Stupid girl

Viktor Anderson

"Ms Davis, the presentation you made is good, but there are some minor corrections. I have mailed you the details. Please revise it." I told Ms Davis as soon as she placed coffee on the table. Let me mention at the right place.

"And give this file to the finance department." I pointed at a gray file on the desk.

"Yes sir" she picked it up and turned to leave.

"Umm Ms Davis…"
I called her, and she turned around to face me.

"I am… sorry I yelled at you…unm unnecessarily. l was not having a good day…hope you understand." I said, avoiding any glance at her. I was guilty and regretted my behavior.

"I am sorry too… I… should have not reacted…" she said. Ya she used some harsh words, but they were facts.

I nodded in understanding. She turned to leave again.

"Ms Davis…. I.....ummm want to thank you…umm…" I cleared my throat. My heart was thumping loudly, but I had to do this.

"I want to thank you for… saving me…" I completed the sentence with difficulty. Whatever happened was purely on medical emergency, but the thought of her lips touching mine gave me goosebumps. What it must have felt if I had been conscious. Ohh God! What am I thinking.

"That's ok." She said. I don't know why and what I feel. I took a step towards Jia who had not bothered to face me. After Jenny, I had sworn to never let any female species near me except Lia but Ms Davis...

"Hey Bro" someone called out, opening the door. I turned to look who it was. Think of devil and devil arrives.

Lia was standing at the door with a huge smile on her face. She was beautiful and a happy-go-lucky kind of girl, always smiling.

"Are you both busy? Should I come later." She asked with raised brows.

"No, it's ok, but what are you doing here?" I asked, going back to my chair behind the desk.

"I came to check up on you. You should rest for a few…" Not again, These two have been irritating me and to top it all Bruce was literally being my shadow as if I will drop at any given moment.

"I am perfectly alright." I snapped at her, which made her huff and roll her eyes.

"Hey Jia," she leaned on the desk and focused her attention on my personal assistant.

"Morning Ms Anderson. She greeted her professionally.

"Come on, call me Lia, we are family. You are my best friend from today onwards." She went and hugged her. I looked at Lia with astonishment, is she for real? "You will be my maid of honor at my wedding." She said with excitement. This is going too far. She doesn't even know Ms Davis.

"Whose getting married?" Richard came in with his focus on Lia. Here comes another devil. He gave Jia a smile. Which she didn't respond to. Strange!

"Hey Jia," he said, and she returned a tight smile at him.

"Who is getting married?" Richard asked again. What is with him, off course Lia is getting married.

"I am."  Lia said, glaring at him.

"Why are both my siblings here, early in the morning" I asked getting irritated. These two can't stop bickering whenever they meet. I saw Jia sneaking out.

"Do you approve of that Liam fellow." Richard asked me. Lia was furious and I was confused. He had his chance but never acknowledged it, now he is questioning Lia choice?

"He seems to be a nice guy" I shrugged.

"He is a very nice guy and loves me a lot?" She said getting irked.

"Do you love him?" Richard asked intently, stressing on 'you'!

Lia shook her head and went towards Ms Davis's desk.

"What's wrong Richard?"

"I don't know" he threw his arms in frustration." He looked at Lia once through the glass partition and left. He looked stressed out too. Just then, Sofia came in and gave an invitation for her and Rashid's wedding. Something I will have to attend no matter what. Huh!

The next two days, Ms Davis and I ignored each other, communicating through email. It was Saturday and as my routine I went to Ben's glass factory. That man held huge respect in my eyes. The gratitude for him can never be repaid in this lifetime. He had helped me when I had nowhere to go. He gave me food, shelter, and care. It's difficult to find such humans.

When I reached there going through the double door, entering that heated place early in late morning, I saw him talking to a girl, her back was facing me, but somehow she looked familiar.

"Ben" I called him standing behind that girl .

"Ah Viktor, we were just talking about you,
Come I will introduce you to someone." Ben came towards me and hugged me. We turned towards that girl he wanted me to meet, but she almost ran towards the back exit.

I heard Ben call out her name

"Jia" but she didn't wait.

Jia? Was that Ms Davis? What is she doing here? Does she know Ben?

"This girl, you can never predict her." Ben said laughing. "I told her that I will match you two up, and she sprinted. Stupid girl." Ben started laughing again.

Indeed, stupid girl.

The next day was Sunday, and I went to the orphanage, the same orphanage where I got my family, the same orphanage that taught me how to face this hard world. First thing I did, after owing it, was to fire Mrs Kurt and I supervised each and every activity of this place. I never wanted any kid to go through what we went through.

I had to complete lots of work and my whole day will be hectic, as I will be going for night camping next weekend, I won't be able come here. Spending the night in woods away from the city, under an open sky and stars gave peace to my heart.
