I agreed. I mean, I hardly know Jia and meeting her friends... how will they react? What will they think of me. What was I even thinking? I will turn back and make some excuse. Yes, I will just...


Jia Davis

"Where is your Richie?" Stacy asked me with  hands on her hips



Mike and Snappy asked simultaneously. I rolled my eyes. These two seriously. They were looking at me with prying eyes.

"Not mine, don't get you brains worked up." I said, glaring at Stacy. She shrugged and joined Jake.

We were waiting for him since last 30 minutes. I had sent him all the details and assured he will be here on time.

Did he ditch me?

Did he stood me up?
